《Before I Forget - Eli Moskowitz -》Heat of the Moment
The night was dark and soft, the beer was cold on Hawk's lips.
He was out, with his friends, with his insanely hot girlfriend, getting drunk and completely ruining the night of one of his former bullies - Hell, could life get any better than this?
They were at the canyon, crashing at Yasmine's party - though it wasn't Yasmine's party anymore since they'd been there first. In his hand, Hawk was gripping a can of beer - his third one - and he was getting to the point where he didn't care about the awful taste anymore, he just cared about getting drunk.
Sky was already way past that point.
She'd had a bottle of tequila in her purse already before they had even stopped at the minimart to purchase alcohol with Hawk's fake ID (he still couldn't quite believe it had worked) and by the time they'd gotten here, Sky had already been more than a bit tipsy.
He should've suspected that she liked to drink - Fuck, their first real kiss had tasted like tequila - but they had never been at a party before, and he had never seen her like this.
This reckless, this loud, this wild. Like she lived for this moment only - no past, no future - like she wasn't a girl but a burning flame in the night.
And watching her light, Hawk knew he was the moth in that metaphor, trapped to fly into that flame over and over and over again. Not that he was complaining - he was glad to burn like this, glad to watch her shine, even if it blinded him.
Sky was talking to Moon nearby - Moon, their former bully who had earlier tonight apologized about all her previous evil deeds and to whom Sky had immediately after that taken a liking. Hawk watched them silently while sipping at his beer. Moon was really pretty and had the smile that would light up any room, but Hawk only had eyes for Sky. She was wearing a short pink dress, a ripped denim jacket, and a pair of incredibly high heels - he still couldn't understand how anyone could walk in shoes like that - and she looked so hot that Hawk knew that just from watching her, he'd have to take care of himself again as soon as he got home—
"Hawk—" someone's voice cut through his heated thoughts. "You're doing it again."
He drew his eyes off Sky and turned to look at his friend, his throat still tight as he answered. "Doing what?"
"Drooling," Aisha giggled.
Hawk felt an annoying blush on his cheekbones. "I'm not drooling—"
"It's okay," Aisha replied. "I get it, you guys are the cutest couple ever."
He still wasn't quite used to the fact that people talked about them as a couple. Every time, his heart reacted to that word, and this strange feeling - a mix of disbelief and wonder - flushed through his system.
"You know that she's nuts about you, right?" Aisha asked with a smile.
Hawk turned to look at her. "What? Has she said something?"
"Hawk, you are practically all she talks about. Up to the point where it's getting a bit boring."
Hawk swallowed to clear his throat. "I don't think that's boring."
"Well, duh—" Aisha rolled her eyes. "That's because you are so disgustingly in love with her."
Something thumped in Hawk's chest almost painfully. He wanted to deny what Aisha had said because it sounded like such a pussy thing - to be disgustingly in love with someone. But he couldn't deny it because it was so pathetically true, and it was clear that even if he had never said it out loud, everyone knew.
"You... you think she knows?" He asked, suddenly nervous.
"Haven't you told her?" Aisha's eyes widened. "Dude, you've been going out for months!"
"Yeah, but..." he shrugged. "We haven't really talked about it. Has she said anything to you? That she... loves me?"
"Well, not in those words," Aisha replied. "But come on, I know she does."
Hawk couldn't hide his grin, even if he tried to do so by bringing the beer back to his lips.
"It really sounds to me like you two need to talk about this," Aisha said.
Hawk glanced at Sky, who was laughing and smiling like she had no worries in the world, looking so different now than she had in the past weeks. Seeing her like this made Hawk realize that he had almost gotten used to the sadness that seemed to linger around her like a dark cloud, and it made something twist painfully in his heart.
He had tried to ask if she was okay, if she wanted to talk about it, but she always said no and told him that she went to therapy twice a week and that it was all the talking she wanted or needed to do.
"Look," Hawk said, turning back at Aisha. "She's had a lot on her mind lately. I don't wanna put any more pressure on her."
