《Topping the Alpha》Chapter 30: Talk Me Down


Friday is my new favorite day of the week.

And it's only Monday!

I mean, that was better than I could ever have expected and certainly better than anything I've ever experienced. I can certainly see the appeal of a mate now.

Not that I didn't see it earlier, but now I can understand it better. Before, I COULDN'T reject my mate. Still can't, but now I WOULDN'T even if I could. I love having a mate.

Even if it's an omega - don't tell my mom I said that - or despite the fact that he's one. I just love having a mate. Especially now that Ash is mated, I could be suffering the same way that Simon is. My poor best friend.

You should've seen his face when Elliott told Olivia he's over him and only had eyes for me. I thought he'd die right then and there. He's absolutely gutted, wrecked by that statement. I felt so bad for him.

But it doesn't serve anyone any good to hide your feelings. It never does and Elliot is fiercely honest with everything. Too honest sometimes for my taste. But I can't fault someone for telling their truth.

To be perfectly honest myself, I'm still a little surprised that he didn't reject me. Because he certainly isn't with me for the title or the commodities. No, not my mate. He'd be fine being a warrior and maybe mated to anyone else who wouldn't prevent this from happening.

And if I weren't Alpha, I'd never keep him from being a warrior. It maybe scary for me, of course. But I would've endured it. If I weren't, but I am. So he can't. I simply cannot have my mate taking a chance on his life every single day.

When your mate dies, it derails your life more than anything. You survive it, but barely. And that's not taking into consideration that Elliott is the only individual who can carry my heir, the future Alpha of the pack.

Although that subject is still a little sore right now for various reasons. But yeah, bottom line is: I am happy. With him, my mate and looking forward to the completion of the bond.

It's been a long time coming. We 'e been mated for nearly a month now. I need this. What we just had was great and I definitely want more of that, but I need to complete the freaking bond already.

"Are you okay, son? You look distracted." - Dad asked me during dinner on Monday night at the dining room of the pack house. It's just my family as usual.

"I'm great, dad." - I replied, smiling at him. Though I haven't stopped grinning ever since Elliott's visit earlier this afternoon.

"I can tell by the amount of teeth you're showing. I take it things are great with your mate?" - He smirked, glancing at me with a knowing look on his face.

"He's great now that they've accepted each other. I mean, who does the accepting speech 3 weeks later?" - Jess interjected, making me glare daggers at her across the table.

"People who didn't think they would ever be mated to each other, brat!" - I shouted at her, angrily.

Mom frowned at this. Dad wasn't happy with her either. Zach just gasped at my outburst.

"It's fine, son. You're doing what it's right for you. It's impossible to be okay with everything all at once, no matter how much we tell ourselves that we're prepared for it. We are, but it's a shock when the pairing happens." - Mom told me in an empathetic tone.


I look fondly at her.

"Yeah, but I bet it didn't take you and dad this long to complete the bond. People are starting to place bets on when is it going to happen." - Zach interjected, poking fun at me.

I grimaced. Jess laughed at this.

"I'd like to see you getting mated to a guy and then you can talk to me about it!" - I snapped, making him wince.

Dad frowned at this.

"Son, there isn't a timeline for when you should complete the bond. Most kids rush into it because it's the first time they feel allowed to have sex without guilt. But only you and your mate can know when it's time for you. Don't feel pressured into it." - Dad told me with a sympathetic tone.

"Thanks, dad. I do appreciate all your support trough this." - I replied with a pleased smile his way.

Despite the annoyance from my siblings, I went to bed happy. Nothing could take away from the bond between me and Elliot. It's our decision, which made me think about his proposal.

Now that I come to think about it, I shouldn't let my fear deter me from pleasing my mate. Maybe I should give that a go. Who knows? If Simon liked it, maybe I can as well.

Huh, I still can't believe I share my mate's intimacies with him. Damn hormonal teenagers. Couldn't they have waited for their mates like in the old age?

But then again, I didn't either. So, pot... kettle.

When I got to school next morning, I immediately sought out Simon. I needed to see how he's doing because it's still a month away from his birthday and yesterday he was a mess.

"Are you okay? I mean, all things considered? I'm worried for you." - I asked him as soon as I found him. He arrives early to school everyday now that he doesn't have to pick up Ash anymore. I guess he doesn't want to leave for school later on after an year and a half of going earlier.

"I'm fine, Felix. It's not fun listening to someone saying they're over you. But it's not like I didn't see it coming. The mate bond is a serious thing." - He replied in a conformed tone. I could tell he's struggling to accept it, but it's costing him a lot.

"It is. I never thought I'd be doing any of the stuff I did lately. First Monday, now Friday. And there's still the long awaited Tuesday." - I admitted in a surprised tone.

