《Falling For Him. kth ✔》Finale: Let me love you for this lifetime
"Cut the crap Taehyung. Stop blurting nonsense" I glared at him after absorbing the new piece of information that I had from him. He started at me with an expression that only said that he was hurting.
"I wish I could change that but I can't and I'm suffering because of that" he said avoiding my gaze. I swear I almost saw a tear at the edge of his eye. But was I okay with what I heard? I wanted to know the whole truth no matter what. He can't just say he killed my grandmother and turn the other side getting all emo on me.
"Tell me what happened; every bit of it. I am ready to hear it" I said as I tried my best not to break down. He bit his lip before taking a deep breath and then spoke.
"I was just 13 when my father had bought this new car to our other house in Busan, which caught my eye. I begged my father to let me ride it. Jin hyung and Namjoon hyung both were in uni and I was on my vacations.
My dad did agree to take me on a ride with him but he didn't let me ride it myself. I tried pleading him but he didn't oblige to my wish. Then I got frustrated and started banging my head onto the window of the car.
My dad tried to stop me but in turn lost his control over the steering, making the car go over the footpath. When the car stopped it was too late. An old lady was on the ground with blood oozing out from her head"
I gasped at his words. No no no he is lying, isn't he? That lady wasn't my grandmother... Right? There was chaos running in my head but he kept on speaking. Since he never looked at me the whole while he spoke he didn't see my reaction either.
"I went into shock after that. I kept blaming myself that someone died because of me and I couldn't digest the fact. I started acting crazy screaming at my dad that I was a murderer. So my dad sent me to therapy for one year.
They made me forget that incident and that I was not from a school in Seoul but from a school in Busan. They produced duplicates of all the information on me being a student in the school in Busan. My dad erased any data that showed that the car was registered under his name.
After that I really transferred to Busan for middle school but I have records that say that I studied there from kindergarten even though I don't have even a single bit of memory of being there"
He finally looked at me and the tears that had filled my eyes all the while he was speaking threatened to fall down.
Why did it have to be him and him only? Did god hate me that much that the only people who actually start to like me for who I am drift away from me for some or the other reasons? First, was my grandmother; then the boy I love; then my parents and maybe if my luck is this good I might have my daughter hating me too in the near future.
He stared at me with those sad orbs. Both of us were hurting but what could I do? I can't just forget the fact that he is the reason my grandmother is dead, and just be with him like nothing happened. The tears did fall down now when I started to imagine a life without him.
He panicked and took a step towards me but I stepped back and shook my head for him to stop, for him to not come any closer and he stood stiff in his place and the feeling of hurt was evident on his face. He furrowed his eyebrows first but then he just smiled sadly and sighed before looking back at me with the same smile.
"Don't worry you don't have to tell me your thoughts. I won't try to deny my wrong doing either. I will walk away now and forever from our lives. And don't worry we won't cross paths ever again. And even if we did I will act as if we don't know each other" He said and I stopped breathing.
I froze in my place as I processed what he said and he smiled at me for the last time. That beautiful box smile of his which our daughter has inherited from him. And then...
He walked away...
just like that...
and I couldn't stop him...
because I was a coward.
Its been a month since we finished our trip in Africa. I told Minji everything but all she did was console me. She didn't dare to answer my only question. All she said was 'it depends on your feelings unnie'.
I can't stop thinking about it no matter how much I try. Its like, thinking about him for the day has become mandatory for me. If I said that I don't miss him I'd be lying to myself. But if I go to him now I will feel guilty for sure.
I let out a tired sigh as I started folding Mirae's clothes, whike she slept in her small bed peacefully. I was about keep her clothes in the closet when I heard a small knock on the door. It was almost past 10 at night and the thought of someone knocking on my door at this hour gave me chills.
I got hold of Minji's baseball bat and went to the door I took a deep breath before asking through the intercom.
"Who is it?"
there was nothing no sound until...
I did not waste a minute before opening the door and looking at the person with wide eyes. I started crying like a preschooler as I jumped into her arms.
"Omma..." I let out a shakey breath as I hugged her like my life depended on it.
We sat on the sofa of my living room with my head on my mother's lap and her hand gently caressing my head as I held onto her other hand tightly. Its been 3 years since I had seen her face. Since the day dad had strictly ordered me to not to show my face to them or to even try to get close to them in anyway. I remember my mom half-heartedly closing the door for me being at the edge of breaking down that day.
