《His Fated One (Arthur Leywin x reader)》9


Arthur's P.O.V

'What is this heavy sensation pressing down on my body? Is this monster the personification of my worries? My burdens? The expectations placed on me, haunting me even in my sleep.' I thought before I felt this pain in my stomach. "Art!! Good morning! Wakey Wakey!!" I heard a voice said to me as I gasped in pain. "Not now, shadow monster. Five more minutes." I said before I heard them huff. "Why are you calling me a show monster." I heard the voice say before I heard someone sniffle.

"Arthur!! What did you say to my sister to make her cry!" I heard another voice said before I felt another pain in my stomach causing me to pitch up. "Oww!! What was that for?!" I asked her as I looked towards her to see Rose bury into her neck. "How dare you call Rose a shadow monster." she said as I looked at Rose who wouldn't look at me. "Rose... I'm sorry. Don't be sad." I told her as she slowly look at me. "Okay... I won't. Now get up and get dressed." she said as I nervously looked at her before getting up.

"Your hair looks funny." Tess told to me as Rose kept poking me in my stomach as I pushed her hand away. "You're one to talk, Mini-Medusa." I told her as I heard her Huff besides me. "Hey, Hey Art, is it true you're going to stay here? Grandpa told us this morning that you are." Rose told me as he continued poking me. "Maybe. We'll know for sure after the trip with Elder Virion, Princess." I told her as I pushed her hand away with an annoyed expression. Suddenly I felt her pinch my side. "Ouch!" I exclaimed as she appeared in my face as I moved away because she was so close.

"Not princess... Rose! R-O-S-E. I'm going to get really angry if you keep doing that!" She said as she got closer with each word. "Okay, Okay! Now, let me shower and get ready. Unless you want to watch, I suggest you leave the room, , Tess." I told her as I saw her blush slightly before she left the room. "Ew... How perverted!" Tess said as her face showed disgust. "Don't use words you probably don't know!" I exclaimed before I pushed her out of the room.

After I finished washing up, I made it to the entrance where I could hear Rose's voice. "Father, please!" she exclaimed before I heard her father talk after me. "You know it's not appropriate for a human to be residing within this kingdom!" King Alduin said as I walked out the door where I saw the King and Queen standing in front of a carriage. "Alduin is right, Elder Virion. I'll always be greatful to the boy for saving Rose, but allowing a human to stay here goes against all traditions." Queen Merial said agreeing with her husband.

"I've taken a liking to the brat. There's no need to say more. Besides, your daughters seems to approve of my decision as well." Elder Virion said as I saw Rose shake her her head up and down vigorously. "F-Father, I ask that you reconsider-" King Alduin said before he was cut off by his father. "Enough. He under my direct guidance. Make sure everyone in the Kingdom knows that." Elder Virion said as I made my way down the staircase. 'Looks like the Elder really can be trusted.' I thought as I made my way to the carriage.


"You're late, brat! We should hurry!" Elder Virion said as I bowed to the King and Queen before entering. "So, how much longer do w shave elf to go, Gramps?" I asked him as he sat up, Tessia besides him and Rose next to me. "Gramps, eh? Well aren't you awfully comfortable with me now." He as I leaned forward. "Well... We'll have to see how today goes with your mysterious friend." I responded before I felt a weight on my shoulder. I looked over and saw Rose head on my shoulder as she slept. "She woke up so early today, bugging me about you." Elder Virion said as he leaned forward. "Is that right?" I asked him as he cupped her face.

"Being the second princess of this kingdom caused her to grow up in a lonely environment with only Tessia to keep her company. And even then, with Tessia's being the heir to the throne, her time with her is cut short. She's been hurt too many times by both adults and even children pretending to be her friend just to get close to Tessia. Eventually, she grew cold and distant, building a wall around herself only letting some emotions show with Tessia. In that short time that I've seen her with you, she has shown me more smiles and laughs than she has in the last few years. For that, thank you." Elder Virion said as soften my eyes at the girl sleeping on my shoulder.

"Art, take care of her. Since you're only friend that's the only reason I will let her be alone with you." Tessia said as she held a look of protectiveness in her eyes as she stared at Rose. We finally made it to our destination as the carriage came to a stop waking Rose up. "Huh? Are we here?" she asked as she rubbed her eyes. "Yes. Let's go." Tessia said as we left the carriage. 'I wonder who this mysterious friend is to make the former King come all the way to this rural area.' I thought as we stood in front of the door. Suddenly, I watched as Elder Virion raised his foot as he kicked the door.

