《》Home Run
Andy & Chris was on a run.
"You know that taking 100 steps backwards is like taking 1,000 steps forward? Burns 1/5 more calories, fixes, uh, lopsided muscles, corrects posture." Said Diaz while running with Andy "You know what they say? That if you're running while you're talking, you're not trying hard enough." She answered "Oh, no, I got great lung capacity. No matter how fast I run, I can still chat." Diaz replied "Hold on a second. Just - Get in the bush." Andy said when she saw Juliet she pulled Diaz back and put him in the bush [fence clanks] "I'm having Jamie flashbacks. She's still stalking me. Every time I see her, it's like she's lost more of her marbles, and I half-think they're falling into her bra, I swear to God. What are you doing?" Diaz said while he was in the bush "Just give me a second." Andy replied
"You can have more time." The mystery man said to Juliet in the car "I don't want more time. I'm ready to talk." Juliet replied "We're only gonna get one chance at this." He said "More time means more risk." She replied quickly "Okay. I'll talk to the boss, see if I can set something up." He mentioned "Tonight, if possible." She asked "You're pretty confident in what you've got." He asked her "Yeah. Let's just get this over with. She said as she opened the door and claimed back out
"You ever notice that the more you try to avoid somebody, the hotter she looks?" Diaz said still in the bush "Look, I just need you to be quiet for one second, okay?" McNally said to Diaz "McNally?" Juliet said as she spotted her "Juliet?" Andy replied pretending she just saw her then she continued "What are what are you doing here?" "What do you mean?" Juliet ask as she walked closer to Andy "Well, I mean I thought you lived on the other end of town." Andy asked
"Yeah, no, I was just walking the dog." Juliet answered "Oh, yeah?" Andy said with her arms on her hips and looking Down at the floor "I mean, it was my friend's dog, and then the friend took the dog home, so" Juliet said making a lie up "That makes sense." Andy replied "Yeah. I'm just really, you know, not ready to commit to one of my own." Juliet said "Uh-huh." Andy said to her "Yeah. Anyway, I will, uh, I guess I'll see you around." Juliet said to her as she walked off "See ya." Andy said as she turned her "What just happened?" Diaz said coming out of the bush.
Back at 15 division outside was Oliver and Sam
[laughing] "Ohh. Well, I can't believe it. It's Swarek, the traitor. I still can't believe that you chose a woman over sports." Oliver said as Sam pulled up next to his car as Oliver was sorting out baseball stuff Sam said "Yeah, but not just any woman." "Ah, true. Uh, you know the deal. I got that 20-foot Stanley coming next week. It's got like 145 horsepower or something like that. You could ski behind it. But the, uh, plumbing that's still a bit rustic." Oliver mentioned as he passed the keys to Sam "Rustic is perfect." Sam replied "You know, you're leaving me a huge gap in the infield - Who's gonna play the hot corner?" Oliver asked "You got a whole lot of keeners. I've been at that game every single year." Sam said "Oh, no, I don't need keeners. I need veteran presence." Oliver replied "I owe you." Said Sam.
"All right, see you over there?" Dov said to McNally as she walked pass Dov and nick on the floor packing baseball balls "Nope. Got the keys to Oliver's cabin this weekend. McNally for the win." She said "Nice community spirit." Div said back "I already gave Oliver money for popsicles, so suck it." She said to Dov as she through a baseball back [chuckles] Andy then jogged to the truck outside were Sam was and he opened the door for leaning over as he said "Hey." She replied "Hey. Come on. Let's roll." [engine turns over] "That's what I love about you, McNally your lack of enthusiasm." He said looking at her as she put her seat belt on as they drove off for there best weekend ever.
Sam and Andy both on the road
"120 more clicks to go, and then I'm throwing you in a lake. Clothing optional. [crunching] Would you like to know which option I prefer?" Sam said as he was driving looking at Andy as she was crunching crisps and ignoring the question as she changed the subject by saying "How long do you think it would take for a biker to infiltrate the police force?" She asked Sam "Say again?" Sam said "Hypothetical question." She answered "Infiltrate in what way?" Sam asked her.