"Y/n-ah..." my mother said after a few minutes. and I hummed in response.
"We didn't kick you out because you were pregnant" her words made me sit up to look at her with a confused expression. What is she trying to tell?
"... What mattered was whose child you carried in your womb" she said and my eyes widened with realization.
I remember my parents taking me and my sister to the court and justifying there when my grandmother died. Maybe they already knew who killed my grandma. And that's why...
"We couldn't take in the fact that you had met their family but there you were carrying the heir of the person whose father killed your grandmother" my mother said looking at me with pity.
"I thought, if not with us, at least you will live happily with your husband but when I called Minji a few days back the information she gave me broke my heart" My mother didn't take her gaze of me all the while she spoke.
"Sweetie... I know you are hurting and we didn't send you away from us for you to suffer all alone. I am just glad that at least you had Minji by your side but you should not torture yourself like this" my mother started. But I couldn't just agree to this.
"But omma I-" I teared up at the thought of the guilt I would feel even after being with him.
"Y/n, I know... that if your grandmother was there here now she would have been the happiest person to find out that you found the someone you love. And I don't think she would be happy to find out that she was the cause for both of you to stay away from each other" Her words really made me feel as if a small weight was lifted from my heart.
"Your father might act all head strong and as though you suffering doesn't matter to him but he is not at all happy dear. Minji told me that your father had called her even before me to ask about you and I had caught him crying while holding a picture of yours while drinking a bottle of beer when it was past 2 in the midnight"
My father ? wow... It did bring a small smile on my face hearing that he cared.
"Call him, now" she said and her words made me look at her with wide eyes. What on earth is she thinking? Its already midnight.
" I'm not joking. Call him in front of me because I know that if I leave you will start doubting your decision and start overthinking" well she was right on that.
I know I couldn't refuse her now. I took my cell phone and searched for his number and clicked the call icon as I kept the call on loud speaker. There was no sound at start but it stated that the number did not exist to which all my hopes were lost again. My mother held my hand tight and made me look at her.
"Go find him, sweetie. Ask the people who are close to him. I know that you are close with his brother; ask their family, they might know where he is. And don't worry about Mirae. I will take care of her. Your dad is on field trip with his class for 2 weeks from today. So, you don't have to worry. I and Minji will take care of her"
For the first time in my life I felt like my family was complete. I was glad that I had this talk with my mom. And what surprised me more was the fact that she would have the answers to all my questions. There was no turning back now. I called Irene unnie as tears rolled down on my cheeks. She picked up after three rings and I heard her excited voice right after.
"Y/n-ah what a surprise?! How can I help you dear"
"Unnie..." I paused as a hiccup interrupted me and I turned to my mother and smiled as I blurted out.
"Where is that idiot brother-in-law of yours?"
I was in the middle of rome now at the main road which was in the address that Irene unnie had told me. I had reached the city of Romania last night and booked a room. My roman was a little rusty but it was enough for me to communicate for any necessities.
Apparently the address unnie had given me was with the name of a person called who is a painter. I had many questions when I read it but I just pushed them to the corner of my head and continued to search for this guy. And a weird fact was that some of the people who walked past me looked at me like as though I had come back from the dead.
I was about to turn and walk past the road but then right across road was the person I was searching for but...
I was walking back to the gallery after an arguement with George Wilson, the guy who tried to buy one of my paintings at the gallery which were actually not for sale. They were paintings of the girl I loved and he is not getting any of it. Not under my watch.
Grace my assistant was following me. I told her to tell him to not to bother me but the guy is too persistent in buying the painting. I was walking away. But the his men came after me from the other side. The only way for me to escape now was to go into the dark alley at my right.
I pulled my assistant's hand and entered the alley phishing her to prevent any unwanted attention. She got the hint as she peeked to see the men in black looking everywhere. We waited till they were gone and then sighed. I realized how close we stood to each other only after his men were gone.
I was about tell her to move away but my eyes caught something familiar; actually someone I would have never thought I would see in Rome. Y/n stood at the other side of the road and her expression clearly showed that she was hurt.
I didn't waste time in running past Grace towards Y/n. I couldn't believe she was here. I know I had promised her that I would act as though I don't know her if we meet by coincidence. But Irene noona had called me two days back that Y/n had called her asking for my whereabouts.
