Episode 13
( He story pawisa a lei tute khan minlo be lawk mai teh u inbox lam ah Epi 15 kalo thawn dawn che u )
Khapa khan alo thlah leh ngei e.. Ka thin rim em..Ka beisei loh dan in an in fawp ta chiam a..ka insum zolo chuan chupa chu Ka va hnek thlu nghal a..kan in insual ani tih ta ber mai..
min la tawng khum vel a.. A haw hnuchuan na thei ang ber a hmer in Ka kai lut sawk2 a.. Engtin nge ka tih dawn ni..
Chhuatah chuan ka nam thlu chawrh a.. Khapa ka thik zia pawh a hria mahse tinge ka hmuh lai ngei a fawh theih zawk ..
Timothy : Enge i hriat ? Han sawi teh ... Sawi tur i nei em ve em? Khapa nen khan tiang khan inlo awm vel thin a maw?
Ka rek a ,ahrawk ah chuan ..
Zuala : min thlah rawh .. Nang a kut hi ka tawrhna tur a awmlo.. I thiam lohna te hre ve rawh.. Khang thil kha engvang a thleng nge tih te ngaihtuah ve ta che..
Timothy : Atha min puh rawh .. Min puh ta che..
Zuala : inthen ka duh .. Awm dun hi ka duh tawhlo nangnen hian
Athusawi chuan min ti nà in ka thin a tirim tak zet ani.. A hmai ah chuan chiang lutuk in ka hnek a..
Timothy : kal rawh khapa hnenah khan kal mwlh rawh..
Thinrim tak chuan ka chhuak a ka bike chahbi chu ka la a..khawinge ka pan dawn pawh ka hrelo ..
Timothy chuan ka hnar a hnek thi a. Tichuan a bike chahbi la in min kalsan thei ania..
Ka bungrua te chu ka rem fel a. Zanin nilo naktukah khua tangin lang in ka kal tawh ang .. Hetiang ramhuai bulah hian ka cheng duh tawhlo ani.. Aman natna min siam a.. Ka thung rulhna chuan a ti na ve ani ngei ang..mahse min tih natzia te kha hre ve duh leh silo..
Zanah pawh chuan alo haw lo a.. Atuk school pawh a kallo a.. Hriatpuia chuan nizan thil thleng te chu class ah chuan min zawt a.. Engkim a that vek thu leh khua atang in class ka kal tawh dawn thu ka hrilh a..Hriatpuia chuan ngaihzawng ang tak in min en niin ka hria Timothy bul a ka awm reng chu a phalloh thu te asawi ve liam a..
School ban chuan ka insiam a.. Motor ka hmang a.. Khua ah chuan ka haw a.. Ka nu leh pa te hnenah chuan ka dam that loh avang a in lam atang a kal ka duh zawk thu te ka hrilh a.. Class kal hun chhung a tlem tawh tho vang chuan an rem ti ve mai bawk a..
Ka nau hmeichhia te pahnih chuan min lo ngaiin min thlahlel ve em em a. Ka nau te hi chu la naupang ve te anni a..kan naupang ber phei hi chu kum 5 lek ala niin ka duat em em a.. Zanin pawn ka bulah mut an in chuh nasa mai..
Timothy chu engtin nge a awm zel ang tih te ka ngaihtuah mai mai a..Nizan khan alo haw bawk silo tawhsual chu atawk emlo ang chu maw..?
Mutna tang chuan ka lo hrethei a. Pa Kima chu lokal in " Timothy khan min lo phone a .. Zuala chu adam a chian loh avangin khua atangin akal dawn tawh thu alo sawi a..eng damloh nge ni hrim2 "
ka nu : Nia School kal hun a tam tawh chuanglo nen nu leh pa te bul a awm a duh deuh niang apawilo.. Pu Sangkhuma nitin akal reng tawh tho a.."
Engtin nge alo hriattheih Timothy chuan ka sawi dan tur awm ang chu alo hre khawp mai..
In atang chuan class chu ka kal ta a.. Pu Sangkhuma Office tur rual chuan ka kal ta thin a..
Timothy nen kan thu dun tawhlo a.. Hriatpuia nen bawk chuan kan thu dun leh a.. Timothy chuan min be ngailo a..ka be lo bawk a..
