INSIDE THE throne room for Snoke, General Hux was giving the Supreme Leader an update. Snoke seemed satisfied and excused the man. The leader of the First Order slowly moved his gaze to his apprentice. Kylo Ren. Helmet and all. Kylo Ren was knelt down in front of the Supreme Leader's throne, bowing his head down in respect to his master.
"You wonder why I keep a rapid cur in such a place of power?" Snoke asks, "The cur's weakness, properly manipulated, can be a sharp tool."
Kylo Ren does not say a thing. Only keeping his head down.
"How's your wound?" Snoke asks.
"It's nothing," Kylo Ren answers.
"Hmm," Snoke says, "The mighty Kylo Ren. When I found you, I saw what all masters live to see. Raw, untamed power. And beyond that, something truly special. The potential of your bloodline. A new Vader. Now I fear, I must've chosen the wrong descendant of Vader."
Kylo Ren lifted his head up. He seemed stunned at that.
"I've given everything I have to you," Kylo Ren says, "To the dark side."
Snoke shakes his head, "Take that ridiculous thing off," Snoke tells the boy.
Slowly Kylo Ren reaches up to his head, grabbing the helmet and slowly pulling it off. Revealing the injury he had been given by Rey.
"Yes, there is it. You have too much of your father's heart in you, young Solo." Snoke presses on.
Kylo Ren shakes his head, "I killed Han Solo. When the moment came I didn't hesitate." Kylo Ren explains.
Snoke tilt his head, "And look at you, the deed split your spirit to the bone. You were unbalanced, bested by a girl who had never held a lightsaber! You failed!" He yells.
Kylo Ren stands up in pure anger, but at that moment Snoke shoots lightning at the man. Kylo Ren was thrown on the floor on his back. He winced at the slight pain erupting through his spin.
"You fail to an inexperienced girl," Snoke snarls at Kylo Ren, "And your sister holds potential to surpass you."
Kylo Ren glare.
"Skywalker lives. The seed of the Jedi Order lives. As long as it does, hope lives int he galaxy. I thought you would be the one to snuff it out. Alas, you're no Vader. You're just a child in a mask." Snoke says.
After that, Kylo Ren just stormed out of the throne room without saying anything else. Before stepping into the elevator, Kylo Ren grabs his helmet and puts it back on. The elevator door shits behind him. Kylo Ren exhales deeply. He takes off the mask and stares at it. The words of Snoke echoing in his head.
"No Vader,"
"Just a child in a mask,"
Kylo Ren glares at the mask. He banged the mask up against the wall. He halted for a moment and then continued to bang the mask against the hall until it was destroyed. The elevator door opens and standing in front were two officers. Kylo Ren stepped out wasting no time.
"Prepare my ship," Kylo Ren ordered them as he left.
SHE FOLLOWED after the former Jedi master. Rey went where Luke went. Not leaving him alone for one minute. On this rainy day, Luke goes fishing and Rey watches from afar. She expected him to use the Force, but was greatly disappointed. He goes to a cliff-side. Luke uses this strong rod to go from one side of the cliff to the other.
"Careful!" Rey shouts.
Luke, who landed without a scratch, glanced back at her. She seemed to relax a little knowing that he didn't get hurt, but Luke just looked annoyed.
"You're wasting your time," Luke calls out.
Rey looks at the older man and then sprints forward and jumps to clear the cliff. She landed on the other side without falling, but barely. When she looked up, Luke was gone. So she sprinted after him. She ran and ran, but didn't find him. Instead she stumbled upon finding this really old tree trunk. It looked hallowed out. Rey looked forward considering to continue to look for Skywalker, but felt something calling her to the place.
She walked inside. Slowly looking around, Rey sees old text. She couldn't understand the writing, she barely knew much of reading from living on Jakku her entire life, but these was in a language she never seen. She found a book wide open, she was about to go closer to it when she heard something. She turned around to see Luke.
"Who are you?" Luke asks eyeing her.
Rey looks around at the place, "I know this place," She answers instead.
Luke rolls his eyes, "Built a thousand generations ago to keep these," He gestures to the texts, "The original Jedi texts. Just like me, they're the last of the Jedi religion. You've seen this place. You've seen this island."
Rey shakes her head, "Only in dreams."
Luke tilt his head at her, "Who are you?"
"The Resistance sent me," Rey says to him.
"They sent you? What's special about you? Where are you from?" Luke asks.
Rey frowns, "Nowhere." She says.
"No ones from nowhere," Luke says.
"Jakku," Rey says.
"Alright, that's pretty much nowhere." Luke begins to walk out.
Rey quickly follows after Luke as they leave the tree.
"Why are you here, Rey, from nowhere?" Luke asks looking back at her.
Rey looks at him, "The Resistance sent me. We need your help. The First Order has become unstoppable." She explains.
Luke kept his eyes on her, "Why are you here?" He pressed again.
Rey took a step forward, "Something inside me has always been there then now it's awake. And I'm afraid. I do no know what it is, or what to do with it. And I need help." Rey says.
"You need a teacher," Luke says and shakes his head, "I can't teach you."
