《Calfuray Academy (ManxMan)》Chapter 16


Chapter 16: Aggressive Spells

This is primarily because of the bomb that Harvey had dropped four days before and the way that I knew the rest of my friends would react to it once they got a chance to speak to me.

So I wasn't giving them that chance. A part of me had wanted to avoid everyone in my life, including my sister and brother, but Dipi already knew about it and Orlando had no idea of the Tea that Harvey had gone and spilled all over the grass.

It was actually quite difficult to ignore the rest of my friends though, especially during meals and breaks. They had the easy task of finding what table I was sitting at and bothering me, while I had to either leave or be forced to speak to them.

The first day of me ignoring them, they were more forceful with their attempts, and I ate almost no food because I spent all the meals running away from them so that I wouldn't hear what they wanted to say.

The second day was much easier because they seemed to the think that once I had time to cool down that I would just waltz back to them and went for them to finally give me several pieces of their mine. Of course, I was not going to do that but it made it easier for me when they thought that I was.

But the result of all of this was me seeming much more subdued and less energetic than usual during the day. If that hadn't alerted Dean that something was wrong, then the fact that I sat on the opposite end of the second row as to avoid Sam had to have done it.

After Dean's class ended yesterday, I had tried to leave without interacting with him at all as to not act like a bitch to my favorite teacher and friend. But, he had called me out the moment that I stood up and asked me to stay and speak with him, not only did that make it impossible for me to have a stealthy escape, but it also warded off the other students, mainly girls, from trying to speak with him after class, giving him as much time as possible to talk to me.

I walked over to him reluctantly and saw that he was carefully tidying me as I walked over to him.

I opened my mouth to say something, anything really, but he spoke first.

"Okay, what has been up with you these past few days, Sebastian?" Dean asked me the moment that I stood in front of him. "You have been walking around the school with a permanent frown and kicked puppy expression, heavily avoiding me, and, from the way that you try to be as far away from Samantha as possible, some of your friends too." His arms were crossed over his chest and I knew quickly that he was, in a way, trying to intimidate me. Maybe to intimidate me into telling him the truth.

I sigh and carefully try to judge Dean's expression. I had been scared shitless to tell my friends this fact, could I just say it out loud to THE Dr. McCain?

"I have been avoiding my friends for the past few days because one of them told the others . . . something that I didn't want them to know." I explained to him, careful to leave out the most important detail.

Dean's eyes were narrowed and he stared at me for a while, probably deciding if he wanted to believe me or not. His sharp eye's stare lingered for a while and I felt a shiver of . . . lust . . . run down my spine


"You're telling the truth?" He asks, and I wonder if I am supposed to answer or not.

"Yeah . . ." I say, my voice trailing off.

"Then what did your friend tell them?" His eyes stay locked on my own, waiting for my next response.

I swallow down and instinctively find my eyes snapping away from his gaze to the floor.

Less than a second after, Dean is reaching out his hand, gently placing his fingers under my chin and raising my head to look at him again.

"Don't look away." He mutters, distracted. His eyes leaving my own and going slightly down. What I hadn't known at the time was that he had been looking at my lips, watching as my tongue ran across the plump skin.

But I don't notice and just think about what I am about to tell the man that I considered to be my hero for years.

"He told all of my friends that I liked guys." I say, my voice portraying false confidence that I did not feel. Dean's eyes widened and I realized that he really hadn't been expecting me to tell him any news like this today. "I'm gay."

Dean seems almost shocked into silence. His hand falls from my chin and he looks at me with many emotions running through his eyes.

I think that he probably did not take the news well and prepare to leave but soon, he starts to smile.

"Wow, um . . . wow." He seems to be . . . happy? At least every pleased with the news. He then seems to think that that is not an appropriate response and drops his smile, clearing his throat awkwardly. "Yeah, I can see why you might be upset. But, uh, I don't mind. And, maybe you should talk to your friends. If they're so eager to speak with you, maybe they're more accepting than you think."

I nod at Dean's advice. I wasn't sure if I would use it at all. I had come to terms with the idea that I would just ignore that group for the rest of my college career, but his advice did have some ground and I thought that maybe, he was right.


Today, I walked into my Magic class feeling worried and dreading the period to come. Ms. Dovermal had told us yesterday after a few days of challenging but still manageable spells, that she was going to give us a harder spell today. She said that we should be able to get it in three days top but that there was a chance to be able to do it in one.

I was not excited to have to do a challenging spell again, the apple one had been enough challenge to keep me entertained for the year, so I did not need another one in less than a week.

I walked into the class, on time today, and went to sit at my regular. After a long wait than I had hoped to experience, Ms. Dovermal walked in with a large smile on her face. She must really take pleasure in seeing us struggle.

"Morning class." Ms. Dovermal smiled cheerfully, looking around the room to see all of our either shocked guarded expressions. Ms. Dovermal was really happy. Possibly too happy.

"Today we are going to be starting a new spell~," She told us, despite the fact that we already knew that we would. "That I like to call, Energy Sponge."

We were all completely paying a attention when we heard her name for the spell and I could tell that most of the students in the classroom were quite eager to find out what this spell actually was.


