《His Unknown Child》Chapter 25: Snow (Part 2)


"Hayden?" I walked away from Ashton who was just staring at Hayden.

"Oh great, you're here too?" He rolled his eyes and looked back at me.

"I'm sorry, I'm here with my son. We were going tubing-"

"Snowboarding." Ashton interrupted. I turned to look at him and pulled my middle finger; then looked back at Hayden.

"Ah, I see. Must very charmant to be with family and friends. I'm guessing this is Ashton?" He pointed to Ashton.

"Yeah, got a problem with me. British guy?" Way to act all tuff.

"Non, don't have problem. Boyfriend?" He looked at me, questioning.

"No way. Never in a million years." Okay, I may have exaggerated a little; or a lot.

"I see." He walked closer. "You're probably wondering why I am here? No?"

I looked around, Ashton left. Leaving just me and Hayden. "I thought I was a "selfish American"." I said quoting him.

"You are, no wonder why many people hate this country; also meaning the people in it."

"That's your opinion. Not mine." I talked back.

"I'm not here to pick a fight with you. I simply came here to feel the feeling of what snow is. I've never gone tubing, or what is it? Snow- boarding?" I sighed.

"If you're gonna be here, then I'm leaving." I put my hands up in serenader and started walking away.

"If you leave, what about your son?" Ugh.

I paused for a second. He's right. Even if it is Ashton's day. I told Aidan if be here with him. "Just stay out of my way." I grunted.

"Oh no, you no worry about me. I was gonna leave anyway." He winked and walked to the parking lot. Then drove away.

I hope I won't be seeing him ever again.

"Who's that?" Lilly asked as I come back down the hill by our car.

"I don't know. Some British guy named Hayden or something. I think it was one of Charlie's ex." I shrugged.

"Daddy, when do we go boarding?" Aidan pulled at my legs. I ruffed his hair.

"Soon buddy." He stopped asking and waited like the rest of us. "Let's get your gloves on and stuff.

I put on his hat while he put his gloves on. I put on his jacket last.

"Can I carry my board?" He asked.

"Maybe." If Charlie even will allow him to board. That's so unfair. Women always get the first pick and always blame us men for stuff. Like come on.

As we all got ready. The Oreo walked past us and into his car to drive away.

"You ready to go tubing?" Charlie come back down and walked to Aidan.


"No mummy. Snowboard." I smirked. Ha.

"Just let him pick what he wants to do." I suggested.

"He's not old enough to make his own decisions."

"Maybe so, but let him start. Soon, when he is old enough, he won't know what to do because he spent his whole life having his mother pick his decisions." I do have a point. In my opinion.

"Charlie. How about we try snowboarding. I've never gone before. It's always good try something nouveau." Nouveau? That's a new word. He is French. OMG! He's a French fry!!

"Does that mean new?" Charlie asked.

"Yes. Now come one." Twan pleaded at her.

"Fine." She gave in.

"Three cheers for Charlie finally doing something different." She rolled her eyes as I chuckled.


"This is fun daddy." Aidan laughed as he fell on his butt for the fortieth time. I laughed at him.

"It sure is buddy. Come on, get up." He knew how to get up, which was good. But he needs more balance.

"Daddy, do trick!" He cheered.

"Alright. Hey guys, wanna see something cool?" I asked as everyone turned their heads. Lilly penguined over to Aidan as Twan and Charlie watched where they were. "I'll gonna go up the chair lift, and come back down. I'll go do some boxes and rails." I pointed over to a small areas with tricks. "Then I'll do some jumps and flips for you." I smiled as they nodded.


I was at the top of the lift. Going down the steepest hill to gain more speed.

As I got to the bottom, I jumped up on a box and spun around, hopping back on the ground. Then a rail. I flipped off of that one.

Okay, I sped to a hill, jumped and did a one-eighty twirled, then flipped. Landing on my board, safely, I boarded back to Aidan.

"I wanna try daddy!" He shouted.

"One day buddy. One day." I smiled.

Next was Lilly, who was actually very good too.


"This was the best day ever!" Lilly explained as she sat on the couch looking exhausted.

"Best day ever! Best day ever! Daddy when we go again?" Aidan jumped up and down then ran to me on the couch.

"Maybe next week." I shrugged as I picked him up to sit on my lap. "Ugh, you're getting to big." I groaned as he sat on my stomach. I lowered him, but that was a mistake. I groaned and clutched my balls.

