《》Battle For The Boy, Part 1


I was sitting in the engineering room where my subjects were preparing the device but it was taking forever since the device was supposed to be launched an hour ago but my subjects were also doing some other things.

Ghidorah-What is taking so long?!

Gigan-W-When the divine moth attacked the ship some of the devices programming was damaged so it may take a while for us to send it to earth.

Ghidorah-Well can you at least go faster?

Megalon-W-We are trying our bests Queen Ghidorah. Th-The device should be ready within an hour.


It had been nearly a week since me and (Y/N) had escaped and I was currently laying on the beach cuddling with my daughter with (Y/N) tucked between my breasts. I loved having a day where I go to just cuddling with my two babies instead of having to fight some other threat. (Y/N) begin to squirm around and whimper in his sleep so I picked him up and I shook him a little and he woke up letting out a loud gasp and was breathing heavily, Tears were forming in his eyes and I held him close to me for him to cry into my chest.

Godzilla-Shhhh, It's ok (Y/N)~

I kissed him and rubbed his head to calm him.

Godzilla-How about I get you something to eat honey?~



I walked up to Junior and shook her a bit and she opened her eyes.

Godzilla-Hey Junior, I'm gonna get some food for (Y/N) are you hungry?

Junior-No I just had a big meal an hour ago. I'll just stay here.

Godzilla-Well, suit yourself.

I walked out of the cave and towards the ocean where I set (Y/N) onto the shore and submerged into the water and came across a school of fish which I caught with my bare hands and returned to shore and set the pile of fish in front of (Y/N).


(Y/N)-I-It's not cooked though...

Godzilla-Oh, Hold on.

I picked up some trees out of the ground and pulled off the leaves to make a fire with my atomic breath and I cooked the fish. Luckily the fish cooked fast and when it was finished I set it down infront of (Y/N).

Godzilla-Go On (Y/N), Eat up.

(Y/N)-Th-Thanks Goji.


(Y/N)-Uhhh I thought it was a good nickname since Godzilla is kind of a mouthful, I'm sorry.

Godzilla-Oh it's alright (Y/N), You can call me whatever you want~


He began to feed on the fish in front of him and I laid next to him resting my head on my hands. He didn't finish it all so he just laid down on the sand and I picked him up and laid him on my chest but than I heard a giant splash sound and I looked to see something rise out of the ocean...

It looked like me but some parts of it were made of metal.

(Y/N)-W-What is that?!

???-Queen Godzilla, Queen Ghidorah of the Ghidorah empire has sent me to return you to the mothership. Comply now or I will be forced to take extreme measures.

I gave her a menacing look and used my intimidation display to let her know I wasn't going anywhere without a fight.

Godzilla-Leave. Now.

???-Very well, I guess I will have to take you by force.

She charged at me and tried to swing a punch at me but I dodged and pushed her into the water. I quickly picked up (Y/N) and ran towards the area where Junior was and handed him to her.

Junior-Mom what's going on?!

Godzilla-Don't worry about it! Keep (Y/N) safe for now.

I ran back to the shore where the metal clone was and she looked even more pissed off than before. I charged an atomic beam and released it at her foot which caused her to jump back and her foot was now burnt off and I took the chance to deliver one final blow but before I could land a punch on her she grabbed my fist and threw me to the ground and I tried to get up but she stepped on my stomach and I saw some sort of light coming from her mouth and I braced myself for what was about to happen until I saw Anguirus in knock her to the ground in her spike ball form.


Anguirus-Godzilla! Are you alright?!

Godzilla-Yeh, I'm fine.

She helped me up and we both turned to face the clone who was now more damaged and angry than before.

Rodan-Look out below!

We both looked up and saw Rodan swoop down and snatch the clone of the ground lifting it high up until tossing it into the jungle but it somehow got up and I saw that it's interior was showing in some places on its chest and they were robotic!


I than saw her take off into the sky somehow and Rodan landed next to us and she looked just as confused as we were.

Rodan-What was that thing?

Anguirus-Not sure, But why was it attacking us?

Godzilla-It's a robot clone created by Ghidorah!

Anguirus-Ghidorah sent that thing?!

Godzilla-It has to be!

Rodan-*Sigh* Where's Mothra when you need her?

I finally landed on Infant Island where my sister: Battra was laying dormant and the island was empty as always and after some wandering I finally found her cave and I entered but it was very dark and I could barely see anything.

Mothra-Battra?! It's me Mothra!

I than heard a large crackling noise and looked into the darkness and jumped when i saw a shadowy figure with glowing red eyes appear in the darkness until they came into the light and it was Battra!

Battra-Why do you come here and insult my peace and quiet with your... Stench.

Mothra-Battra it's urgent! The Ghidorah's have come to seize the Earth!

Battra-The Ghidorah's are here?

Mothra-Yes! And they've come for our planet!

Battra-And why is this my problem?

Mothra-Battra please! I can't take on Queen Ghidorah and her army on my own! I need your help!

Battra-*Sigh* Very well than.

I smiled but it came to a hault when I sensed Ghidorah's presence nearby and she was heading straight for Monster Island!

Mothra-Ghidorah is coming! We have to hurry!

Battra simply nodded and we both took off towards monster island.

Me and the others were both waiting for Mothra to return and Junior was by my side along with (Y/N) and we were all becoming very worried.

Rodan-Where is she?!

Anguirus-Hopefully she's near.

Godzilla-Even if the Ghidorah comes we'll hold them off until Mothra comes back with help.

Within only a second a bright flash of light came from the sky above us and we saw three monsters fly down and land in the jungle behind us and it was Ghidorah and her minions!

Ghidorah-Hello, Godzilla~

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