《Sqampy's Adoption》The Escape


Flo's PoV:

Lizzie had been taken to the shops by our dad to help him get some food so I was all alone.

About 15 minutes after they had gone I pulled out my phone out of desperation but, again, no signal. I don't even know why I thought that that could be a possibility.

Maybe there will be signal by the door. I thought to myself. It was unlikely, but possible. Slowly I climbed up the concrete stairs, being careful not to trip. I got to the locked door and lifted my phone up as high as I could. Nothing.

This was just a waste of time trying to get signal, there was very little signal in this area anyway plus I needed to save my phone battery for Lizzie and her music. We didn't have a charger as her iPod charger didn't fit my phone so we only had the charge that was on my phone now.

I knocked my head on the door out of frustration. The door wobbled a bit. He must've forgotten to lock it with the key on his way out, only the bolt was left. If I could just slide it along the door would open and I'd be free.

But what about Lizzie. When Dad got back with her she would be all alone. No, I had to get out, if I didn't take this opportunity then we would be stuck down there forever and no one could get us out.

Now I just had to work out how to move the lock. There was a small gap that I could see the bolt through but it wasn't even nearly big enough for my fingers to fit through. I would have to find something to stick through that gap.

I rushed back down the stairs and began frantically looking for something in the piles of stuff that littered the basement floor.


Finally I found the perfect thing for the job, a wire clothes hanger.

I quickly rushed back up the stairs and hooked the hook on the coat hanger round to bolt through the gap inbetween the door and the door frame. After a few minutes of jiggling the bolt around I felt it move, I pulled on the door and it swung open.

I just there for a bit, I was free.

Once I had collected my thoughts and snapped out of the daze. I started to rush to the front door, but as I got there I remembered somethings.

Although I'm leaving Lizzie there is something I can do to repay that. I had to find her iPod. I rushed up the stairs, I had no idea where he would be keeping it but I decided to look in his room first.

Having never been anywhere in the house other than the hallway and the basement I had to guess which one looked like his room the most.

The house was actual quite decent, I mean, sure it did need a dust but, other than that it wasn't bad.

Once I had worked out which his room was I started searching, I knew I didn't have long so I had to search quick but also make sure he didn't know I had been up here.

After about 10 minutes of searching there was no use, I couldn't find it, but then something else caught my eye. His phone charger. That charger would fit my phone, I quickly grabbed it and sprinted back down to the basement where I made sure it was hidden but in a place where Lizzie would find it.

Then I ran back up the stairs and out the front door.

Lizzie's PoV:

I knew I should've been more careful and kept a watch out for him. That girl could've been hurt when he pushed her over. I should've never got involved with her in the first place and this wouldn't ever have happened. I thought to myself as I was dragged back home by my father.


Once we got home he would let rip and I was in for it. I just hoped he would leave Flo out of it although if he was in a bad mood who could know what was going to happen.

After a another 10 minutes of so we made it home. He dragged me towards the basement door where he stopped, I looked round him to see the door, open. He let go of my arm and rushed down the stairs. I saw my opportunity and I took it. Flo can't be down there I thought anyway, she left me so I have nothing to lose. I ran out of the still open front door and into the free world.

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