"I'm scared to ask." - He snickered. He knows what Tuesday means because he's the one who first reclaimed the noun. But the rest of the weekdays are a mystery since we never talk about this.

"I don't wanna burden you with it. But things have been nice. I will only say that." - I tread carefully, not wanting to overshare.

"I'm glad for you. You deserve to be happy with your mate. Despite all the initial reaction." - He commented, trying his best to be supportive of me.

"Hey, we're officially one month away from your birthday. It's the final countdown." - I cheered him up a bit, getting a smile out of him.

"Tell me about it. I would offer my car to the Goddess for my mate to be older than me like Ashley's." - He snickered. All teens are anxious for their mates. But he's desperate for them.

Not that I blame him.

"Fingers crossed." - I breathed out a sigh. I wouldn't hold my breath if I were him.


Elliot comes and greets us. He kisses me on the lips, but it's just a peck. We go towards the classroom.

We all greet the students who are present like every day. Before the teacher comes, I turn to Elliott.

"Can you believe my brother told me people are starting to bet on the day that we complete the bond? I mean, what the hell!" - I said, grimacing.

"What?! Motherfuckers! Have some respect people!" - Elliott shouted, angrily.

"This keeps getting better and better." - Simon snickered, next to me.

"Well, I hope everyone loses. Let's do it today!" - He suggested, making me gasp.

"On a Tuesday? I can't. Too creepy for me." - I blushed.

Elliott laughed at the coincidence.

"I'm sorry. I didn't realize it was Tuesday. But you need to get over my history with Simon. You don't see Patrick complaining about your history with Ashley." - He replied, making them both gasp in the classroom. Ash blushed red and Patrick glared daggers at Elliott.

"Sometimes silence is golden, mate. Word of advice." - I replied, deeply uncomfortable.

"Are you okay, Liv? I mean, are you still mad at me for yesterday?" - Elliott asked Olivia, turning to look at her sat next to him.

"I am great. It's water under the bridge. I'm not worried about my mate. It's January and my birthday is on April. But now that your former boyfriend is one month away from being mated, are you ready to see him with someone else?" - She said, causing Simon to gasp.

"You mean, am I ready to see someone else being mated to my handsome, rich, hot, well endowed, sex god ex boyfriend? Sure, why not? I want him to be happy!" - Elliott replied, causing everyone in class to blush. Simon coughed for a minute. This is the redder I've ever seen him.

"Jesus, Elliott!" - I reprimanded, glaring at him.

"I mean, if he gets mated to Brandon, I may bitch slap him on the day." - He joked.

"What?" - Andersen yelled in shock.

Everyone in class stared at him in surprise as to why he cared about that. Brandon is blushing hard. And since he's almost translucent, he's as red as his hair.

"I'm joking, Marcus!" - Elliot glared at him, though he doesn't seem particularly surprised at Andersen's reaction.

I looked at Simon for a moment in confusion, who was puzzled just like me. Then I stared at Marcus.

"You know Elliott would never hit another omega. So why would you care if Brandon gets mated to Simon?" - I asked him point blank, staring him down like the rest of the class.

Marcus blushed. He looked uncomfortable under my gaze.

"Didn't you just say silence is gold, Hollingsworth? How about practicing what you preach?" - Elliot interjected, glaring at me.

I looked at him, then at Marcus and finally Brandon. Then it hit me.

"Oh my Goddess!" - I gasped in shock. At this point, the entire class already picked up on the tension and started buzzing about it.

"You're right, Hollingsworth. I'd never hit an omega. But I'll murder you later. Trust me!" - He glared daggers at me. He's angry.

By the time the second period started, people are buzzing about Marcus and Brandon throughout the entire school.

The thing is Marcus Andersen is not like Simon. He's not out to people and never had a relationship with a boy before (that I know of). So this is some hot tea. But my mate is fuming at me for "outing" them.

"I'm sorry. It's not my fault Marcus gave himself up in class." - I apologized to Elliott after the second period ended.

"Is that your apology? You're so lucky I can't get you on the mat anymore, otherwise I'd leave you worse than I did Huntington yesterday. And I wasn't even mad at him!" - He barked at me, livid. He's seriously pissed off. He's very protective of his friends, which I do admire.

Patrick winced at the mention of his name.

"At this rate, you'll complete the bond earlier than me." - I snickered to Simon.

I saw Elliott apologize to Brandon later. I felt bad for my part in it. It's funny how I complained about Elliott's big mouth, but at least he only talks about himself.

By the time we reached gym for wrestling practice, the boys are quietly staring at Marcus. But Elliott is still furious at me.

"I'm sorry, Marcus. I was joking and didn't think you'd react that way." - He was mortified inside the locker room as we changed into our singlets.

