《Topping the Alpha》Chapter 31: War


I'm furious.

If there's one thing I hate in this world is people being outed against their wishes. Even though we're werewolves and it's not that big of a deal like it is with humans. Not really.

Still, I hate it. It feels like a violation of trust.

Not that Brandon blamed me in any way. He assured me of that when I apologized to him for Felix's inappropriate question to Marcus.

Anyway, the important thing is that they're both happy with each other and going strong for now. I do hope they get to stay this way, though either of them can be mated away from each other any day now.

Trust me, this I know.

Speaking of mates, Felix surprised me yesterday when he dropped by my house talking about the dangers of delayed mating.

Now, I would like very much to say he's crazy, too horny or whatever. But I know he's right. I can feel the looks I'm getting from some of the boys at practice. Not to mention their sore muscles.

I understand that if I keep this up I will be kicked off the team. That's not what wrestling is about. Even though we train in advance combat, it's not about hurting anyone of ours, is about preparing yourself to inflict pain on others, if necessary.

And even I can tell I've been snappy lately.

I also know that what he said about me being in danger of breaking into heat earlier than expected is VERY true.

I mean, I am an omega and it is my nature. So I don't need anyone else to explain that for me. Thank you very much.

This scares me the most. Not the idea of heating up with my mate. I look forward to that, but being in heat can cause me to do things I'm not equipped for at the moment.

And by that I mean I don't wanna get pregnant. Not now. I'm only 17. Let me live a little. This isn't the 50's.

So... I worry for myself. And Felix is right to worry about me. How sweet of him.

But we made a plan for Saturday and I'm good to go. I have been ready for quite some time, to be honest. I just needed some adjustments to the game plan. And if he indeed is okay with me topping, then I'm golden.

Yesterday after we talked for a long time, we also had some fun as well. Any chance I have to spend alone and naked with my mate, I'll take it. And we had a blast.

My parents knew he was here the second they entered our house, but they didn't comment on it. For once. And I'm glad they didn't. But they did ask me how our relationship is progressing and I told them it was fine. We're getting along well, mostly.

When I got to school on Wednesday, I was well and relaxed. Feeling good about myself for making it work with Felix. Now we have a date and a plan.

I greet my friends and we talked about the latest news and updates. Rachel is dating a boy from another school who she met during the holidays break and she's happy.

Nicholas is crushing on one of his classmates, now that his nemesis crush went cold. But they're too slow for my taste. Though, to each their own.

Brandon is radiant with Marcus now that they're out in the open. And he told me that he did ask for what he wanted out of the relationship. So, he's happy and I am for him.


Liv is quiet for the most part and no one wants to push her or say something inappropriate. Especially me. But I have to say something.

"Liv, you are more than entitled to try something with someone else. Anyone. You don't need to hold yourself back until April. You're a beautiful girl and deserving." - I told her, choosing my words carefully.

She smiled at me.

"I know that. Thanks, Elliott. I wanna try something out first. But I'm good for now." - She replied with a modest smile.

After that, we all went to our respective classrooms. I'm glad I have my friends, though I didn't tell anyone I booked the date yet. And I'm not in any hurry to do so. Maybe I'll tell Liv at some point, but I'm good keeping this to myself for now. For once.

It's already weird that everyone will know when we do compete the bond. Besides the marking on your neck - which we can easily hide, specially now during the winter - everything changes once you complete the bond.

Those changes happen internally within yourself to feel more connected to your mate. But the mark on your neck emits a specific scent, a faint smell of your partner.

It's something that dies down with time, but any werewolf - no matter how young they are - can scent it on you. Specially in the first days of baring the mark. That's why everyone knows whether you completed the bond or not. It's impossible to hide unless you did it over the summer and stayed away from other wolves for a month, at least.

But though it's the biggest milestone in a wolf's life - aside from finding your mate - is also something expected, anticipated and that everyone goes trough it eventually.

Much later, at wrestling practice, I'm a chill dude. I go easy on my fellow colleagues, not hurting anyone. I almost lose at one point I'm so chill. Specially when I get Simon, but I can't hurt him... anymore.

