《Calfuray Academy (ManxMan)》Chapter 17


(A/N: Mr. Degeneres up top. Me likey so I hope you likey too)

Chapter 17: Me? Special?

It now all made so much more sense to me. The reason why it had been so effortless to Ms. Dovermal was not just because she had been perfecting her magic for years, but because she gave herself a real rock and gave all of her students' large diamonds that were painted gray.

The rock had not just been sparkly like a diamond, it was a diamond. A part of me wanted to be mad, I had thought that I was so weak that I couldn't break a rock but it hadn't been working because it was a diamond. I wanted to yell at Ms. Dovermal. But, then I realized after I was able to crush the diamond in one go, that I hadn't been trying my hardest.

I had thought that it would be hard and didn't try to draw in as much energy as I could, but once I was so pissed at Ms. Dovermal that I just aimed all of my anger at the diamond, I was able to do much more than I ever believed I could. So now I wanted to thank Ms. Dovermal, as odd as that sounded.

My other classmates though were completely upset. There were the rare few who had similar thoughts to mine, realizing that they were not just weak and she had given them a challenge, but the rest of my classmates were just upset that she led them to believe that it was just a rock. One guy was even getting teary at the idea that he had destroyed such an expensive diamond yesterday and had wished that he had known so that he could have taken it away.

All of us knew that he wouldn't have been able to do it and would have been caught immediately, but no one took the time to tell him of that.

After that class was less strenuous than usual and I was glad to just have to memorize spells and not have to sweat from trying to destroy a diamond. I actually should have been alright with the idea of working though because for the past two days before this, I had to do some of the simplest work because most of my classmates only finished on the very last day. But hey, I was allowed to enjoy doing nothing in class, I had enough work already.


I had a couple of classes that went the same as they did every single day today, I was alright with the routine though because it made college feel a lot less stressful than I had first expected. Then I had a class with Dean, as usual, it was so much fun. But now, after class ended, Dean called me over. I was pretty curious as to why I was still ignoring Sam but we had already talked about it so it probably wasn't about that. And as far as I knew I was doing all of my school work.

I was still thinking about why he would be calling me over when I came to stand in front of Dean.

"Hi, Dean. How are you?" I asked with a smile, the smile widening when I noticed that Dean was smiling too.

"I'm doing really well. Thank you for asking." Dean replied, his eyes getting warmer as he looked at me. Dean seemed very happy today and it only made my own good mood feel stronger. He looked down at his desk and I just stood there awkwardly as he rustled through some papers. "So, I know that we had recently been talking about your interests in further studying the different species, and although you might end up learning some of these things if you continued taking classes specified with the study of the species in your future years at this school, I thought that I might as well let you learn it earlier."


I was incredibly excited but also confused as to what he was talking about specifically.

"So what does that mean then?" I asked him.

Dean looked up at me and shot me a toe-curling grin.

"I have a friend who is involved with the books at the school library, they had a private collection of books and a series that she has will tell you everything you need to know about the species. It is a series though so you would have to start with one and work your way through all of them. I told them to give you one on werewolves since we are currently studying them."

My mouth dropped open in shock. To many people, these would have just been a couple of books, but I have been obsessing over this profession for years and no my idol was giving me an exclusive book to get to my goals?!

I couldn't help myself and threw myself over his desk and hugged Dean as hard as I could.

"Thank you!" I was still hugging him hard and Dean slowly and carefully hugged me back, his hands were gentle but I continued to try to crush his ribs.

"You're welcome." He chuckled his breath felt warm and relaxing against my neck, it also felt strangely familiar but I did not want to dwell on that thought, instead wanting to just enjoy a rare hug that I would share with Dean. We both pulled away and while I smiled at him, Dean handed me a sticky note.

"Go to the room number that I wrote on the corner of the sticky note after classes are over and give this to the first woman that you see." Dean told me, instructing me on what I had to do. I raised a questioning brow at the fact that his directions were a little bit odd and suspicious. I looked at the note and noticed that he wrote on both sides of the sticky note, then slipped it into my pocket.

"Thank you so much, Dean, I really appreciate this." I thanked him. Dean just shook his head.

