《Destroy Me (Book 1) A Supernatural Story》2-We have work for You
Calliope pulls her car up to the curb parking it, as her and Bobby get out, Dean parks the Impala. The boys step out of the car, as the four of them head up the steps and toward a house. Bobby knocks on the door and they wait for it to open. A woman who looks like she's in her thirties opens the door smiling and laugh with Bobby.
"Bobby!" she says as she grabs Bobby, hugging him.
"You're a sight for sore eyes" Bobby tells her once they stop hugging. She then takes a step back looking over the boys and Calliope.
"So this is the boys, and the lady?" She then asks Bobby.
"Sam, Dean, Calliope this is Pamela Barnes best damn psychic in the state" Bobby explains.
"Hi" Calliope says giving her a light smile.
"Hey" Dean replies.
"Hi" Sam says.
"Mmm-mmm-mmm- Dean Winchester, out of the fire and back in the frying pan, huh? Makes you a rare individual" she says to Dean.
"If you say so" Dean tells her.
"Come on in" she then gestures for the four of them to come into her house.
The four of them then step into the house, as Pamela shuts the door behind them.
"So, you hear anything?" Bobby asks her.
"Well, I Ouija'd, my way through a dozen spirits. No one seems to know who broke your boy out or why" she tells them.
"So what's next?" Bobby then asks her.
"A séance I think. See if we can see who did the deed" she suggests.
"You're not gonna...summon the damn thing here?" Bobby asks her.
"No. I just want to get a sneak peek at it. Like a crystal ball without the crystal" she tells him.
"I'm game" Dean automatically says. Pamela then leads them to another room, one that you can tell she uses for her readings for customers. She takes out a black tablecloth that she places on the table in the middle of the room. Calliope then notices Dean checking Pamela out as she bends in front of a cabinet to get what else she may need out.
"Who's Jesse?" he then asks after noticing the tattoo on her back.
"Well it wasn't forever" she laughs as she gets candles out.
"His loss" Dean then remarks and Calliope lightly nudges him in the ribs.
"Might be your gain" Pamela smirks at Dean as she then heads for the table.
"Dude, I am so in" Dean tries to say quietly, and Calliope gives him a stern look.
"Yeah, she's gonna eat you alive" Sam says to his brother.
"Hey, I just got out of jail, bring it" Dean says.
Pamela walks back by the three of them, "You're invited too, grumpy" she says to Sam.
"You are not invited" Dean then says to his brother. Calliope just rolls her eyes as she then goes over by Pamela asking her if she needed any help.
Once everything was all set up, the five of them take their seats around the table, "Right take each other's hands" Pamela instructs the four of them, Calliope takes Sam and Dean's hand, "And I need to touch something our mystery monster touched" she adds as Dean suddenly jumps.
"Whoa, well, he didn't touch me there" he says to her.
"My mistake" she smiles at him, as he then takes off his plaid shirt then rolls up the sleeve of his t-shirt showing the brand that he had shown Calliope and Bobby the day before.
"Okay" Pamela says as the five of them then close their eyes, "I invoke, conjure, and command you, appear unto me before this circle" Pamela starts to say and repeat over and over. They then start to hear noises and the television nearby starts to show static.
"Castiel" Pamela suddenly says and both Calliope and Dean have their eyes open looking at Pamela, "No, sorry, Castiel, I don't scare easily" they hear Pamela say.
"Castiel" Dean asks her.
"Its name, it's whispering to me warning me to turn back" Pamela tells him, and that's when Calliope can almost start to hear a faint voice, "I conjure and command you, show me your face" Pamela then repeats again. The white noise begins again and the table begins to shake constantly.
"Maybe we should stop" Bobby says to Pamela.
"I almost got it" Pamela says to him, "I command you show me your face! Show me your face now!" she shouts and this time Calliope can hear a voice warning Pamela not to do this. Suddenly the flames on the candle shot up high and Pamela screams in pain. As they look at her, her eyes are on fire and she falls over, blood dripping from her eyes.
"Call 9-1-1" Bobby shouts at Sam as he catches Pamela. Bobby holds Pamela, as Calliope and Dean check on her to see that her eyes have been burned out.
"I can't see" Pamela cries, "I can't see...Oh God!" she cries as they hear Sam calling the ambulance.
Bobby goes to the hospital with Pamela as the other three head to a nearby diner. They go sit at a booth, while Sam calls Bobby to see how Pamela is doing. A waitress comes over and asks if they need anything and Dean orders some food. Sam then comes back over and sits down beside Calliope.
"What'd Bobby say?" Dean asks him.
"Uh, Pam's stable and out of ICU" he tells them.
"And blind because of us" Dean adds.
"And we still have no idea what we are dealing with" Calliope says to them.
"That's not entirely true" Dean says.
"No?" Sam says.
"We got a name, Castiel, or whatever. With the right mumbo-jumbo we could summon him, bring him right to us" Dean tells his brother.
"You're crazy, absolutely not" Sam tells him.
"We'll work him over, I mean after what he did" Dean says.