Kan inthen hnu chuan Nonoi nen tih tak zet in ani pangngai ani awm a.. An lawmpui awm e.. Hriatpuia nen pawh chuan a ruk tak in kan ni ve chu ani mai a..mahse tinge ka hrelo Timothy ang khan ka duh thei miahlo mai. ..
Class kan bang vawiin chu pu Sangkhuma alo haw hma daih chu niin motor lah chu avang em2 mai bawk si a... Hriatpuia chu va in dah tir mai angai dawn anih hi.
Timothy leh Nonoi chu Bike a in phur chuan min lo tlan pel a..
Thian thenkhat te chuan an sawi zui sap sap a.. Timothy nen class kallo in Timothy in luah ah chuan an tawm dun thin class kal chhung zawng ten an tia.. Chuvang anih dawn chu Timothy hian class kal loh aneih tak ziah ni..an thil sawi chu ka rilru ah chuan a awm ta reng a..engtiang tak in nge kha Nonoi kha a khawsak pui ang ..
Nat loh ka tum pawn ka van na si em..
Hriatpuia chu ka call a.. Mahse a nuteii hospital ah alo hruai daih bawk si engmah chu ka hrilh ta lemlo a..Vani te inah chuan ka awm ta tawp a..An khumah chuan phone ka khawih a..vani chuan haw na tur chu ka ngaihtuah pui ang che atia
Vani : Timothy ka hrilh tawh kha .. Ava hruai dawn che..
Zuala : Maw ..tinge ilo va hrilh ngawt a..
Ka awki chu asang lam mah2 ..
Vani : Tinge apawi mi ? In pawh inluah dun tawh a..intih thiamlohna inneih chu ka ring tho a..mahse chutiang a pawi em em ani theih ka ringlo a..
Zuala : khapa Bike ah kher2 chuan ka haw duhlo..
Vani : ka tihpalh .. Ka hrilh leh mai ang..
Zuala : umm adang a hmu leh si tiraw..
Mahse Vani pawh in ahrilh hma chuan Timothy chu alo thleng a..bag nen enge atih dawn a..
Vani : Timothy nge Bag nen ..hrim2 in angai leh lo a..
Timothy : Ka haw ve nghal dawn a.. Naktuk chiah class kal ngai tawh tho a..naktuk pawh kan kal rual thei nga..
Zuala : Vani Hriatpuia chu alo kal tep ang .. Ka lo han kal ange..
Timothy : Malsawmzual enge i hriat a.. Tinge min huat reng ..Hriatpuia vawiin hian a hman dawnlo..
Vani : Nia Zual thian an in haw reng ngailo.. Tikhan haw dun ula sawi fel nan hmang zawk rawh u..
Vani hian engmah hi i hrechiang ve tak tak silo..
Timothy : Ka rual in lo haw ang che..
Vani : Nia motor pawh adang a awmlo ang...
Vani chuan min tir lui tlat a.. Phurlo zet chuan haw na tur dang awm heklo ka haw ta tawp a..
Timothy : min vuan ta che..
Zuala : angailo
Timothy : Min vuan mai rawh..
Ka kut chu ala a.. Min vawn luih tir a..
Ka be miahlo a.min be biklo bawk a..Khaw kar a kan tlan lai chuan ading a..
Zuala : Tinge a.. ?
Timothy : Chawl ang saw tah sawn ..
Zuala : A hmanhmawh thlak ..
Timothy : apa te ka hrilh vek tawh .. Ipa te pawn an hre tawj ang kan haw rual dawn hi.
Min kai lui tal a.. Mei a zu a.. Mins 3 vel kan ngawih reng hnu chuan
Timothy : Hriatpuia nen chuan in hlim bawk maw? I duhthusam
Zuala :Nonoi nen a in hlim ang khan ani mai..
Timothy : Hriatpuia Hi i duh in i hmangaih meuh maw?
Zuala : i hriat kher atulna awm berlo ..
Timothy : Kei hi min ngaihtuah ve miahlo ..min ngaihtuah chhuak ve miah tawh lo mi ?
Zuala : Nonoi i nei lawm .. Ngaihtuah i ngai nang..
Timothy : Malsawmzual Tiang zawng khan min dem hauh suh aw..
Zuala : Class te in tlan bo a.. I in ah nileng ten in va mu dun anilo mi ?