"It's no problem at all, I just hope that you actually read the books." Dean joked with a small laugh.

"I will, I promise." The both of us said our goodbyes after that and I left with a bright smile.


I walked through a section of the school that I had never had to enter since I started my classes. It was weird to further realize how large the school actually was because I had never seen some of the rooms that I was passing by before. Eventually, I came to the room that Dean had told me to come to, the door was wide and large, the plate next to the door that had the name of the staff that this room belonged to, had five names.

Five people in one room?

I instinctively raised an eyebrow and knocked on the door.

It was almost immediately swung open by a tall man. He had long light brown hair that fell just below his ears, a prominent nose and a strong looking jaw that was partly covered in a patchy brown beard. He wore large, black, round glasses that complimented his strong face quite well. He wore dark gray jeans, a light beige, almost white, button-up that stopped mid-bicep and showed off the mans strong arms perfectly, and a red and gray striped vest. I also noticed that he had dark brown leather shoes. All in all this guy had a, I blush just thinking about this, sexy hipster vibe that was to die for.


I was about to tell him that Dean had sent me to meet him about the book but then I remembered one of the things that Dean had told me. Give this to the first woman that you see. I shut my mouth and smiled.

"Hi, I'm Sebastian. My teacher, Dea- Dr. McCain sent me here to get a book." I told the tall handsome man. He didn't move to the side and didn't say anything else so I assumed he wanted me to continue. "Uh, he told me to give this sticky note to the first woman that I saw?"

Although it ended as a question, the man seemed satisfied with my explanation and opened the door completely, stepping aside and letting me walk in. The office was large, almost the size of one of the lecture rooms, and had five desks spread out and placed close to the walls on the right side of the room and back wall, leaving the left wall for the fridge, coffee machine and large shelving area that acted as a pantry, holding a variety of snacks.

On the left side was also a large bookshelf, books were lined onto the shelves and put in large pikes on the floor in front of it. The middle of the room had a large rug, it was indigo and purple and I smirked at the addition of the school's colours.

"This office deals with the organization of the school's library and books, both online and in the physical library. We have to keep track of all the textbooks and older and new popular books in case any of you students want to read a book in your free time and don't want to make the long trip out of this dimension and to a tiny bookstore in a nearby town. That is why we have five people here. And out of all those people, only one is a woman." The man explained, clarifying why I was here and why I just had to give it to the woman. "Oh, I am Matthew Degeneres. But you can call me Matt."

My eye widened when I fully processed what his name was.

"Wait, this might sound dumb but are you related to Ellen Degeneres?" I asked Matthew, my eyes wide with expectation.

Matthew paused for a moment before briefly smirking.

"Happens to be my aunt actually."

I gasped loudly and because of my shock, did not notice that everyone else in the room glanced up from their work to look at me.

"You're kidding!" Matthew smiled and shook his head.

"No, she is cousins with my dad and they had a close relationship. When I had enrolled, they hadn't had the policy where everyone receives a scholarship. But I didn't have to worry for a second about paying for it because of her."

I was so into what Matthew was talking about that I momentarily forgot about getting the books.

"That is so cool." I was beaming at this point and Matthew also had a small smile on his face. "She is still super nice in person though, right?" Matthew chuckled and nodded his head.

"Yeah, she is a great person."

I was about to ask him if he was human like his aunt but a woman sitting in the desk closest to the wall on the left stood up and walked over to Matthew and I. I briefly wondered why until I remembered once again what Dean had told me.

The woman came to stand next to us and I briefly took in her appearance. She was much shorter than me, her head coming up to my elbow, and she had an outfit that screamed "Book-worm".

"Hi, I heard that Dean sent you to me?" She asked politely, I instantly felt welcomed by her pleasant attitude. She was not as loud or bubbly as Sam but she had this gentle nice quality about her that instantly made me feel comfortable.

"Ah, yes! He sent me to get a book." I told her, quickly reaching into my pocket mid-sentence. "He wanted me to give this to you." She took the sticky note and only needed a few seconds to read the entire thing on both sides.