"Pam took a peek at him and her eyes burned out of her skull, and you want to have a face to face" Sam says to him.
"You got a better idea?" Dean asks him.
"Yeah as a matter of fact I do" Sam tells him, "I followed some demons to town, right" Sam adds.
"Okay" Dean says.
"So, we go find them, someone's got to know something about something" Sam tells him. Just then waitress comes back and places three pieces of pie on the table for them to eat. She then sits at the chair at the end of the table.
"You angling for a tip?" Dean asks her.
"I'm sorry, thought you were looking for us" she says as her eyes then change to black like a demon. Looking around they realize everyone else in the diner are also demons, and one gets up and goes over and locks the door to the diner.
"Dean" the waitress says changing her eyes back to normal, "to hell and back, aren't you a lucky duck" she adds.
"That's me" Dean says to her.
"So you get to just stroll out of the pit, huh? Tell me what makes you so special" she says to him.
"I like to think it's because of my perky nipples." Dean says sarcastically, "I don't know, wasn't my doing, I don't know who pulled me out" he says to her.
"Right you don't" she says not believing him.
"No, I don't" he seethes at her.
"Lying's a sin you know" the demon replies.
"I'm not lying, but I'd like to find out, so if you wouldn't mind enlightening me, Flo" Dean says to her.
"Mind your tone with me, boy! I'll drag you back to hell myself" she tries to threaten. Both Calliope and Sam start to make a move, but Dean puts his hand up to stop them.
"No you won't" Dean tells the waitress.
"No?" she questions.
"No, because if you were you would have done it already, fact is, you don't know who cut me loose. And you're just as spooked as we are. And you're looking for answers, well, maybe it was some turbo-charged spirit. Or, uh, Godzilla, or some big bad boss demon. I'm guessing at your pay grade that they don't tell you squat. Because whoever it was, they want me out. And they're a lot stronger than you. SO go ahead, send me back. But don't come crawling to me when they show up on your front doorstep with some Vaseline and a fire hose" he warns her.
"I'm gonna reach down your throat and rip your lungs" she tries to threaten him. Dean then moves closer to the women, and starts to punch her, and she does nothing in return.
"That's what I thought, let's go Sam, Callie" he says to the other two and the three of them get up from the table. As they do this Dean reaches into his pocket, and takes out a roll of cash, grabbing a bill he throws it on the table, "for the pie" he adds as they walk out of the diner.
"Holy crap that was close" Dean says as they three of them walk toward their cars.
"We're not just going to leave them in there, are we Dean?" Sam asks.
"Well yeah, there's three of them in there, probably more, and we've only got one knife between us" Dean tells them.
"Uh Hello my powers are getting pretty amazing" Calliope says.
"I've been killing a lot more demons lately" Sam tells him.
"Not anymore-the smarter brother's back in town" Dean says as they continue walking.
"Dean, we've got to take em they're dangerous" Sam tells him.
"They're scared, okay. Scared of whatever had the juice to yank me out. We're dealing with a bad mojo here. One job at a time" Dean tells him, as they all get to their cars and head for a nearby motel.
Later that night, Dean had fallen asleep looking into the name that Pamela had gotten. Calliope was seated on the pull out couch quietly reading, not wanting to disturb Dean. Sam got up from the bed he was on and started to head for the door. Calliope places the book she was reading down beside her, and gets up going over to Sam.
"Where are you going?" she whispers to him.
"I'm just going out" he tells her quietly.
"Sam, you're going back to the diner aren't you?" she asks him.
"Yes, I have to, we can't let those demons run around" he tells her.
"Fine, do you want back up?" She asks him.
"No, I'll be okay" he tells her as he then opens the door and heads out. Calliope quietly closes the door behind him, and heads back over to the couch. Just as she does this Dean wakes up, looks at her then they hear the noise. A high pitch noise starts to fill up the motel, and they cover their ears.
Suddenly the noise dies down for Calliope, and she can start to hear a voice. Looking around the room, she seems confused by the voice that seems to be calling out to Dean. The glass in the room then begins to shatter, she watches as the mirror type ceiling starts to crack, holding her hands up she tries to protect Dean and herself from the debris, but it still hits Dean. Their motel room door bursts open and Bobby looks at the two of them, "Dean! Callie!" he shouts as he rushes in to help get them out of there.
Callie and Dean are seated in her car as Bobby is driving them down the road, "How are you kids doing?" Bobby asks as they are both trying to clean blood from their cuts,
"Aside from the church bells ringing in my head, peachy" Dean answers him as he takes his cell phone out.
"What are you doing" they hear him say clearly calling Sam, "In my car? Well Bobby's back, we're going to grab a beer, Callie too...Done. I'll catch you later" Dean says as he hangs up the phone.
"Why the hell didn't you tell him?" Bobby asks him.
"He'd just try to stop us" Dean tells him.
"From what?" Bobby asks.
"Summoning this thing" Dean answers earning a look from Calliope and Bobby, "it's time we face it head on" he adds.
"Dean, you can't be serious "Calliope says to him.
