《Before I Forget - Eli Moskowitz -》No Regrets
He was burning, that was the only word that could describe how Hawk was feeling when they emerged from the darkness and found their friends again. Aisha was by the bonfire, talking with Demetri, still guarding Hawk's backpack and Sky's purse like the awesome friend that she was.
Sky giggled, as she bent to pick up her bag, and almost fell face-first to the ground - would have fallen if Hawk hadn't managed to grab her arm just in time to pull her back up.
"We're leaving," Hawk said to Aisha and Demetri and took his own backpack.
"What - already?" Demetri asked.
"Yeah," Hawk replied. He really didn't feel like explaining. He was still half-hard in his pants and desperately hoping that no one would look in that direction.
Luckily no one did, for Aisha gave a quizzical look at Sky, who had again found her bottle of tequila and had brought it back to her lips. She drank it like it was water, and Aisha's eyebrows arched high on her forehead at that sight.
"Yes, we're leaving!" Sky laughed loudly, tossing the bottle to Demetri, whose eyes widened. "Because I wanna be alone with my sexy boyfriend—" she declared, gluing herself to Hawk's side, her hand finding the waistband of his pants again.
"Sky—" Hawk said blushing, and gently pulled that distracting hand in his.
She giggled even more and said "Isn't he hot? Aisha, tell me, don't you think Hawk is hot?"
"Yes, he's very hot," Said Aisha, but her brows were furrowed. She glanced at Hawk, and when Sky began to demand her bottle back from Demetri, she took the moment to lean in and grab Hawk's sleeve.
"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Aisha asked. "Sky's pretty drunk."
Immediately Hawk felt annoyed.
"I can take care of her."
"Yeah, but—"
"Just... leave it," he snapped. "I know what I'm doing."
"Yes, but does she?" Aisha asked, glancing at Sky, who was now hugging Demetri and the bottle of tequila at the same time, and laughing so hard that tears ran down her face smudging her mascara. Demetri seemed petrified, his hands lingered awkwardly on her waist as he glanced at Hawk - clearly worried that he'd start throwing punches.
Some small voice was nagging something in the back of Hawk's mind, but he silenced it with force.
Sky wanted him.
He wanted her.
They had put this off long enough already, and it was finally gonna happen tonight.
"Don't worry," Hawk said to Aisha and gave her a crooked grin. "Loosen up a bit and have some fun."
He grabbed Sky's arm and pulled her close again. Her cloudy eyes lit up at the sight of him, and he knew he was lost, lost in the depths of her green gaze, and he would not wait another moment.
"Let's go, babe," he said taking her hand, and his voice was low and raspy in his ears. "I'm taking you home."
He didn't look back as they started walking away, but Aisha's worried voice still caught him as she called after him.
"Just make sure she eats something and drinks some water!"
"Sure," Hawk replied, and forgot all about it in the next split-second.
He wasn't sure how they got to her house. It had been in a cab, that much he knew, for he remembered making out with Sky in the backseat until the driver had told them he'd kick them out if that didn't stop. Then, standing at her front door, and making out against the wall. She was making these soft moans and sighs into his mouth, and only then did he realize that they really needed to get in, and into her room or otherwise he'd be taking her right there—
It took forever for her to find the keys in her purse, and another eternity before she managed to open the door because the keys kept falling from her fingers over and over again. And then they were stumbling in through the front door, without turning on the lights, trying to keep quiet - though it looked like her dad wasn't even home because the house was silent even if they probably weren't. Her room was upstairs, and they were making out on the stairs too until Sky's legs gave in and she almost fell, only his arms around her preventing a disaster. But she didn't seem to mind any of that, she was giggling so hard, even through the hand she kept on her mouth to keep silent.
He had to lift her up and carry her up the stairs and into her room, which was surprisingly hard, because she really was that drunk, her arms around his neck weak and soft.
But then, finally, they were in her room, and he carried her to her bed, threw her down on the sheets, and was on top of her in a heartbeat.
This fucking enormous four-poster bed had been the stage of Hawk's heated fantasies for months now - it was about Damn time it saw some real action.
She lay on her back, and he was on top of her, their legs were entangled and they were kissing. Her body under him was all soft curves and smooth hollows, her breathing was fast and uneven. She had sucked his upper lip into her mouth and he felt her tongue on the scar tissue, licking it like it was fucking candy, and he was burning, barely able to breathe.
