《Haiky Scehurios》What they think of you
O/s - other sport
"Hinata! Watch out!" Someone yelled out to the ginger from across the gym. A ball was flying through the air towards his head. Ah, how unfortunate it is that he was too distracted to notice the shout of his teammate or the ball itself. Thus, the inevitable happened and Hinata had retreated into a ball, holding his nose. The sudden strike to the face startled you, who was watching from the benches. You quickly stood from your place and rushed--along with the other members of the volleyball club-- to the energetic boy's side.
"Shōyō! Are you okay?" You said, more like shouted, at him with a concerned tone. He quickly stood up and released his nose from his hand to give you a thumbs up.
"You're nose is bleeding!" Sugawara said with panic in his voice. What he said was true. Hinata had blood streaming out of his nose, covering his mouth and dripping off his chin.
"Pinch your nose and tilt your head to one side." You said carefully instructing the injured boy. (
"Why to one side?" Sugawara questioned.
"Well if you tilt your head back, you could choke on the blood. But you shouldn't tilt it forward because that's just draining the blood from your head, which is obviously not good. So you want to tilt your head to the side so that neither happens and so it slows down the blood loss." (Sugawara nodded in understanding before helping Hinata, who was following your instructions, stand up.
"I'm going to take him to the nurse. Can you clean up the blood while we're gone?" You nodded at him as he lead Hinata away and out of the gym while you got the needed materials for cleaning his nose-blood.
-Shifting perspective-
Once the doors of the gym had closed behind Suga and Hinata, Suga immediately took action.
"Hinata, you've been really distracted during practice lately." He said simply.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, since y/n started watching practice, you don't seem to be as focused. Is there something going on between you two?" Hinata's face lit up at the question, as if a wild fire had spread across his bloody face.
"N-no! She's just a... Friend. I think? I... Don't really know. I'm just a friend to her, at least" He seemed to be saddened by his own words.
"Well how does she make you feel?" Ah, sugamama the love expert has come to the aid of his next patient.
"She makes me feel... Warm. I like being around her a lot. She makes me happy and I like making her happy. Being around her makes my stomach feel weird, but I kinda like it. My heart starts beating really fast, too." () Hinata muttered quietly, hoping to avoid any passing students overhearing him.
"Sounds like you like her. Is she why you've been distracted?" Suga said as they arrived at the empty nurse's office, leaving Suga to help Hinata by himself.
"Yeah. I can't help but stare at her during practice. And if I'm not staring at her, I'm thinking about her. I'm sorry. I'll try to focus more." But all this talk of you only made Hinata think of you more.
"Hinata? Hinata! Did you hear what I said?" Suga asked the ginger, who shook his head, eliciting a sigh from Sugawara. "You were thinking about her weren't you?" Suga sighed once more with a smile on his face as Hinata bluntly nodded his head.
Kageyama stared at you from across the gym. It was almost as if he was a trance. You weren't doing anything strange, just packing up your homework that you were working on while the team was practicing. You had taken to watching them when you didn't have o/s practice. It gave you a chance to do your homework without your obnoxious brother hanging around, too. So while everyone was cleaning up the gym after practice, Kageyama was standing there, holding a volleyball while staring at you while you threw you bag over your shoulder.
His gaze finally snapped away when someone opened the gym doors. He looked over to see who could be coming in this late only to be disappointed when he saw it was none other than the Grand King himself. He sighed and continued staring at you while you talked with Oikawa. He couldn't hear what you two were saying very well, he was just enjoying the sight of your pretty features as they made sly smirks and happily laughing faces while you talked with your brother. By this point, Kageyama had casually crept closer to you two while pretending to clean. He could clearly hear both you and your brother.
"So why did you come to pick me up anyway?" You asked your shitty brother.
"I don't want my precious baby sister to be walking home all alone! You don't know what's out there!" He spoke as he hugged your head to his chest, not letting you go until you managed to reach up and punch his cheek.
"I can walk home fine by myself. We don't even live that far." You complained. You hated being treated like a little kid.
"And even if she did need someone to walk home with, she has me." Kageyama jumped into the conversation with a light blush dusting his cheeks. Oikawa's eyes lit up devilishly.
"Tobio-chan! This reminds me, can I talk to you?" Your brother asked with a glint of evil in his eyes while pointing towards the door with his thumb. Kageyama hesitantly nodded and followed your brother outside a few feet from the gym.
"What do you think of my sister?" Oikawa bluntly stated. Kageyama's lit up with a bright blush. He suddenly felt thankful for the darkness of the evening.
"What do you mean?" Kageyama asked, acting like this whole conversation wasn't going to reveal his feeling about you.
"You seem to be spending a lot of time around her. You clearly think of her as someone special. So, how is it that you feel about her?" Oikawa stared with his usual mocking smile.
"Why should I even tell you?" Kageyama snapped back at him.
