THE ESCAPE pods were Finn's idea of helping the Resistance. Sneaking out in order to do something than just float in the ship and waited for the fuel to out out. As Finn was sneaking out he was noticed by a female maintenance worker. She stopped what she was doing and turned to him. Finn was almost in the escape pod when he was discovered.
"What are you doing here?" Rose asks.
Finn halts and turns, "Hey, hi. Uh, I was- uh, you know-," He tried to ramble a lie.
Rose made the realization on who Finn was. Her eyes widen and she dropped the tablet that was in her hands, it landed on the floor. She pointed at him.
"You're Finn! The Finn!" Rose exclaims.
Finn looked a bit confused, "The Finn?" He asks.
Rose felt embarrassed, "Sorry- Sorry, I work behind pipes all day. You know, doing talking with the Resistance heroes is not my forte. Doing- Doing talking, yeah- yeah, I'm Rose." Rose says as she rambles.
Finn gives her a small smile, "Breathe." He says to her.
She nods, "Okay."
Finn then shrugs his shoulder, "Yeah, look, I'm not a Resistance hero, but- but it was nice talking to you, Rose." He says and adds, "May the Force be with you."
Rose was in awe, "Wow. You too. Good. But- But you are a hero. You left the First Order," Rose rambles, "And- And what you did on Starkiller Base. When we heard about it, my sister Paige said "Rose, that's a real hero." And "know right from wrong," and "don't run away when it gets hard," she said. You know,"
Finn was slowly taking steps back, but Rose was still too caught up in her rambling to even notice.
"Just this morning, I had to stun three people who were trying to jump ship. In this escape pod." Rose says and points to the pod.
"What?" Finn asks.
Rose nods, "They were running away." She says.
Finn shakes his head, "That's disgraceful." He says.
Rose nods in agreement, "I know."
Finn awkwardly steps back, "Anyway, uh- I gotta get back to what I was doing, so." He tries to exit the conversation.
Rose got suspicious, "What were you doing?"
"I was uh- just- just uh checking." Finn says as he noticed she was on to him.
Rose eyes where Finn stood. By the pod.
"Checking the escape pod," Rose says.
Finn begins to shake his head, "No, no. It's uh- routine checks." He tried to explain.
Rose noticed a bag in Finn's hand and then glanced up at the Resistance hero she had heard so much about.
"While boarding one with a packed bag." Rose says.
"Okay, listen-!" Finn starts.
Too late, Rose held up her stun gun and fired it at Finn. Finn was hit and landed on the ground hard. He tried to move, but it was like he was jelly and couldn't move.
"I- I can't move," Finn says, "I can't move."
Rose walks over and stands above him. She puts her stun gun in it's holster and looks at him.
"I know." Rose says.
"What happened?" Finn asks her.
Rose picks up Finn and then put him on some sort of cart, something to move him since he was unable to move given the stun will take time to wear out.
"I am taking you to the bridge and turning you in for desertion," Rose says to him.
Finn tries to shake his head, "No- No. I was not deserting." He says, "I told you that-."
Rose frowns at him, "My sister just died," She says in sorrow, "Protecting this fleet and you were running away."
Rose pulled out a pendant, it looked to be half of a moon. So it was an assumption to Finn that Rose's sister carried the other half.
Finn frowns, "I'm sorry." He says.
Rose looks at the pendant and then puts it back under her shirt.
"Look, this fleet is doomed if my friend comes back to it, she's doomed too. I've gotta get this," He gestures to a beacon in his hand, "I've gotta get this beacon very far away from here, then she'll find me and be safe."
Rose narrows her eyes at him, "You're a selfish traitor." She says.
Finn looks at her, "Look, we cannot outrun the First Order fleets." He explains.
"We can jump into lightspeed!" Rose exclaims.
"Well they can track us through lightspeed." Finn clarified.
Rose looked stunned at the news she heard from Finn. She took a step back for a moment to gather her thoughts.
"They can track us through lightspeed?" She asks.
