《》Best Man
All of the crew were at the penny as it was Sam & Andy's Engagement party so they were playing "how well do you know your partner" quiz!
[Up-tempo music playing] "Ohhhhh, All right, all right, all right, next question which one of you is better at housework?" Oliver said with a bridle magazine in his hand sitting on a stole as Sam and Andy had there back to each other with a girls shoe and a boys shoe in each other's hands. "I am." Andy said putting up that Girl shoe straight away "Me!" Sam said as he cut her off when he put up the boy shoe "Are you kidding me?" Andy asked "No. Your clothes are all over my bedroom floor." Sam answered "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know that was a problem. I can make it stop." Andy replied Ohh! [Mockingly] "Ohh. " [Laughs] "All right, all right, all right. W-we'll move past that. Uh, next question who gives better gifts? Show us what you've won, McNally." Oliver said looking at both of them as both Andy and Sam put up the boy shoe [Laughs] [Chuckling] "Okay. I will. I'm I'm just gonna hold on." Andy said looking at her hand then getting up to go to the bathroom.
"All right, pausing the game. And Sammy is jilted on the hot seat. How's that sit with you, pal?" Oliver asked him "It's fine. Give me a chance [Clears throat] to, uh To ask you a favor." Sam said "Uh, I would love to, but I cannot be your last fling." Oliver replied "No. Now, as you all know, I'm getting married. Oliver Crowd: Aww! [Applause] Will you be my best man?" Sam asked getting down on one knee [Laughs] "I think that I sealed the deal with the whole, uh, you know, "how well do you know your partner?" quiz. Uh, totally, brother. It would be my pleasure. You don't have to ask." Oliver replied as they both hugged "I'm gonna get this guy a drink." Sam said walking off together.
"Traci? I need to talk to you for a second." Andy said hiding behind the wall "Uh Give me a second. Okay." Tracey said to Steve at the table "Hey, what's up? You're giving me stress face." Tracey asked as they went behind the wall "I-I don't know where my engagement ring is." Andy said freaking out "D-d-did you check the bathroom?" Tracey said "Yes." Andy replied "Pockets?" Tracey continued "Yes." Andy said "Purse?" Tracey finished "I don't have a purse." Andy answered "Well, w-when's the last time you saw it?" Tracey asked "I don't know. Uh, Sam's place? My place? Uh, the mall?" Andy said to her "Well, good you've narrowed it down." Tracey said sarcasm.
"I cannot tell him that I lost the ring." Andy said to her "Okay, okay. Y uh, you are Having an allergic reaction." Tracey said "Yes, I am. And also, like, I can't stay at his place tonight because I'm Exfo exfoliating." Andy said to Tracey "Sure. Sure. So so, then, um, we okay, so after your shift tomorrow, we scour your place, his place. We break into that truck if we have to. There's nothing in this world that isn't somewhere, right?" Tracey finished "Yeah." Andy said still freaking out.
The day after the Engagement party everyone were back to work
"Hey, handsome. Hey. What's wrong?" Andy said to Sam as she walked in the kitchen hindering her hand behind her as she still couldn't find the ring "What I told you about Juliet Ward it's true. She's I.A." Sam said to her "How many times am I right? I mean, is anybody even keeping count anymore?" Andy replied "Listen to me. Ted McDonald said Commissioner Santana was corrupt. He said he had evidence against him. Okay? Then Ted McDonald dies, and his evidence blows up." Sam explained "Which is why Juliet's here. Because if Santana was behind the bomb, then someone in 15 helped him. We've been through this." Andy replied back "Santana has figured out why Juliet is here, and he wants Noelle's report by the end of the day, 6:00." Sam explained again "Well, does she even have a name?" Andy asked "Oliver Shaw." Sam said Andy [Laughs] "Come on. Sam, that is ridiculous. She said "Yeah, obviously, it's ridic it doesn't matter what we think, okay? Oliver's key card was used in the evidence room the day of the bombing." Sam said.
"So? Anybody could have used his key card." Andy asked Then t-there's his promotion, right? Beat cop to Staff Sergeant that's a big one." Sam went through "He didn't even want that promotion." She said to him "Andy, I'm just looking at this how I.A. is gonna look at it, okay? If I were them, I would have questions. If Santana is dirty And he can pin it all on Oliver, he will." Sam continued "Well, what are we supposed to do?" Andy asked "I don't know. We find out who helped Santana, and we clear Oliver. What by 6:00 tonight?" He explained [Sighs] "Dov, Dov was working the Intelligence Unit before Jarvis shut them down. I mean, he's got to know something. And I would trust him with my life." Andy figured out "Okay, go. I'll check the evidence-room records." Sam said as the both walked away.
