《Topping the Alpha》Chapter 29: Teenage Kicks


I haven't heard back from Felix since I dropped that bombshell at our date on Saturday.

Basically, we shifted into wolves, ran back and ate the rest of the food of the picnic in silence. Then, he dropped me off at my house and kissed me on the cheek.

I knew he'd be shocked because of my suggestion. Simon was and he's bi. He had never done it as well but even so, he's much more open sexually speaking than Felix, who only has been with one girl until now.

Hey, I'm surprised with myself too, you know?

I have always dreamed about being intimate with my mate and finally letting my guard down with someone, without the worry of getting pregnant. An unmated pregnancy, I mean.

I've always wanted this day to arrive. So why did I have to fuck it up with a suggestion like that? To a "straight" boy, no less?

Well, it's complicated.

I could say it's vengeance for comparing me to a horse. But it isn't. I'm not that petty. And that was never his mindset, as I have learned.

I could say it has something to do with him being the (future) Alpha. And my desire to subdue him, humble him somehow. But it isn't. That's never been my narrative. I only ever wanted people to respect me as an individual and as an omega. That's all.

I don't have any residual bad feeling against him. Not at all. I didn't even want him to beg me at my doorstep the way he did.

I've told you y'all. That's not my kink.

So why don't I fulfill my wish and bottom for my mate?

Well, the answer is actually much simpler.

I did it once (or twice) and I liked it.

I would have liked to try it with any person that was mated to me, regardless of their station.

Would I prefer it to be Simon?


Would I bottom for him gladly as well?

100%. I was looking forward to it.

Do I still wanna bottom for my actual mate?

Of course. Hell yeah!

Do I need to top him first?

No, I don't. But I do need to practice what I preach. I can't tell Brandon to not be afraid to ask for what he wants in his relationship and be scared of my own mate's reaction of what I want from ours.

Now, do I think I'm getting my wish?

Not sure, to be honest. I may have freaked him out too much.

Am I going to reject him if he doesn't?

Absolutely not!

I'm not rejecting my mate. That's not what this is a about. It's not a power play. It's about knowing what you want and asking for it. But I need to be prepared for a no.

I don't want him to feel forced into it. If he doesn't enjoy it, I won't as well. Then, the point is mute. He needs to want to at least try it with me.

If not, it'd sound like a punishment for something. And that's the furthest thing from my mind.

If I have to punish him for something, I'd rather do it on the mat. Not that coach put us against each other anymore.

I miss crushing his delicate Alpha sensibility.

On Monday, I arrive at school and go greet my friends. I talk to them for a minute to catch up before Felix arrives and I go meet him.

"Good morning, mate. Are you alright? I hope I didn't traumatize you." - I say with a playful tone and smile.


"Hi, Elliott. Not yet. Are you going to reject me if I say no?" - He asked me in a deep worried tone.

"What?! You know what? Forget I asked. It's fine. It's not a big deal." - I replied, very shocked at his question.

"Why?" - He raised his eyebrows at me.

"Why am I not blackmailing my mate into sex he doesn't want? Is that even your question?" - I snapped at him, angrily.

He frowned at this. His face changes completely.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked that. Apparently, I have a problem phrasing things. I can see my future as Alpha looks bright." - He snickered.

"You used the correct phrase, I'm just surprised you thought I wanted to force you into having sex in a position you don't want. I asked for it. I'm not forcing you into anything. And I'm certainly not rejecting you over it." - I spoke with clear intent of putting him at ease.

He breathed out a sigh of relief.

"Are you sure?" - He raised an eyebrow in question, looking at me with some suspicion.

I stared at him for a moment before I answer. I can see the fear in his eyes. This is the last thing I wanted to see.

"I, Elliott Lockwood, accept you Felix Hollingsworth, as my mate and my Alpha."

He smiled at me the widest I've ever seen so far. Even wider than last MONDAY. And that's saying something. The school bell rings.

"I, Felix Hollingsworth, accept you Elliott Lockwood, as my mate and my Luna."

All of the students are dumbfounded as to why we're only doing this now 3 weeks after getting mated. Most people have already completed the bond by now.

But we're not most people. We are Elliott and Felix. We kissed each other and hurried to class.

"I can't believe you only did the accepting speech now after three weeks!" - Liv was baffled at me. Everyone was. It's the first thing you do as mates.

"Excuse me for not accepting my mate while I was in love with his best friend." - I replied in a snarky mood, making both Simon and Felix wince.

