《Destroy Me (Book 1) A Supernatural Story》3- I had a Weekend Off


(Season 4 x2)

Calliope, Dean, Bobby, and Sam were at Bobby's discussing their new problem, of Castiel.

"Well then tell me what else it could've been?" Sam asks Dean in the kitchen.

"Look, all I know is I was not groped by an angel" Dean tells him.

"Okay, look Dean. Why do you think this Castiel would lie about it?" Sam asks him.

"Maybe he's some kind of demon, demon's lie" Dean tells him.

"A demon who's immune to salt rounds and devil's traps...and Ruby's knife. Dean, Lilith is scared of that thing!" Sam tells him.

"Don't you think that if angels were real, that some hunter somewhere would have seen one...at some point...ever" Dean tells him.

"Yeah, you just did, Dean along with Calliope, and this angel seems to think he knows her" Sam says looking at Calliope.

"Okay, back up I have never seen angels before until the other day, I have never heard the name Castiel either" she explains.

"I'm trying to come up with a theory here, okay, work with me" Dean says.

"Dean, we have a theory" Sam tells him.

"Yeah, one with a little less fairy dusts" Dean says to him.

"Okay, both of you listen, we don't know for sure is this Castiel is really who he says he is" Calliope says.

"Okay, okay, that's the point, we don't know for sure, so I'm not going to believe that this thing is a freaking Angel of the Lord because it says so!" Dean says to them.

"You three chuckleheads want to keep arguing religion or do you want to come take a look at this" Bobby then calls out to the three of them, and they head over to Bobby's desk.

"I got stacks of lore-Biblical, pre-biblical. Some of it's in damn cuneiform. It all says an angel can snatch a soul from the pit" he explains to them.

"What else?" Dean then asks.

"What else, what?" Bobby asks.

"What else could it do?" he asks him.

"Airlift your ass out of the hot box? As far as I can tell, nothing" Bobby tells them.

"Dean, this is good news" Sam says to his brother.

"How?" Dean asks him.

"Because for once this isn't another round of demon crap. I mean, maybe you were saved by one of the good guys, you know" Sam tells his brother.

"Okay, say it's true. Say there's angels, then what? There's a God?" Dean asks him.

"At this point, Vegas money's on yeah" Bobby says.

"I don't know guys" Dean says.

"Okay look, I know you're not all choirboy about this stuff, but this is becoming less and less about faith and more and more about proof" Sam says to him.

"Proof?" Dean asks.

"Yes" Sam answers.

"Proof that there's a God out there that actually gives a crap about me personally? I'm sorry, but I'm not buying it" Dean says.

"Why not?" Sam asks.

"Because why me? If there is a God out there, why would he give a crap about me?" Dean says.


"Dean" Sam says.

"I mean, I've saved some people, okay. I figured that made up from the stealing and the ditching chicks" Dean says earning a questionable look from Calliope. "But why do I deserve to get saved? I'm just a regular guy" Dean says.

"Well, you are a regular guy that apparently matters to the man upstairs" Calliope tells him.

"Well, that creeps me out. I mean, I don't like getting singled out at a birthday parties, much less by...God" Dean says to her.

"Okay, well too bad, Dean, because I think he wants you to strap on your party hat" Sam says to him.

"Fine, what do we know about angels?" Dean turns to Bobby asking. Bobby then grabs a stack of books and sets them down in front of Dean.

"Start reading" Bobby tells him.

Dean takes a look at the books, then at Sam and Calliope, "You're gonna get me some pie" he says to Sam, "And you're gonna read too since somehow this 'angel' knew you" he says as he grabs the book from the top of the pile and sits down to read.

After an awhile of reading Calliope hears Bobby hanging up his phone, "Damnit" he mutters.

"What's wrong?" she asks him.

"A hunter I know Olivia, thought she might be able to help us out, but I have called all her numbers and haven't got anything" he tells her.

"Damn, you want to go check on her?" Calliope asks him.

"Yeah, it ain't like her to not to answer" he tells her, as he goes over to Dean telling him what they are going to do.

Once Sam gets back, they all hit the road, Calliope going with Bobby, as the boys follow behind them. They pull up to Olivia's house and get out of their vehicles, taking their weapons out. Calliope follows behind Bobby, her gun aimed out in front of her, as the boys follow behind her. They enter the house, calling out for Olivia, they step further inside, to find Olivia's dead body on the floor.

"Bobby?" Dean says as he steps away from the scene and Calliope has to turn around and lean against the counter.

"Salt line" Sam then says and they see a line by the doorway that Calliope hadn't seen before. Dean then walks over toward a wall where he picks up an EMF reader.

"Olivia was rocking the EMF meter" Dean says.

"Spirit activity" Sam then says.

"Yeah-on steroids-I never seen a ghost do this to a person" Dean says as Bobby then comes back into the room.

"Bobby you okay?" Calliope asks him.

"I called some hunters nearby" he tells her.

"Good, we can use their help" Dean says.

"Except they ain't answering their phones either"Bobby tells them.