Inside the locker room, Felix commended my new attitude and I thanked him. Marcus is looking happy, but the why is not a secret. Ben is also in a good mood, though I don't care to ask why.

"I'm glad you're happy my friend." - Ben told Marcus as we undressed for the shower.

"Thanks. Surprisingly, Alpha helped me by calling me out yesterday. I was stuck in my head and I didn't need to be." - He replied, making Felix smile boastfully.

"See, Elliott? I helped him." - He grinned at me.

"Yeah, that's great. But stop helping people in this way, please. Let them ask for it first." - I chastised him in a grumpy mood.

"Aren't you worried he's gonna be mated away from you?" - Simon asked him and Marcus gasped. We all did, he's not one for needless confrontation.

"Mated to you, you mean? Yes, I'm worried. But I can't focus on that right now. We're taking it one day at the time." - He replied in a troubled tone.

"Good for you. And for what it's worth, I don't want him mated to me anymore than you do. But it's not my choice. And it can be literally anybody." - Simon said in a somber tone.

"Didn't I see you talking to that Charlie [a junior omega] just the other day?" - Patrick asked Simon in an accusatory tone. I gasped.

"I didn't say I wasn't interested in any omegas. I said that I don't want to be mated to Brandon. There's a difference. Mind your fucking business, Huntington!" - He jabbed at him, who grinned mischievously.


"You are more than entitled to be happy with whoever you want, Simon. Or with whoever the Goddess chooses for you." - I told him with an empathetic tone. He smiled at me and we proceeded to the shower area.

"How are you not jealous of Simon being called a sex god by your mate? If my mate said that about you, I'd be pissed." - Patrick commented as we took a shower. This really set me off.

"Maybe because he's not insecure like some people. Saying the truth about Simon doesn't disqualify Felix's abilities in bed. You can ask your mate about that. I doubt she was left unsatisfied by Felix through all those years." - I jabbed at him, who winced.

All the boys gasped at this, Felix most of all. Patrick's eyes are glowing in anger.

"Elliott, oh my Goddess!" - Felix shouted, absolutely gobsmacked.

"I will not be shamed by him or anybody. I will not apologize for saying the truth. I said what I said and I have no regrets. Mind your fucking business, Huntington!" - I snarled at him, eyes also glowing.

I'll be damned if I'm gonna let a privileged overgrown boy get the best of me. No, sir. Don't get cute with me because I don't get cute, I get drop dead gorgeous.

Everyone is quiet after that. Patrick glared at me for the remainder of the day, not that I care honestly. But Felix wasn't happy with me either.

Some time later, after much judging glare from him, I approach Felix before the last period starts.

"If you have something to say to me, if you have any complaints about what I've said, I'd understand. If Simon talked to me, I'd understand too. But I wasn't raised to let anybody take free shots at me for any reason. Don't come for me because I will take you down. I don't care who you are. I take no prisoners and I make no apology." - I stated with conviction, making him gasp. Simon too. And so is the rest of the class, even if most don't know to what I'm referring.

"I'm not saying you should let people trample all over you. But maybe not everything has to be a war." - He said with a concerned look on his face. I take a good inhale of his scent.

"Except for me it is a war. I have been fighting all my life to be taken seriously, discriminated against just for being born with a different chromosome. I have fought against my old pack members, my very nature, I fought you to be accepted into the team. I fight preconceived notions of how an omega is perceived and even now I'm fighting to be accepted by my own mate, who really should be on my side instead of being mad at me for putting a cocky boy in his place." - I blurted.

Felix widened his eyes in shock. But I hold nothing back.

"It may not be a war to you, who was born into the privileges you have. It's probably not a war to him, who is the only boy from the wrestling team whose spot is guaranteed as a warrior. But it will always be a war for me. I have been fighting it all my life." - I concluded, then I returned to my seat, ignoring the gobsmacked looks from the entire class, including Patrick and Ashley.

"Are you okay?" - Liv asked me once I got into my seat.

"I'm fine. There was a stupid comment made earlier and Felix didn't like my response. And though I have no problem in apologizing when I'm wrong, if you come for me you'll get it. I promise you that. I don't lie, I don't disrespect anyone and I don't get in anybody's business but my friends. But if you mess with me, you'll wish you never had. People should know that by now." - I replied, angrily.