Without breaking the kiss, Sky brought her hand down between their bodies, and palmed him through the sweats, making him let out a throaty whine.
"Fuck, babe—"
She hadn't touched him there since that heated moment in the empty classroom months ago, and he had almost forgotten how that made him feel. Like the world disappeared, as if nothing existed but her hand, his dick, and the way he was about to come all over her–
Shit! Not yet, not yet–!
Taking a deep, shaky breath he forced himself to calm down a bit, but he couldn't stop the soft moans that were falling from his lips to hers, as she briefly let go - just to ease her hand into his pants, into his underwear, and–
She was gripping him tightly, her fingers wrapping around his aching shaft and it took all he had, not to come at that first touch.
"You like this?" she purred, her lips brushing his as she began to move that hand, pumping him, the movement of her wrist erasing every coherent thought from Hawk's mind.
"Fuck– ah—!" his throat was so thick he could barely form a word, and all that came out of his mouth was this desperate, throaty moan that made Sky only grip him harder.
His heart was trying to break through his ribs, and he knew he was past the point where he could stop. Her hand was caressing him relentlessly, spreading the slickness of the first droplets of pre-cum on his length, and it felt so fucking good that there was no room for anything else in his mind. His whole consciousness had diminished into the growing pressure inside of him, this pressure that would make him burst any second now–
Sky drew away her hand just when he was about to come.
"Sky, fuck—!" he was panting, desperately trying to get his shit back together. "Oh God–!"
She was laughing as she pulled him into another kiss, and her laughter went into his blood, his tongue slipped into her mouth finding hers. Her body was squirming under him, her hands were everywhere - on his back, sliding under his shirt - and why the fuck were they still wearing all their clothes? He wanted to peel off everything she was wearing, that pink dress and whatever she had under it, everything. He wanted her naked skin on his, wanted it so that his mouth watered.
And then she broke the kiss again, her cloudy eyes slowly focusing on his. The air she breathed tasted like tequila, making him high-headed.
"You got condoms?" She asked, slurring a bit.
"Thank God—" she moaned and pulled him into another kiss. His mind was racing - condoms, they're in my backpack, oh God, this is really happening, I need to get them, get the condoms—
Sky broke the kiss again, her chest heaving, her hands on his neck.
"Not without a condom—" the words were melting together. "Okay? You promise?"
"Yeah, don't worry—" he dipped down to kiss her neck, the hollow between her collarbones. "I promise."
She moaned as his lips traveled down her neck, his hand found its way under her dress, and Oh God she was so wet already, dripping through her soaked panties and Hawk had never felt anything as amazing and mind-blowing as that.
His hand was trembling as he slid it into her panties, feeling the heat and the slickness on his fingers. Sky made a throaty moan, her hips rose off the bed to meet his hand even if he had no fucking idea what he was supposed to do, how he was supposed to touch her—
"Please—" that was nothing but a whine. "Please, Eli—"
There was something in the way she said it that made his chest swell.
He didn't correct that it was Hawk, hearing his real name falling from her lips at a moment like this was a huge turn-on. He slid his fingers between her slick folds, making Sky cry out again, the sound that escaped her lips was this raw, high-pitched moan that was born deep in her throat. That sound, her reactions to his touch, were frying Hawk's brain, overloading his senses. His dick was so hard in his pants, so fucking hard, and he was painfully aware of the fact that even the slightest touch could make him come now.
Come into his pants like a fucking loser—
Sky was squirming under him, her breath came in these fast, shallow gasps. Her hair had come undone, the high ponytail gone now and she looked untamed, wild, a force of nature. He buried his face into her neck, sucking that tender skin between his lips, leaving marks wherever his lips touched her, and all the time she was making these soft moans, as his fingers slid between her slick folds, and it was so—
Gasping for air he pulled away his hand, breaking their contact.
"Sky, I need to go to the bathroom," he managed.
He didn't, really, but he needed to cool down a bit. To wash his fucking burning face with cold water, to take a breather so that he would last at least until he got inside of her. There was no fucking way he'd cut this short by shamefully coming into his pants while fingering her.
But Sky didn't want to let him go. Her arms snaked around his body, pulling him on top of her again, his chest against her breasts - the sensation of her hardened nipples against his body almost undid him - his hips were between her thighs, his aching dick against the slickness of her crotch that he felt so clearly now even through the fabric of his pants, and his body reacted to it, his hips started rocking against her, faster, harder—
No, fuck, not like this—!