"Follow me." She said simply, turning around and walking over the large bookshelf. "My name is Jane by the way. Try not to forget such a simple name." I chuckled and noticed that Jane made a tiny smile. "This bookshelf is mine, the other men keep their books mainly around their desks but I needed a full shelf."

I watched with wide eyes as Jane climbed onto a rolling ladder that was attached to the bookshelf and pulled out a book. It was the smallest book on earth, it had some width to it, but it was shorter and resembled a modern novel in size.

"Catch!" She yelled out, I was about to ask her what she wanted me to catch when she threw the book down. I let out a startled "what?!" and used my magic to stop the book's descent and keep it floating above the ground. I had caught it when it was at my knees and let out a breath of relief that I had acted fast enough.

I turned to look at Jane and just found her smiling slightly.

"Why would you do that? What if I dropped the book?!" I asked her, my anger seeping into my voice. She just shook her head and continued to climb down the ladder. I looked to Matthew for help but he just had a small smirk on his face.

"I knew that you would catch it." She said. She finished climbing down the ladder and walked up to me. "I am categorized as a magic-user but I am a special kind with very specific powers. I can tell immediately when someone enters my presence or if I smell someone's scent what species they are. I knew that you were born to a human mother and a magic-user father, coming out as a full magic-user, and a powerful one at that. You wouldn't have let that book fall even if you tried."

I blinked stupidly at her. I also knew that I definitely looked stupid because Matthew was chuckling away beside me. I noticed that the book was still floating in the air and drew it to my hands. I stared down at the book.

The Species Of Our World: Werewolves

"Thank you for the book." I said after I stared at the book for a moment or two.

"You're welcome." Jane smiled, walking back over to her desk. Matthew seemed as if he was about to speak but Jane suddenly stopped walking and turned around, looking straight at me. "I almost forgot to tell you, Sebastian. Dr. McCain is a very nice man, it is one of the reasons why he earned his immortality. But he likes to keep all of his students at the same level and rarely shows any form of favouritism at all. Then you come along telling me that Dr. McCain went through the effort of getting me to give you one of my prized books, and not at a small cost."

My eyes were wide.

Is that really true?

"Really?" I asked her in disbelief. She nodded her head with an amused smile.

"Really. You are not like Dean's other students Sebastian, you are special to him. And I think that the fact that you call him Dean instead of Dr. McCain already starts to prove my point." I blushed and Jane just turned around and walked back to her desk.

The other men in the room were still working despite having heard Jane and I's entire conversation. I was blushing hard and looking down at my hands as I thought over what she said.

I was special to Dean?

A flurry of butterflies went off in my stomach and I gulped. Uh oh.

"It was nice having you visit but I am going to have to go back to work now." Matthew said, leading me effortlessly towards the door. "Have a good day." Matthew smiled and without even thinking I smiled back.

"Oh, you too! Thank you!" I quickly rushed out before leaving the room.


I ran down the halls, using my magic to propel me to go faster. I did this partly because I wanted to get the book in my hands into my room as soon as possible but mainly so that I could be in the safety of my bed to scream and figure out why I felt like I did just now.

I was getting closer to the dorms when a body was suddenly right in front of me. I used my magic to completely halt my movement and when I opened my eyes I saw that it was Sam. She stood in front of me with an incredibly determined and also angry expression.


"Nope!" Sam cut me off instantly, raising up her left hand in front of her face. "You have done enough talking for the next two weeks!" I gaped at her insult but Sam didn't stop. "We need to talk. Or more like I am going to talk and you are going to listen."

I wanted to protest, I really did. But at this point, I was so tired of running from what my friends would think of me that I just relaxed my shoulders and let out a sigh.

"Fine." I agreed, albeit dejectedly. "Let's talk."


Hey Guys!

Look who is updating yet another book!

If any of you guys are reading some of the other books that are currently still ongoing then make sure to check out the new Chapters for No Control and Running From Him. Some light fun Chapters over in my other books.


Aww, suh keyut!

I am! Man that whole thing was just annoying to write

In a way 😉😉

Also, you guys better remember Matt Degeneres. This will not be the last time you see the sexy hunk 😉😉



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