"Yeah," Finn says, "They'll just show up thirty seconds later and we'll have blown a ton of fuel. Of which, by the way, we're dangerously short on."
Rose took a step forward, "They can track us through lightspeed." She repeats.
"Yes. And they could-," Finn starts to feel weird, "I can't feel my teeth. What did you shoot me with?"
Rose's gaze moved from her fixed point where she had been thinking to Finn. Finn, who was confused on why his teeth felt weird and why he could feel what he felt in his teeth after Rose's stun.
"Active tracking," Rose says.
"What now?" Finn asks.
Rose steps closer to Finn, "New hyperspace tracking," She looks at him, "Hyperspace tracking is a new tactic but the principal must be the same as any active tracker."
Finn starts to understand it, "So they're just tracking us."
Rose nods, "Only tracking us,"
And then it seemed to have clicked for the two of them.
"From the lead ship," Rose and Finn said at the same time.
Rose begins to ponder over the situation.
"But we can't get to the tracker," Rose says, "It's an A-class process they'll control from the main bridge."
Finn nods, "Well, I mean, yes, but every A-class process-,"
It seemed as if Rose knew where Finn was going on his train of thought, because the two of them were looking directly at each other.
"Has a dedicated power breaker." Rose and Finn says.
Rose then looks at Finn a bit confused.
"But wait-, but who knows where the breaker room is on the Star Destroyer?" Rose asks.
Finn grins at her, "I'm the guy who used to mop it. If I can get us there," He says.
Rose smiles, "I can shut their tracker down." She says.
FINN AND ROSE both arrived in the medic room where Amara and Poe were sitting in. The two explained their plan to the two. Amara stood up in the middle of the plan, leaning her back against the wall and looked up at the ceiling. Poe gave a side glance at Amara but then turned back to the younger adults in front of him.
Poe looks at Finn, "Just give it to me one more time, but simpler." Poe says.
"So the First Order's only tracking us from one Destroyer, the main one." Finn says.
Poe nods, "So we make that one blow up?" He asks.
Finn nods, "I like where you're heading, but no. They'd only start tracking us from another Destroyer." He says.
Rose nods agreeing with Finn, "But if we can-," She was cut off.
"If we sneak on board the lead Destroyer and disable the tracker without them realizing, then we can-,"
"They won't realize if it's for one system cycle. About six minutes." Rose adds on.
Finn continues, "Sneak on board. Disable the track and our fleet escapes before they even realize." He says.
Poe glanced from Finn and Rose to Amara. Amara has yet to say anything, it was like she was hiding something from him. Poe glanced back at Rose and Finn and stands up.
"How did you two meet?" Poe asks.
Rose glanced at Finn then to Poe, "Just luck,"
"Yeah?" Poe asks, "Good luck?"
"Not sure yet," Rose answers honestly.
Amara watched Poe walk over to her mother, she watched Poe place his hand on General Leia's hand.
Finn steps forward next to Poe, "Poe, we've got to do this it will save the fleet and it'll save Rey." He says.
Amara pushes herself off the wall, "If I may," She says, "We know for a fact Vice Admiral Holdo will never agree to this plan."
Poe glanced at Amara, "Yeah, you're right." His eyes shift to Finn, "It's a need-to-know plan, and she doesn't."
Finn and Poe looks at each other and nod.
"Alright, you guys shut down that tracker. I'll be here to jump us to lightspeed," Poe glanced at Amara, "I mean we'll both be here to do that."
Amara glanced at Poe and then the others in the room. She knew she vowed to uphold the loyalty of the Resistance, she trusts Poe and Finn. She knew her mother trusts Holdo, but Amara doesn't know her.
"Wait," Amara says, "Before we go further into this I need to admit to something."
Poe glanced at her, "What is it?"
Amara looks at him, "After you left the bridge Vice Admiral Holdo had promoted me to commander as long as I kept her in the loop about what you plan to do behind her back."
Poe looked shocked.