"I've noticed she's been a bit distant," Aisha glanced towards Sky too. "You know what's been bothering her?"
"Yeah," Hawk admitted, glancing at Sky again. She was now dancing with Moon, her hips swinging to the beat and Hawk felt a tug in his gut.
"And?" Aisha inquired.
He shrugged. "Bad stuff happened to her before she moved here."
"So she's told you about it? About how she got that scar—"
"Yeah, she told me. But she also said not to tell anyone else."
"Well, then you shouldn't." Aisha said, and Hawk was glad she didn't inquire further.
His eyes drifted towards Sky again. She was dancing like she meant it, her whole body pulsing to the rhythm, her high ponytail swinging, her arms up and hands reaching towards the dark night sky as if she hoped to touch the stars. She was laughing, and that sound untangled something in Hawk's chest, untied a knot he hadn't even realized was there.
"You might wanna wipe your chin," Aisha commented. "Cause you're definitely drooling again."
Hawk took another gulp of his beer that was already getting warm.
"Shut up," he muttered but in a friendly tone. "I'm just glad to see her this happy, you know."
"Right," Aisha said and rolled her eyes at him. "You're looking at her like she's something you want to eat."
"And so what if I do?" Hawk shrugged.
"It's a bit gross. You two need to get a room or something."
"Don't you think I want to?" Hawk said, with a voice that told that this was the limit of what he was going to say about the matter. Even if he could talk about this with Miguel and Demetri, he sure wasn't going to explain the depressing depths of his sexual frustration to Aisha.
Thinking about that drew his eyes back at Sky. She was still dancing, her fingers locked with Moon's in the air, their bodies moving in sync, so close to each other, almost touching–
Shit, they look hot together!
Watching that brought all kinds of thoughts into his mind, and his mouth went dry with wanting. Material for new fantasies, when he'd be pathetically touching himself in the shower–
But he wasn't gonna be depressed about that now. That hot girl was his girlfriend, his fucking girlfriend, and she was so beautiful, like a burning star against the black night sky, and he loved her more than he had ever loved anything in his life.
Not surprisingly, it seemed like he wasn't the only one admiring the dancing duo.
There were some guys standing nearby, and they were shamelessly checking out Sky and Moon, and making comments about their bodies. The girls were so caught up in the music and dancing, that they didn't even notice - but Hawk did. He felt the muscles on his jaw tightening, his fist clenching around his beer can.
Aisha took one look at his face and shook her head.
"You don't wanna start a fight," she said. "Just remember what happened the last time you got jealous and did just that."
Hawk made a face. He didn't like it, but Aisha had a point.
"Well, I'm not just gonna stand and watch while those assholes check her out." He said, finished his beer, and threw away the now empty can.
He walked closer, past the guys, and 'accidentally' bumped into one of them with his shoulder, making him spill his beer all over himself.
"Sorry, man," Hawk said with a cocky, arrogant grin that said he wasn't really sorry at all. But remembering Aisha's warning, he didn't stop and didn't start throwing punches. Instead, he walked straight to Sky, and wrapped his arms around her waist from behind, dipping his lips to her neck, knowing that those assholes would be watching.
Sky made a little sound of surprise, this little gasp that went straight to Hawk's gut like a bolt of lightning. Her skin was warm and soft, she smelled like night and tequila and her vanilla perfume, and Hawk breathed in that scent, his heartbeat reacting to it instantly. As his mouth traveled down her neck, he felt her frantic pulse under his lips.
"You're the hottest girl at this party," He said by her ear, his tone low and raspy.
She turned around with a grin on her lips. "Then it's a good thing that I came here with my super sexy boyfriend."
She had never called him that before.
"So, you think I'm sexy?" He asked, with a cocky grin.
"Hell yeah, I think you're sexy—" she said - and then her hands were in his neck, pulling him close, and her mouth opened for him even before their lips met, allowing his tongue to dip straight into the mind-blowing heat and slickness.