"Mm.Let's say there's a female cop, right? Single, cute, uh, predisposed to like bad boys. And there's this guy who is affiliated with a gang. He makes her fall madly in love with him. And next thing you know, she's a mole." Andy said as Sam replied "McNally, are you dating a biker behind my back?" Looking at her "Shut up. I'm not talking about me." She replied with a smile on the face "Who are you talking about?" He asked her "Nobody. Nothing." She said looking at Sam and out the window.
As Andy was walking around in circles trending on leaves and swigs Sam was leaning against the truck saying "Andy, it wasn't a bird. It was a rock." He said as Andy turned around and said "I'm pretty sure I saw feathers. And if it's alive, I-I can't leave it here." "Okay, l-look at that windshield. If it was a bird and it wasn't but if it was" he said to her pointing at the windshield with a crack.
"You're saying it's dead? You're saying we killed the bird?" Andy said "No, we didn't kill a bird. - [scoffs] We killed a rock. If it was a bird, then we will find it, and we will bury it with a little ceremony, and then we will continue on with our perfect weekend, okay? He said walking towards Andy looking for the bid in the leaves and bushes.
As Sam was pushing pushes out the way he said "McNally?" "What?" She replied "What does poison ivy look like?" He asked her without moving "Like mutant three-leaf parsley." "Aw! Come on!" She said as Sam got up from the ground slowly with his hands in the air walking pass her [rap music plays] Yeah Ever Yo, Mertz Yeah, you gotta hit 'em with the big one Ohh! [cheers and applause] Whoo! That's all right. That's all right.
Back in the ruck and back on track
As Sam and Andy continued driving to the cabin for there perfect little get away.
Andy said "Uggggggh! [scratching] How are you not scratching right now?" "I am driving, so it gives me something to think about other than how much I want to scratch." He said focusing on driving "I can do it, too. Fine. I'm gonna tell you, okay? But you got to keep it between us." She said to Sam "Keep what between us?" He asked "The mole! It's Juliet." She replied "Juliet Ward? You think Juliet Ward is a mole for a gang of bikers?" He asked "Mysterious transfer." Andy said "Happens." He replied "Two phones." She continued "It's fairly common." He finished "Okay, well, when we were back at the prison, one of the inmates recognised her as the ex of one of the drug dealers for The Reapers." She said to him "Seriously?" He replied "Mm-hmm. Said she recognised her from Vancouver." She answered
"Did you ask her about that?" Sam asked her "Yeah, she said that she fell in love with him while she was undercover, and then she just got out free and clear, and that's why she's super-cautious now." Andy listed "Okay. Seems plausible." Sam said calmly "What?! What what if she's still talking to him? You know, what if she's feeding him a bunch of information? Sam, I saw her this morning. She got out of a random S. U. V." She finished "McNally, I think you should just forget about it." Sam asked "Why?" She said looking at him.
"Cause I think you should." Sam replied "Why? Is there something you're not telling me?" She asked him "Yes, there is something I'm not telling you. I haven't told you how much I need this weekend, how much I want to be with you alone. So now I'm telling you." He said to her "We're gonna have the best weekend ever." She said looking at him as she [chuckles, whines] [scratching]
They had just arrived at the cabin
"Let's load in the food, take off our clothes, and get in that lake." Sam said as they both carried bags through the cabin door "Sounds good." She replied rolling Sam "Oh, crap. Somebody broke in." Andy said as they opened the door looking in "Or something." Sam finished [exhales deeply] "Smells like a zoo in here." Andy said walking in "All right, you know what? No problem. We'll clean up. It'll take an hour tops. We'll be right back on track." Sam said looking around the place [sighs] "What is up with you right now? I mean, usually, it's me who's over-enthused about terrible situations." She said to him smiling "Every goal is sweeter when you have to work for it, McNally." He said back to her "Uh-huh. I'm gonna find some calamine lotion, and then we're gonna scrub this place clean." She said pointing to the floor "Best weekend ever." He said back "Don't push it." She said walking off.