"What's wrong daddy?" Aidan got off, but accidentally kicked me again in the area. I groaned louder but tried to hold it in.


"Nothing buddy, you just stepped on daddy's bad spot." I grabbed my ball from the outside of my pants and turned to Lilly who was laughed her ass off.

"I sorry daddy." Aidan ran off the couch crying and to his room.

"No, Aidan." I tried to get up but it hurt more. Ouch.

"I'll get you some ice and talk to Aidan." Lilly giggled as she went to the kitchen.

Seconds later she came back with an ice pack. "I'll be back." She kissed my cheek.

"Thank you." I said and she nodded.

"Aidan?" I said as I walked into his room.

He was in his bed under the covers. Poor kid.

"Aidan, it's okay." I said as I sat on the bed next to him.

"I hurt daddy." He sobbed and came out from under the covers.

"Daddy is just fine. You did nothing wrong. Daddy said it was okay. He's all better." I rubbed his small back.

"But I step on his bad spot. That hurts." He says and I nodded.

"Yes, I bet it does hurt, but daddy tried to tell you that it's alright. It was just an accident. Accidents always happen." I hugged him.

"Am I an accident?" My eyes widen in shock. But I couldn't sit there and stare forever.

"No, no. You're the best thing that has ever happen to your daddy. Your father loves you very much." I tried to explain. It just be so hard having to go through so much drama. I went through a lot on drama as well.

"Really?! I gonna go talk to dad." The cute thing about Aidan is that he says, daddy, dad, and father. Not just one word all the time. And he looks so much like Ashton. It's adorable.

I followed him downstairs to the living room and watched from the kitchen.

My balls are freezing.

"Daddy." I turned my head to see Aidan, then smiled.

"Hey buddy." He sat beside me. But nowhere near touching me.

"Am I a accident?" My eyes widen in shock. How could he think of this?

"No buddy. No, never. You're the best thing that's ever happen to me. I love you so much. Don't ever say or ask if you're an accident." I said lovely and sternly.

"Okay daddy." Then he hugged me closely and rocked him.

"Lilly." I whispered.

"Yeah?" She asked nervously.

"Did he ask you the same question?" I asked her.

"Yes, but I told basically said the same thing you just said. But I don't think he believed me. But that's okay." She smiled and sat on the other side of me.

"Hey, maybe he wanted to hear it from me. Maybe he believed you, but wanted to prove it with me, being his dad and all." I shrugged and rubbed her shoulder. "Can you please put this ice pack back." I begged with pleading eyes.

"Balls feel better." She winked.

"Much, now that you're here." I winked back. She rolled her eyes and walked to the kitchen, only to return seconds later.

"Looks like he's asleep." Lilly peaks over my shoulder and rests her chin.

"Yeah, just wait until like five in the morning. He'll remember Santa and come jolting in our room. Ranting at us to get up." I chuckled.

"Kids." I nodded.

"I'm gonna get him to bed." I got up and Lilly followed.


"This is gonna be his first Christmas with me." I smiled as I hovered over Lilly.

"I thought about that too. Too bad though you couldn't be there for his first Christmas." She says sadly.

"Me too. I missed his first word, steps, Father's Day, I missed everything first. And second, and third. Only forth and beyond I will get to see." I explained. Sadly, I almost cried too.

"Don't think about it. Let's just get some rest before morning." She kissed my lips softly.

"But I need your love."

"Did you just quote that song? I can't think of who it's by, but you just can't quote from a song bud." Did she just call me bud?

"Bud?" I smirked and started kissing her neck.

"Yeah." She said in a moan.

"Point for me." I winked.

"For what?" She sat up and looked me in the eyes.

I smirked, once again. "For making you moan when you didn't want to have fun."

"Oh you little shit." She pulled the covers over her and turned off her lamp.

"I'm not the shit, but you're the ass nugget." I said proudly.

"Ass nugget? Did you just make that up?" I nodded. "Ass hat."

"Dick nipple."

"Pickle popper."

"Pricky prick."

"Pointy ass."

"Bullshit tard."

"Red turd."

"Okay, okay, children. Calm down. What have I told you about swearing?" I said sternly.

She gasped. "Me? Oh no, it was you who started it."

"Really? Cause I recall you calling me a little shit." I quoted her, smirking.

"Fuck." She whispered.

"Go to bed. I'm tired."

"Whatever. Night."

"Night." I kissed her cheek and cuddled on her side and wrapped my arm around her.

Can't wait till Christmas in the morning!

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