Timothy : Nangmah vang nangmah vang ani .. Min ti na em ani.. Hrim2 in i thik tiraw?
Zuala : Ka thik chhe Te eihlo .. Hriatpuia'n a hria nge kan haw dun hi..
Timothy : I va hlau awm ve chu pa chu.. Ka ta inihna hi ala bo lo..
Min fawh chu atum a..ka namsawn a .. Athinrim teh a.. In kan thlen thleng chuan kan in be tawhlo a..
Hriatpuia nen chuan whatsapp ah tangin kan in be char2 a..hun fal te a duh ve thu te min hrilh a.. School chawlh hun chu an khua ah zin tur ten min sawm a..
Zanriah kan eikham tih tur awmlo chu ka room ah chuan Hriatpuia nen inbiak pah chuan kan thian group ah kan nawi vel mai mai a
Ka nu chuan " Ehe Timothy chu i va hmeltha sawt lawm kha.. Vawiin boiha ilo phur haw leh nghal alawmawm "
Timothy: umm ihh khawnge Zuala hi ..
Ka nu chuan ka nau min lo kauh tir a..ka phei mai duhlo a.. Ka nu leh pa chuan Timothy chu anlo be char2 a.. Ahnu chuan ka room lamah an lo tir lut a..
Timothy : engvangin nge ilo chhuah duh miah loh a..
Ka chhang duh chuanglo ka muhil der tlat a.. Timothy nen hian khua ah kan inkawm ngailo .. Kan in ah pawh apa ten anlo tir anih ngawt loh chuan alokal ngailo .. Chuvang ania zak leh lai ru tak a ka nu leh oa te bul a thut reng ni. Ka room ah ama thu in alo lut ngam silo a.. Keilah ka phei duh bawk silo ..
Timothy : muhil der suh aw..ka hriat loh i ring amawn .. Pawi lo muhil rawh ka haw dawn chuanglo .. I phone hi kan lo khawih mai2 ange..
Ka lu bul a ka dah chu alo la a.." Khawi hmel a..min lo pe nghal rawh.." ka chuh vat a.. Ka passward engkim a hre vek ..ka la thlak reng2lo ..
Timothy : In va in be nasa ve .. Fianrial a awm te a duh amaw? Engtin nge awm in tum an khua ah ten i zin phei anga .. Inlo va nasa ve.. Kei pawh kha min lo khamlo ami ? A thlalak asaruak thlalak te a thawn vel che a..hmela chuan ..ilo va dil vel ami ? In va tenawm ve.
Ka phone chu khumah chuan a vawm chawrh2 a..
Zuala : mawla a chhia nga Sin .. Anu leh apa khan engkim an hre vek ang i tawng ring si..
Timothy : i nau te chiah an awm .. Sawifiah rawh tiang a tenawm khan in lo in bia aa..haha ka rin ang ilo nilo
Zuala : ka sawifiahna chhan tur a awmlo .. Chuan Nonoi Nen a ang em in Sex te kan la hmang hleinem..
Timothy : Sawisek suh kha thil kha....
Zuala : tiang a min tithei pawh ini tawhlo.. Kan in then felna a rei tawh kha.. Ka nun ah hian thu i neilo ..
Timothy :Tiang khan min tiziah suh ..
Zuala : Hriatpuia ania ka bialpa ..ata ka nia aduh dan2 in ka awm angai.. Nangmah pawh hi biak aphallo tih hria ang che..
Timothy : I van zaklo
Tih leh min fawh a rual a.. Khumah chuan min bawh bet a.. " kalsawn rawh.. I zaklo mi "
Ka kawrte chu hlim chho a.. Min fawp leh chiah tih chuan ka room kawng khar chu alo in hawng sawk a.. Ka naute pahnih chu niin ka van phu chiang em ..ka nau chiah hi chuan thil hi a hre thiam ve deuh tawh si a..
" A u tikhan ngati nge in awm a ?
Zuala : Tinge ila bawh reng tho rawh..
Timothy : Kan lo insual lem2 a..
Ka naute nen Timothy te nen chuan Youtube te ka mutna ah chuan kan en ho ta vel a.. Ka nu te anlo haw chuan room ah awm reng ma ta che u lo phei ru an tia kan phei a.. Thingpui te kan in a.. Timothy pawh chu a haw dawn a.. Min thlah rawh ati tal a..