Again he broke the kiss and fought to draw air into his lungs through his thick throat.
"I'll be real quick. And I'll get the condoms—" he groaned. "Just... just wait here."
"Fine—" Sky replied and finally let go of him. If she hadn't, he would have been coming in a matter of seconds.
In the bathroom, he washed his face with ice-cold water, scooped a handful, and poured it on his neck. His reflection in the mirror was wide-eyed, his cheeks were burning, his lips were red and swollen, the hated scar on his upper lip the shade of deep, dark burgundy.
He took a minute, maybe two, just to breathe. To think about calming, cooling thoughts. To push the edge of the heat down, even a little bit, because he was finally about to get laid, and he wanted, wanted so very badly to be good at it. Or at least not a pathetic loser.
But it was all so fucking nerve-wracking. It was killing him, that Sky had done it before, and he hadn't. What if he couldn't please her? What if he came instantly when he pushed inside of her - or even before that? Would she laugh, would she take one disappointed look at him and tell him to leave—
That would fucking kill him!
No, he had to be good at this, he fucking had to.
Hawk was leaning over the sink, gripping it with both hands with a force that turned his knuckles white. The water was still running from the tap, cold droplets spraying on his forearms and there was a lump in his throat, a lump that just wouldn't move.
He met his own wide-eyed gaze through the mirror.
There's a hot babe in the bed waiting for you to fuck her, and you're hiding in the bathroom, freaking out?
That thought snapped him out of the nervous haze of his thoughts. Almost angrily he turned off the tap, dried his hands, and stepped back into Sky's bedroom, only stopping to snatch the pack of condoms from the pocket of his backpack.
The curtains of her bed had fallen shut. He approached, his bare feet silent on the soft carpet. Before reaching a hand and pulling the drapes open, he ripped off his shirt and threw it on the floor.
The sentence died on his lips.
Sky lay on her back, her arms on her sides. Her red hair was a halo of fire around her pale face on the white sheets. Her dress was tangled around her waist, revealing the pretty little panties that had a print of pink hearts, and her legs that seemed to go on forever, but Hawk barely noticed, because—
—because she was asleep.
Or passed out, probably. For all the tequila and beer she had in her system.
Hawk just stood there and stared at her, still holding the fucking curtains in one hand, the pack of condoms in another.
Her face was relaxed, her mouth soft, and the peaceful rise and fall of her chest told of deep sleep.
"Sky..?" he tried again, but she didn't even stir.
He stood there for some time, letting the truth slowly sink in, the heat little by little leaving his body. He wasn't getting laid, not now, not tonight, not fucking ever. He would be jerking off in a shower for the rest of his days and he'd die a virgin.
Silently he tossed the condoms on Sky's nightstand, picked up his T-shirt from the floor, and pulled it back on.
Then climbing back to the bed, he gently turned Sky so that she was lying on her side - just in case she started getting sick - and lifted her head enough to slide a pillow under it. She didn't wake up, her sleep was the deep unconsciousness induced on her by that half a bottle of tequila. Suddenly she looked so small there, so vulnerable and Hawk's chest tightened at the sight.
Aisha said she was too drunk—
Shit, I should've listened, I should have made her drink some water.
He straightened her skirt and covered her with a blanket, tucking her in so that she wouldn't be cold, his hand lingering on her shoulder, on her back. For a short moment he wondered if he should leave now, but one look at her pale face, and he decided not to.
What if she started vomiting here all alone and choked on it? She could die.
A sudden worry twisted his heart. Sky was short and slight, and she had drunk a lot. He had no idea if that was too much, if that would be dangerous—
I need to stay and make sure she's okay.
So he lay down on the bed by her side, facing her. The heavy curtains around the bed wrapped them both in soft silence, but he kept her night light on, to not fall asleep himself. He was going to stay awake through the night, to keep an eye on her if she needed anything—
And watching her there, listening to the soft sound of her breathing, he felt at peace too. They were hidden from the world, the shadows moved like living things in the corners of the canopy, from somewhere far away Hawk heard noises - a car passing, a dog barking, someone laughing and shouting outside on the street - but it was all happening somewhere else, to someone else.
The minutes turned into hours. Sky slept, and Hawk kept watch.
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