"They've been missing for three months." Andy Sam while flicking through some papers
"Wonder what state the house is in?" Sam said to her as he was driving "Uh, well, Kitchener P.D. said they left it the way they found it. I mean, nobody can touch it unless they have formal death certificates." Andy explained "So Any relatives?" Sam asked "Uh, no close ones. Both sets of parents are deceased. There's one aunt in Milwaukee, but she hasn't heard from him in years." Andy continued "Missing persons low priority unless somebody's making noise." Sam replied "Well, let's make some noise. It's right here." Andy said to Sam as he pulled over "The house certainly looks like you'd expect it to. Well" Sam said as he took his seat belt off. He continued "I've noticed, uh [Clears throat] You haven't been wearing your ring." Looking at her "Oh, yeah. Well, I-I kind of developed, uh, an allergic reaction. Oh. Um, but there's actually a spray that I can get that will make it she's here." Andy said to him looking at him stopping in between words both getting out the car.
[Car door closes] "Hi, there. McNally?" Detective Norman said as Andy replied - "Yes." "Swarek, hi. Detective Norman Hey, thanks for coming to meet us on such short notice. We've, uh, we've seen the file, but maybe you could fill us in from your end?" Sam said "Yeah, for sure. Uh, the neighbors found the dog locked outside no food, no water so they called us. School hadn't seen Ava for a couple of days, so we started looking for her." Norman said "Where's the dog now?" Andy asked as they all walked to the front door "Oh, the neighbour took it. I would have took it myself, except I already got a dog." Norman said as she opened the front door and all stepped in to the living room.
"It's weird, right? They disappeared into thin air. If I were the religious type, I'd swear they were raptured." Norman said as Andy and Sam walked around "Did you speak with anyone uh, that mentioned maybe he was taking a trip?" Andy asked "Not that I heard. There was nothing unusual with this guy. He was normal, well-liked. His mortgage was paid off. He wasn't even in debt." Detective answered.
"Detective, have you and the local police really tried to find this family? W-what's been your follow-up?" Sam asked "You know, we looked for them. They're gone. Who knows? Maybe they didn't like the climate." She replied to him "You didn't think it was odd they left their passports behind?" Sam said as he opened the draw and hooded them up. "Sometimes people just up and leave. You know, they join a cult, they develop a mental illness, they get Alzheimer's and, you know, wander into the oblivion." Detective said "Okay, well, Chris Klem is 39 years old. I highly doubt that he developed Alzheimer's. But I guess it is plausible that they were abducted by aliens." Andy said looking at Sam.
"Hey, don't think we didn't bandy that one around the precinct. So, uh You guys got everything you need?" Detective said "Are you in a hurry?" Sam said "Oh, you're not in a hurry? Down in the big city? You know what? I'll just I'll wait outside." Detective said then walking out the front door "What are you thinking?" Andy said to Sam crossing her arms "What are we looking for? Forensics went over this place, right? No sign of a struggle." Sam said to her. You think they were paid to disappear?" She asked "New names, new I.D.s, disappeared into Chilean Patagonia." Sam replied "Okay, let's say they had a choice. Right? They would probably take some stuff with them." Andy said "What kind of stuff?" Sam asked "Like sentimental things, things that matter to them that maybe they thought we would never notice. Small stuff It wouldn't hurt to look, you know, kind of see if they were forced to leave or not." Andy explained "All right. I'll start upstairs. It's a good idea." Sam said to her walking past her going up stairs.
As the rest of the crew were looking for the missing boy Andy and Sam had a lot decisions to make....
"There's a full jewellery box upstairs, among other things. They didn't take any of that stuff." Sam said coming down the stairs "Mm. Got a baby book here first teeth, baby hair, got a bunch of pictures." Andy said holding a photo album "This is an urn." Sam said lifting an radio top up "I don't think this family left willingly. [Cellphone rings] Hey, Dov. You find anything?" Andy said "Yeah, I'm hitting walls here. I need higher clearance." Dov said on the phone "Well, where's Traci at?" Andy asked "Missing kid. Oliver's running it, though. Maybe I can talk to her." He asked [Sighs] Okay. Pull her into this. Nobody else, all right?" Andy said "Okay." He said ending the call.
After that Sam and Andy had spoken to the neighbour and detective Norman again and headed back to the station.
As soon as Sam and Andy went back to the station Dov and Tracey had some good news were Chris Klem and were back on the road
"It'll ring." Sam said as he quickly glanced at Andy coz he was driving "I know." Andy said holding her phone "Speaking of rings" Sam asked "Were we?" She cut him off "You know, that ring that I bought you was not from a vending machine. That was a significant purchase. Uh, yeah, you don't have any allergies. You wear these little, uh, fake earrings every day." He said "Shut up. I know. It's embarrassing" Andy said feeling her earring "What's embarrassing?" Phenomenon asked "My earrings! Look, I'm not allergic to Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Cheap metals. [Laughs sarcastically] The thing is, I'm really sensitive to precious metals. [Chuckling] Oh. I'm like a reverse princess." She said to him "A reverse princess." He said "It's not glamorous. I know. She said looking at him "You know how I kicked your ass at that partner game?" He mentioned "No, you didn't kick my ass." She said "Yeah, well, um We both agree I buy the better gifts. And you know what before this whole mess started, I bought you the perfect gift at the dollar store. It's right in that glove box. You go go for it. Get in there." He said punting at the glove box.
