《Accidentally Adopted by iBallisticSquid》Runaways


Izzy's pov:

I had packed my bag full of as much food and water as I could sneak out. I had also taken all my money. I had £200 pounds as everyone in the home got £10 a month and I try to save up.

Flo arrived at exactly 2:00. We left my room and started to sneak through the corridors. We got to the bathroom and Flo told me she needed to go to the bathroom. I sighed but I let her. I was just hoping and praying that no one came out of their bedroom to go to the bathroom and they saw me with my rucksack.

We would only have a few hours to get as far away from here as possible, we didn't want only a few minutes. I heard a door open and assumed it was Flo so I walked out from behind the corner. It wasn't. It was Charlie. Charlie was only 8 so I knew this could go either way.

"Why have you got a rucksack?" Charlie asked me. I couldn't think of anything. So I just stood there. Luckily Flo saved me she opened the bathroom door and told Charlie that we were having a midnight feast. She opened her rucksack and pulled out a packet of crisps.

"If you don't tell anyone you can have them." Flo said to him. He nodded grabbed the crisps and ran back to his room. I gave Flo and thankful look and we continued down the corridor.

Eventually we made it downstairs and out of the front door. Only when we were halfway down the road did we dare speak.

"I can't believe we just did that." Flo laughed slightly.

"Me neither." We laughed at ourselves.

"So where do we go then?" Flo asked me.


"I guess we just try to get out of civilisation and into the forest or something." I replied.

"I think we should head North then." Flo added. I agreed and we set off at a fast pace.

I was so happy that we had left that place.

Flo's pov:

We soon made it out of Birmingham and we continued heading North. I shivered. I probably should have worn a thicker jumper and maybe a coat. I looked over to Izzy, she was wearing her Minecraft jumper and some joggers. I wasn't sure but she was probably wearing her iBallisticSquid T-Shirt. I knew that he was her favourite YouTuber and I would constantly hear his voice while Izzy watched his videos.

We then made our way to the forest and sat down under a tree. I kept watch while Izzy slept. I wasn't too afraid of the dark although sitting in a dark forest was quite scary. I knew I would have to get over that though as the forest would probably be our knew home.

Suddenly there was a scream I turned around to see Izzy sitting up and looking like she had seen a ghost.

"What? What's wrong?" I asked her.

"Don't worry, it's just a nightmare." She replied.

I knew she had nightmares every night but today was particularly bad. She had barely been asleep 5 minutes and she had already had a nightmare.

She offered to keep watch after that. Normally I would have said no but I was so tired I didn't refuse. I just lent against the tree and fell asleep.

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