《His Fated One (Arthur Leywin x reader)》10
We made it back to the castle and exit the carriage. Walking up the stairs, I saw the King and Queen standing there as Elder Virion, Tess and Rose walk pass them. I was about to follow them but a hand was out in front of me. I looked up and saw King Alduin move his hand from in front of me. "It seems that years of being a King has made me a bit old-fashioned and stubborn." King Alduin said as he scratched the back of his head nervously. "What he's trying to say is...we're sorry for earlier. Please accept our apology and consider this place your own." Queen Merial said as she placed a hand on my shoulder.
"You are my daughter's savior and my father's very first disciple. Let me welcome you once again, properly." Kind Alduin said as he held his hand towards me. I smiled before I shaked his hand. "Thank you for the generosity." I told him as I looked up to him. "Hold on! If you're really sorry to Arthur, t-then...excuse my sister and I from our Royal duties for today. Let us play outside! I want to show him around the city with Tess!" Rose said as she slid in front of me holding both her hands out. Her parents looked at each other dumbfounded by Rose before they agreed.
"I'm ready! Let's go, Art, Tess!" I heard Rose say from behind me. Tess came out before her as she sat besides me with a proud look on her face at Rose's outfit. 'She looks so cute...' I thought as I looked at her seeing the smile on her face. I blushed before I felt Tess nudge me, causing me to turn towards her. She was smirking at me as I looked away with Rose walking towards me. Rose grabbed my hand as we left the palace with Tess following behind us. As we walked around town, Rose and Tess pointed at different places as we pass by.
Suddenly someone bumped my shoulder causing us to stop. "Ack! Sorry--" I told them as they cut me off. "Gross! I got human germs on me." The boy said as I scrunched up my face at his words. 'What the--' I thought as I brushed my shoulder looking at him weirdly. "Just because Elder Virion favors you a bit, do you think you belong here?" The boy said as he pointed towards me brushing his hair. "Come on, Art, let's go." Rose said as she pulled my hand with Tess nodding in agreement. 'This blatantly cliche side character... I kind of want to mess with him.' I thought to myself as I got irritated by the way he posed.
"Princesses, while I applaud your kindness, it is beneath your level to be with human commoner. Allow me, Feyrith Ivsaar II to escort you." The boy named Feyrith said to Rose and Tess as he bowed to them. I smirked to myself as I saw him looked at Rose who shifted slightly. "Gasp! Feyrith? The Feyrith Ivsaur?!" I exclaimed as I pointed at him causing Rose to look at me confused. Tess looked at me unamuse by what I said. "So even you've heard of my genius? Of course, awakening recently while I'm still so young is--" he started to say before he paused midway and looked at me.
"Wait, what did you just call me?! It's pronounced , you ignorant fool!" He exclaimed annoyed at me as I smiled at him. "Ignorant, indeed." I said as Tess laughed at what I said. Rose just looked between us not understanding the situation. "I had no clue that I was in the presence of such inspiring genius! This bug will remember to give you proper respect. Now, if you'll excuse us..." I told him bowing slightly as Tess laughed silently. "I actually like you. You're not that bad." I heard Tess say as Rose walked towards us. "Art? Why are you bowing to him?" She asked me as I looked at her.
"It's nothing to worry about." I told her as we began to walk away. "Stop! You think I didn't see through your sarcasm?" Feyrith said as he walked towards us. We turned to look at him as I smiled slightly. 'So he's not quite as dense as I thought.' I thought to myself looking at him amused. "For the pride of the Isvaar House, I challenge you to a duel!" He said as he raised his hand with a piece of paper before throwing it to the ground. 'What the actual f---' I thought as I looked at him not knowing what to say as Rose stepped in front of me.
"How dare you initiate a duel with the disciple of Elder Virion? Where is your respect, Feyrith? You may be of noble blood, but you should still know your place." Rose said as she stared at him fiercely. "My apologies, Princess, but my father taught me to never let anyone trample on my pride. Human! Accept this duel or retreat with your primate tail between your legs. Just know that your decision will reflect on your mentor as well!" He said as he pointed his wand? Stick? I'm not sure but he pointed it at me. 'Duel? Is that such a serious thing here?' I thought as I looked at the crowd beginning to form.
"I will take your silence as acceptance. Princess Tessia, please officiate this duel." Feyrith told the first princess as Rose looked at her sister. "But... Art, take it easy. Don't hurt him too badly, okay?" Rose told me as I nodded at her while Tess pulled her with her. Tess raised her hand as Rose held her sleeve. "Let the duel... Start!" She said as she brought her hand down as the crowd watched us. "Prepare yourself, human named Arthur! This genius will show--" Feyrith said before I ran towards him cutting him off with a punch to the cheek. He flew back a few feet landing on his back.