Rey protests, "Why not?" She asks, "I've seen your daily routine. You're not busy."
Luke shakes his head at Rey, "I will never train another generation of Jedi. I came to this island to die and it's time for the Jedi to end." He tells her.
Rey looks at him, "Why?" She asks, "Leia sent me here with hope. if she was wrong, she deserves to know why. We all do."
AMARA STOOD outside of the quarters as Poe helped Finn change into some normal clothes. Amara held herself together from slapping Poe, she knew he could be reckless and a bit extreme. Sometimes full of his ability to pilot and lead, but she never thought of him as the type of guy to disobey an order from Leia. Amara closed her eyes briefly and then opened them. She glanced behind her and saw a familiar face. Kylo Ren.
"Hello, sister." Kylo Ren says.
"Oh, you're admitting I'm your family, now?" Amara asks with a glare.
A small chuckled escaped his lips, "I guess I deserved that."
Amara knew this was some sort of Force projection. She knew Kylo Ren wasn't here. It was either his doing or somehow Amara's doing. She was also glad that no one was in the hall at this moment. It would've been weird for any Resistance officers to see the daughter of the Resistance talking to herself.
"You deserve me to stab you in the stomach with that stupid lightsaber of yours," Amara says crossing her arms on her chest.
"My, am I speaking to the same Amara who claimed she didn't want to fight me?" Kylo Ren teased.
"That was after you murdered our father, Ben." Amara says glaring.
"My name is Kylo Ren!" He yells.
"You sound like a child throwing a tantrum," She says, "You're no Sith Lord."
Kylo Ren glares at her, "I will destroy Leia, the Resistance, your little pilot boyfriend, and make you watch."
Amara extends his hands out and somehow he was shoved out of her sight. No more hearing or seeing Kylo Ren.
Amara took in a deep breathe and shook off the nerves. She heard the door swoosh open, and there was Finn and Poe.
Poe looks at her, "Everything okay, Amara?" He asks, "I thought I heard you talking to someone?"
Amara shakes her head glaring where she once saw her brother.
"It's nothing," Amara says.
Amara said nothing more of the sorts and walked on down the hallway. Poe and Finn glanced at each other a bit confused and frankly, Poe was a bit worried.
Finn leaned forward to Amara, "So uh- Rey?"
Amara glanced at Finn, "My mother- uh the General can explain everything to you on the bridge." She forced a smile.
Finn nods, "Alright." He says, "I- I'm just worried."
Amara glanced at Finn. She saw the true worry in his eyes. The pain of wondering how she was doing. She felt for him. Amara nods her head and looks forward.
"I'm sure she's fine, Finn." Amara says, "After all Chewie is with her."
Finn smiles faintly, "I'm glad she's not completely alone."
Before they reached the bridge, Poe grabbed Amara's arm to halt her. Finn stopped a few feet only to see that Poe wanted to just speak to her. So Finn took a few steps away to sort of give them space.
"Amara," Poe says, "Are you mad at me?"
Amara looks at him, "Look, Poe, I am upset you didn't follow my mom's orders." She says, "But that's not what's- it's nothing."
"Amara," Poe frowns.
"It can wait," Amara says and turns to Finn, "The General is waiting for us."
Poe nods.
With that said, the three of them walked into the bridge. The doors slid opened and some people glanced over to see them. Leia's eyes fell on her daughter, sensing something wrong, but she had to deal with something first.
Leia's eyes trail to Finn, "I'm glad to see you up and awake, Finn."
Finn gives her a small smile, "Me too, General."
Leia's eyes move to Poe. Poe feels Leia's eyes on her, so in doing so Commander Dameron takes a step forward to Leia. He expected she wanted to have a private word with him. When Poe stepped in front of Leia, Leia just slapped Poe across the cheek. The sound caused everyone to look. Amara nearly gasped and covered her mouth with her hands.
"You're demoted," Leia says.
Poe looked at Leia shocked, "What? Wait! We took down a dreadnought." He tries to explain.
Leia looks at her ace pilot, "At what cost?"
That question was similar to what Amara had asked him in the hangar. Poe was confused by that, he knew he needed to finish it. How could neither women understand that?
"If you start an attack, you follow through." Poe tries to explain.
Leia shakes her head, "Poe, get your head out of your cockpit. There are things you cannot solve by jumping into a X-Wing and blowing something up!" She says, "I need you to learn that."
Poe looks at her, "There were heroes on that mission." He says.
Leia frowns, "Dead heroes, no leaders." She says.
Leia glanced over to Finn and Amara, the two had moved from near the door to the controls. Finn was looking at where they were, what system. He was beyond shocked, he last remembered fighting Kylo Ren and now this?
"We're really nowhere." Finn says, "How's Rey going to find us now?"
Leia reveals a beacon.
"A cloaked binary beacon?" Finn asks.
Leia nods, "To light her way home." She tells the boy.
Finn nods, "Alright, well, until she comes back, what's the plan?" He asks.
Leia looks at the boy, "We need to have a new base." She tells them.
Amara nods, "One hopefully with enough power to get a distress signal to our allies scattered in the Outer Rim." She says.
