《Calfuray Academy (ManxMan)》Chapter 30


Chapter 30: The Council Has Spoken

I had finished the last class of the day and was so glad to be done. The day seemed to drag on, similarly to the last few.

Every day since I had stopped talking to my mystery man and Dean, they are the same person so I guess that I don’t have to categorize them differently, the days seemed to slow down.

In a bad way.

I hated to admit it to myself, but I missed him. Not only as the guy that I was falling hard for and as the eye candy in class, but I also missed him as a mentor and friend. And great conversationalist as both Dean and mystery man. I missed him, a lot.

But my feeling of missing him didn’t overrule the rest of me. And the rest of me was all in agreement.

I used my magic to quickly summon my phone and when it materialized in my hand, I opened it and saw that I had a couple of text messages.

There were some from my mother and father and I made a mental note to get back to them soon, but the most recent where some texts from my friends in our group chat.

A lot was said, but the general gist of them was that we would all meet outside after class and work on any homework while talking.

I looked up from where I stood and briefly took in my surroundings.

Well, I had just finished class and could summon any materials I needed for homework to me.

With those facts laid out, I decided to start making my way outside.


When I got outside, only Nick and Thulani were there. Everyone else hadn’t made it yet. The two were talking casually as they worked on their assignments and I smiled at how peaceful they appeared to be.

I silently sat down next to Thulani and after they said a few words of greeting, they continued on with their work and conversation.

A few minutes passed by and there was still no sign of the others. Nick, noticing this fact, lowered his voice and turned to Thulani.

“Now, that Sebastian is here and Dipi isn’t, we can talk about your situation.” Nick said lowly. Lani seemed to pale slightly and my expression turned into one of confusion.

“What situation?” I asked, looking back and forth between Lani and Nick. “Lani?”

Thulani sighed before biting his bottom lip and turning to me.

“Do you remember when you came at the beginning of the year and told me and Harvey about the fact that you and Dipika were siblings?” Thulani asked softly. I nodded my head and mumbled a quiet, “yeah”. “And how you mentioned that if Dipi were to date one of us, it would be me?”


My confusion slowly started to turn into understanding as I looked at my friend with wide eyes.

“At first, I was more flattered because she was pretty and I didn’t have any real feelings. But, over time it started to get into my head and I started to wonder and then I began to see her more and talk to her more and . . .” Thulani trailed off during his ramble and sighed. “Sebastian, I’ve fallen for your sister.”

I blinked stupidly at him for a moment. My silence seemed to unnerve him and he began to fidget.

“Uh, Sebastia-” My scream immediately cut him off from his words. I jumped from my place on the ground and fell onto Lani who let out a groan of pain. I would’ve felt bad, but I was far too excited.

“Yes! Oh my gosh! I completely ship this, man!” I cheered loudly, crushing Lani between my arms.

“Ship what?”

Lani, Nick, and I all turned to find Warlo, Harvey, and Dipi staring at us. Lani’s tanned cheeks got a shade darker and I wanted to laugh at his embarrassment. Instead, I lied.

“Lani was talking about a couple of anime characters that would be a great couple. You wouldn’t understand, Dipi.” I told them in a teasing and arrogant tone. Dipi, who was never the most interested in my animes, fell for it and didn’t ask any more questions.

Warlo and Harvey appeared to be curious but Nick shook his head in their direction and was able to keep them from prying.

The three had barely sat down when Sam ran through and abruptly stopped in front of us.

She was panting heavily and her pale cheeks were flushed as she rested her hands on her knees to rest. I started to ask about what happened but she raised her hand and stopped any words that were about to come.

“Don’t ask.” She panted out breathlessly. Harvey got up from his chair and carefully got Sam to sit down. After she sat, he gave her water from his water bottle and quickly used his own shirt to wipe the sweat from her face.

In her tired state, Sam didn’t seem to realize how much Harvey was coddling her but the rest of us shared many grins and smirks amongst ourselves.

When Harvey deemed Sam to be alright, he had her rest her body against his and then turned to the rest of us.

“So, what’s been going on?” He asked simply. I expected updates about everyone’s lives to slowly be revealed, but instead, the group’s eyes slowly found their way to me.