"Was. So you're finally over Simon?" - She whispered to me. However, there is no low enough for some people not to hear it. Which is why we should have mind linked this conversation. Well, too late now.

"I only have eyes for my mate now." - I replied, making Felix smile. That is until Simon rushed out of the class, crying.

I felt bad for him. A lot of people did, including Felix. But we can't escape the mate bond.

Simon would only reappear in the second period. I would talk to him, but now it'd only worse things for us. It is what it is.

Felix kissed me contently at the end of the class. He couldn't hide his grin.

"I'm sorry if you felt I was forcing you." - I apologized, though that's never my intention whatsoever. Didn't even cross my mind.

"I'm sorry for thinking it. For even asking it. I guess I was scared that if I said no you wouldn't want to complete the bond." - He admitted, blushing at the confession.

I gasped at this.

"What? Are you kidding me? Hell no! I've waited for too long! I want it now!" - I practically yelled.

"Good! Because if you wait any longer, Ashley and Patrick will beat you to it." - Brandon joked, making all of us blush, specially them.


"It's not a competition, Bran. Each couple have their own pace. This isn't anybody's business but ours." - I shot back at him, who scowled.

Just because I'm in class it doesn't mean I want my business up for discussion. I speak openly about things, yes. But that is my choice. And among my friends. I always choose what I say or not. And no one will shame me, one way or the other. I am my own man. And I'll make my own choices, thank you very much.

Needless to say, no one had any additional comments after that. I mean, not about that part of the mating anyway.

"Isn't it ironic how a month ago you thought you're gonna become a big time warrior, get mated to a rich guy and now you're gonna be the first omega Luna this pack has ever had?" - Liv commented after the third period ended.

I glare at her.

"Hilarious, Olivia. Now, I'll work for free and can never be a warrior like my parents dreamed when they moved us here." - I said in a dark grim tone.

Felix felt bad for me. It showed it on his face. Simon too. But it is what it is.

Warriors risk their lives for the pack everyday. It's rare that they face mortal danger these days, but it's possible. So you can understand why the first lady of the pack (in my case, gentleman) can't work in that capacity.

Because if the Alpha is worried for his mate everyday, he can't run the pack effectively.

And because of an archaic tradition, the Luna doesn't have any other job than to "mommy" the pack. I mean, she makes house calls, visit the sick, the disenfranchised, you know, first lady stuff.

And since this isn't considered a "job", she doesn't get paid. She lives off her mate's wage.

Though, to be fair, she doesn't have any expenses either. Everything from the house to the food they eat is payed by the pack. The only thing they have to buy are clothes and school supplies for the children. Even their car is payed by the pack.

Though not Felix's car because he doesn't occupy any official position. But his dad and mom's cars belong to the pack.

The downside is that once you cease to be Alpha and Luna, you lose everything at once. And I do mean everything. You get an Alpha's pension and that's it.

But at that point, you spent at least 18 years saving up most of your paycheck. So you have a nice savings account for your early retirement and can afford to do whatever you want in life. Though most retired Alphas just rent out a small house and continue living in town and being there for their children.

It's not uncommon that Alpha's heirs get a big money inheritance when their parents die.

"Poor Elliott, you won't ever have to cook a day in your life. You won't have to clean your own house. All your expenses will be payed for you by the pack. Excuse me if I don't cry for you, Argentina." - She snickered, making the entire class laugh.

"I think Ben's parents own a factory or something. You could be set for life too, who knows?" - I said in a joking way.

Except she's not laughing. Ben, who's in the class too, is not laughing as well. In fact, no one is laughing at all.

Olivia looked distraught. I immediately regretted saying that. What a stupid thing to say. Oh my Goddess! Why do I have to be so stupid?

Liv rushes out of the class, tearing up.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say it like that!" - I apologized to her back as she ran so fast I felt a gut wrenching pain in my stomach.

Ben left soon after her. And I felt the glares at me like never before. I lowered my head for a second as I moved to get out too.

"Felix, I need Monday today. If it's not too forward to ask." - I came to him in the hall and whispered, though not low enough for Simon NOT to hear it. I really need to learn to mind link more.

"Now you're worried about too forward?" - He snickered and I laughed out loud. Mostly out of nervousness. Simon just scowled walking next to his friend. Sorry. Not. Sorry.

"No, it isn't too forward. Nothing ever is between mates, I'm just joking. I couldn't pass up the opportunity." - He replied smiling, making fun of me.