Admiral Ackbar adds, "Proximity alert!"
A female resistance solider turns to them from her controls, "They found us."
Poe looks shocked, "That's impossible."
Amara moved from where she stood to the window to look out, Poe and Finn followed after her. Amara stared at the ship that appeared.
"That's Snoke's ship." Amara says calmly.
Poe looked frustrated, "You've gotta be kidding me." He moves to Connix, "Can we jump into lightspeed?"
Kaydel Ko Connix looked at them, "We have enough fuel for just one jump."
Poe nods, "Do it." He says, "We have to get out of here."
Leia shakes her head, "Wait. They tracked us through lightspeed." She says.
Finn looked at the General shocked, "That's impossible."
Amara stepped from the window, "They managed the impossible," She says.
"So if we jump into lightspeed," Finn says, "They'll just find us again, and we'll be out of fuel. They've got us."
Poe shakes his head, "Not yet, they don't."
Poe glanced at Amara. Amara held his stare. She saw something in his eyes. Courage. Bravery. Strength. Hope.
Poe steps in front of Leia, "Permission to jump in an X-Wing and blow something up?" He asks.
Leia gives a side smile, "Permission granted." She looks at the Admiral, "Admiral, spin us around!"
Amara watched as Poe ran out of the room, Finn followed after him. For whatever reason, Amara felt the urge to follow after Poe.
Amara glanced at her mom.
Leia nods.
And Amara ran after Poe and Finn.
SHE SENSED it or rather him. Amara halted in the hallway, she felt the explosions hitting the shields and knew they were under attack. Her eyes dart to a window in the hall she stood in. She looked out.
"Ben," Amara says.
Amara glanced at the direction she initially was running in, but knew she needed to be elsewhere. She sprinted.
Amara felt the shake again. This shake caused her to fall onto the ground, her knees hitting the floor rough. Amara's eyes widen at that moment.
"No," Amara says.
She got up and ran. When she reached where she hoped to have made it to, she found the bridge had been destroyed. TIE fighters had blasted it and caused an explosion. Amara had tears sliding down her cheeks.
"Amara-!" It was Finn's voice.
Amara didn't dare turn around. Poe, Finn, and Lieutenant Connix had appeared behind her.
"Amara," Poe rested his hands on her shoulder, "Amara?"
Amara didn't respond. Instead she was just staring out the window. Hoping to find something, sense something. She'd think she'd be terrified of dying. She'd think she'd be terrified knowing her brother is doing exactly what he threatened. Killing their mother in front of her. Suddenly, Amara sensed something.
"Wait-," Amara finally spoke.
Poe leaned closer to her, "What is it?"
"Mom," Amara says.
Then the four in the window watched as Leia, somehow, moved across the space from outside to the exploded part of the ship to a doorway where it begins to open. Amara and Poe were the first ones to sprint over to her. Poe taking the General into his arms and held onto her. Amara was beginning to sob while Connix held onto her for support. Meanwhile, Finn was helping Poe in any way possible.
"Move!" Poe yells as he carries the General to a medic droid, "Outta the way, everybody!"
As Poe ran down the hall with the General, the other three followed behind. Many people watched as their leader was being carried to the medic. Unconscious and uncertain if she is alive or not.
"Make way!" Finn yells, "Make way!"
When they reached the medic, Poe placed Leia down on a bed. The medic droid begins to oversee her.
"Her vital signs are weak, but she is fighting." The droid said.
And that is when Amara collapsed on the ground. She collapsed onto her knees and began to cry. She can't do this again, not so soon from loosing dad. Finn watched the sight and frowns. Connix also frowns, she stands awkward in the doorway uncertain on what to do. Poe glanced from the unconscious Leia to her daughter, Amara. Amara was crying. Poe knelt down and pulled her into his embrace.
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Samsara Cycle - Xianxia - Villainous Reincarnation [COMPLETED]
A thousand lifetimes ago, Qiu Xuanwu stood atop the world as the King of the Underworld. He sealed the righteous deities and reigned alone--until the last remaining righteous deity, Kai Bailong, tore him from his throne, released the righteous deities, and restored order to the world. Instead of exterminating Qiu Xuanwu, Kai Bailong consigned his soul to enter the cycle of samsara, experiencing countless reincarnations until his soul purified. Kai Bailong followed him into the mortal cycle, watching over the evil deity. For eons, the two reincarnated together, locked in eternal moral combat. As orange trees, bees, cats and dogs, and a thousand other lifeforms, the two struggled endlessly. A thousand lifetimes later, Qiu Xuanwu awakens as the young Chen Wuya, finally reincarnated into a human form capable of cultivation. With Kai Bailong nowhere in sight, he sets out to once more become the strongest martial deity and finally complete the vengeance that led him to become the King of the Underworld in his first life. Though a thousand lifetimes have passed, nothing will keep him from his goal... unless that damned Kai Bailong finds him again! -Low-fantasy for Xianxia, high-fantasy in general -Lightly comedic, mostly action/adventure -Updates biweekly Mon/Fri, daily updates until I catch up to backlog!
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