She had turned away from me and was talking slow steps away from me. I was almost at the middle of the road when I felt an excruciating pain on the side of my body like something had hit me harshly all of a sudden.
I saw him there standing with a girl so close to him... just like how I stood with him. I never asked unnie whether he had moved on. Stupid me.
He did look at me and his eyes went wide but I remember his words.
'And don't worry we won't cross paths ever again. And even if we did I will act as if we don't know each other'.
I didn't want him to see how hurt I was. If he moved on then I have no other way rather than walking away now. I turned away and started to walk away slowly hoping for him to actually call for me to stop and to take me into his arms. But all I heard were the harsh sound of wheels coming to halt abruptly which made me turn back.
People gathered around the front of the car I couldn't control myself from running to the spot as I prayed that my conclusions for that moment were not true. I walked amidst the crowd to the centre where Taehyung lied in the small pool of blood.
I went to him and sat down hurriedly as I tried to put pressure on the spot where the bleeding was major. My tears were already flowing down my eyes and all he did was smile at me like an idiot.
"Y-You came" he said like a kid who had won a prize.
"Yes I did, you idiot" I said as I broke down into tears.
"Y/n-ah if I w-wont make it, take care of our d-daughter for me" he said
He knew...
"No! Teahyung, stay with me. Please, Please! stay with me!! Don't you date close your eyes!!" I started screaming like a mad women. The girl who I had seen with him was speaking with the ambulance. He tugged on the sleeve of my coat as he gave me his beautiful smile.
"I love you-" he said, barely a whisper as he passed out. And I froze as the world around me stoped.
3 weeks later.
"Stop moving!" I glared at him as I tried to shave off his beard. God he looked horrible with it. His right arm was fractured so I had to help him with everything until it healed.
Fortunately he didn't have severe injuries as such. Just a mild fracture to his hand, that's all. I was actually shook when I heard that but I just thanked god that nothing went wrong. We were back in Korea now. He called for a private jet as soon as the doctor said that he could get discharged.
I finished shaving the beard and the guy looked presentable now. I almost didn't recognize him that morning. I had to drag him to the bathroom to get that beard off of his face.
After I was done I put some toothpaste on his brush and placed it in free arm.
"Brush up fast. I'll have the breakfast ready in 5" I said and walked out he slumped his shoulders like a baby and started whining but I just walked out like I was deaf.
I kept the breakfast ready on the table and right on time Taehyung was there at the table. Mirae sat beside him on her small table and chair as well. She started giggling as soon as she saw him sitting beside her.
Teahyung leaned down to her and placed a peck on her forehead making her mumble some gibberish like as though she was trying to tell him something. Now that I notice she has become very talkative around him lately.
I placed the plate with Taehyung's breakfast in front of him on the table and was about to walk away to get coffee but he held my hand and pulled me down making me land on his lap. I looked at him with disbelief and was about to stand but his hand held onto my waist tightly and I couldn't move.
"Taehyung, Mirae is watching" I said and he looked at Mirae who was looking at us with those pretty eyes silently.
"She doesn't know what's going on, don't you sweetheart" he leaned Mirae and she started giggling again.
"Taehyung..." I whined and he just sighed but he didn't let go.
"Give me a minute" he said and his hand went to his pocket to came back in front of me with a small box. He motioned his eyes asking for me to open it since it wasn't possible for him to do it with one hand.
I opened it and a beautiful ring with small diamonds around its whole border sat at the centre. I looked at him with surprise and he said the next few words so casually.
"We have been through a lot and I didn't want to waste any more time in doing this. I have already imagined my life with you over a hundred times and it gives me butterflies in my stomach even today. It is short time for me being with even if it is forever. Just let me love you for this lifetime at least... So, Lee Y/n will you do me the honor of being my wife" he said and I was about squeal with joy.
"Yes!" I said and he slowly placed the box on the table, took out the ring and put it to my ring finger as I held my hand to him. He gave a small peck on my cheek and Mirae giggled looking at us.
Well finally I am happy. Although I might sound like a teenager I can't stop myself from falling for him so hard.