"Tobio-chan, right now, let's put our rivalry on the court aside. I'm not talking to you as someone who wants to defeat you. I'm talking to you as the brother of the girl you obviously love."
"What's the point of asking if you already know how I feel?"
"Ah, so you really do love her! I was just guessing. I have to say, I'm a little surprised that I was right. But now that I know this is how you feel, I have to warn you." Oikawa's previously triumphant smile faded into a grim look. "If you break her heart, I'm going to do more than crush you in volleyball." He shot Kageyama one final intense look and headed back into the gym to take you home, leaving Kageyama outside to think about what your brother had said.
Does that mean... He approves of me dating her?
Yamaguchi sat in silence with a large smile on his face as he stared at a very well drawn portrait of himself, drawn by none other than you. You dropped it off at his desk before running out to eat lunch (for once) with a friend in a different class.
"Oi, Yamaguchi. What are you thinking about?" Tsukishima asked from the desk next to his own. Without thinking about his answer, he spoke.
"Y/n." He stated bluntly, still grinning at the small heart you had put next to your signature, wondering if it meant anything more than what it seems. Realizing what he said, he snapped out of his dreamy daze with a blush spreading across his cheeks.
"Do you like her or something?" Tsukishima asked the shy boy while leaning on the palm of his hand. Yamaguchi's blush darkened as he timidly nodded.
"She's really nice to me. She usually starts conversation with me so it's obvious she wants to talk to me. And she's always giving me her drawings when she refused to let one of her other friends even see it. She's always around now and I feel so lucky to have her want to be around me. She even said my freckles are cute. Not to mention she's really pretty. Her hair looks so soft and her eyes seem to always be shining. She's the kind of person that I just want to hug all the time." His smile was brought back as he spoke, his face still burning red.
"So when are you gonna tell her?" Tsukishima asked him. Yamaguchi jumped as though he was startled. I guess he lost track of who he was around.
"I... Don't know. I feel like she just thinks of me as a close friend and... Nothing more." Tsukishima looked away with his usual bored expression.
"Whatever. If she really does have all the great traits you mentioned, you'd better confess quickly, or someone else might." Yamaguchi's face fell as he thought about his friend's words.
Tsukishima sat in class, staring at the assignment the class had been given. He couldn't seem to focus on it. You didn't seem to have any problems with it, considering you were listening to music again. Tsukishima almost smiled at the familiarity of the situation. It was just like the day you two met, with you drawing while listening to music after finishing the assigned work while he couldn't focus on it. He was internally smiling as his mind began to flood with thoughts of you. You two hadn't known each other long, but you already had so many memories together.
He rested his head on the palm of his hand when a thought occurred to him. What are you to him? What significance do you have in his life?
That's easy. She's a friend. Oh, Tsukishima. Are you sure that's all she is to you? Now that he's thinking about it, are you really just a friend?
Is that all she is? She's stayed around me long enough to declare me a friend. She even made me my favorite food after only a few days if knowing me. I don't know how she tolerates me, but she's basically a saint for it. Even when I make fun of her, she just smiles and sasses me back. That smile... That damned smile of hers. Tsukishima's cheeks reddened a bit. Luckily, you were too distracted to notice, other wise he wouldn't hear the end of it.
Suddenly, the bell rang, snapping him out of his thoughts. He was filled with dread as he faced his completely blank paper. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see you putting your headphones away and flip over the paper you were drawing on. (You turned to him with your typical smile. That smile quickly turned to a smirk as you noticed his paper.
"Ohoho? Seems like someone was having a bit of trouble. C'mon, Kei. It's not that hard." You teased. He scoffed at your words. "But, in all seriousness, do you need help? I wrote down the answers for a friend. You want them?" You offered, quietly so the teacher wouldn't hear. You pulled the paper from you pocket and offered it to him. He took it and muttered a reluctant 'thanks.'
"Who the hell are you and where did you put the real Kei?!" You shouted, alerting other students, as you slammed the palms of your hands on his desk. He looked at you with a look that suggested that you were crazy. "The real Kei doesn't have manners!" He glared at you, who was now laughing, causing a blush to spread on his cheeks again.
Dammit. I think I like that idiot.
"Noya, who's that girl you keep running off with after practice? Is she your girlfriend or something?" Tanaka nudged Nishinoya while teasing him as the pair looked towards the spot where you sat, packing all you homework away and preparing to leave with Nishinoya to tutor him once more, while the boys all cleaned up the gym. Well, most of them anyway. Nishinoya and Tanaka stood in one spot while talking to each other about you.
"No. She's my tutor, and friend. But I'd be lying if I didn't say that I like her." Nishinoya bluntly stated with the faintest of blushes on his cheeks.
"Oh? So does that mean Kiyoko is all mine?" Tanaka joked. Nishinoya nodded.
