《Haiky Scehurios》Official Friends


After the match between Karasuno and Nekoma, where you decided to cheer for Nekoma, you were walking with Kenma and Tetsurou back to the buses, saying your final good-byes to them and talking about meeting up again sometime. As they were getting onto the bus that took them to your school initially, a ginger-headed ball of energy tackled you.

"Hinata! What's up?" You said, trying to catch your balance after almost being knocked over.

"Why did you cheer for them? You're supposed to be on our side now!" He complained to you.

"But I'm still new here and barely know the team. I'm friends with pretty much everyone on the Nekoma team."

"But aren't you friends with me, too?" He asked. Your eyes widened a little bit.

"I am? I-i mean, not that I don't want to be, I just didn't think that you considered me a friend!" He looked at you with his innocent brown eyes.

"I do. Which means that you can call me Shōyō now!" He declared happily. You smiled a bit and let out a small chuckle.

"Okay. Call me y/n then." You two exchanged a smile before he was called back to his team.

You were finally ready for your first day at Karasuno. Your brother is still staying at Aobajōsai, but you made the desicion to transfer, due to Karasuno having a better (other sport) team. Tooru wasn't happy about you attending the same school as his "Tobio-chan" but to you, that's only one more good thing. On your first day at Karasuno, you decided to swing by the gym that the boy's volleyball club practices in.

You opened the metal doors of the gym to be met with a ball almost making contact with you face. You swiftly moved out of the way to dodge the high speed spherical object aimed at your frontal lobe and nasal bone, or in simple terms, your face.

"Oi, dumbass. Watch where you hit the ball!" The voice sounded familiar to you. You knew exactly who it was. "O-oikawa-senpai! What are you doing here?" Kageyama stuttered upon seeing you. Your name caused a lot of the team to look up with intrigue​.

"I recently transferred since Karasuno has a better (other sport) team. Also, I thought that I told you to call me y/n! We're friends, after all, right?" You lectured him about your name, still not liking being called Oikawa. Although it did sound better coming from him.

"R-right. Call me Tobio, then." You nodded gleefully and went over to hug him.

"Glad to be your friend, Tobio-chan!" You chirped his name. He noticed it sounded a lot better from you than from your brother.

Regardless of whether you had food or not, you had aquired the habit of drawing Yamaguchi during lunch. You aren't sure what it is about him that makes him so fun to draw. Maybe it's the freckles.... Throughout all of your drawings, most things stay consistent, but one thing that doesn't, is his freckles. The amount and placement of them changes each time you draw him. You wondered how many he actually had. He never really asked you about why you drew him so much, thinking you just thought he was an easy figure to draw, but he was starting to get curious.

During lunch, you two sat together. You were drawing him, again, he was watching, again. No matter how many times he watched, it was still amazing to him. He felt that this was a good time to ask the question on his mind. Strangely enough, or maybe it wasn't so strange, you thought the same thing. So at the same time, you both spoke the same words.


"L/n-chan/Yama, I have a question." You both looked up at each other and cracked up a bit.

"You first." You spoke before he could. He nodded a bit.

"Why do you like to draw me so much?" He spoke in his semi-quiet and timid tone. You put down your pencil, showing that you were serious, and faced him.

"I'm gonna be honest with you. All my life, I've never had too many friends. The ones I did have always left pretty quickly. I'm not sure why or what I was doing wrong, but that's the way it's been since I can remember. That's what made me draw in the first place. A lack of socialization lead to me trying to draw people for me to be friends with, as ridiculous as it sounds. Kind of like an imaginary friend," he smiled a bit at this, finding it a bit adorable,"But I eventually got bullied for it. People said that it was lame and childish. So in my first year of middle school, that's when I changed what I draw. Now I draw the people around me who I'd like to be friends with." Yamaguchi thought back to when he first saw you drawing. The page was full of most of your classmates. "And when I saw you, I wanted to be your friend, so I drew you. That's when you started talking to me. And I like to think if us as friends now. So instead of drawing people that I'd like to be friends with, I draw the person that I am friends with." She smiled brightly at Yamaguchi.

"Y-you think of me as a f-friend?" He asked timidly. You nodded vigorously, bringing out a wide smile on Yamaguchi's face. "Th-then you can call me Tadashi." Your smile grew and you giggled a bit.

"Okay, Tadashi! You can call me

y/n, then!" He smiled at this before remembering something.

"Oh, right. Y/n, what were you going to ask me before?" You snapped your finger as you remembered your previous question.

"How many freckles do you have?" He blushed a little and shrugged.

"I'm gonna count them!" You declared before leaning forward, deepening Yamaguchi's blush, and counting all the little marks scattered across his cheeks and nose.

Honestly, after that conversation where you sat talking, while you drew him, you had grown to like the salty blonde. Maybe that's the reason you want to talk to him again. Maybe that's the reason you did research on dinosaurs just so you could talk to him about them. Maybe that's the reason you stayed up until one in the morning drawing a detailed dinosaur and making strawberry shortcake to leave on his desk in the morning.