Ka thlah a..
Timothy : Naktuk kha lo inpeih hma ang che..
Zuala : Pu Sangkhuma rual in ka kal ang..
Timothy : I kal anih chuan kan thlalak ka neih tam zia kha hria la.. I tuam tuar video thlengin
Zuala : khatiang a in vau kha ka duh miahlo ania.. Ka neilo bik ah i ngai a mi
Timothy : nachin ka fawh che kha nuam i ti tiraw ?
Zuala : tilo tilo.. Haw rawh ka kal
Ka tlan haw san daih a.. Mut pahin Hriatpuia nen kan in be leh char char a..alo titau nasa mai..
Timothy pawh chuan naktuk ka rual in i kal lo nih chuan apawi ang alo ti leh a..ka seen ringawt a..ka reply lo a..
A tukah chuan Timothy chuan min lo pan vat a.. Kan in a in hlat lo bawk a.. a rual a kalloh theih pawh anilo ..
Kan tlan chhung zWng chuan bul tan that leh a duhthu asawi a..mahse engtin mah ka chhanglo..
Kan inluah ah chuan min hruai lui tal a..hnawk tak ani..a mutna bulah a kekawrte nen..condom khehna te .. Lehkha khawng tak2 atenawm zawk..
" I awm loh chuan ka tawp vek.. "
Zuala : I condom kawr te hi chu paihtha ve la..
" Ka inhrawt nan ka hmang mai2.. "
Zuala : Dawt sawi kher angailo ..ngatan mah ka ngai tawh hleinem
" NoNOi chiah kha tak2..midang tumah ka lu lo aw.. Chupawh ilakah ka rilru anat em vang ania.. "
Zuala : Chutiang ngatan mah ka tilo .. I duh dan2 in i nung thei.. Kal ang kan tlai dawn
Timothy : Kal ang tih ringawt.. Min ngaidam rawh. I tello khan ka awm theilo tak zet ani..
Engmah chu ka ngaithla tha duh ta lo a..ka kal daih a..min lo zui a..a bike chuan school lam chu kan pan a..
Kan thleng ka chhuk chiah tih chuan Hriatpuia chuan min lo en kur a..
Hriatpuia : Nakinah in biak tur ..
Hriatpuia chu akal nghal daih a..
Timothy : Enge asawi a khapa khan ..
Zuala : i hriat angailo..
Timothy : Anih chu a..
An la titau vel a.. Lerh a chu.. Ngatan mah ka ngai tawhlo e.. Titau vel mai mai teh..
Hriatpuia chuan class ah min be duhlo thak a..a thinrim ve hle niin alang..
Chhun chawlh kan hman chuan ka bag vel chu Hriatpuia chuan alo keng vek a..
Zuala : Tinge kan bang tawh ami.
Hriatpuia : Bang lo..
Zuala : school khar ni anih hi.. Awm tluan loh te chu..
Hriatpuia : i awm tluan dawn nge min zui dawn ?
Ka bag chu min pe deuh chawrh a..
A thinrim sia ka zui ve mai bawk a..
A nuteii te in ah chuan min kal pui a.. Anuteii te chuan min lo be luam a.. A in siam a.. A nuteii te chu a mangtha a.. Kan kal nghal ani deuh mai.. A thinrim bawk nen kan in be tamlo khawp mai..
Kawngah chuan min be silo a sawi mai tur ka hrelo..
Chawlhna rem deuh ah chuan a ding a..
Kawng thlang a hmun biru deuh ah chuan min kal pui a.
Zuala : i ngawi ngul bawk sia.. Hrehawm nia..
Hriatpuia : Khua ah te in haw rual a.. In lokal dun leh a.. I then thei tak2 lo anih chuan sawi rawh.. Tiang relationship ka peih ve lo.. Ka lerhlo keichu ka nghet chat zel.. Mipa hi ka la ngaizawng lo hrim2 a.. Mahse ck pui chu ka nei ve tawh.. Mahse nang ang a duh hi ka neih ka la hrelo..
Zuala : Ka tihpalh..
Hriatpuia : khatiang sawi leh ringawt.. Fawh pawh ka duh ang in ka la fawp lo che a..Timothy chuan a duh hun2 a fawp che in a duh lai2 a khawih che a.. In chengdun a..