"Ohh. [Laughs] Ohh. Where did you find it?" Andy said to Sam as she took the ring out of the glove box looking at Sam "Yeah. Where'd I find that? In the bedsheets. That little gadget is amazing. As long as you wear your ring with that attached" Sam said "Attached to it?" Andy cut him off again quickly looking at him with the ring on her finger "You'll never lose it again. Check this out." Sam said whistles [Whistles] - [Quacking] - "You want me to wear it like this?" She said "I do." He replied - [Whistles] - [Cellphone rings] "McNally." She said answering her phone to Dov "The I.S.P. puts the computer Ava Klem is using in the university library." Dov explained on the phone "Dov, you killed it. Thank you." She said "We're heading to the university library computers." She said to Sam as she put her phone down "Let's do it." Sam replied "Yeah, now it's my turn to get you the perfect gift." Andy mentioned "What's that?" Sam asked "Whoever's setting up your best man on a silver platter." Andy said looking at him "Yes, please." Sam replied.
Sam and Andy walked into Oliver's office
"Hey. Hey. Hey, check this out. Another rough day in the white shirt. Another rough day [chuckles] All right. Izzy's gig is in an hour, so I'm thinking maybe I should just take it down there, right? I could rock this." Oliver said packing his things "Could you just please tell him?" Andy said looking at Sam "There's been an Internal Affairs officer conducting an investigation I-into serious corruption in our division, and someone has connected you with the evidence-room bomb." Sam explained to him "Wait. Whoa. Whoa. Stop. Stop. Wait. Uh" Oliver said "The explosives broker said Oliver Shaw picked it up." Andy said "I-I bought the explosives?" Oliver asked "We know it is not what it looks like." Andy said "What okay. Wait. Can you tell me what it looks Like?" Oliver asked Sam "Okay. As far as I.A. is concerned, they're gonna see you've had financial troubles since the divorce, but you're spending money like crazy, you've had a nice promotion, your key card was used in the evidence room the day of the bombing, even though you didn't make any arrests, didn't check in any evidence." Sam explains
"I've been spending money like it's going out of style since the divorce because I'm getting a divorce.That's how it works." Oliver said back to him "There's there's Izzy's drug charge. It disappeared. [Inhales sharply] There's a report going in to Alonso Santana right right about now Implicating you in the bombing." Sam explained again to Oliver [Izzy talking indistinctly] [Door opens] "Okay, but I got to go. Okay. Bye, Mom. Bye-bye. What?" Izzy said looking at everyone "Hi, baby. Hi. Okay, well [Sighs] You know what? No. I just there it's How long have I done this job? 20 years, I have 20 years, I've been busting in doors to meth houses and busting into basements, and I don't know if I'm gonna get shot by some skid or if I'm ever gonna see my kids' faces again." Oliver explained putting his arm around izzy's shoulder.
"Daddy, what happened to your shirt?" Izzy asks "I saved a kid today. Okay. But my kid [Sighs] My girl Who grew up with the same hopes and the same dreams as every other little kid what does she get? She gets to wake up with teeth still under her pillow and a dad who didn't see any of her what is it? 62 home runs. Because I'm a cop, right? Because I'm part of the brotherhood brotherhood for the greater good. What is that thing? There's this thing they say, darling. [Chuckles] It's, uh, 'missing solos, but saving the world,' right? That's me.
And then I get you guys have to come and tell me this. [Tapping desk] That's what I get.
Are they gonna arrest me?" Oliver explains and asked.
"Brother, they're gonna bury you." Sam said tearing up [Voice breaking] "They're gonna try." Andy said crying. "I want you to give this to Jarvis for me." Oliver said opening the draw and putting his badge on the table "No! Oliver, don't, okay? There's there's got to be some way to figure this out." Andy said "Hey, I'm gonna, uh, I'm gonna go. I got to I'm gonna I'm gonna drum in my kid's band. That's what I'm gonna do. Come on, baby." Oliver "Yeah? Are you sure?" Izzy said to her dad "Yes. Yeah. Yeah." Oliver said as he walked out the door with izzy [Door closes]
Leaving Sam and Andy in shock in his office.
As Tracey as driving Cris Klem & his daughter off to a safe place for the night Tracey's cellphone vibrated as Steve's picture came up on her phone and Chris Klem Was like that's him that's Oliver shaw who bought the bomb! But the picture on Tracey's cellphone wasn't Oliver it was Steve's picture.
So who bought the bomb was it Oliver or Steve? Or has Chris Klem got something wrong with his information.........?
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