Ms. Dovermal went on to explain what this spell was, it was a spell that involved us drawing out energy from inside of ourselves and from around us, basically any item that we can find around us, and with that energy, we had to use it for something. In this case, at a rock in front of us, and our job was to get enough of that energy to break the rock.

After Ms. Dovermal explained what we had to do, she pulled out a rock and the rest of us in the room watched in awe as she opened her palms and closed her eyes, and after just a few moments, shot open her eyes and aimed both of her hands straight at the rock. A bright burst of silverish blue light shot out of her hands and was aimed straight at the rock. The rock fell back from the impact and the moment it hit the desk completely, fell into three neat pieces.

Ms. Dovermal sighed happily and turned to us students again with a smile.

"I really love this spell." She out loud. "Alright, uh, Christine, would you be an angel and go into that back room over there, there should be a table in there with a paper on it that has the number 1 on it. Bring it out and you, another classmate that I will choose, and I will hand them out."

Christine Abby probably nodded but I couldn't see her from where I was sitting and all I saw was her coming down the stairs and swiftly walking into the back room.

And now I had my rock in front of me and was seething with heavy frustration.

I had been trying this spell for over 50 minutes now and I hadn't even gotten a crack into the rock. Of course, I remembered that Ms. Dovermal had mentioned that the spell would be difficult and even though she had made it look simple enough, it would still be a challenge. But I had not expected it to be this hard. My body felt tired, sweat covered my face, and every muscle in my body had a steady ache of soreness and fatigue.

Yet my teacher was still walking around and watching us, without a hint of remorse or with any instinct to help us. I was fucking pissed.

Eventually, Ms. Dovermal noticed that I was not trying to complete the spell and she walked over to me.

"Sebastian, why did you stop?" She asked me accusingly. My chest was rising and falling in pants from the excursion from earlier and without being able to check myself, I turned to Ms. Dovermal with a glare.

"I have been doing this spell nonstop and I think that after all that I deserve to be able to take a little breather," I told her sassily, my eyes narrowing even further.

Ms. Dovermal easily noticed my tone and narrowed her eyes as well.

"Well, I actually don't agree, Sabastian." Ms. Dovermal told me, her hands going to her hips. "I have seen almost all of your other classmate's rocks so far and most of them have at least one crack on them, a couple of them are starting to break their rocks down. But you? You have even got the tiniest crack. If you asked me I would tell you the cold hard facts, the truth. You aren't trying hard enough Sebastian, actually put in some effort and then maybe you will be able to have I broken in three days."

I stared at my teacher in complete shock while she didn't even bat an eye. The embarrassment, the frustration, and the pure rage overtook my body in such a sudden wave I felt as if I could murder anything in that moment.

I shut my eyes quickly, trying to do the spell but just thinking about how convinced Ms. Dovermal was of the fact that I wasn't trying. I WAS TRYING. I was working my FUCKING ASS OFF.

I didn't remember that Ms. Dovermal was still standing beside me and watching me. I just thought of sucking all the energy that I could out of the floor, the ceiling, the walls, my other classmates, the fucking field however far away from me, all of it.

I distantly heard some gasps of surprise from my other classmates and a shift from Ms. Dovermal herself, it was probably because I took some energy front hem but at that moment I did not notice a single thing.

I just wanted to get it all,

I shot open my eyes.

And destroy this fucking rock.

In a single second, I had both of my hands straight out in front of me and I saw an incredibly bright burst of orange-red light shoot out of my palms and at the rock.

At one moment, it was a rock, the second, it was thousand-no- possibly millions of tiny little pieces of what looked as sparkly as diamonds.

At first, I didn't realize what I had done, but then, when the "wows" and loud sounds of awe coming from my classmates got to my brain, I was stunned.

I had just melted that rock in one go.

I turned my head to look at Ms. Dovermal and her eyes were blown wide open. Even she was surprised. My mouth split into a large smile of triumph and pride.

"Well then," Ms. Dovermal started, awkwardly clearing her throat when her voice came out rough and faintly. "I guess that you can clean up your mess, doing so with magic is allowed, and you can go."

"Go?" I asked her. "What do you mean by go?"

"Leave the class, Sebastian." She clarified, sounding slightly out of breath. I could see that her eyes still broke away from mine to look at the tiny pieces on the floor or desk. "Once you finish cleaning you can leave."

I grinned from ear to ear and with one sweep of my hand, had all of the tiny partials cleared up.

"Thank you, Ms. Dovermal." I told her with excitement, talking as I continued to wave my hands and use my magic to pack my stuff away. "I will see you tomorrow!"

I was running out of the room before she could open her mouth and sped down the halls.

My mood had turned a complete 180° around but I was not upset about any of it.


Hey guys!

Another update, yay!

I am so happy to give you guys this Chapter because I actually really like it.

I also think that the uh, events in this Chapter are semi-important so uh, yeah.

Sorry, I'm kind of tired right now.


Fyi I did rewrite a bit of this chapter. My explanation for the change is in chapter 15 if you want to read that.



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