"Eh? That's it?" I asked disappointed as Tess sweatdropped. Rose walked to me and pinched my arm. "Ow. Rose!" I said as she pouted crossing her arms. "I told you to take it easy." she said before she started smiling. "Now, we gotta run!!" Rose said as she grabbed our hands and started to run laughing. 'I couldn't help but grow to appreciate this little princess more and more. While the rest of the day wasn't quite as fun as bull-- I mean with Feyrith, it was refreshing and allowed me to get things off my mind.' I thought as we went exploring further.
I went to a stall and pointed to one of the bags on the table only for the owner to ignore me. But he quickly attend to me when I noticed Rose and Tess on both sides of me staring at him. We walked up to this tall area as we learned against the railing. "Your training starts tomorrow, right? Are you nervous?" Rose asked me as I watched her turn towards me. I turned around facing forward as I remember the conversation I had with Elder Virion.
"I'm not sure how you were taught so far, but I will assure you that my lessons won't be easy. Never mind the pain from your Mana core, the assimilation process used by beast tamers have often been compared to submerging your body in boiling tar. You will be stuck here in this foreign land without the comfort of family. Even daily life will become arduous. But if you can endure, the payoff will be enormous. Are you up for it, Brat?" Elder Virion told me as he pointed at me with a smile on his face which I returned with a look of determination.
~flashback ends~
"I'm excited. I've come a long way to get to where I am now. The training, seeing my parents--" I said as I clenched my fist before turning towards her. "I'm excited for all or that, and more. I can't wait for what the future has in store for me." I told her as I watched her smile at me grabbing my hands. "And I'll be here to help you." she told me as I squeezed her hand. Tess came towards us and ruffled Rose's hair. "Tess!" she squeezed before laughing as she fixed her hair.
~Three years later~
"Arthur~" Rose said as she and Tessia stood behind the sleeping boy. "We're going to... be... Late!!" Tessia shouted to him as Rose roughly grabbed the bottom of his foot. "Gahh!! Stop! I give, I give!!!" Arthur shouted as Rose let go laughing at him. "Sheeh... You actually used Mana to twist my ankle. Can't you both find a gentler way to wake me up, Rose, Tess?" Arthur said as he looked at the twins in front of him. "Oops! Sorry. Also, Art. I didn't use Mana. That's pure strength." Rose said as she rubbed the back of her head sticking out her tongue.
"It's not our fault you didn't wake up when we asked nicely. Besides... You should feel grateful that such pretty girls like us are waking you up." Tessia told Arthur as she pulled Rosalia close to her rubbing their cheeks together. "Tess!" Rosalia whined as she tried to escape her sisters grip. "I only find the maids here and Rose plenty pretty." Art said as he looked away from Tess. He missed the blush that appeared on Rose face at his words. "Did you say something?" Tess asked with an irked expression to which said boy didn't reply.
"Did you think that maid just now was pretty?" Tessia asked still mad about how Art dissed her looks. "Tess, calm down. Art was just kidding." Rose said as she walked besides Arthur with Tessis behind her. "Give it a rest." Arthur told her as they made their way down the stairs. "Took you three long enough. Let's get you three ready for your lesson." Elder Virion said hearing the twins and Art as he looked at them.
There exists your basic elements and their higher forms. These higher elements-- Ice, Gravity, Lighting, Sound-- can only be controlled by a mage that has gone beyond the mastery of their foundational elements. We call them deviants. Dwarfs can only manipulate Earth and/or fire, but like Elves, they possess much higher affinity to these two elements. Their distinct trait lies in the fact that all dwarfs can mold and bend metal, while talented dwarfs
Arthur explained as he looked up at Elder Virion. "Was that explanation good enough?" he asked as Rose laid her head on his lap playing with his fingers. "Hmm... It's passable." Elder Virion said as Arthur let out a sigh in relief. Rose sat up at the same time as her sister as they raised their hands up in the air. "Question!" Rose shouted as their grandfather acknowledged them. "I know that this whole assimilation process thing is meant to get Art's body ready to handle his beast will." Tessia said as Rose spoke finishing her sentence.
"Wouldn't it be better to have him train physically while using his magic, like us?" Rose asked him as Art looked at her as she laid back down with a smile as he brushed her hair. 'I've known all along from my lessons beforehand, but the differences in races really have shown over these three years.' Arthur thought as he watched the girl on his lap look up at him with a smile. 'While humans were considered talented if they awakened in their late preteen years, it wasn't surprising for elven children to awaken as soon as ten. For Tess and Rose, it had happened even earlier at the tender age of nine.' Arthur thought as he remembered their awakening.