- In Serial441 Chapters
Dungeon Runner
Tibs survived by picking pockets; until he’s caught. Instead of losing a hand, he’s sent away and told he must now survive a dungeon. How is a kid who knew nothing more than his street supposed to survive a dungeon that changes each time he goes in it? Being sent into an ever-growing dungeon becomes his life, facing ever-changing threats to him and the people he tries so hard not to become attached to. He’d like to run away, but where the dungeon means he might die, the guards have made it clear trying to run will ensure he does. But his street taught Tibs to get back up after he’s beaten down. So he isn’t going to just give up. And maybe, just maybe, if he’s tough enough to take a chance on people, and on a deal for power he’s advised against taking, Tibs can not only survive, but beat those who seem to stack the odds against him.
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Seeker of Myths
A young man who has trained all his life in his home country of Japan was forced to abandon the life he knew and begin anew in the country of Korea. Launched into a world of technological marvels like virtual reality, will he be able to adjust to this new world in front of him? How will his upbringing give him an edge when finally enters the world of VR? Will he make any friends? Why is there a turtle? [Author's Note]To all loyal readers. After I get the major haul done of implementing my original world into the existing chapters, new chapters will come again. Please make sure to read the updated chapters. Thanks and enjoy.
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Kardin lived a happy and good life. That is, till he was given a strange orb by an even stranger man, maybe even a demon. He watches as his village is burned, the villagers slaughtered and his friend devoured. He escapes into the Jungle of The Gods, a place of ancient ruins and deadly animals. There, he is changed and his fate diverges from what should have been his death. Now he must forge his own path in a world of great beauty and power, where death lurks around the corner and battles between veritable gods are fought. Where nations clash and ancient beings destory civilizations on whims. But unseen cogs move under the surface, events transpiring beyond simple understanding. Strange and powerful items called Artifacts have started to reappear across the land of Auren, empowering their wielders far beyond what cultivation can give. The Traezar Empire and all of Auren are on the precipice of war and strange beings have started to emerge, all with an agenda of their own. Chaos is brewing, and Kardin must survive it, all while trying to attain vengeance and understand his strange and anomalous Katra. ***Current Schedule*** I am currently releasing 1 3,000(Sometimes I end up writing waaaay more) word chapter halfs every week. If there is not some sort of notice as to why I have vanished, then I'm probably dead. Let's hope I don't die then, eh? *Ducks under flying knife* I own this cover, put my own blood, sweat and an hour of my time into it. Ahahaha! This story is inspired (I stress this word, as because most of the story is different) by Will Wight’s Cradle. I highly recommend you read it! (Please for gods sake, if you have something to say, please do it in a curteous fashion. I don’t need any more maniacs flying at me and trying to stab me with sporks, I am already insane enough to fill that role.*Winks*) **What is This Story?** Think cultivation mashed with western fantasy, put into a pot to boil and then drunk while it's pipping hot. All the while a mad man(me) cackles insanely over the pot, stirring. It draws from xianxia lightly, which means no exasperated angry young masters. No “genuis” or “prodigy” MC, one that is not OP, or anything of the like. If you don’t like cultivation novels, this might still be up your alley. MC focuses on “Life Shaping”, see poll 2 for more Info. Warning! If your are squeamish, that gore and traumatizing content tag is there for a reason. I shall dive into both bloody and disturbing scenes and the questionable ethics of manipulating life, and some of it won’t be pretty. With a dose of realism added in. I do add my own evi- I mean despic- no, sorry, interesting twists aswell. >:) Also, I HATE info dumps! *Steps out of the way of a charging semi* Still not dead! Arc 1 (Kindling): Chapter 1 - 13 Arc 2 (Metempsychosis): Chapter 14 - 29 Arc 3 (???): Chapter 30 - ??? A disclaimer, I am new author and am still feeling out my limitations. This story is my hope of bettering my writing skills and to have fun. Buckle up and enjoy the insane journey that is Katra. (Pronounced as cah-tra)
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Born a Pawn
What purpose is there in living? For I, Kento Murakami, a master bookkeeper and hacker, the answer came soon after my most recent score. Turns out I'd have preferred to have just died and gone to heaven, and leave the deep thinking to the philosophers. Well, as it turns out I'm simply a pawn for forces far beyond what my tiny brain can fathom. In truth I'm a copy and paste underling for a cosmic entity. At least they are giving me a "sabbatical" after my mission on earth (I knew the world sucked). Join me on my isekai adventure as I get to live it up in a land of swords and sorcery!
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