《Surprise, bitch! [pennywise x reader]》Chapter 13


(y/n) POV.

Slowly you awoke up; the sun weaving through the thin and tissue-like curtains. Your stomach growled and so did you. With a sigh, you pressed your bruised and aching hand against the bed, feeling the springs poke against your hand. A huff and you were up, squirming back to rest against the wall behind you.

A sudden itch was present on your head, a stinging like sensation that wouldn't leave. You groaned, figuring some sort of bug had made its way into your bedroom as you raised your hand; only to be stopped by what you thought was a rope. But when you opened your eyes, a whole map of wires and bandages hung down from your hand. You stared, letting your eyes wander down the wires until they met with multiple tubes and containers.

You leaned forward, staring at the pump as you saw liquid go up and down. Slowly you moved your eyes away from the pump and around the room. Noticing the white walls with no pictures. The sink to your left with cupboards full of medical supplies. To the right, a bathroom with a sign, "get assistance before you enter."

"Assistance to the bathroom?" you scoffed aloud, rolling your eyes then closing them. Sighing with dismay, everything flooding back to you now. The clown, the hospital... You groaned; placing your hands against your temples and rubbing them. A small headache arising.


You blinked, staring ahead. A rush of thoughts clouding your mind. "Why can I speak?" you murmured out, moving your hands against your lips as you felt the breath of your words evaporate into the air. You couldn't speak before, you had to write.

You glanced to the side swiftly, looking at the bedside table. A cup of water was present, and a notepad and book. You frowned; picking the book up and flicking through the papers. That's what you were writing in to communicate with the doctors.. so why can you talk now?


A sudden rush of joy and confidence overtook you as you swirled around to the right, ready to press the "nurse," button but only to be faced with a looming figure.

A sudden scream and you pushed back, nearly falling off the bed. Your heart was racing as your head spun, your eyes wide as they stared at the figure in front. Pennywise. You let yourself calm down for a moment; seeing how the clown just stood there with a smug smirk on his ridiculous face.

"Hello p-popcorn!" he giggled out, his crooked teeth blazing into your eyes as his bells shook with his erratic movements. You groaned and placed your head into your hands; now it made sense.

"Did you really think you could talk?" Penny huffed with a fake, sympathetic pout. His arms crossed. You gave no comment but stared up at him, your eyes drifting over his clown attire. Noticing its clean and ironed appeal. You raised a brow, moving to sit properly and letting out a breath; all anxiety drifting away. After all, you've already been through shit with him. What else could happen?

"Did you suddenly buy an iron and washing machine?" you sarcastically snapped; venom drifting off your tongue.

Quickly you placed your left hand into your right, feeling a sudden pang in the wrist. You rubbed it, very cautious of the wiring and needles around it. The rough bandage rubbing against your fingertips as you huffed. "Look what you did to me, you-"

"I didn't... didn't wrap y-your hand up," the entity interrupted you; almost looking offended by your comment. "And... I didn't do-do anything to cloth," he added in, now revealing a real and offended pout. His wide and lazy eyes slowly lowering to the ground as if he were a child in trouble.


You felt a pang of guilt wash through you as you stared at him, seeing his arms in front of him with his hands holding themselves. His head directed to the ground with his eyes wandering over the floor's indents. However, a sudden wash of anger replaced your guilt. Your eyes narrowed as you stared up at the entity.

"You did this to me!" you exclaimed, pushing forward and swinging your legs to the left. Now sitting on the bed and facing the slightly shocked and surprised clown. "You made me unable to speak to others, asides from you..." you took a deep breath, "and you literally cut me in half," you showed your hands; the bandages only hiding the evidence that you were in a shred of tragic evidence, of which you thought you had been in.

"I did.. did nothing to you," he tried to explain himself, his voice softened as he knelt down. The bells of his clothes jingling from his movements. His rough and cracked knees making contact with the cold and harsh floor. A small ounce of pain clouded his face before it left. Leaving him staring at you stoically.

Your eyes narrowed in disgust as you shuffled back. Watching him move forward with a slow pace before his elbows were resting on the bed. "Get away from me," you demanded with haste. Panic beginning to pump through you; your heart racing. You could hear it beating in your ears. The blood rose to your cheeks and head.

"I am helping to try," his broken English almost brought light to the situation, you couldn't help but muster up a small grin before breaking out of it, moving back. The wires attached to your wrists moving along with you. "I didn't mean it," he apologized again, almost seeming sincere.

The entity slowly raised his hand to your face, yourself moving away awkwardly as your cheeks flushed red. Your breath getting stronger and faster. Soon enough, you felt the fabric of a glove press against your cheek, and a rough finger stroke under your teary eye.

"I helping you, trust," he muttered.

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