"Something's up huh?" Sam then says.

"You think" Bobby says bluntly.

"So what do you want to do, should we split up and check on the others" Calliope suggests.

"Yeah, you coming with me?" Bobby asks her.

"Yeah, keep in touch, and be careful" she tells Sam and Dean.


"You know we will" Dean answers as the four of them leave the house and head back to their vechiles.

Bobby and Calliope check on some other hunters, and discovers the same scene as they had seen in Olivia's home. As they are driving down the highway Calliopes phone rings and she throws is on speaker.

"Hey Dean how's it going?" she asks him.

"Yeah we're at Jeds, it's not pretty, he looks even worse than Olivia , What about the two of you?" he asks.

"We checked on Carl Bates, and RC Adams, they've redecorated ..in red" Bobby tells him.

"What the hell is going on here, Bobby? Why did a bunch of ghosts suddenly want to gank off duty hunters?" Dean asks.

"I don't know, but until we find out, you guys better get your asses back to my place" Bobby tells him.

"We're on our way" Dean says as he then hangs up.

Bobby and Calliope get back to his house, and head inside, wanting to figure out what the hell is going on. Calliope heads upstairs, hoping some books she had would help her, when she gets in the room, it suddenly gets cold, and her breath appears. She reaches behind herself and takes out the gun she had in her back, as she looks around the room for any spirit that might be there. Calliope glances around the room, when she hears a noise behind her. Turning around she sees the spirits of the two people she never wanted to see, "Callie Lilly" the one spirit says to her.

"How" she says.

"We thought you could have saved us" the other says.

"I tried...I tried to get there in time" Callie says as she then points the gun at the spirits her hand shaking as she shoots off a few rounds, and both spirits disappear. Callliope then takes off running back downstairs.

"Bobby! Bobby!" she shouts, but gets no reply. She then runs out of the house and into the junkyard, looking for Bobby, and keeping an eye out for any other spirits.

"Callie, you should have helped us" she hears the spirit call out, and she shoots at it again. Calliope continues running through the junkyard, when she crashes into a body. She falls back, but quickly gets back up and holds her gun out in front of her.

"Whoa, Callie it's me" she looks to see its Sam.

"Oh, God Sam, have you seen Bobby?" she asks as she puts the gun back.

"No, Dean's inside looking for him" he tells her.

"Damnit, we've got to find him and fast" she tells him.

The two of them walk among the cars trying to find Bobby, keeping their weapons out in front of them incase any spirits appear.

Calliope and Sam get to a spot that is cold and see their breath, "Bobby" Sam calls out as they look through the nearby cars. They hear commotion in one of the trunks, "Calliope can you?" Sam asks her.

"Bobby we're gonna get you" Calliope tells him ,as she opens the trunk, and inside is nothing. Looking around again they notice ice appearing on the mirror of a beat up truck. Running up to it, Calliope uses her powers to burst open the back, and they see two little girls holding Bobby down. The spirits then look at the two of them using their abilities to make Sam and Calliope go flying backwards.

The little girls stand over both of them as Sam then swings the crowbar at the girls making them disappear. The three of them then head back to the house, finding Dean, who's a little beat up. He tells his brother about the spirit that visited him a woman named Meg that demon had possessed when they were searching for their father. Bobby asked Calliope if she had seen any spirits, and she denies it, though they know she is keeping something from them they don't press on,.

"So they are all people we know?" Sam asks.

"Not just know, people we couldn't save." He says as he restocks his shotgun. "Hey I saw something on Meg, did she have a tattoo when she was alive?" he asks his brother.

"I don't think so" Sam answers him.

"It was like a-a-mark on her hand" he says pointing to his own hand, "Almsot like a brand" he adds.

"I saw one too on Henrickson" Sam says to him.

"What did it look like?" Bobby asks him.

"Paper?" Sam asks and Calliope passes him a piece of paper, "Thanks"he says as he starts to draw the mark. Sam then holds the drawing up for them to all look at.

"That's it" Dean says, and Sam passes the drawing to Bobby.

"I may have seen this before" Bobby then heads over to the bookshelf, when they all hear a noise and the lights begin to flicker. He passes the books to Calliope, "We gotta move, follow me" he tells them .

"Okay, but where are we going?" she asks him.

"Someplace safe, you idiot" he says to her and she gives him a stern look at calling her an idiot.

The three of them follow Bobby to the basement of his house, and they go toward a iron door. Bobby opens it up and they step inside the room, lights come on, and they realize that Bobby has a panic room.

"Bobby is this?" Sam asks him pointing to the door.

"Solid Iron, competly coated in salt. 100% ghost proof" he tells him.

"You have a panic room" Calliope says as she sets the books down on a desk.

"I had a weekend off" Bobby says to her.

"Bobby" Dean then sasy.

"What?" Bobby replies.

"You're awesome" Dean smiles as he looks around the room, "Oh" he says as he spots a poster of a swimsuit model.

"Come on we got work to do" Calliope says as she goes toward a table.

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