"As a heart attack, its high noon, baby" he says to her.
"We aren't even sure what this could be" she says to him.
"It could be a demon, it could be anything" Bobby adds.
"That's why we've got to be ready for anything" Dean says taking out the demon killing knife, "We've got the big-time magic knife, Callie's got an arsenal in the trunk and her weird powers" he says looking at Callie.
"This is a bad idea" Bobby tells him.
"I couldn't agree more, but what other choice do we have" Dean says.
"We could choose life" Bobby says.
"Bobby, whatever this is, whatever it wants, it's after me. That much we know, right? I've got no place to hide. I can either get caught with my pants down again, or we can make our stand" Dean says.
"You think we could use Sam for this" Calliope asks.
"Nah, he's better off where he is" Dean says.
Dean, Bobby, and Calliope find an abandoned warehouse, Bobby and Calliope start drawing symbols all over the building, anything that they can even think of. Dean takes out all the weapons that Calliope had stored in her trunk setting each up on the table.
"That's a hell of an art project you two have got there" he says to them.
"Traps and talismans from every faith on the globe, how you doing?" Bobby asks as they come over to the table.
"Stakes, iron, silver, salt, knife, I mean we're pretty much set to catch and kill anything I've ever heard of" Dean tells them.
"This is still a bad idea" Bobby tells him.
"Yeah, Bobby, I heard you the first ten times, what do you say we ring the dinner bell" Dean says to him. Bobby nods at him then heads over to the other table that the summoning ritual had been set up at. Bobby picks some dust up and sprinkles it into the bowl and starts the ritual.
"I'm with Bobby on this one, this is a bad idea" Calliope whispers.
"It's the only thing we got" he tells her, "Also why didn't the noise bother you as much" he then asks her.
"I really have no idea" she lies not wanting to mention hearing a voice. Eventually Bobby ends the ritual and the three of them wait.
Calliope sits down on the table beside Dean, as Bobby sits on the opposite one; they just continue to wait as nothing is happening.
"You sure you did the ritual right" Dean asks Bobby who gives him a stern look, "Sorry touchy, touchy, huh" he adds. Just then the building's roof begins to rattle, and there is loud banging. The three of them then grab their weapons, prepared to fight.
"Wishful thinking, but maybe it's just the wind" Dean then says. The lights then begin to shatter above them, causing sparks to fly all around. The doors to the building burst open and a figure appears, walking straight toward them, the three of them begin to shoot at the figure. Each shot does nothing to the figure as he gets close; Dean grabs the demon killing knife as the man in a trench coat comes closer to them.
"Who are you?" Dean asks.
"I'm the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition" the man tells Dean.
"Yeah, thanks for that" Dean says as he takes the knife and plunges it into the man. The knife does nothing, and the man pulls it out. Just as Calliope is about to use her powers on the man, he looks at her, "Calliope?" he questions, and she loses focus. Bobby then goes to attack from behind, and the man stops him, turning around and facing Bobby. He stares down Bobby, ad he presses his fingertips to Bobby's forehead and causes Bobby to crumble and fall to the ground.
"We need to talk, Dean, Calliope, alone" the man then says to them.
Calliope and Dean go over to check on Bobby, making sure he's okay, "your friend's alive" the man tells her.
"Who are you?" Dean then asks.
"Castiel" he answers.
"Yeah I figured that much, I mean what are you?" Dean then asks.
"I'm an angel of the Lord, which your friend Calliope should know" he says. Dean then looks at Calliope, and she looks at Castiel confused.
"Get the hell out of here" Dean says standing up," there's no such thing" he adds getting pissed off.
"This is your problem, Dean, you have no faith" Castiel says to him, as Calliope comes over beside Dean. Suddenly there is a sound of thunder, and lighting flashes, showing a pair of black wings behind Castiel.
"Some angel you are, you burned out that poor woman's eyes" Dean says to him.
"I warned her not to spy on my true form" Castiel says taking a step toward them, "it can be overwhelming to humans, and so can my real voice, but you already knew that" Castiel says.
"So the gas station and the motel that was you talking"Dean asks him, and he nods," Buddy next time lower the volume" he adds.
"That was my mistake, certain people, special people, can perceive my true visage. I thought you would be one of them, I was wrong. But Calliope should have been able to know" he says looking at her.
"I have no idea, what he is talking about" Calliope says looking at Dean.
"And what visage are you in now, huh? What holy tax accountant?" Dean asks him.
"This...this is a vessel" he explains to him.
"You're possessing some poor bastard?" Dean asks him.
"He's a devout man, he actually prayed for this" Castiel tells him.
"Well, I'm not buying what you're selling, so who are you really?" Dean asks.
"I told you" Castiel says.
"Right, and why would an angel rescue me from Hell?" Dean asks still not believing any of this.
"Good things do happen, Dean" Castiel tells him.
"Not in my experience" Dean answers.
"What's the matter? You don't think you deserve to be saved?" Castiel asks.
"Why'd you do it?" Dean then asks.
"Because God commanded it, because we have work for you" Castiel answers him.
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