Finn then just adds, "So you're Commander Solo now?"
Rose just smiles awkwardly, "Congratulations on the promotion," She says.
Poe kept the shocked look on his face, "You were going to spy on me?" He asks.
Amara shakes her head, "Never, Poe. You do things that piss me off, but one thing is for sure, I'll never betray your trust."
Poe nods to himself and then turns back to her, "So now you out rank me?"
Amara grins, "Sorry about your luck, Captain Dameron." She says with a sly smirk and then turns to the others, "Now, how are we going to sneak you two onto Snoke's destroyer?"
"We steal clearance codes." Rose answers.
Finn shakes his head, "No, they're Bio-Hexaencripted and rescrambled every hour. We can't get through their security shields undetected. Nobody can."
Amara had a small smirk, "I can think of someone who might be able to."
Poe glanced at her, "Who?"
Amara reached over at a table and placed a call through hologram. Within moments Maz's face is shown.
"Maz," Finn says.
Maz seemed to be in the middle of some sort of situation. Blasters firing and yelling. Maz fired her blaster and looked at them.
"What? What is it?" Maz asks.
"Maz," Amara says, "It's me, Han's kid."
Saying her father's name sort of stung. He had been gone for a while now, but the wound was still fresh for her.
"Oh Mari with pigtails," Maz says.
There were some snickering behind her, which caused Amara to turn around and give them a threatening look before turning to Maz.
"Amara and yes," She says, "We require a favor."
"What is the favor?" Maz asks.
Finn and Rose step forward. They explain the plan to the woman. Every now and then, Maz had to dodge blasts and fired some of her own.
"So can you do it?" Finn asks after explaining it to her.
"Could I do it?" Maz asks, "Of course I could do it, but I can't do it, I'm a little tied down right now."
"What is happening, Maz?" Finn asks.
Maz grins, "A union dispute, you do not want to hear about it. But, lucky for you there is exactly one guy I trust can crush that kind of security! He's a master codebreaker, an ace pilot and a poet with a blaster."
"Sounds like this codebreaker can do anything," Amara says.
Maz nods, "Oh yes, he can. You will find him with a red ploom flower on his lapel rolling on a high stakes table in the casino on Canto Bight."
Poe steps forward, "Canto Bight? No- No, that's- Maz. Is there any way we can take care of this ourselves?" He asks.
Maz shakes her head, "Sorry, kiddo. This is rarified cracking. If you want to get on that Destroyer, I know only one option. Find the master codebreaker."
And then the call ended.
POE PACED back and forth in the room. He lifted his gaze at Amara, waiting for her input. Both Finn and Rose wanted to go at this point and felt like it was their only choice. Poe finally stops pacing.
"What's your input on this, Commander Solo?" Poe asks.
Amara glanced at Poe, "We have no real option here." She says, "You heard Maz. This is some serious kind of codebreaking. Neither you or I have that ability, hell neither do these two."
Poe nods.
Amara glanced at her mom, "I know this may be going against my mother's wishes by going against Vice Admiral Holdo, but this is the only hope we have right now."
Finn turns to Poe, he offers Poe the beacon in his hand. Poe looks at the beacon and nods. The two men shake hands. The four of them then move on, Poe led Rose and Finn back to the escape pod whereas Amara was going to head to the bridge and make it seem like she was doing her job for Vice Admiral Holdo.
Lying. It felt wrong but this was war, right?
As Amara walked down the hall, she paused. She turned behind her and sensed him again. She saw other people in the hall, so she buzzed a door open and stepped in what seemed to be a bathroom. She walked into the room and the door shut behind her. Amara leaned against the sink with her arms crossed.
"What is it now?" Amara asks him.
"I'm surprised you even acknowledged me after what happened to Leia," Kylo Ren snickered.
"She isn't dead, Ben." Amara says.
Kylo Ren frowns, "She is- She was blown out of the ship." He says.
Amara tilts her head, "The Force works in mysterious ways." She says.
