Episode 12
Keimah chuan in ah ka awm a mary status mawlh chuan ka ngaihtuahna aluah a.. Timothy chuan ka pawisa hmang in Nonoi lakah alo in show kual vel a.. Hah avan chak dawnlo em..
Zan rei deuh chuan kan in zawnah chuan a Bike ri chu alo ri deuh lang2 a..
Mahse ka tho dawnlo reng2 hi ani ringawt mai ani.
Kawngka ka kalh lo bawk a,alo ri deuh lang2 a.. "ka Duat i muhil tawh mi a..kawngka kalh lo chuan lo mu suh ka tih kha " a tawng azangkhai emai a kai deuh ani ngei ang...
Ka bulah chuan lokal in " Ka duat tinge min lo mutsan daih a.. mutchhuak viau tawh mi a.. " min kaitho tal a..ka biangah te alo fawp a.. Zu rim nen ka ten zual khanu kha englai lai nge he miler hur a hian a fawh kual ang ni.. Zuala " a rimchhia kalsawn teh.."
Timothy : mak thei . Ka riltam ania..engmah ka la eilo.. Chaw ei min va siam la..ka note kha min lo copy em ? "
Zuala : I engah nge min ngaih a. I tirhchhiah ami ka nih ?
Timothy : ka nupui ka hmangaih ka thian ka bialnu ka ngaihzWng ka ta ini .. Chiang em
Zuala : Anih vawiin chuan in thian ho chiah ami kal chu a..
Timothy : umm keimahni ho chiah
Zuala : anih chu I thianpa nuna kha mi i phurh .. Bike a nei ve silo a..
Dawt min hrilh a enge asawi zel dan tur hi ka hrechak ani..
Timothy : aih alo kal ve lo.. Tumah ka phur lo..
Zuala : Nonoi pawh i phur lo maw?
Timothy: maw.. Chaw ei chu min va siam la..
Zuala : inthlalak vel ka lo en..
Timothy : Engmah thla pawh kan la lo..
Zuala : anih khawi i phone ka lo en ..
Timothy : Avan mak charge pawh awmlo .. Chaw ei min siam dawn loh chuan keimah in ka insiam mai ang.. Mu rawh..
Ka en chu ahlau maw.. Ka hria tih i hrelo der tlat a Timothy dawt min hrilh char2 a.. Hre rawh Min tih nat ai let in ka ti na ve ang che.. Nonoi chu ngaizWng mawlh ta che.
Bike lei ka ngen nasa bawk a Loan puk chuk2 in ka nu leh pa chuan min leisak ve a..ka awhna rei ve tawh bawk em ani.. Ke in ka kal reng bik a duhna hmun ah pawh ka leng thei velo..Kha Hriatpuia kha nise min intihtheih khum nan tak a hmang a ka hmangaih ka duat Zuala lah in Bike hi alawm ve bawk si.. Phurh ve te hi ka chakna rei tawh.. Hman zan paw.n Marka khan ka bialnu hlui a thianghlimna pawh ka la lak loh Nonoi Bike aneih vangin a phur haw ania..NONOi hi chu ka be chhe theilo mahse Tinge Zuala tih nat erawh ka hlau thung hle si... Nonoi hi chu mipa duhthusam hi ani ve lawm..a hnute tih vel chu ka fawp vek tawh a..avan mawi chiang em..kha tiang a awm pui thei awmchhun ka nia. Ka intithei ve khawp mai..Nonoi hian min han atchilh ve mai mai khawp a..Bike ka neih hnu chuan class ban te sunday te chuan Zuala chu ka Phur a kan lengkual deuh reng. Avan nuam thin em..ka bike chu ka duat in ka silfai tha thei mai mai khawp.. Ka status deuh chhen bawk a..Zuala pawn min tui pui thiam khawp mai..min silfai pui ziah a....kan khua ah pawh ka haw zeuh2 thin..
whatsapp ah chuan kan thian ho in len kan rawt a..Nonoi chu tih ka chak tlat a.. Lenpui ah chuan ka sawm a.. Atir chuan alo duhlo a.. Achhan chu ka then a ..tunah han sawm leh kha nonoi tan a duh chi ani biklo mi tan ngawtlo chuan..mahse ka duhzia te ka hrilh a alo aw ve leh mai a..
Loan a bike Kha lei kan ni si apawisa kan neilo ve thei khawp a..Mahse ka duata zuala hian pawisa te petrol thunna tur te chu ka dil in min pai ve ziah a..
Vawiin pawh chuan ka dil a.min pe ve mai a.. Nonoi ka phurhna tur tih chu hria se min hlap hlum duh ang..