She tasted like tequila, and her body was still moving to the music as she pressed herself against him. The gentle rocking of her hips made something tighten inside of Hawk's core, a tug of nameless wanting turning his throat dry. He laid his hands on her hips - he fucking loved it, that even if she was slender, she wasn't skinny and her hips had that feminine roundness that blew his mind every time. He didn't even try to stop himself, as his fingers brushed the silky material of her dress, moved to her ass—
Sky broke the kiss and laughed. Her eyes were so wide, her pupils huge in the darkness.
"Do you have any idea what it does to me to see you dancing like that?" Hawk muttered, his lips brushing hers.
"And maybe that's what I want," she grinned and kissed him again, and he was fucking melting into that kiss, her lips were burning him to ashes.
He didn't remember that he had started kissing her just to show those guys that Sky was his. He didn't even remember where they were, and all his mind was filled with her - her scent, the warmth of her body against his, her taste–
This was the most heated kiss they'd shared in ages. For some time now, she had kept all their kisses short, gentle - and yeah, they had been awesome too, but God how Hawk had missed this, missed the feeling of her lips opening like this for him, his tongue sliding into her mouth - like a foretaste of all the ways he wanted to enter her body.
"Let's go somewhere," he groaned into the kiss, his voice thick and weird in his ears.
She pulled back, flashed him a wicked grin, and took his hand, drawing him with her as she started walking away from the bonfire and the music, giving a quick wave to Moon, who was looking at them with a wide smile on her pretty face.
They walked to the outskirts of the party, leaving behind the lights, the people, the loud music. The night air was sweet and cool on Hawk's overheated cheeks, he breathed it deep into his lungs. The world was spinning a bit, the alcohol was flushing through his system, making everything somehow more real, making him different too - wilder, more arrogant, confident. When he looked at Sky it was as if her skin was glowing in the darkness and the sound of her laughter cut through Hawk's clouded senses like it was the only sound in the world. Sky was wobbly on her feet, almost stumbling in her high heels and grinning, Hawk wrapped an arm around her and pulled her near so that she could stay on her feet.
Somehow they found a tree, and she turned to lean her back against the trunk - her hands at once gripping the front of Hawk's hoodie, pulling him close, and—
Barely able to contain himself, Hawk leaned in to lock their lips in a kiss, pinning her body between him and the tree, throwing one arm over her head to have something to lean on as his other hand was cupping her face.
She wasn't asking him to hold back now. Everything in her was soft and hot and shivering under his touch as his hand moved to her neck, to her chest—
She fucking moaned as he cupped her breast, her small, perky breast that fit in his palm so perfectly, and when he pushed her against the tree trunk, she didn't ask him to stop. His breathing got caught in his throat as he felt her, his fingers gripped the soft curve of her breast and even through the fabric of her dress and the bra, he felt her hardened nipple—
It was almost too much and still somehow not enough. Yearning for more, needing more friction, he glued his body on hers, his hips pressing tight against her so that she must've felt the hardness in his pants.
And again she moaned into the kiss. That primitive, almost animal sound went straight to Hawk's gut, to his bloodstream like a fucking drug.
He was burning. He was the moth now, burning to ashes in her flame, and he wanted that small death as he had never wanted anything in his life.
He let his hand move down, to feel her hip, then the silky smooth skin of her bare thigh, pulling up the hem of her dress, and all the while his lips were molding into hers, his tongue was tasting the insides of her mouth and he was drowning in the sensation, drowning in her—
His hand was now under her dress, and he grabbed her thigh, pulled her leg up on the side of his hip, to get closer to her - and she wrapped that leg around his hips, making him groan in the kiss. He was so hard that it almost hurt, so fucking hard, and he couldn't think about anything but the friction between their bodies as he was rubbing his cock against her crotch, nothing but the fabric of her panties and his pants between them.
If she asks me to stop now I'm gonna fucking die!
