《Haiky Scehurios》You meet again


You smiled and giggled with happiness as you got off the phone with none other than your friends from Nekoma, Kenma and Kuroo. They said they're on their way to Karasuno to take part in a practice match with the Karasuno volleyball team. They also said you can watch. You raced over to the buses so that you can meet them when they arrive.

As soon as you saw the pudding head with one hand in his pocket, the other occupying his phone, come off the bus, your went into a full speed sprint at him, ready to tackle him into a hug.

"Keeeeeeenmaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!" You shouted as you ran with your arms wide open. It's strange, because it almost sounded like there was another voice too... As you kept running towards Kenma, whose head had snapped up and was now bracing himself for your hug, Kuroo intervened, stepping between you two and stealing your hug. Your eyes lit up at his face more than they already had.

"Kuroo!!!! It's so great to see you guys again! I missed you a lot, you know!" Kuroo placed you back on the ground.

"Y/n-chan? You know these two?" You turned around to see the short kid who you ran into on your first day, who had just released Kenma from a hug. He must have been the other voice.

"Oh hey! You're the kid I ran into the other day! Hinata, right?" He nodded with a smile in his face and a noise of approval. "I do know these two. I transferred here to Karasuno from Nekoma. They were my friends." You smiled at him as you climbed onto Kuroo's back.

"Oh, y/n. You know shrimp-chan?" You snorted at the nickname.

"Uh. Yeah, kinda... Not that much. We ran into each other in the halls on my first day here while I was complaining to myself about missing Nekoma." You shrugged. "I'm glad I get to watch you guys play, though. Maybe I'll get to know shrimp-chan a little better. Oh... But which team should I root for?"

The match had ended not too long ago. Things were cleaned up and you were walking alongside your unbearable brother, about to leave the school and head home. You were listening to him ramble on about whatever when he suddenly stopped.

"Ah, Tobio-chan!" You brother said it in that fake sounding cheerful voice that he uses when he teases people. A vaguely familiar figure turns around with a displeased expression. The dots connect in your head and you remember his face.

"Ah! Milk-kun! It's you! Funny running into you again. You're going to have to excuse my brother. He's the worst kind of person, although I guess you would already know that, huh. It seems like he knows you already, and anyone who knows him knows that he's basically just a human dumpster. Allow me to formally introduce myself. I'm y/n Oikawa. () Second year at Aobajōsai. So, what's your name? Unless you want me to just keep calling you milk-kun." You offered a kind smile, similar to he one your brother has, but it's a genuine smile rather than a forced mocking smile.

"Er... Kageyama Tobio. I'm a first year at Karasuno. Nice to meet you, Oikawa-senpai." You waved a hand at him.

"H-hey, you don't need to call me senpai. Just y/n is fine." You scratched the back of your head awkwardly. You don't like people calling you by your last name considering all the trashy nicknames your brother has, Trashykawa, Shittykawa, Crappykawa, Assikawa.


"Okay, y/n. It's nice meeting you properly." He smiled a little at you, receiving a smile in return. You pulled your brother away and started on your way home before Tooru could say anything to bother Kageyama.

Lunch break rolled around and, surprise surprise! You forgot your lunch. The time you spent on the perfect looking bento, all gone to waste. You tried to distract yourself from the hunger by drawing, a common action for you. You would often draw small sketches of things when you got bored in class. At home, you do lots of digital art. You even have a fancy Cintiq. (When you're in class, you would draw whatever is around you. This time, as you try to blind yourself from he grumbles resonating from your stomach, you make small cartoonish style sketches of your classmates faces. One may think it's creepy, but it's good practice.

You looked to your left to see the next person you would draw. The friend of the guy you ran into earlier, Yamaguchi, I think it was? You would glance over at him every once in a while as you tried to make it perfect. You decided that you wanted to go realistic with this one, just for the heck of it. And if you're gonna make it special by doing it in a different style, mayas well make it bigger too. It takes up about a quarter of the page. You had to look up a lot more often, since it's more detailed. As you set down your ballpoint pen to rummage through your bag for your copic markers, you hear a conversation, not too far away.

"She keeps looking over here. I think she might be mad at you..."

"Why would she be mad at me? She's the one who bumped into me. Besides, she's looking at you, not me."

"W-what? Why would she be looking at me?"

"Beats me. Go over there and ask her yourself." You couldn't see it, but Tsukishima put his headphones up, leaving Yamaguchi with no other options. He walked over to you, who was still digging through your bag, and tapped you on the shoulder.

"Hm? Oh! Yamaguchi-kun, what do you need?" You asked with a smile before turning back to looking for your markers, which you finally found.

"U-uh. I noticed you were looking at Tsukki and I... So, what were you doing, if you don't mind me asking?" He spoke in a hesitant, almost shy voice.