"We're here, you old witch! Come out!" He shouted as I stood there shocked before I saw the door open. "My ears still work perfectly, you grouch!" The lady said as she slam the door open. "Arthur! This is Rina Darcassan, an old friend and a very special deviant that can help you." Elder Virion introduced me as she looked at me. "A pleasure to meet you, Elder Rina." I told her as I bowed my head. "Well, we haven't got all day. Stop standing outside and come in." Elder Rina told us as we enter the house behind her.

'Being a deviant means she's similar to my mother, whose magic doesn't fall into the category of the four basic elements. I wonder how she'll be able to help...' I thought as we sat down at the table. "My apologies for sounding impatient, but Gramps said your magic can help me reach my parents?" I asked her as she looked towards Gramps. "Gramps, huh? I see you have a soft spot for the boy, Virion." Elder Rina said before she turned her attention to me.


"Boy, I am what is called a 'Diviner'. Magic of this nature varies from mage to mage but I I'm quite capable. This means...that there's very little someone can hide from me if I choose so to pry. For example, I know that you're special. So special, in fact, that there are parts of your life that even I can't see, but these eyes have seen pieces of your past and future." She told me as her eyes go owed brightly. "But you're not here for my clairvoyant abilities. You're here to see your parents and to let them know you're alive, right?"Elder Virion said as I nodded my head.

"Right." I told her. "Good. Then lean forward and keep your eyes on the basin of water. Focus on the image of your parents, as clearly and detailed as possible. Once you're able to see them in the water, you'll be able to speak to them." she said as her hands glowed green before she placed them on my head as I closed my eyes. 'Mom, with her glowing auburn hair and sun-kissed complexion radiating a gentle warmth. Her thin brows always knitted together, worrying about me.' I thought as I described Mom before doing the same to Dad.

'Dad, with his strong blue gaze and goofy smile that brightens even the dullest of days. His silly quips and simple nature at home, severely at odds with his charisma as a leader and fighter. Please...be alive.' I thought sadly opening my eyes as it widened at what I saw.

In the basin of water appeared an image of Alice Leywin putting a put of beef soup on the table. "Dig in!" Alice said as she held the cloth in her hand as she watched her husband put some of the soup in the bowl. "Wow! This beef soup looks amazing, Alice. What's the special occasion." Reynolds told his wife as he picked up some in the spoon. "Nothing like that. It's just been awhile since I've cooked for you after moving here." she told her husband as he helped her sit down in the chair in front of him.

'This used to be yours and Arthur's favorite dish.' Alice thought as she stared at the soup with a sad gaze not noticing she said that out loud. Reynolds noticed his wife's dampened mood and heard her whisper as he stopped eating. "What was that, honey?" He asked his wife who looked at him surprised. "It's nothing." she said as she looked down at her stomach sadly that was until they heard a voice. "Hi mom. Hi dad." Art said as his parents froze looking at each other. "It's me, your son... Arthur..." He said as his father dropped the spoon with the soup in it on the table.

"You're probably really surprised that you're hearing my voice inside of your head, huh? I'll explain all of that later, but for now, I just want you to know... I'm alive and safe. I managed to survive the fall off of the cliff...just barely. This should be kept a secret, but I'm currently staying in the kingdom of Elenoir with the elves. I know it must have been hard. It's been hard for me too, but I'm glad you're both okay. I hope you guys don't blame each other for what happened. I'm proud of what I did back then and if I could go back in time, I'd do it again. Even if it meant I would die." Arthur said to his parents in their minds.

"I wish I could go back to you guys, but that might be a little hard right now. It's seems I have a sort of illness that I need to get treated. I'm not in any danger, but I need to get treated before I head back...home. I'm not sure when the next time I can reach out like this will be. There is a mage here that is a deviant like you, Mom. She's the one that's allowing you guys to be able to hear my voice. Dad, I'll keep practicing magic and fighting while I'm here recovering. Don't be surprised if I can beat you in a match the next time we meet. Until then, keep Mom and the baby safe." Arthur said as his father started to cry as he looked at his wife.

"Honey...." Alice said as she looked at her husband with tears forming in her eyes. "Slow down, honey." Reynolds said as he got up when he saw his wife walked around the table. "A-Art is..." She started say as she stood in front of Reynolds. "Mom. Dad. I love you both. Take care until I get back." Art told them as he saw his parents hug each other with happy expression at the news that their child was alive. Arthur looked at the basin of water with tears as he stood up. "I'm ready." Art said as he looked at Elder Virion with a look of pure determination to get back home.

Author's Note

Sorry this chapter might be a bit short but eh.... Anyways I hope you enjoy😊.

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