"I want you—" he breathed, barely managing to break the kiss to get the words out. "Sky, I want you so much—!"
"Yes—" she replied, that word nothing but a sigh.
"Yes what?"
"Yes, I want it too," she breathed and pulled him back into the kiss.
Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God—!
The condoms. He was pretty sure he had taken them, had stuffed the pack into the pocket of his backpack. He'd have to check that, make sure they were really there—
But it was impossible to think. Her hands were pulling up his shirt, her fingers running on the waistband of his pants and a whine left his throat - a fucking whine - as she began to ease her fingers under it, into his fucking pants—
"Not here—" he managed, and her hand stopped, her touch on his lower abdomen burning him so that he could barely breathe.
"Then take me somewhere."
"Where?" He pressed his forehead against hers. "My parents are home—"
"Then my place," Sky was breathing fast and shallow. "My dad won't hear us if we sneak in. Let's just be real quiet—"
"I can be quiet,"
"And I can try," Sky replied, and gave him a grin that made him melt. "Though who knows how fucking loud I'm gonna moan when you fuck me."
"Fuck, Sky—" he almost came just hearing her words.
But she was laughing, as she took his hand and started stumbling back towards the light of the bonfire, and he followed her like a dog on a leash.
- In Serial28 Chapters
The fallen (?) hero and Aži Dahāka's soul fragment
I have to apologize.A certain real life problem that I thought I got rid of has caught up to me once again.I tried to continue writing, but my mind was not in the right track to do so and thus, as some people had said, the quality of the latest 2 chapters had turned from the usual "bad" to "worst". So, I reluctantly have to say that I will be away until I can sort things out.I can't say when, but I do intend to return to writing. I might lurk around to read other people's works though. I will be turning my attention to stories with "tragedy" and "despair". The five of us were summoned to this world from our clubroom two years ago to be made as heroes.Shouldn't forceful summoning like that be counted as kidnapping?Well, we chose to go with the heroes route.After harsh training and battles, not to mention all the killings, we finally defeated the demon lord.However, all those achievements literally became nothing, it wasn't just forgotten, it was erased to be totally nothing as even the written records were somehow being disposed of. I was too naive. Who would have thought that the side we have been fighting alongside with, the side we were fighting for, was the one to bring our demise?After I had to see everyone else turn into nothingness, somehow... I alone survived. Note: I will attempt to fix the grammar problem with the help of lieutenant colonel fletterman. This may delay the release of future chapter. Chapter 1 is fixed. Chapter 2 is fixed.
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My name is Roth. I live in Taisao City, where I make a living assassinating, planting evidence, sabotaging...whatever my clients require of me. When I don't have clients, I steal. It's a life. But I got caught, and for some reason, after that, I have memories of a man named Jeff-- What do you mean memories? I'm somehow stuck in your body now. I mean, I'm grateful I can finally see, but I really would have loved to see my own world. Things powered by jade is just too different from what I know. --who is now ruining my life by trying to do something good. Something that's not only for my benefit. So will you please get out of my head? Would if I could. But if I have to take over your body to do good, why not? *sigh* And so begins the fight for my body. Which, unfortunately, I may be losing.
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A Requiem For The End
Yuga wakes up on a cold, frigid land entirely covered in snow. Where was he? Who was he? Neither of these could he remember but he didn't have time to think of it, he could tell danger wasn't far. A quick death if he failed to avoid it. It was fast approaching and much as he tried to escape, it quickly caught up with him. Luckily he had survived, but was he just lucky or was there something more to him.....? A Requiem For The End is a fantasy story set in a world.......well, quite different from most stories you might have seen (I honestly don't know how to better describe it). Early into the story (prologue) the world feels elusive because you slowly learn about it through the eyes of Yuga. As you read on questions may arise in your mind and mysteries will present themselves. The answers to them will come the further you read. I'd like to think the plot is a bit larger than the average and same goes for the world building. If you find this story intriguing then all I can say is - There's a lot for me to tell, hop on?
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