“What?” I asked them, feigning confusion. None of them said another word but it was enough information for me.


“Okay,” I sighed, adjusting myself on the ground in preparation for what I had to say.

“So, the last time we talked about this stuff, you guys knew that my mystery man liked me but had me on probation and that Dean might like me.” They all nodded in confirmation so I continued. “Well, I kind of agreed with you guys after the last time but I soon found out why that was. I met up with my mystery man and we were kissing when . . . while we were kissing our souls bonded and mated together.”

I heard the shocked gasps and excited gasps around me before they started to cheer and celebrate what was happening.

“Holy crap, Sebastian. That is such great news!” Warlo gasped, his eyes wide with excitement and happiness.

“Oh my God, Sebastian!” Dipi screamed before leaping into my arms and hugging me. “This is wonderful, we have to tell Orlando and Mom and Dad!”

At Dipi last comment, I started to shake my head and pull her out of my arms.

“No, Dipi, it isn’t that simple.” Dipi smile started to dim and her and the others looked at me with confusion. “I found out who he was and it was Dean.”

“So?” Lani asked.

I growled and shook my head.

“He had asked me out because he wanted me to fall for him. He put those rules so that he could try to seduce me and see if I would ‘cheat’ on him.” I explained angrily, my hands flailing around as I continued to get more upset. “He was worried that I would want to date him for his fame, money, and immortality. That’s why he didn’t show himself to me.”

“But, Sebastian. That is an honest concern.” Nick reasoned. I frowned and shook my head in disagreement.

“No, even after I got close to him as mystery man and after I became his friend as Dean, he still didn’t trust me.” I said certainly. “He thinks that I’m a gold digger who would cheat on him. He played me you guys and . . . I don’t know if I want to be mated to a man like that.”

“Wait, Sebastian. Hold on for a second.” Sam said, her voice rushed and almost panicked. “That is a big statement to make. He might have made some dumb choices but he is still your mate, man.”

I didn’t respond to Sam’s word and Sam simply sighed.

“Dr. McCain was making a dick move.” Harvey stated gruffly, slightly surprising everyone. “What he did was wrong. But, he had a right to be scared because he didn’t know you that well. Heck, most of us still don’t know you that well. I think that you should talk to him, because despite what he did, he is still your mate, meaning that he is still the best match for you in the entire world.”

Harvey’s words weakened my resolve and I was once again reminded of how sweet Dean had been as a ‘boyfriend’ and friend and of how much I missed him.

“I do miss him . . . ” I trailed off, my mind focused on memories of Dean and I. “But, he played me. And although I want us to be happy. I also want him to suffer. I want him to hurt as much as I do. I want him to feel rejected like I did. I want him to feel untrustworthy like I did. I want him to feel pain. I want revenge.”

“Then make him wait.” Dipi said, immediately responding to my words. “If he is suffering now then just prolong it. But, don’t do anything rash. You don’t want to take it to the point of no return, right?”

I slowly agreed with my sister and the rest of our friends hesitantly did as well. I know that they wanted me to make up with Dean but I wasn’t at that point yet. I was still too upset and still too hurt, too angry to just kiss and make up.

Maybe one day I would be able to get over it, but today was not that day.

“So, is there anything else going on?” I asked them, smoothly moving the conversation along.

“Well, I don’t think my news will be quite as interesting as that but I do have something.” Thulani told us with a soft laugh. “Just the other day I . . . ”


Hey guys!

How has it been?

Honestly, recently I haven’t been checking how long it has been since my previous update and I think that it is a better strategy.

I never realized it before but by checking how long it had been since I had updated, I brought more stress onto myself and became so hung up on it that it became hard for me to write something for the book.

The same goes for all my books actually.

So, this weekend, I got a break and have been writing more and completely ignoring the date on my latest chapter if I check on this or any book.

It has actually made a difference and I think it shows in my writing.


What do we think of Sebastian?

And his friends?

Any ships?

I do this so often in my books where I will introduce ships then write as if they never happened so I am trying to stick with these side relationships properly now.


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