Not everything is a war. Right. I was born into a war I never wanted to fight. I never asked for any of this. I didn't ask to be born an omega. But my parents raised no victim. And NO ONE will get in my way.

Felix didn't say much to me after that. But I'm good for now. And I have no regrets. I don't like to be rude to anyone nor do I take pleasure in humiliating people. That's not remotely my thing. But I'm not one to be trifled with. Not at all. Maybe if he was a close friend in a different circle, I'd be okay with that, but what I'm most irritated about is the implication he made.

On Thursday, I catch up with my friends and they ask me if I'm okay. I told them I was fine. But since none of them take up wrestling, I'm the only omega who's present at the time inside the locker room. But I told them what happened properly and though they said I overreacted, they agreed with me about the war part.

It has always been a war.

Later, inside the classroom, Patrick came up to me and I was already gearing up for a fight.

"I'm sorry for what I said yesterday. You're right, I am insecure. It's not easy to admit it." - He shocked me to the core.

"I'm sorry for what I said too. I could have handled it better and I apologize." - I replied, humbly.

We shake hands and he returns to his seat. That gagged me the most. More so than my mate saying he's gonna try to bottom for me.

Felix kisses me afterwards. I'm still peeved with him but I can't reject my mate's kiss.

"By the way, I apologize to you Simon if what I said embarrassed you. I promise you that wasn't my intention." - I looked at him, who got surprised by this.

"Yes, it's terrible to be called a well endowed sex god. You should be ashamed of yourself!" - He snickered and I laughed out loud. I wasn't alone either.

"One day I wish I can be as confident as you." - Liv told me in a hopeful tone.

"Hey, I'm not as confident as you think. I wish I don't have any insecurities. How do you think I feel being the smallest guy in the wrestling team? I just overcompensate in other areas, but I'm plenty insecure. Especially now that I'm mated to the future Alpha." - I replied in a sincere tone. Felix glances at me.

"I'm sure your penis is not as small as you think." - She said, making me gasp in surprise.

"I'm talking about my height!" - I yelled in shock. Honestly, I'm so gobsmacked looking at her right now that she is blushing hard.

The entire class broke down in laughter at this. Even Felix and Simon.

"Thanks, Liv. Thank you very much!" - I glared at her, blushing vigorously.

I'm so thankful she's my friend. Who needs an enemy?

Later at wrestling practice, everyone is good with each other and there is no more bad blood among us.

"Oh my Goodness, that was the hardest I've ever laughed in my life." - Marcus said once we get inside the locker room.

"I'm glad my humiliation served you well, Andersen. I'll take note for the next time I see you on the mat." - I glared at him, who scowled at me.

"Hey, are you worried about that?" - Felix asked me, tentatively.

"No, I'm not. And even if I were, I'm not having this conversation here." - I replied in a short temper.

He got the hint quickly.

"You have nothing to be insecure about. It's not the size of the engine that counts." - Simon interjected, making me blush.

"Says the sex god." - Marcus smirked, looking at him.

"Then I know what I'm talking about, don't I?" - He retorted in a snarky mood.

"Thanks, Si. But it's fine. I'm good with what I have." - I replied sheepishly.

"You should be. Trust me, I know." - He said, making me blush so very much.

Felix gasped at this.

"This will never get any easier." - He remarked, gobsmacked at the both of us.

"It will. Once Simon gets mated, everything will fall into place. We just need to normalize the awkwardness." - I rebuked, though still blushing.

"Yeah, good luck Luna. I don't know how you're gonna get passed this." - Andersen interjected, pitying us.

"The same way you'd get passed it if you get mated to someone who already has been with Simon. That could happen to you too. I'm not talking about Brandon, but from what I've heard, depending on who it is you're mated to, it's very possible." - I shot back, making him gasp in shock.

Felix and Simon glare at me.

"I told you people already. Don't come for me or else it's war. When did I ever give the impression it's okay to meddle in my business? Damn it!" - I snarled at them.

I take no prisoners and make no apology. Don't mess with me or else!

Oh and I don't lose (to anyone) ever.

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