EVACUATION ISN'T easy, not by a long shot. People on the Resistance base on D'Qar was frantically trying to get away before they are destroyed by the First Order. Amara motioned for some officers to head to a ship. Amara glanced behind her, seeing Vira head off into a ship while pushing a crate of medical supplies with the help of an officer.
"See you on the other side, Kalo!" Amara yells at Vira.
Vira turns to Amara and grins, "You too, Captain Solo!"
Amara glanced over noticing Kaydel Ko Connix coming out with one of their colleagues. Connix motioned for Amara to follow them to their ship. This was it, they were leaving D'Qar. As they made there way to their ship, there was a distant explosion. The three of them look up to see two Resurgent-class Star Destroyers appear in the cloudy blue sky. Then they were quickly joined by the Star Destroyed, Finalizer.
Amara glanced at Connix, "Time to go,"
Connix nods, "I'll say."
Amara headed into the Raddus whereas Connix headed back inside the Resistance base to get any additional officers to hurry onto the ship. Amara raced down to the bridge on the Raddus to find her mother by the communication channel, likely speaking with Poe or just listening in.
"We've pulled crazier stunts than this," Poe's voice came through the channel.
Leia leans in to speak, "Just for the record, Commander Dameron, I'm with the droid on this one." Leia says.
"Thank you for the support, General." Poe says.
Amara held a small smile on her face when she heard Poe say that, she turned from the controls to then glance back at her mom.
"Is Finn on our ship?" Amara asks.
Leia turns to her daughter, "I figured you'd want him here," She says, "After all you promised Rey to watch over him."
Amara couldn't help but smile.
INSIDE HIS X-Wing, Poe flicks a switch. He was planning something stupid, something so stupid that he was certain Amara would disagree with and he'll deal with that later.
"This is Commander Poe Dameron of the Republic fleet, I have an urgent communique for General Hux." Poe says.
Poe waited a moment or so. He just stared at the massive Star Destroyers in front of him and his fleet.
"This is General Hux of the First Order. The Republic is no more. Your fleet are rebel scum and war criminals. Tell your precious princess there will be no terms, there will be no surrender." General Hux says.
"Hi, I'm holding for General Hugs." Poe toys with him.
A smirk appears on his face. The man may be grown and may be in war, but can't help but be an ass here and there. In Poe's defense, they are First Order so they deserve it.
"This is Hux." General Hux says, "You and your friends are doomed! We will wipe your filth from the galaxy."
"Okay," Poe groans through his headset, "I'll hold."
"Hello?" General Hux asks.
Poe grins, "Hello? Yup, I'm still here." He says.
Poe sort of hears muttering through the other line as if General Hux was asking one of his officers if Poe could hear his threats or not, which they confirmed Poe should be able to hear it.
"Hugs?" Poe asks grinning from ear to ear, "With an 'H'. Skinny guy. Kinda pasty."
"I can hear you. Can you hear me?" General Hux asks.
"Look, I can't hold forever. If you reach him, tell him Leia has an urgent message for him." Poe says, "About his mother."
After that comment, the First Order began their attack. Poe glanced down at his displays, which were beeping rapidly.
"BB-8! Punch it!" Poe yells.
BB-8 beeps excitedly, as the X-Wing's rear nozzles fire it hurdles forward. The velocity causes BB-8's head to slip back from his round body.
"Wa-hoo!" Poe grunts, "That's got a kick."
Poe's fighter soars atop of the Fulminatrix's hull, weaving and rolling throughout the aircraft's laserfire. Poe manages to fire at the Fulminatrix's enemy cannons with his own.
"Alright, taking out the cannons now." Poe says, "Tallie, start your approach."
"Copy that," Tallie says over the comms.
The starfighters soar through the chaos. Poe glanced around the Fulminatrix, trying to find their cannons. Other pilots blast at some, destroying them. The Fulminatrix has small explosions coming from it due to the hits.
"There's one cannon left," Poe says, "And here comes the parade."
A squadron of enemy TIE fighters swoop over in pursuit of the Resistance. BB-8 starts chirping nervously.