I smiled mischievously at this.

"Nothing, huh? I take it back. I don't want Monday anymore." - I grinned at his shocked face.

Soon enough, we're at the gym for wrestling and enter the locker to change clothes.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you. I was just being funny. Don't be mad." - Felix apologized to me, getting his singlet to change into.

"I'm not mad. I'm inspired. I don't want Monday anymore. Now, I want Friday." - I snickered, smiling wide at him while changing. The boys look confused but they're not meddling.

"I have no idea what that is." - He replied with a confused look on his face.

"No, you don't. But you will soon." - I let out an ominous laugh and lock my things.

After that, I'm taking no prisoners as I'm demolishing men on the mat. It's funny how no one can defeat me, a lonely omega.

I mean, funny for me. It just never gets old, even if I can't face Felix anymore. I wouldn't enjoy it anyway, I like him too much.

"Damn, Lockwood! You nearly dislocated my shoulder today!" - Patrick complained once we're back inside the locker room. He's massaging his shoulders that looked pained.

"I'm sorry, Huntington. You tried to win today. You were this close to immobilize me, I had to act fast." - I apologized, just to be polite.

"We all try to win. It's the point of the exercise!" - He replied in a "duh" tone.

"I know. But cut me some slack, I'm angry today. At myself, but still. I needed to work off the aggression. If I got Blackburn, it'd have been much worse." - I said, making Ben wince.

He said nothing to me.

"It's not his fault if you shot your mouth earlier, Lockwood!" - Andersen reprimanded me, looking pissed.

"I never said it was. I just explained myself. That's all." - I glared at him, not letting myself be intimidated.

"I'm sorry she felt that way. But I do hope she's my mate. Even if I have to spend the rest of my life apologizing to her." - Ben said with a remorseful expression.

I looked at him but said nothing in return.

I tried to look to greener pastures, so to speak.

I glance at my naked mate and my mouth watered.

"I'm so looking forward to Friday." - I told him, who blushed.

"I'm so looking forward to getting out of here." - Simon snickered, causing all the boys to laugh.

A couple of hours later, we're alone inside his room.

"Are you gonna tell me now what is Friday?" - He smirked.

"I rather show you, if I'm allowed." - I suggested, grinning mischievously.

"Wow. I'm curious, so take it away." - He replied, puzzled.

"It would help if you're naked." - I told him with a cheeky smile. He gasped and took off his clothes. I did the same.

He lay on the bed and I position myself sat on my legs next to his body. Then, I lean over and start kissing his chest, licking my way down, I pass his navel and I take him to my mouth, who moaned loudly.

I engulfed what I could fit of his length, making him gasp in pleasure. I sucked him good, then I fondled his balls. His whole body trembled from the sheer pleasure I proportioned him.

When I could feel he was on the brink, I stopped. He looked confused at me but that only lasted a second. I licked his hard cock, taking my time from the base to the tip, sending shivers through his body.

At the same time, I tickle his balls softly. A loud shriek escaped his mouth. My tongue liked to taste his very hard member. It twitched with lust, causing my eyes to glow with desire. His too.

Just when he thought he couldn't take it anymore, I licked his balls and worked his leaking cock with my hands. At this point, he erupted in seconds as my tongue caressed his testicles.

It seemed he could never get enough of my delicate touch. His body shook from the absolute pleasure, his orgasm flowed out of him as he moaned as loud as he'd allow himself.

For the first time ever, I could really feel his full body orgasm within me. It almost made me come too. After I cleaned my hand, I lay next to him.

"So, did you like Friday?" - I asked him with a naughty grin.

"I loved it very much. You're fantastic!" - He said enthusiastically. His smile is from ear to ear.

"I'm glad I could be of service." - I replied, looking at him contently.

"I guess now it's my turn." - He said after a minute.

"You're not obligated to do anything. I know this is all new to you and you've never been with a boy. So if you need more time, it's fine." - I assured him with an understanding look.

He stared at me silently for a minute.

"I appreciate you giving me space to figure out. But I want you to have the same experience that I did. I want to give you pleasure too." - He insisted.

"There are other ways to give me pleasure. It's fine--"

"Can you shut up and let me suck your cock?" - He cut me off, shouting. I gasped at this. But I did as told.

He began kissing me, then my neck, down my whole body. He sucked my dick with purpose, he was good at it. By the time I came, my body was shaking from the ecstasy. We were so drunk with lust that he made himself come again, naughty boy.

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