《》Battle For The Boy, Part 2


I stood my ground and turned on my intimidation display and the others except for Junior who had ran off into hiding with (Y/N) stood beside me to intimidate Ghidorah.


Ghidorah-*Chuckle* Do you really think a creature as lowly as yourself would scare me into retreating? If you want to keep your precious planet you will have to fight for it.

I looked at Anguirus and Rodan and than back at Ghidorah.

Godzilla-Alright than, Let's dance!

Ghidorah and her minions readied themselves and I looked back at the two monsters beside me.

Godzilla-You guys take the minions, I'll take her.

They both nodded and we faced our enemies than charged at them. I swung my hardest on at Ghidorah but she grabbed me by the neck and lifted me but I smacked her upside her face with my tail and she immediately dropped me. I charged up an atomic beam and was about to fire but when i fired it her body levitated off the ground and she was now floating.

Ghidorah-Hah! You underestimate my power, Lizard.

I tried charging another beam but she suddenly swooped down and grabbed me by my neck again and began to strangle me while lifting me high into the air.


Ghidorah laughed and kept lifting me higher and higher until she unwrapped her hands from my neck and I began to fall eventually hitting the ground and feeling my back practically snap as I let out the loudest bloodcurdling scream I had ever let out in my life.


I didn't bother trying to get out from the amount of unbearable pain I was in so I laid there as I saw Ghidorah levitate down from the sky and press her foot onto my stomach.

Ghidorah-This is how it ends for you Godzilla...


I saw her mouth begin to glow and I braced myself once again until...


Ghidorah's paused and we both looked to our side and (Y/N) was atop a ledge where he saw us fighting.


Ghidorah-*Chuckle* Hello Puppy~

She leaned over and picked up (Y/N) who tried to run away but was grabbed by Ghidorah.

Ghidorah-Hmmm, You know what Godzilla? I'll make a deal with you...

She looked down at me and chuckled.

Ghidorah-I will leave you and your planet in peace if... you surrender (Y/N) to me...

I felt my heart skip a beat. I didn't want to loose (Y/N) but I didn't want my planet to be destroyed so I swallowed my pride and spoke.

Godzilla-I-I surrender...

Ghidorah-Hehe, Very well than...

She began to leavitate into the air but there was a loud booming roar and the distance and suddenly Mothra flew down from the sky along with another moth like kaiju.


Ghidorah-There's two divine moths?!

She growled and set down (Y/N) who I saw run up to me and try and climb up onto me.

Ghidorah-Gigan, Megalon attack them!

She flew towards the kaiju along with her minions but before the minions could get to them Mothra shot an eye beam at both of the kaiju which dropped like flies and fell into the ocean. Mothra flew past Ghidorah and landed near me while the black moth held off Ghidorah.

Mothra-Godzilla! Are you alright?!

Godzilla-I-I can't... Move...

Mothra-It's alright, Just stay still.

She put her hand on my chest and closed her eyes and I saw her antenna glow and suddenly I felt a surge go through my body and I began to feel more energized than before. My body began to get even hotter and hotter as I got up and looked at Mothra.

Godzilla-Mothra, I need you to fly towards Ghidorah and distract her. I have an idea.


She nodded and flew towards Ghidorah and Ghidorah was now between her and the black moth. Mothra said something to the black moth but I was too busy focusing all my energy on Ghidorah and suddenly Mothra fired an eye beam at Ghidorah and the black moth fired some sort of beam from her horn and they were holding her in place so I took this as my chance to launch the finishing blow. I gathered up all the radiation and energy in body than fired a red atomic beam at Ghidorah and she let out a shriek of pain. Eventually Mothra and the other moth ran out of energy and so did I and Ghidorah fell into the ocean but I was now feeling weaker than before, and than... I blacked out.

I looked over at the island and saw Godzilla had collapsed onto the ground so I swooped down to her and shook her to try and wake her up.

Mothra-Godzilla! Get up please!

I put my ear up to her chest and her heart was beating so I assumed she was just unconscious. I saw the other monsters run to her aid along with Junior who was holding (Y/N).

Junior-Mothra! Is my mom alright?!

Mothra-She's fine, She's just unconscious all she needs is rest.

The others helped me pick up Godzilla and we carried her into the mountains and laid her against the largest mountain we could find.

(Y/N)-M-Mothra? Are you sure Gojis gonna be alright?

Mothra-I'm sure (Y/N).

I picked him up and laid him on her chest.

Mothra-There, She probably needs you to comfort her while she rests right now.


He curled up on her chest and we all just cooed him and we spent the rest of the day watching over Godzilla.

Mothra's Mind-This will be tough to get through since we've never fought a battle this hard before. But I'm sure we will all recover and everything can go back to normal.

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