"Y/n is way better any way! She's pretty and really really smart! She's a little shy but she's actually really funny. Ah, I'm so lucky to have her as my tutor!" Nishinoya smiled as he though about you. Little does he know that a certain ginger headed shorty overheard the conversation... And planned to do something about it. (
Tanaka sat at a table in the lunchroom with the volleyball team, staring at his uneaten food with a glum expression. (Normally he'd be eating as much as he can, so what has him so concerned that he's not eating?
"Tanaka, are you alright?" There's Suga with his mom skills, again. Tanka seemed to snap out of whatever depressed daze he was in. "You're thinking about y/n again, aren't you?" Ah, the mom senses seem to be strong today. A blush appeared on Tanaka's face as he, uncharacteristically, nodded in confirmation.
"I can't help it! I'm worried about her! Why isn't she here today? Is she sick? Is she hurt? Why won't she respond to my texts?!" Tanaka frantically yelled.
"You really like l/n-chan, don't you, Tanaka-senpai?" The precious ball of sunshine, Hinata, asked with a mouth full of food.
"Of course I do! Why else would I be so worried? She's so perfect. Her hair, her eyes, that smile, her laugh, the way she talks, acts, everything! I love everything about her!" Tanaka openly voiced his feelings to the team.
"Sounds like someone's got a crush!" Suga teased a bit with a smile at the intense boy. A buzz was heard from Tanaka's phone, alerting him that he had a text. He immediately dove down into his bag for his phone, nearly falling out of his seat in the process. A large smile stretched across his face as he saw the text was from none other than you.
Daichi Sawamura
Daichi leaned against a wall a few feet from the edge of the track. There was no volleyball practice today so he decided to watch your practice, with permission from the coach, who was leaning on the wall next to him. Daichi was staring at your figure as you stretched with a loving gaze. He heard your coach chuckle.
"Which one is lucky enough to catch your eye?" The man asked Daichi, who went red in the face at the question. He turned his head away from the track where you and your team were jogging warm-up laps and towards your coach with creases in every corner of his face from age. Despite his age, he's still quite athletic.
"L/n y/n. We've been spending a lot of time together and I think I'm starting to love her. I have a crush on her, at the very least. It's like she has no flaws. And the ones that she does have just seem to make her even more perfect. I don't know how anyone can possibly be as amazing as she is." Daichi said wistfully to the man next to him who was smiling widely at the display of young love.
"I'm guessing you're the boy I always hear her talking with such a romantic tone. You're very lucky to have someone special to love. Perhaps the feeling is mutual." Before Daichi could ask any questions, y/n's coach was off, heading towards the field to start practice.
Today, you weren't at school. Today, you were lying in bed, full of sickness. In the middle of first period, Asahi received a text from you asking him to bring you notes after school. He didn't have practice today, so he can easily go visit you as soon as school ends. Honestly, he'd probably do that even if he did have practice.
As soon as the bell signaling the end of school rang, he began walking the somewhat familiar path, considering he's walked home with you before. Asahi thought back on the fond memory of you running up to his desk and demanding that he walks home with you. He told you that he has practice, but you insisted that you'd wait. Even when he told you that it's going to be late when they finish, you stood your ground and declared that you would wait as long as you needed to get him to walk you home. In the end, you ended up watching practice from inside the gym. He blushed as he thought of you enjoying his company. He hoped that's another reason why you invited him over today.
Asahi really loved the way you never hesitated to do whatever you wanted. It's like the part of your brain that stops you from doing stupid dares was completely removed leaving only unbelievable confidence in it's wake. In fact, it's that same incredible confidence that lead you two to meet in the first place.
Along side your lack of fear, Asahi loves everything about you. He loves your ability to cheer up anyone in the same room as you, he loves how adorably short you are, he loves how excited you get about everything you love. In a way, you kinda remind him of a female version of Nishinoya. And that's a very good thing.
Oh look at that. Through all his daydreaming about you, he arrived at your house.
There you were, sitting by the window at lunch with your food in front of you and earbuds in, listening to music. And there he was, sitting three seats to your right, two rows behind you, neglecting his own lunch, staring at you with a dreamy look in his eyes. He doesn't quite know when this became one of his favorite pass times, but he's found himself staring at you all the time, especially when you two hang out together. Which happens a lot more now, after the whole almost-got-killed-in-an-alleyway thing. Turns out, outside of illegal deals, you're actually a perfectly normal person. Well, to most, anyway. To him, you're better than normal.
He recently discovered that you're actually really loud and fun to be around. You're really clumsy, love cats, and one time told him that if you were given the chance, you'd completely abandon Earth to live on Mars. He loves all of that, and more, about you. He loves how there's a side of you that only a few people ever get to see. And he loves that he's one of those people. He feels so lucky to have stumbled upon that alleyway that afternoon. If he hadn't, he never would have met you.
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