Kylo Ren points at her, "Do not lecture me on the Force. I had training. I know how to control my powers, unlike you."
Amara shrugs her shoulders, "Sure, whatever. You have that over me."
Kylo Ren's eyes narrowed, "Do I sense a little bit of envy?" He chuckled, "It is envy I sensed."
"Why are you surprised about this? When we were kids I always wanted to be a Jedi like Uncle Luke. This isn't anything new." Amara says.
"And yet, you seemed to have awakened such power." Kylo Ren says.
Amara sensed something from Kylo Ren. Her eyes narrowed a little and she moved from where she was leaning. She glanced to her right.
"You sense her too, don't you?" Kylo Ren asks, "Rey."
Amara glanced back at her brother, "She'll bring Luke back."
"Doubtful," Kylo Ren says, "And even if she does, I'll kill him."
Amara shakes her head, "No you won't, Ben."
Kylo Ren grits his teeth, "Stop calling me that name," He says.
Amara moves to the door to exit the bathroom, "I don't have time to talk with you. I am far too busy."
"I see that, Commander Solo." Kylo Ren says.
Amara glanced back and his presence was gone. Amara exhaled deeply and then walked out of the room.
- In Serial41 Chapters
Journey On Pokemon Island
Survive in a wilderness filled with mysterious and dangerous beasts? Then why do these beasts resemble Pokemon that he is familiar with in his memories? Edward Johnson signed his name on the agreement and was brought into the island as a pioneer. [That damn yellow rat, I was nearly killed by its lightning strike!][Watch out for that purple ball monster. The toxic gasses it emits can kill you!] The audience watched on as many contestants besieged constantly by wild beasts during the live stream. Still, only Edward led many Pokemon to start a leisurely life. DISCLAIMER:I don't own any character other than my OCs.The cover pic is also not mine.
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GemZ: Chronicles of Le'Tayah
In the world of Le'Tayah Gemz are power. They power everything, from lights to vehicles to weapons. When a Gem gets stolen from a nearby Tower, a transport ship crashes from the sky, and Gosha (our... hero) is suddenly catapulted from his quiet farming life into a world full of adventure. Can he survive when faced by bandits, a ban on magic, and a government organisation out to get him? To hold the power of the sun in the palm of your hand, that is what it means to wield the GemZ. Along the way he will face differing adversaries, find new companions, and battle hardships that he must overcome. The fate of the world rests in the hands of those who can weild the power. Disclaimer: It is suggested to read through at least the first 6 parts before you decide whether or not to continue reading.
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A War Beyond Kings
Author: I made som mistakes early in the story that I will have to correct, but it will take some time. I have not abandoned this story, but I will be working on my computer and will not be active on royal road. "The elves start to leave their secure forest of Silvanwood for the first time in over two thousand years. Wizards are murdered in their own homes one by one to the dismay of the Jeidan Order of mages. The ancient ruins in Agnellia seem to have awoken after thousands of years of abandon. The flames of war are brewing, and the continent of Maëgor is about to witness a war like never seen before." Author’s note: This is a serious story, loosely inspired from many great works, which you will maybe be able to identify on your own. It is entirely original though. I’ll be working on this for hours every day, but that doesn’t necessarily means that there’ll be daily chapters. I don't own the rights to the cover image, and will immediatly take it down if the author requires so. Every chapter will be at least 2000 words. And congratulations to anyone who guesses on which language the chapter titles are written in.
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❝HELP HELP HELLLP!❞❝Hello, this is the Fine Apple market, and no, we are not an Apple knockoff store; how may I help you?❞❝Well, someone just stole my phone.❞❝Sorry, what?❞❝You asked how you could help me.❞❝...Oh.❞◽︎◾︎◽︎in which a jittery workaholic who realizes she needs help and an antisocial beach bum who doesn't realize he needs help both find help.short story #22copyright © 2016 by rosecoloredsoul. all rights reserved.cover by @robinwithouthoodie
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