A sawi zawh hma chuan ka fawp a.. A dawh deuh tawp a.. Awmsawn ka tum chuan min kuah bet leh in min fawp zui ve leh a.. A duh thawh ta sawt in ka mawng te chu a hrawm tawn2 a..
Mahse tinge anawmna ka pawh theilo..
Zuala : ihh kan kal phawt dawn mi..
Hriatpuia : Ti zo phawt ang.
Zuala : engchu maw kan zawh phawt ang..
Hriatpuia : Sex tah hian kan hmang phawt ang... Ka thu hi hnial tawh suh.
Min lo fawh leh a tum a..mahse ka lo awm sawn a..
Hriatpuia : Tinge a?
Zuala : Ka thei hrihlo ..
Hriatpuia : Timothy ka nih loh vang maw? Hrep tak chuan..
Zuala : Chutilam anilo ..
Hriatpuia : kal ang ..
A thinrim chuan min kai sawk2 a..
Ka phone alo ri a..Hriatpuia thin tirim zual tur chuan Timothy alo la ni zui leh nghal bawk nen ..
Engtin nge ka tih dawn
epi 12 chhiar duh tan https://www.facebook.com/groups/1621184364813745/permalink/2946759522256216/
- In Serial21 Chapters
My Possessive Husband (ManxMan)
Renmen Bijou, a sweet and caring 18 year old boy. Who loves children and cares for them. Currently, he works at a baby daycare, in New York. Going to University and working hard so he can finally become a pediatrician. He's the only child, of two parents. Unforuntately for him, he has to deal with the consequences, of his father's gambling addiction. He loves his father, but...this time...his father really messed up. Bringing debt in the family, debt of 4 million dollars. Now, how in the world are they ever going to pay back the debt. That's where Renmen comes in, he's forced to become the "wife" of a cold, emotionless, and possessive insanely rich man. There is no other solution, but to be with the man and deal with his controlling attitude. Renmen keeps on reminding himself, that he is doing this for his family, this powerful man can easily ruin and destroy his family. What could the cold-hearted man want from cute little Renmen? Someone to satisfy his needs, someone to actually care for him and not his money, or someone to love him, even though his personality is cruel. Nicolas Guerriero has everything, just name it. The only thing he donesn't have is someone to hold at night. Sure, he had many lovers, he's known to be a well-known player. Those flings mean nothing to him. He's just looking for someone he can always love, and hopes that person can love him, not his money. So, when he lays his eyes on sweet little Renmen, he knew he had to make him his. Sadly for innocent Renmen, when this posessive man wants something, he always gets it.
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"I hate you - so much Tripp."More confusion because, once more, wasn't this a good thing?"Why did you have to say that? What if," A little quieter, just above a whisper. "What if we mess up our friendship?""But what if we don't?""You don't know that," I bumped his nose with my finger. "And neither do you. So, why don't we give it a shot?" He bit down on his bottom lip, hesitation and worry filling his gaze. __This is literally a story that follows the plot of two best friends realizing their feelings for each other, yes, I know, very cliche, but I enjoyed writing it. There will be mature LGBT+ content, so if you don't want to read those chapters or this story > skip it.Highest Rankings (that I'm aware of): LGBT+: #3 , College Romance: #2 , Gay: #19
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Marlee Gardner is just like every other 16 year old girl. Well if every 16 year old has type one diabetes. Her childhood was bumpy but she wouldn't change a thing. Marlee, her twin brother and their best friend Cameron Taylor along with all of their friends live on "the wrong side of the tracks" in their small town in Georgia. Marlee has had a rough few months... okay a rough few years but she doesn't let that effect her or at least she doesn't show it. She's hot headed, tough, sarcastic and feisty. Cameron Taylor's life revolves around baseball. It's his chance to give his family a better life than a small 2 bedroom house that was barley staying together. He had known Marlee since he was 3 months old. They had been through everything together from learning to ride a bike to their first day of high school. They would die for each other but most days they wanted to kill each other. What will happen when the two start their junior and new feelings arise? Is growing up on the wrong side of the tracks so bad after all?• • •Dual Pov • • • Started: 1-25-21 Ended: TBA• • •Achievements:#17 in diabetes• • •*trigger warning- profanity, underage drinking, depression, anxiety, sexual assult(if any of there are triggering for you read with caution)*
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