"I was drawing!" You gestured to the paper in front of you with a proud grin. Yamaguchi's face lit up with surprise as he saw your well drawn sketch of most of the students in the classroom, including him. You let out a satisfied chuckle as you looked back at him a few more times, unintentionally making him slightly self conscious, and picked out the proper colors to fill in the small drawing.

"If you don't mind me asking, why did you draw me in a different style? It looks more true to life than the others... N-not that it's a bad thing!" Without looking up from your skillful coloring, you chuckled a bit.

"I kinda just liked the way you looked more than the others. I wanted to see if I could replicate that." A light blush swept across his face when you complimented his appearance. He noticed a slight shine in your eyes as you meticulously applied color to your drawing.

You two sat like that until the end of lunch period, you adding color and details to your drawings and him, sitting in silent amazement at your skill. When the bell finally rang, you two snapped out of your peaceful daze. After you put away your supplies, you turned to face him with a closed eyed smile and offered him the paper. At that moment, he felt a special fluttering in his chest. He took the paper with a gleeful 'thank you' and returned to his seat to tell Tsukki about it.


The luck bell eventually rang. Does that mean you moved or even paused your music? Absolutely not. You forgot your lunch (So you decided to keep drawing. You didn't know what you were drawing, but you know that you like it. So far you have the shape of a blank person, no facial features or hair, wearing a black jacket and headphones around their neck. Cherry blossom trees lined a path behind them, creating a sort of romantic vibe surrounding the person.

At some point in your artistic endeavor, Tsukishima had left back to his own desk, sparking a small amount of happiness. That guys just rubs you the wrong way...

"Hm? You're still drawing?" You recognized his voice and nodded as you thought about what kind of face and hair to give the person in your picture. You looked up and around you for inspiration. Your eyes landed on Tsukishima, who was wearing headphones around his neck, just like the person in your picture.

"Ah! S-stay! Stay right where you are! Don't move!" You suddenly shouted. He did as you asked and soon a smirk grew on his face while you proceeded to sketch his facial expression onto the blank head.

"Alright. But only if you tell me more about yourself." Your head jolted upwards to look at him with a strange expression.

"Fine what do you want to know." You asked, shrugging off his previous remark and carrying on with your art, looking up every now and again to get a good look at his face and hair.

Through the whole lunch period--and a little bit afterwards too-- you tow sat together, you drawing and him modeling while asking questions about yourself. You found the whole thing a bit strange. After all, why would he want to talk to you? But when all is said and all is done, he turned out to be a lot more interesting than you thought he would be.

After (other sport) practice ended, you made your way over to the gym, already worn out from practice. You opened the doors and stared at the boys for a moment, purely shocked at the sheer amount of effort they (almost) all put into practicing.( A moment later, the familiar voice of Hinata yelled out to you.

"Y/n! Watch out!" You saw that a ball was headed your way. With reflexes as fast as lightning and the small amount of skills you've gained from helping Hinata practice, you managed to receive the ball in time. The boys in the gym went silent. The only noise was the sound of the volleyball hitting the court as the boys all stared at you in amazement.

Nishinoya ran over to you excitedly. "How did you do that?! Do you play volleyball?" He asked with a large grin on his face.

"Er... No, not really. I've just helped Sho-chan with practicing so much that I picked up a thing or two... Nothing really special." You muttered quietly while looking away with an embarrassed blush creeping up your face.

"But, y/n, why are you here anyways?" Shōyō spoke up from somewhere in the gym.

"You didn't seriously forget already, did you?" You asked with a sigh. Shōyō stared at you with a blank look for a moment. "You asked me to help Nishinoya with his studies. You said to meet you here after (other sport) practice is done." By now most of the other boys in the gym had started up practice again after realizing that this was a personal matter and Nishinoya and Shōyō stood by you.

"Oh, right. Practice is almost done. You can wait over there if you'd like." He pointed over to a bench. You nodded and walked over to sit down while Nishinoya and Shōyō both ran back to practice. You sat there doing some homework while waiting for them to be finished.

When practice was finally over, Nishinoya ran over to where you were putting your homework away.

"L/n- senpai! I'm ready now." You nodded and stood up putting your bag over your shoulder.

"Just call me y/n. I don't really care for honorifics." You waved to Shōyō as you and Noya exited the gym together.

"Okay, y/n! But, where are we going?"

"The library." You answered simply as you folded your arms behind your head as you walked. You were easily taller than both him and Shōyō, standing at 172 centimeters. (

As the two of you walked, he would energetically talk to you and you would answer with a short, quiet answer. He seemed not to care about your lack of enthusiasm and took it only as you being shy and reserved, and rightfully so, seeing as you were a shy and reserved person. When you finally arrived at your destination, the library, you almost immediately began helping him study.

His first glance at your notebook brought out a surprisingly excited reaction from him. "Woah! Your notebook is so organized and easy to read! You have really good handwriting!" You blushed a little from embarrassment, being a person who didn't take compliments very well, and muttered a quiet "thanks," before continuing with the tutoring.