The next morning, despite how tired you were, you had a small smile on your face, thinking about his reaction when he sees the gift you left for him. You carefully walked into the classroom, peering around to check for him. He wasn't in the classroom yet. You sneakily crept over to his desk and left the strawberry shortcake and dino picture in the center. You sat down in your seat and put headphones on, acting completely natural.

When Tsukii finally entered and walked to his desk, he looked down at the well drawn picture and nicely presented slice of cake with a confused expression. And then, as if a lightbulb flicked on in his head, he realized who had committed the act. He looked over to you and tapped you on the shoulder. You pulled off your headphones and looked at him with a normal expression, giving no hints that it was you.


"Did you make these?" He gestured to his desk. Crap. Well, no point in lying to him.

"Yeah. I stayed up until one in the morning doing it, so be grateful." You were about to turn back to what you were doing when he spoke again.

"Why?" The question made you look straight up into his beautiful eyes.

"Because we're friends. It's just a friend thing to do." You shrugged. A light blush uncharacteristically placed itself on his face as he averted his eyes.

"Tch. Fine. If we're friends, call me Kei." He muttered under his breath, finally taking a seat and picking up the utensils you had graciously supplied him with in order for him to consume the cake you had prepared.

"Okay, Kei. Call me y/n, then." You grinned widely at him. He took a bite of he cake and looked back at you quickly.

"You made this?" He questioned in a bewildered fashion. You nodded. "It's really good." He muttered quietly.

You were peacefully eating lunch by the window, as you had been on the day you met Noya. Also similar to the day you two met, someone was sprinting down the hall towards you. And even more similar to that day, the person just happened to be Noya.

"L/n-channnn!!!" Even after you told him to call you y/n, he still insists on using your last name and honorifics. You looked up at the short boy and sighed a little, knowing that with him in your life, peaceful lunch doesn't exist.

"What is it, Noya?" You quietly asked the now panting libero.

"I passed, thanks to you!" He held up test paper with a good score on it. You smiled a little and quietly clapped.

"Nice job. Guess you don't need me to tutor you anymore." You said, slightly disappointed.

"Huh? No! I like hanging out with you! Even if we aren't studying, you should still swing by after practice and hang out with me!" He shouted. Your eyes widened a bit and you blushed at his words.

"Why me, though?" You asked, looking into his bright eyes.

"Because we're friends, right, l/n-chan?" He asked. Ugh. There's that last name and honorifics again. Wait. If you were his friend, he'd have a reason to call you your first name and without honorifics! Not to mention, you get a dope friend out of it.

"I didn't think we were. You never call me y/n so I didn't think we were close. That's why I never called you Yuu, either." You spoke in your usual quiet tone. Inside you were manically laughing at your own ability to manipulate the slightly dense libero.

"Eh? I-im sorry! It seemed like something that would make you uncomfortable. B-but I'll call you y/n from now on, okay? And you can start calling me Yuu, too!" He panicked a little, making you chuckle a little before the bell rang.

"Okay, Yuu. I'll see you after practice then." You waved to him as he took off down the hall once more.

Loneliness. Ah, how it pains you to admit that it's a feeling you are very familiar with. If you can remember, last time you had a run-in (with Tanaka, you were trying to get to a friend, who ended up not being in her classroom. The reason behind her absence was, to put it simply, she's a bitch who decided to ditch you for a fuckboy. So now you had no where and no one to run off to and spend lunch with.

As you sat in lonely silence, a voice broke you out of your thoughts. "L/n-chan! Oh, there you are." You looked up to see none other than Tanaka who was smiling brightly at you. "What are you doing sitting all alone?"

"Ah... My friends have left me. But never mind that, what are you up to?" You asked with a curious gaze.

"I was looking for you. Do you want to eat lunch together?" He asked politely, taking you by surprise.

"Huh? W-why me?" You asked hesitantly, as if it was some kind of prank.

"Because we're friends, of course!" You blinked owlishly at him before smiling widely.

"Okay! Then call me y/n, okay?" You chirped.

"Then you can call me Ryu!" He exclaimed, pointing at himself with his thumb.

"Okay, Ryu!" You giggled a little.

You were sitting peacefully at your desk during lunch, completely bored and with the urge to run around. Your head snapped up at the sound of your voice.

"Y/n! Hey!" You looked up to see the smiling face of Daichi, bringing a smile to your own face.

"Hey, Daichi-san!( What's up?" You replied with a calm smile.

"Huh? Why so formal? We're friends, right? Just call me Sawamura." He said as he sat down in front of her. It was true, after he had come to the track, you two had seen each other a lot more. You could comfortably consider yourself friends at this point.

"Okay, Sawamura." You appeared to be in thought for a second. "Hm. That's too long. I'll just call you Sawa instead, okay? And in return, you can call me n/n!" You smiled widely at Daichi who had a slight blush on his face.

"Okay, n-n/n."