Nonoi chu ka phur a. Thla te kan la nasa khawp a.. In tur te a ngaihtuah pawl an awm BAWk A.. Zuala thian mary awm ve chu hnawk ka van ti tak ..
Zuala hmutheih loh tur chuan ka status ve a.... Kai nuam deuh tawh nen Nonoi chu tih ngei ka tum a.. Mahse a theihloh chiang khawp ka tum nasat pauh leh atang tlat a.. Mahse a point lai te chu ka tuai nasat ve hman kha.. A u hi ka thianpa ania.. Nuam chu ka tichiah biklo..nonoi chu anu leh pa te chuan anlo phone reng a..anlo vin tuar2 a. Ka va dah ta tawp a..ka thiante ho nen chuan zu kan In ho leh a Kan rei ta phian..Zuala chuan kawngka alo kalhlo a...alo la muhil lo bawk a..Chaw ei min siam peihlo..ka phone en te min dila Mahse ka phallo tlat a..vawiin kan thlalak kha ahmuh vaih chuan Chi dawnloh nasa..
Zuala hian hriat anei mawn chu aw..ka ti rum2..
Atuk te pawh chuan Zuala chuan min be tha vak lemlo a..mahse thinrim ang in a awm bawk silo..fawh ka tum in a duhlo tlat.. Ka zawh lah chuan tunlai chu ka tgeilo min hrethiam rawh ati tlat a.. Sex pawh kan hmang theilo..ka thinrim lek lek zawk ani..
Zanah chuan Concert a awm dawn a ..class ah te chuan kan sawi nasa khawp mai.. Nono-i nen pawh kan la in be reng a. .. Mahse mi hriat a duhlo ve tho a..vanneihna ani ringawt Zuala'n a hriat mawlh mai hi ania ka hlauh ni.. Zuala hmuh loh nan engkim ka delete vek zel a.. Nonoi ka hmuh ruk changin Zuala nen a kan thlalak vel kan in biak dan vel ahmuh ka hlau leh viau bawk sia..lerh hi chu aw avan buaithlak em..
Zanriah kan ei lai chuan Zuala chu zanin Concert na ah kal dan tur vel ka sawipui a..
Timothy : Zanin kha ihh thil tih lawk tur ka nei a.. Chumi zawh ka lo hruai che nga. Pawi ngem ?
Nonoi hruai hmasak phawt a chumizawh a Zuala hi hruai ka tum a..
Zuala : i tih dan dan
Ka lawm khawp mai.. Ka thil tum chu a hlawhtling zel chu ania..
Timothy chu ka be chhe chuanglo a..mahse ka enthla ru reng a.. Nonoi nen hian an in be leh ngei niin ka hria a..
Ka rilru atih nat man rulh letna hun tha mai a awm hlauh mai.. Concert a awm dawn a school ah pawh chuan an sawi nasa khawp mai..
Hriatpuia chu ka sawm a.. Min hnial ngamlo a.. Hriatpuia hian min duh ve tih ka hria a..bialnu pawh nei thin mahse min be chhe ngailo .. Timothy hmuhlai ngeiin ka fawp ang..
Timothy chuan kan chaw ei lai chuan zanin kal dan tur asawi a.. A phone ka en ruk jn kha nonoi ngei kha a hruai dawn a.. A inbual laiin ka lo en vek a.. Ka ss a ka inthawn a..kan inhauh hun hi athleng thuai dawn
Timothy : Zanin kha ihh thil tih lawk tur ka nei a.. Chumi zawh ka lo hruai che nga. Pawi ngem ?
Nonoi hruai hmasak phawt a chumizawh a Zuala hi hruai ka tum a..
Zuala : i tih dan dan
A insiam sawk2 a.. aKal dawn chuan Min lo fawh a tum " Kal rawh ka peih hrihlo ka tih kha.."
Timothy : Tinge ka duat fawh pawh i duhlo a.. Sex lah min hman pui duh ngai silo a..ka kuah che pawh i duhlo a..
Zuala : tunlai chu tiang mood ah ka chenglo..
Timothy : khua ah haw hnai tawh si..Ka chak zia te min ngaihtuah pui ve la.. Zanin ah chuan ngei2 aw..
Zuala : Ni e..
Timothy : Yess.. Ngei2..
A phur hmel khawp mai..whatsapp ah chuan kan in text reng a Hriatpuia nen chuan .. Hriatpuia chu ka call vat a.. Ahnu deuh lawk chuan alo thleng a.. Ka duhdan chu Timothy hian Nonoi ava lak lai hian concert-na hmun lo va thleng ila.. Min hmu se an pahnih khan awi ka chak.. Hriatpuia nen chuan kan kal nghal a..
