to the Falcon. He walked quietly to not alert Chewie. He knew Chewie was not a fan of him at the moment, and he didn't blame the Wookiee. Luke walked through the Falcon. Memories coming back to him. The times when things seemed simple, despite fighting a Rebellion against an evil Empire that his father led. Luke stopped when he saw R2-D2. The droid beeped at him.
"Artoo?" Luke asks, "Artoo!"
Luke looked so happy to see his old droid. He knelt down to look at the droid. The droid beeps at him, and some was not kid friendly.
"Yes, yes. I know. Hey, it's a sacred island, watch the language." Luke says, "Old friend. I wish I could make you understand, but I'm not coming back."
R2-D2 beeps at his former master.
Luke shakes his head, "Nothing can make me change my mind."
Just then R2-D2 revealed the old hologram of his sister, Leia. The hologram that started his quest in the beginning.
"Years ago, you served my father in the Clone Wars. Now he begs you to help him in his struggle against the Empire. It hurts me not to be able to fulfill my father's request in person-," Leia's voice says from the droid.
Luke looks at the droid, "That was a cheap move." He says.
"But they are attacking my ship and I fear that my mission to bring you to Alderaan failed. It is our most desperate hour. Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope." Leia's voice echoed.
Luke sat there and grumbled at the droid. R2-D2 knew he won against Luke.
Luke walked back to his hut. He arrived to find Rey exactly where he expected to find her. She was sleeping on the ground in front of his hut. He kicks her lightly on the leg to wake her up. Rey's eyes flutter open.
"Tomorrow at dawn," Luke says, "Three lessons. I will teach you the ways of the Jedi and why they need to end."
is what Amara hoped this was, but this was her reality. She watched the medic droid care for her mother. She was the only one allowed to say for updates, because she is family. Amara looked at the droid who filled her in on the latest, she nods and heads out. She had to brief the others.
She felt the eyes of other Resistance officers looking at her. Somber expressions. Amara wished Vira wasn't on another ship. She wanted to be able to confide in her best friend how hard this is right now. When the door opened into the other bridge, everyone looked at Amara. A mixture of emotions were displayed on their faces.
"Captain Solo," Spoke from Larma D'Acy, "How is the General?"
Amara stepped further into the room to take a stance next to Larma D'Acy. She had to look the part of being completely all together, she had to look like her mother. Amara looked to see them all waiting for some news. They probably all thought she had died based off her reaction. Everyone was there, including the officers to the pilots.
"My mom- uh General Organa is unconscious but is recovering." Amara says, "That is the only news I have on the matter."
Larma D'Acy frowns, "Admiral Ackbar- all of our leadership, they're gone." She says.
"Oh, dear, oh, dear." 3PO says.
Amara stepped forward, "My mother was the sole survivor on the bridge. If she were here, she'd say to save our sorrow for after the fight," She says taking charge and glanced to Larma, "Who is our next chain of command?"
"Vice Admiral Holdo," Larma says, "Of the cruiser Nika."
Amara glanced at Poe, from where he sat she saw something in him. He didn't seem to like the choice. No, Amara knew what it was, Poe was expecting to be the one in charge. Amilyn Holdo steps over, now she stood in front of everyone. She glanced from Amara, giving the woman a comforting smile before turning to address everyone.
"Thank you, Commander. There are four hundred of us on three ships. We're the very last of the Resistance, but we're not alone. In every corner of the galaxy, the downtrodden and oppressed know our symbol, and they put their hope in it." Holdo say.
Everyone was looking to Holdo for inspiration. Amara glanced at Amilyn Holdo and realized the woman speaking to the Resistance remains her so much of her mother.
"We are the spark that will ignite the fire that will restore the Republic. That spark, this Resistance, must survive. That is our mission." Holdo says, "Now, to your stations. And may the Force be with us."
Without wasting a beat, all of the crew went back to their stations, Holdo begins to walk off but then halts and turns to Amara.
"Captain Solo," Amilyn Holdo says, "Follow me."
Amara nods, "Yes ma'am," She says.
The two women walked a bit away from the people who were still in the room watching, which included some of the pilots.
"I am very sorry about what happened to your mother," Holdo says, "She was a mentor for me when I was much younger like you are now."
Amara nods, "Thank you for that, Vice Admiral Holdo."
The new General gave Amara a small smile, "It's alright, Captain Solo. I am not here to replace your mother's ranks. I'll relive myself when she comes back to us." She tells Amara.
Amara nods.
Amara followed Holdo toward the controls on the bridge. Amara looked around at how quickly and smoothly people were getting to work. Amara watched as Poe came over, he didn't look at her. She wasn't sure if she was even angry at him anymore for going against her mom, right now she didn't care about that.
"Vice Admiral?" Poe steps in front of her, "Commander Dameron."
Holdo turns to look at Poe.
"With our current fuel consumption there is a very limited amount time that we will stay out of range of those Star Destroyers." Poe says to her.
Amiyln Holdo nods, "Very kind to make me aware," She says as she walks to look over some of the control.
Poe follows and for whatever reason as did Amara.
"Let's get me those fuel projections and we need to shake them before we find a new base, so what's our plan?" Poe asks.
Holdo halts in her steps and turns to Poe. She knew nothing but positive regards of the man from Leia. How great of a pilot he is, just needing some experience and could possibly become a worthy leader.
"Our plan, captain? Not commander, right?" Holdo asks as she tilts her head, "Wasn't it Leia's last official act to demote you?"
Poe goes to open his mouth to say something, but Holdo held her hand up to halt him in speaking before she was finished.
"Because of your dreadnought plan, where we lost our entire bombing fleet?" Holdo finished as she narrowed her eyes at the pilot.
