《Sqampy's Adoption》Squid, Stampy, Who?


Lizzie's PoV:

I had legged it out the door! I couldn't believe it, I was never gonna be able to out sprint Dad, and he was already right behind me.

I considered just stopping, maybe he will be nicer if I just stop now, maybe he will take it easy on me.

What am I thinking! I had done it now, he would never take it easy on me in a million years!

This was my chance to get away from him, I couldn't throw it away now! So I kept running. To where? I didn't know, but anywhere was better than the hell hole I had been living in.

So I kept running, and running, and running, until I heard him shout,


I didn't bother turning round, there was no point so I just kept going until I couldn't go anymore.

By now it was already dark, I didn't know how long I had been running for but I knew I had run to much. I started to feel dizzy and my vision went blurry.

Someone started talking to me but I couldn't make out what they were saying, I staggered over and I felt arms catch me before I blacked out.

I woke up in a room that was completely new to me. There was a guy sitting on the couch who looked tired and stressed, slowly I sat up while still watching him. He looked over to me and smiled a tired smile.

"Hey, you alright?" He said, he had a kind voice, a voice that sounded like you could trust. Even so, I didn't trust him.

"Who are you and where am I?" Ignoring his question, which sounded ruder than I meant it to.

The man chuckled a bit and answered my questions.


"My names David, but please call me Squid, everyone does. And this is my house, my friend Stampy found you. You blacked out and he took you back here.

I had literally no idea what was happening, one moment I'm stuck in the basement of my Dad's house and now I'm at this guys house who says he's called Squid and his friend Stampy bought me here! But then everything came back to me, how I escaped my dad and how Flo must've escaped as well.

"So, Stampy said that you were running, why?" Squid said, looking up at me.

Should I trust him? I thought. He seemed trustworthy but I still wasn't sure.

"Urm... don't worry, it doesn't matter." I said and looked down at the floor.

"Okay then." Squid said, I looked back up at him and he raised his eyebrows at me. I quickly looked to the floor again.

"Well where do you live, I'll drive you there?" He said, changing the subject, which I was great full for.

"Oh, don't worry, I'll walk back myself." I said, putting on a fake smile.

"Thanks for looking after me and all!" I continued smiling.

"It's no problem! And only if your sure, I'd be happy to give you a lift." He insisted.

"No, honestly, it's fine. I'd much rather walk." Although he was clearly stubborn, so was I, and soon he realised that I wasn't having any of it.

"Okay, fine, I'll show you out." He said as I stood up.

Once we got to the front door, Squid opened it and, across the road, there he was. My dad. How did he know I was here?!

"Actually, on second thoughts, could you give me that lift?" I asked, turning to Squid. I knew, that as soon as I got out of this house, my dad would take me.


"Sure, why the change of heart?" Squid asked, as we walked out to his car.

"Im just lazy." Was all I said to reply. I was to busy staring at his car, it looked really expensive.

Squid chuckled, "Like it?"

"Yeah! It's awesome!" I said, still gawping at the car.

We climbed in and I could see my dad again. He smirked, shook his head and walked away.

"So where do you live?" Squid asked.

"Oh just drop me off on Sandy lane, then I'm practically there." I said.

He just nodded. Sandy lane was near the park which was where I was planning to spend the night. So technically I wasn't lying.

Eventually we made it to Sandy lane, where Squid stopped the car and I climbed out.

"Thanks." I said.

"No problem, you gonna be alright now." He asked. I nodded.

"Good to know, also, if you ever need to just drop by at mine." He told me.

"Thanks again." I replied.

"See you." He said, and waved as he started his car and drove off. Something was telling me I should've stayed with him. Never the less I made my way to the park, which was gonna be my home for who knows how long.

Flo's PoV:

I was running, I had to get to Squid's and see Izzy. After about 15 minutes of running I made it back, but Squid's car wasn't there they can't be in. I felt lost for a second, and then I remembered Stampy and Sqaishey were literally around the corner. So I ran there and knocked on the door. Stampy opened the door. I saw his face change,

"Flo..." He whispered.

I just stepped into a hug and started crying into his chest.

"Don't worry..." He whispered, "Your safe now."

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