When you were finally finished, the two of you agreed to meet up the next day as well, and went your separate ways.


You were walking through the crowded halls during lunch, trying desperately to get to your friends classroom. Unfortunately, you were on the shorter side so people tended to accidentally push you around. You were almost there when someone once again pushed you. This time, it seemed to have more force behind it, catching you off guard and sending you hurdling towards the ground where you would likely be left to be trampled.

You braced yourself for impact, expecting your body to come into contact with the cold, hard ground. Instead you felt a soft, warm grip around your body. You quickly recognized that someone had saved you from smacking your head against the ground. Meaning that this was also the second time you were caught by someone today. What you did not expect was that both times would be by the same person.

You looked up at the face of your savior and quickly recognized it as the handsome face of the man who had caught you in a very similar fashion that morning.

"We have got to stop running into each other like this." You chuckled slightly, receiving a chuckle in return from Tanaka.

"I don't know, seems to be working out just fine... For me at least. You, on the other hand, should stop falling. You're gonna get hurt some day." He stood you upright and you giggled a bit.

"Not sure if I want to stop if you're the one who's gonna catch me." You said as you both laughed a little.

"Do you need help getting somewhere, without being pushed over?" He offered as you looked into your friends classroom and let out a sigh. She wasn't even in there.

"Not anymore, I guess." Your face fell a bit at the sight of her empty desk.

"Hm. Then do you maybe want to spend lunch with me?" He offered with a smile.

"Yeah, sounds nice."


Daichi walked around the corner of the building. Volleyball practice had just ended so he decided to make sure that you got to the field. He scanned the track and spotted you in one of the lanes fiddling with the position of two metal, sloped blocks. He could see a few others doing the same in the lanes next to you. Finally you and the other runners stood upright behind your starting blocks.

"Runners ready," you and the other runners put your feet on the sloped blocks and put your hands on the track behind a white line. "Get set," Daichi watched you intently, the sounds of the field events creating background noise. "Go!" You took off running, immediately taking the lead by at least a foot or two. In just a few seconds, you had already reached the end of the straight part of the track. You leaned forward and slowed only after you had crossed the line at the end. Daichi could see you turn to the coach at the end of the field and ask them something that he couldn't hear. You then turned to one of the girls that you had just ran with and high fived them.

The group of girls, all panting, started heading in his direction towards the water bottles that we're up against the wall he was leaning on. You seemed to notice him and started heading towards him instead of your water.

"Hey. Daichi, right? Thanks for telling me where the track is." Your breathing had returned to normal by now but your cheeks were still flushed.

"No problem. You seem to be really good at this." You nodded at his words.

"Yeah. I've always been kinda fast and I did track at my old school, too." You two chatted for a few minutes about random things, sharing the experiences you've both had before your coach called you back over.

"It's been really nice talking with you, but I have to go now. The coaches are... Strict to say the least." You waved at each other before your jogged back down to the field.

"Asahi! Hey, hey, my man! How've you been?" You confidently strolled up to him when lunch began as it does everyday. He looked over at you, startled by your sudden and loud voice.

"Fine. How have you been, y/n?" He said to you in a much quieter tone than you.

"I've been fine. I'm not playing truth or dare with my friends today because they invited their boyfriends and I'm the only single one. That and I hate all of them... The boyfriends, I mean! I love my friends, I swear!" You frantically corrected yourself, drawing a chuckle out of the intimidating friend. Soon after, two guys from your class came over to you and Asahi.

"Asahi, we were wondering something... How many years have you been held back?" Asahi seemed to be at a loss for words, so you decided to speak up for him.

"As far as I know, he's the same age as most of us. And I would know, I've been bothering him since yesterday, nonstop." The two boys walked away with seemingly disappointed looks on their faces.

"You haven't been bothering me. I like talking to you." You turned to see his gentle smile, causing a much larger smile on you.

"Really? Thank goodness! I know I can be a handful sometimes, but I feel like this is the start of something great!"

I was on my way home again, passing by the alleyway that I saw that girl the other day. I should be careful. She did say that they wouldn't let me off the hook that easily...

As I was thinking this, I was pulled into the alley and slammed against a wall, knocking the breath out of me. I looked up to see the backlit figures of the thugs who harassed that girl, y/n.

"Finally found you, the little punk who decided to rat us out to the police. We really can't have anyone interfering anymore, can we." My whole body was suddenly struck with fear. I spoke is a hesitant shaky voice.

"I won't tell anyone what I saw. I won't interfere again. Just, please, let me go." The leader of the group cracked his knuckles mennecingly and chuckled.

"We ain't gonna let you off that easy." Suddenly a thump was heard on the ground behind him. He turned to look at the sound and I could see y/n standing there, breathing heavily. On the ground was a neatly rolled up wad of money. It looked like a lot.

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