Poe didn't seem to care, "Call me "captain" or "commander", whatever you like. I just want to know what's going on." Poe says.
Amilyn Holdo gives him a smile, "Of course you do. I understand. I've deal with plenty of trigger happy flyboys like you, you are impulsive. Dangerous. And the last thing we need right now."
Poe goes to interrupt again. He didn't like what he was being accused of. And oddly enough, neither did Amara. She knew Poe could be reckless, but he wasn't dangerous. Not by a long shot.
"So stick to your post," Holdo continues, "And follow my orders."
Poe just shakes his head as he walked out. Amara watched him walk out, and then turned to hear Amilyn Holdo sigh.
"He is going to be a problem, isn't he?" Holdo asks.
Amara shakes her head, "He only wants to help, ma'am." She says.
"That's the problem," Holdo says, "He thinks he's helping but he costed lives in that last attack."
Amara frowns and looks at the woman in charge, "We make mistakes, Vice Admiral."
Amilyn Holdo steps over to Amara, who was standing close to the door where Poe had just exited from. Amiyln Holdo placed a hand on the daughter of Leia.
"Mistakes cost the war," Holdo says, "But I understand and respect your loyalty, Amara."
Amara says nothing.
"I would love to be kept in the loop in regard to Poe Dameron's activities," Holdo says, "I'll grant you the title of commander and you will keep an eye on him."
Amara looks at the woman a bit shocked, "You mean spy on our own people?"
"Not people," Holdo says, "Just one."
Amara furrows her brows and frowns.
where Amara expected he'd be. He was sitting in the medic room where her mother was resting. Poe ran his hand over his face and sighed frustratingly.
Amara's eyes land on Poe before her mother. Leia looked so still. It was uneasy. Her mother never stayed still. Leia was always moving, always working, trying to save the whole galaxy.
As her eyes move from her mother, she begins to study Poe. Poe looked so upset. Frustrated even. She could sense him being irritated and pissed off. Amara could justify a lot of his feelings. After she felt like she stood there watching for too long, Amara knocked on the wall to gain his attention, hopefully, not to spook him.
"You okay?" Amara asks.
Poe glanced at her, "I- I should be asking you that."
Amara's eyes shift from Poe to her mother. Leia unconscious like this terrified her and just made her worry that this was it for her mother. She wasn't ready to say goodbye, not like this. She didn't get a proper goodbye to her father and if she didn't get one from her mom, it would destroy her.
"Amara-," Poe calls out, "I asked if you were okay?"
Amara frowns and steps further into the room. She reached the bedside where her mother rest. Amara reached her hand and placed it on top of Leia's.
"I'm- I don't know how I am, Poe." Amara turns to him.
Amara watched as Poe placed his elbows on his knee and leaned forward. His head resting on his hands. Amara let go of her mom and moved over to Poe. She knelt down in front of him. She placed one hand on his curly hair and the other one resting on his cheek.
"We'll survive this," Amara whispers, "Somehow."
Poe lifts his head, "I don't like this," He says, "I don't like Holdo taking charge like this."
Amara frowns, "No one like this."
Amara moved to sit in the seat next to him, he had scoot over to give her the room to sit down. Amara reached over and held onto his hand, Poe glanced at her and then to the hand.
"You're not mad at me anymore?" Poe asks.
Amara shakes her head, "It's not important anymore."
"Apparently it was or else Leia wouldn't have demoted me," Poe says bitterly.
Amara reached over to make him look at her, "Poe, my mom did that because she was disappointed that you didn't listen to her. She thought it was reckless despite the outcome. But- But my mom knows you would throw yourself in front of danger to protect us all." She says.
Poe nods silently. Amara reached over and kissed the top of his head.
"Why I was even angrier before," Amara starts, "I had a conversation with him-,"
Poe glanced at her, "Who?"
"Kylo Ren," Amara says.
Poe was fully in the know that Kylo Ren is Ben Solo, or rather was. Amara had told him everything about what happened one night before the evacuation.
Poe squeezed her hand a little tighter, "Want to talk about it?" He asks.
Amara frowns, "He- He threatened to destroy mom, the Resistance, you, and make me watch." Amara says with tears forming in her eyes.
Poe pulled her in closer to him, he kissed the top of her head as a way to comfort her. He let go of her hand to use that arm to wrap around her and pull her closer to him. Amara's head rested on his shoulder.
"I keep thinking maybe if I didn't anger him in our Force chat," Amara says, "He wouldn't have threatened her, but then I realize-."
Amara shakes her head.
"He had already killed Han." Poe finished.
Amara nods with a sad sob escaping her lips.
"Amara, he's too far gone." Poe says, "This was not your fault."
"I should've told mom that I talked to him," Amara says, "Or when we were found- that I- I sensed something."
Poe shakes his head, "Amara, this wasn't your fault. You have to believe me, okay?"
Amara looked up at Poe. She looked into his eyes. So much fluttered around in his eyes. Concern. Worry. But the fact that she believed him, the conviction in his voice said it.
"I know that Vira isn't aboard to tell you the same thing," Poe says, "But it's the truth. One hundred percent."
Amara nods.
Amara pulls him closer to her and nods her head. But it doesn't stop the sobbing, it doesn't stop the pain. It doesn't stop the fact that Amara had to tell Poe the truth as he told her his own truth. She needed to tell him, she was promoted in order to spy on his activity.
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The Laughing Dungeon
Dungeons have rules. Laws, set down in ages past by their creator, a brilliant archmage who came to a tragic end while creating the first Arcane Intelligence or A.I. When a nameless mage tries to create a new type of dungeon using the soul of the Fae Courts famous trickster, Puck, everything goes very, very wrong. A new dungeon is born and the rules mean nothing.
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Fantasy World Adventures
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Villain This Should Be Fun
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Dear Crush
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