"I think, uh, we're almost done." Sam said carrying two buckets of water through each one of them in the lake Yeah. [both sigh] "I don't know how I'm gonna drag myself back up to that cabin." Andy said sitting there "I'm sorry." Sam said to her standing up "For what?" She asked "I just, uh kind of wanted this weekend to be perfect, you know? Everything just so. And, uh, it's kind of been like the last six months, you know, in a little bottle best of intentions, but it's just a disaster. But you're still here." He said to her "I like this weekend. I'll have you know I love killing birds. And one of my favourite things is getting poison ivy all over my body. This is better than perfect. Come on." She said standing up with a couple of buckets next to Sam as she kissed him after she walked away and continued by saying.
"Let's get back to the cabin, all right? Fire up the barbecue. I don't care who cooks. Actually, I do care you." She said turning around dropping everything as Sam said "Marry me McNally." One one knee "Oh, my God." She replied in shock "McNally?" He asked [chuckles] [chuckling] 'Yes." She said smiling "Yes?" He said back [laughing] "sorry Yes." She said walking to him "Yes?" Sam said once more confirming "Yeah." She said as she bent Down and put the ring on her finger they kissed.
In the bedroom
"Well, it's not such a bad night after all." Sam said while playing with Andy's ring on her finger "Mnh-mnh." She said "Even though it does still smell like a zoo." He replied "Mm. Go with "earthy" "primal. Appropriate, no?" She said "Right." Sam said as he kissed Andy's head "It is what it is." He said "Which is why it's perfect. [sighs] You know what'd make it more perfect? If you would tell me about Juliet." She asked as Sam though she wanted another kiss on her head.
"You are relentless." He said to her "It's one of the reasons why you love me so much." She said to him "Yeah. What makes you think I know anything about Juliet?" He asked "Because you told me to let it go. You never say that unless you're hiding something." She said to him as she sat up "After the explosion in the evidence room" he said "Yes, where I almost died and you remembered why you love me so much again." She said cited him off [chuckles] "and Ted McDonald was found dead I really shouldn't be talking about this." He continued sitting up "Really?" Andy said looking at her ring.
"I mean I-I couldn't stop thinking All right. [clears throat] I-I-I couldn't stop thinking about everything that Ted was saying about corruption in 15 Division about it being Commissioner Santana the fish stinking from the head. And then all of his evidence blows up. If it's true it's a very tricky investigation. [sighs] So I went to a good friend someone I absolutely trust in Internal Affairs and I suggested they look into it. I think Juliet might be the I.A. officer they sent in." Sam explained to Andy "You really think someone at 15 Division is dirty? Wait. Who's your good friend the one you trust?" Andy asked him......
As Sam and Andy were on their lovely get away this weekend there was a shoot out at the family baseball game and everyone was pulled back into work to figure out who it was and as usual they figure it out. But the day wasn't over with some more shocking news coming....
'The person that spends the most time with Commissioner Santana is Inspector Jarvis. He goes above and beyond. He seems to be in the back of Santana's pocket. And I know that that might seem obvious, but I do think that it's unusual. Jarvis is opportunistic and ambitious. Juliet said to Noel with a load of files "but that doesn't make him dirty. You got anything else on him?" Noel asked.
"No, because I think that there's others that are even more suspicious. Like? Chris Diaz. Just got out of rehab for cocaine addiction, and he's sleeping with Jarvis' wife." Juliet explained "Diaz? You're bringing me Diaz?" Noel said to her "Well, I'm saying that it's suspicious behaviour." Juliet explained "He's just traded one addiction for another. He'll get over it." Noel said back.
"Okay. Well, we can't ignore Duncan Moore.,I mean, he's dumb as a bag of hammers, but he's also got step-daddy issues." Ward said handing a file to her "He's certainly under his stepdaddy's thumb, but do you think Alonso would trust him not to screw things up?" Noel said holding the file "I couldn't say." Juliet said as Noel cut her off by saying "What have you got, Ward? You didn't demand this meeting to give me this."
"Bomb was on a 20-minute timer. You back it up to the moment of the explosion, and you see who enters the evidence room." She explained "We cleared those people." Noel said to her "The ones who signed in, sure. But there are other people that have key cards, and someone used their key card 20 minutes before the bomb blew. And if you didn't like any of those other names you're gonna hate this one. It was Oliver Shaw.........!" Juliet said passing a folder to Noel
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