"Hey hey, Azumane!" You said slinging an arm around the gentle giant's shoulders, feeling him stiffen at the sudden contact and relax upon noticing it was you who had suddenly made contact. "How's it hanging, my dude?" You said in your typical charismatic tone, earning a strange look from your much larger friend.

"W-wait, you're using my first name?" He panicked a little, not knowing if you were close enough. He wanted you to be, but he didn't know that you thought you were.

"Hell yeah! We're friends, so I should be allowed to, right? Just call me y/n, then!" You said pointing at your chest with your thumb.

"O-okay. Sure, y/n." He smiled a little at your antics, happy to be your friend.

"Sugawara! Hey!" You smiled and approached him as the school day was just beginning. Students were filing into the school, the halls were filled with chatter. You spotted Sugawara somewhat in the distance and called out to him. He turned to look at you over his shoulder and rotated his whole body to face you with a smile.

"Nice to see you again, l/n."

"Huh? I thought we were close enough for you to call me y/n now! After all, I did save you from getting beaten up, and you saved me from getting beaten up. We've been through a lot together, call me by my first name." You complained, provoking him to laugh a little.

"I guess we have been through quite a bit together, haven't we? Then I guess if I can call you y/n, you can call me Koushi." He offered a wide smile, drawing one out of you.

You let out a very tired and lazy yawn as you waited, as you always do, for your friends' arrival. You leaned your head against your hand and drank a dark liquid through an opaque straw, so no one could see the crimson color of the thick liquid. You sat with your eyes closed, peacefully waiting for your friends in silence, focusing in on conversations around you.

You were quickly snapped out of this tranquility when a man (with dark messy hair pulled up a chair at the vacant desk behind you. You were already sitting backwards so that you were ready when your friends arrived. When you locked eyes with Kuroo, a sly smirk appeared on your face.

"Oho, and what prompted someone like you to visit such a great and powerful being like myself?" You asked with a tinge of sarcasm. He chuckled a bit at your words, a smirk matching your own now present on his face as well.

"Oho, so I can't visit my own friend during lunch, is that it?" You arched an eyebrow at him before shrugging.

"I didn't know that you actually considered me a friend. All I did was stalk you after school and then you joined me an my friends during lunch, like, once. But if you really want to be my friend, go for it. I've kinda made it my job to befriend all of our kind in this school, anyways. So just call me y/n." You let out a large yawn after speaking. You really need to stop the all-nighters.

"Alright then, y/n. Call me Tetsurou." Your smirk was replaced with a lazy smile as you scribbled something on a small piece of paper.

"Okay, Tetsu. Here's my number." You slid it over to him.

"Oho, trying to hook up with me are you?" He asked in a teasing manner, receiving a smack on the back of the head.


Finally, at last you were allowed to go to your dad's house. You were mostly supposed to go there only for holidays, but there were a few random days that you were allowed as well. And today was one of them. And like the splendid father that he is, he took you back to the mall where you first met Kenma, and back to the arcade in that mall.

You two had a grand time together. You even took him to the same game where you first met Kenma. But after all the gaming, you two sat down to get some food for a bit before continuing with your exciting day. You found an unclaimed table in the arcade and sat down, talking for a bit after ordering food. Just as you and your dad were having the mandatory "how's school going" talk, a familiar, quiet voice spoke from behind you.

"L/n-chan?" You turned and looked into the cat like eyes if Kenma.

"Y/n, who's this?" Your dad asked from behind you. He didn't know it, but the question had lit the flame if internal conflict within your mind. Under most circumstances, you would have proudly claimed that Kenma was your friend and moved on. But since you're right in front of Kenma, you didn't know if you wanted to. I mean, you wanted to, but you didn't know if you should. What if he doesn't think of you in the same way? What if he only considers you a mild aquaintance and you call him a friend and make him uncomfortable? But then, what do you call him? What if you say he's nothing more than an aquaintance and then he actually does consider you a friend and you hurt his feelings. You didn't really have any friends, so you didn't know how to recognize how someone felt about you. Even if you did, Kenma isn't very expressive so it would still be hard. Realizing you were hesitating a bit, you finally decided what to say.

Fuck it, You thought. "This is Kenma. He's a friend." You said. Your dad's eyes lit up at your words and he smiled at you.

"Okay. Why don't you two talk for a moment while I go refill my drink." He grabbed his cup and stood up. You turned towards Kenma with an awkward smile on your face.

"That was my dad. I was finally able to visit him." You explained to Kenma. He nodded with a noise of understanding.

"I didn't know you thought of us as friends." The words he said crashed through the confidence you had gained from your dad's approval like a wrecking ball. You tried to cover up you crushed face with a slightly forced looking smile while you tried to think of how to respond.

"I-i didn't mean that in a bad way... I'd be happy to be your friend." His words seemed to patch up the confidence that he had previously annihilated. You let a genuine smile fall on your face.

"Then just call me y/n, okay?" He smiled back at you and nodded a bit.

Meanwhile, your father watches from nearby, smiling because his little girl finally has a friend who's similar to her. You didn't hear it from me, but he totally ships it.

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