"It's fine, Lockwood. I'm not ashamed. I just didn't expect to come out with it today." - He replied, playing it cool as if he's not bothered. He IS.

"You shouldn't have to come out before you're ready. No one should." - He said, glaring at me some more. I gulped.

I don't get Elliott on the mat, but all the grown muscular boys who did got dealt an angry lethal omega who had to take a pause before he seriously hurt someone today. Coach stopped him after the fourth nearly injured boy.

He asked if Elliott was okay but he replied saying he's fine. Just angry about personal stuff. He sent Elliott to the locker earlier today. By the time I got inside, he's already naked and ready for the shower.

"If you don't control your aggression, you'll get kicked off the team." - I told him, though that didn't necessarily help the case much.

He growled at me.

"Thanks for the information, Hollingsworth." - He replied in a snappy tone. Then, he went on to shower. As I admired his naked backside, I blushed at how hot my mate actually is. Not that it's anything new to me. But it still gets me every time, specially him being a guy.

Later at lunch, school is still buzzing about the it couple. Either that or they're placing bets on my mating. Simon is quieter than usual.

"Are you okay? Though you should be asking ME that after the parade of compliments my mate said about you." - I teased him, who blushed.

"I'm fine. Just embarrassed." - He replied shyly.

"Why? It's all true, isn't it? I mean, I don't know about the well endowed part but--"

"I got it, Felix. You can stop now. Elliott didn't lie, but I'm not comfortable to talk about it. Especially with you!" - He cut me off, his cheeks are burgundy.

I laughed at this.

"I'm not comfortable either. But if we let him embarrass us, he wins." - I smirked. Simon giggled.

"You're actually not wrong. Though thankfully people are too busy talking about the new couple to care about me." - He said, breathing out a sigh of relief.

"I swear I was too shocked to stop myself from asking him. Though to be fair, after his questions about omegas to Elliott inside the locker room, I should have suspected." - I remarked, still contemplating about it.

"Yeah, I agree. Though at the time, I was a bit in my head about some other things." - He replied, pensive.

"It'll pass, my friend. Apparently you're a sex god, so it won't be for the lack of offers." - I snickered, making Simon blush.

Some time later, we're back to the classroom. When I arrived, Marcus is making out with Brandon. I guess the secret is out. Good for them. For as long as they have til one of them is mated, enjoy yourselves.

Before the final period started, I came up to Elliott in the classroom.

"Hey, can I go to your house today?" - I smiled at him, though he's not looking at me so welcoming.

"Why?" - He looked at me suspiciously.

"Because you're my mate and you're gonna spend the entire afternoon alone. Is that not reason enough?" - I frowned in annoyance.

He was taken aback by my reply and stared at me for a second.

"I guess." - He mumbled.

"Your enthusiasm touches me. See you later." - I replied in a snarky mood.

He looks puzzled at me as if somehow I should be dissuaded from his company just because he's pissed at me. If that's the case, we'd never be together.😅

It seems like someone is always angry between the two of us. But if we don't deal with this bond, the tension will only grow. Until it explodes. And not in a good way.😜

He lets me in his house, which is empty as expected. His parents won't arrive for several hours. He offers me something to drink, but I politely declined.

"I do apologize for earlier. That's not my intention, I was just surprised. But can we talk about us now?" - I started with purpose.

He looks surprised at my disposition, but doesn't object.

"Is it okay if we do it on Saturday?" - I suggested it.

"Do what?" - He asked, sounding puzzled. I just glared at him until he got my point across.

"Oh, right. Yeah, I think so." - He replied, not very enthusiastically.

"Elliott, we need to deal with this. I don't like to treat it as a chore what most teens would kill to have the chance. This is our time. And the longer it takes, the riskier it is for you and me." - I argued, worriedly.

"Why risky?" - He frowned in confusion.

"Because the anger you're feeling now will only get worse. Eventually you're gonna go on heat from the lack of bonding with your mate. We're not meant to take this long. It'll be a month soon." - I argued in a snappy tone. I'm running out of patience myself. And I don't want to pressure him either.

He gasped at my words.

We took a seat on the sofa at the living room.

"I don't want to pressure you into anything. At all. But you're already in a fighter mode. If we take much longer, I fear what will happen. And in your case, I'm frightened about your heat coming back sooner." - I argued, feeling guilty.

He looked utterly gobsmacked but I can't lie. I'm concerned.

"Saturday is fine." - He mumbled.

"I feel horrible pressuring you into this. I want you to enjoy our mating. I even..." - I started but stopped myself.

He looked up at me curiously.

"I thought about your proposal more carefully and I think I wanna try it." - I continued, sheepishly.

The biggest smile I've ever seen on him so far is lighting up the room right now.

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