《Calfuray Academy (ManxMan)》Chapter 28


Chapter 28: A Day in the Life of a Teacher

Third Person POV

He felt a deep desire to laugh but his sadness seemed to prevent him from doing so. Sebastian was, clearly, avoiding him.

When he had seen the same done to Sebastian’s friend, Samantha, Dean had been a tad sympathetic, but able to underestimate the situation.

Sebastian hadn't been avoiding him. He was still in his good graces.

Now though, when Sam seemed to be staring at him sympathetically, Dean understood. It was a terrible position to be in, and he wished that it could be different.

He wanted to be upset, to turn around and blame any and everything for his misfortune. But, he couldn’t. It was all his fault. Whether he had done to be a dick or save the Queen, he had done it. And that was what caused this all. No amount of explaining seemed to help the guilt that Dean felt.

But who could blame him

The love of his life and his new found mate seemed to hate him. At least, in his eyes Sebastian hated him.

Dean sighed and turned back to the line of students all waiting to gain some information or flirting time from him.

“Look, if any of you here aren’t in line because you need help or- better yet. Anyone who is here simply to get a chance to talk and flirt with me and not for some intellectual purpose, please step out of line.” Dr. McCain said lazily, his eyes drifting over the students. There was a pause where no one seemed to move, then one person stepped out. Following them was the second, third fourth . . . By the time they had all left, the line was less than half of what it had been before.

Maybe I had gone overboard with the romantic tone . . . Dean thought mirthfully.


“Alright.” Dean muttered, his mind quickly moving to gather itself to be a teacher again. “Hi, Debbie. What can I help you with?”


Dr. McCain let a deep sigh left his lips as he graded the last assignment. Loosening his tie and slumping back into his chair, he let his feeling of fatigue creep in and slide his eyelids shut.

Hours after Sebastian had raced out of his class, Dean had finished his teaching duties for the day. He had organized and planned for the next day’s lessons and started graded the most recent minor assignment.

Although he liked having many minor and major assignments during the year to help students balance out their grades in the instance that they happen to fail one or two, Dean often despises that side of himself when he is left to grade them. But, luckily, he had finished earlier today.

Maybe I should try to set up a meeting with Sebastian at the waterfall today. Dean thought, an excited smile falling onto his face. The smile immediately dropped when he remembered what had happened the last time that he and Sebastian had met at the waterfall.

Dean sighed again, but this time the sigh was directed at his return of sadness. It wasn’t even funny the number of times in which he had forgotten that Sebastian was still upset at him. His forgetfulness was made worse when he then remembered and then had to deal with the emotions all over again.

Dean wanted to spend a few minutes sitting in his pity when a sudden noise came from his phone. Picking it up, he wasn’t surprised to see that it was a message from his older brother, Gavin McCain.


Dean softly groaned, throwing his head back as he did so. Of course, the mother f***er would somehow be able to perfectly guess that he was the reason Sebastian was sulking, This was one of the many times that he wished his mom had birthed his older brother to be a dense fool. It would have saved him from many awkward conversations.


The day that his brother had perfectly guessed that he had jerked off for the first time the morning after it happened was pretty bad and this moment seemed to come close for Dean.

Of course, this was all from his love obsessed heart which was eager to be bonded with its mate so his judgement was probably off.

Dean pushed back his rolling chair and used the table as support before slowly standing up. He stretched out his back for much longer than needed then stopped.

Huh, I’m getting old. He thought with a small pout. The pout quickly left and Dean was left chuckling.

“I’m not getting old. I’m immortal.” Dean laughed and gently hit the back of his head before getting his things and leaving his classroom. He made sure to lock it as he would probably end up staying with his brother for the rest of the night.

It wouldn’t be the first time.


Dean sunk further into the brown leather couch and brought the beer bottle up to his lips. He didn’t often drink or sit in leather couches, he preferred not to kill animals for furniture. When he did though, it was usually with his older brother Gavin.

The moment that Dean had shown up in front of Gavin’s classroom, Gavin suddenly turned into a doctor and Dean, an emergency patient. Without a second to waste, Gavin grabbed what he needed and rushed Dean to his place.

The staff’s quarters looked to be a small house but by using difficult form altering spells, it was simply the entrance to another location in the same dimension as the Academy. There, a small town was set up for the staff. A few stores which had small amounts of essentials and houses were all there.

Dean and Gavin found their way to Gavin’s flat one-story house and made themselves comfortable in the sitting room. Gavin was quick to get Dean’s feet propped up and to have a beer in Dean’s hand.

Dean was soaking up the pampering earnestly. He was not in much an of a rush to explain things to Gavin as he knew his older brother would not continue to pamper him for his behaviour. But Dean really loved pampering.

Gavin, not understanding why Dean was still quiet, continued to sip his own drink and wait.

Dean would explain eventually.

Probably . . .



I'm sorry that it has been this long since the last update and it turned out to be this, but the Chapter turned out longer than expected.

I was having a bit of trouble coming up with certain parts of the book but after some kind encouragement from somebody.

*Cough* *Cough*

I pushed through and got it done.

Also, I had to start writing from Google Docs and copy and paste it onto Wattpad so that changed things as well.

Hopefully, I can finish the next two Chapters soon, they all need to flow together.


Did Dean's brother have another name before? I really can't remember giving him one but if you guys do, feel free to show me that and any other mistakes. I'd rather it be fixed and feel embarrassed than never know.

Don't be that friend, guys.

Just don't.


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