A hmun kan thlen chuan anlo tam tawh khawp mai.. Bike vel park na ah chuan kan lo ding a..
Hriatpuia : ka zun achhuak .. I zun chhuak ve em?
Zuala : aih.. Va zung rawh tah hian ka lo nghak ang che..
Ava zung a.. Chutia Keimah a ka lo awmlai chuan ka duhthusam zan in Timothy chuan a bike mawng sangah chuan Nonoi chu alo phur a.. Min hmu thut chu avan phu chiang em
An bike chu dahtha in ka bulah chuan anlo kal a
Timothy : Ehe Zuala
Min hmu thut chu a ohu chiang khawp mai
Nonoi : Zuala la lak ava la ngai ti maw ka tia..hei a awm tawh reng sia
Zuala :Hriatpuia hian min hruai a..(hriatpuia bike chu ka melh zeuh a )
Timothy : kal ang Nonoi ..
Timothy chu a thinrim zia ka hre thei ..a thinrim a hmel awm dan ka hre thei vek
Zuala : Hriatpuia pawh chu van rei ve
Timothy : Nono ka sawi i hrelo nge kal ang..
Nonoi chuan A zuin hna hna.. Timothy hre rawh min tih natna hi ka thung rul ve khawp ang che..
Hriatpuia chuan concert chhung zawng chuan min care in ka bulah awm reng a.. Timothy erawh ka hmu leh tawhlo..
Concert zawh chuan kan haw a.. Hriatpuia pawh kai ve deuh in ka hria kei pawh chuti tho.. Ka ngampa sawt a.. Akawng ah chuan ka kuah a. Ka chul ti tih deuh a..
Hriatpuia: mi ti khawlo zo nge.. Timothy awm bawk si..
Zuala : Ani kha nga tan mah ka ngailo
Hriatpuia : i hlauh em kha..
Zuala : i ngaihdan anih chu ..
Hriatpuia : Timothy tih el nan chiah hian min hmang suh
Zuala : i hre mai ang
Kan in chhukna step thimlai a Timothy ding chu ka hmu thei.. Hriatpuia erawh hi chuan a hmu theih ka ringlo..
Hriatpuia bike atang lo chhuk a helmet a la thla chu ka pan hnai a.. Ka fawp a.. Amak atih hmel khawp mai.. Min kuah bet tha a.. Min fawp let ve nghal a..
Mahse lehhh avan thal chiang em..
" Zawngsen ka that dawn che.. " Timothy chuan alo hnek nghal buan2 a..
Zuala :Ti TAwh suh..
Timothy : i chhan vel amaw ? :
Hriatpuia chu lo tho kangin " Thimothy hre rawh.. Ka ngaidam ang che tun tum chu zuala vang chauh in.. Adawt leh chu i chaklo ang"
Timothy : zawnga engmaw i sawi
Hriatpuia chu haw phawt tur in ka ti a..min ngaihtuah in sawi haw ve nghal tur in min ti a..Mahse ka hnial a.. Min hawsan ta a.. Chutih ve leh Timothy chuan in ah min kai thla hmawk2 a..min dimna aneilo..
Concert-na ka thleng Chu ka rinloh lutuk in Zuala ka hmu a.. Ka van phuchiang em.. Mahse Hriatpuia Nen an kal dun toh ka hriat chuan thinrimna in ka khat a.. Nonoi chu ka haw pui nghal a..
in ah chuan ka kal pui a.. Luk nghek ka tum a..ka thei tep tih chuan Zuala leh Hriatpuia awm dan tur ka ngaihtuah chuak thut a..ka thinrim thut chuan Thil ka paih darh a.. Nonoi Chuan mak atiin a hlau hial a.. Min hawsan mai rawh ka tia..
Nonoi pawh chu an in ah ka dah a.. Zuala te chu an rei khawp.mai.. Khawiah nge hur bo ni...ka awm hle2 theilo step thim laiah chuan ka lo nghak a..
Khapa khan alo thlah leh ngei e.. Ka thin avan rim em..Ka beisei loh dan in an in fawp ta chiam a..ka insum zolo chuan chupa chu Ka va hnek thlu nghal a..kan in insual ani tih ta ber mai..
min la tawng khum vel a.. A haw hnuchuan na thei ang ber a hmer in Ka kai lut sawk2 a.. Eggtin nge ka tih dawn ni..
END OF Episode 12
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