Tessia's room was destroyed while almost half of it was cover in ice and plants. That night, Rose decided to sleep in the same room as her sister. "Why? Are you angry that you're the only one getting beat up while training?" Elder Virion asked the older twin as she pouted. "Yes." she responded as Rose giggled at her sisters behavior. 'Since then, they've been training their conjuring skills with a tutor while learning how to fight from their grandfather.' he said chuckling slightly at Tess as she rubbed her hand.
'They're going to be quite a monster in the future...especially Rose. Though I shouldn't be one to talk.' Arthur thought remembering how Rose bruised his foot with just her bare strength. "What Arthur's been doing these three years is basically fusing his bones, muscles and organs with his Mana. He hasn't been physically training like the both of you, little ones. But I can assure thta once this is over, his body will be stronger and more resilient that a veteran warrior." Elder Virion said rubbing Tessia's head as Rose went closer to him.
He rubbed her head as she smiled up at him. "Really? Then how come he's so sensitive when either me or Rose hit him?" Tessia asked her grandfather smugly as Rose laughed at him. "I still feel pain, you know!!" Arthur shouted annoyed at Tessia's words. "Seems like three years of fusion hasn't been enough to sap away your energy. Are you ready?" Elder Virion asked Arthur who nodded his head. "Good. After today, you'll be a true beast tamer, unlike those lucky adventures who merely use their beast will like tools." He told him as his hand glowed a golden color.
"I'm going to ignite your Mana core by inserting a large amount of my own Mana. You'll feel a bit warm but it shouldn't be too bad." He told Arthur as he pressed his glowing hand to Arthur's chest. Once it made contact, Arthur gritted his teeth before he shouted loudly. His veins in his body glowed gold as the three Eralith members flew back from the explosion that was created. "What in the world..." Elder Virion said as he sat up with the twins doing the same. "Art!!!" Rose shouted as she rushed to him, her grandfather and twin doing the same thing. "Are you okay?" she asked him as she gently lifted him up as he leaned against her.
"I-I'm fine... I think." Art said as he looked up at the girl who held him. "I know you have your reasons for not telling me 'til now, but... I have to ask one more time. What sort of beast gave its will to you?" Elder Virion asked Arthur who looked in his direction. "She was...a dragon." He told as he felt his body get heavier. "D-Drag... Dragon? Dear Lord, a real dragon tamer! I t-trained an actual..." Elder Virion said as his voice faded away when Arthur fell unconscious.
He opened his eyes hours later to be entered with a familiar ceiling. "How are you feeling?" Virion asked Art noticing he was awake. "I think I should be asking you that? The last thing I remember before falling unconscious is you going crazy." Arthur told him as the older male cleared his throat. "I've, uh, calmed down." Elder Virion said looking away from Arthur. "Good. I can trust you guys to keep it a secret, right? Even after I leave?" Arthur asked the man touching the cloth on his forehead. "Of course. And on the topic of you leaving... the date of your departure has just been set for four months from now." Elder Virion told Arthur who sat up quickly.
"Are you serious?! I thought it wouldn't be for another two years?" Arthur exclaimed as he looked at the old man shocked throwing away the covers. "An interracial tournament among the three kingdoms' youth that was in the works has finally been confirmed. The portals in Xyrus city of Sapin will be open to both Elenoir Kingdom and the Kingdom of Darv during this time." Elder Virion explained as Arthur looked at him excited before his expression changed. "Is that why Rose and Tess isn't here? So you can tell me this?" Arthur questioned the former king curiously.
"Don't worry about Rose and Tess. I know you've been checking in on them these past few years through Rinia, but you'll finally be able to see them in person." Virion told Arthur as he placed his hand gently on the younger boy's shoulder. "Yeah. Still... Four months is pretty soon." Arthur said as he avoided eye contact with the man in front of him. "I'll make you wish these four months were over soon, Brat. Now that you've finished your assimilation, your training will get even harder. Get some rest. I'll break it to Tessia and Rose gently. Although, I'm not sure if Rose will be able to handle the news." Elder Virion told him before he left the room.
"Four months, huh..." Art said to himself before he glanced to the side seeing the egg that Sylvia gave him. The egg dropped on the floor as its rainbow shell started to crack. "What the..." Art said as he moved closer to the edge of the bed.
Author's Note
Thank you everyone for reading all of my books I appreciate it🥳🥰
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The Descarrian Abyss: Level One
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