"Yeah, yeah, I see 'em!" Poe yells.
As one of the TIE ships open fire on Poe's X-Wing ship's aft, sparks begin to fly. Poe's ship's cockpit machinery are sparking. Which was worrisome.
"No, no. Dammit!" Poe yells, "BB-8, my weapon systems are down. We gotta take out that last cannon or our bombers are toast. Make your magic work, buddy."
BB-8 drops down to a socket to a cable-filled hold. His head hovers from his body as he searches through the craft compartments. Appendages on his telescoping arm plug damaged panel sections, but more begin to spark as BB-8 chirps nervously.
AMARA LISTENED to Poe's voice through the comms. She leaned against the panel of controls and stared at it, thinking if she kept her eyes on it, Poe would be okay.
"The last transport is in the air," Connix says, "The evacuation is complete."
Leia smiles and says to Poe, "You did it, Poe. Now get your squad back here so we can get out of this place."
"No, General." Poe says, "We can do this. We have- a chance to take down a dreadnought."
Amara leans into the speaker, "Poe Dameron, don't you dare-!"
"These things are fleet killers. We can't let it get away." Poe exclaims.
"Disengage now, Commander, that is an order!" Leia yells.
Amara looks at her mother. She never saw her mom yell at Poe. Poe has always been at her mother's side being the poster child for the Resistance, always listening to her word like it was gospel, so seeing this shocked her. C-3PO stands over next to Amara and Leia. The droid looks over at Leia, it seemed as if the droid was about to say something.
"Wipe that nervous expression off your face, 3PO." Leia says.
3PO seemed a bit startled by that comment, "Oh. Well, I'll certainly try, General." He says, "Nervous?"
Amara eyes drift from that to the communications. She closed her eyes and exhaled, she was really hoping Poe would follow her mother's orders.
"Come back to me," Amara told Poe right before he left in his X-Wing.
Poe kissed the top of her head, "I will always come back to you." He says.
Amara opened her eyes.
POE'S X-WING was tailing through an antenna on the Fulminatrix's hull. One of the TIE fighters chasing after him crashes and burns. A target lines up for Poe in his cockpit's viewfinder.
"Let's go, BB-8." Poe says, "It's now or never."
BB-8 chirps as with inventiveness born out of desperation. He had lowered the elevator he used to assume his station in the droid socket halfway, which requires that he erases three improper-operations alerts from the X-Wing. BB-8 rolls into the cavity of the fuselage, as close to the short in the junction box as possible. His arm retracts into his body, then he uses the welding arm to swing the head out and down, like a man doffing his hat, and shrieks. It smashes into the sparking junction box, primary photoreceptor swirling with electronic feedback.
Poe squeezes his weapon's trigger and thus destroying the last cannon on the Fulminatrix's hull. The X-Wing zooms to the fiery cloud, then banks around. Two pursuing TIE fighters collide and then explode. BB-8 pops up, crackling with energy and exclaiming softly.
"Yeah-ho!" Poe cheers, "All clear, bring the bombs!"
A squad of heavy bombers and A-Wing ships known as Colbrat Squadron and Blue Sqaudron approaches the dreadnought.
"Bombers, keep that tight formation. Fighters, protect the bombers. It's not every day we get a shot at a dreadnought, so make this count." Lieutenant Tallissan Lintra says through comms.
"Copy that, Blue Leader." Finch Dallows says, "If you get us there, we'll give it to them."
"Copy that," A pilot says over the intercom.
"Fighters incoming," Another pilot says.
After the pilot said that, First Order TIE fighters had soared over to the squadron. As Tallie tried to keep some of her squad alive, some of the TIE fighters just managed to take out her men and woman. An X-Wing ship explodes into nothingness. It wasn't just the one X-Wing, but some of the bomber ships were being hit by TIE fighters and exploding. The pilots weave to try and avoid them, but they were being targeted.
"Mayday! Mayday! Mayday! We're going down!" A pilot says.
"I see it. Tallie, they have targeted the fleet and begun the priming sequence." Poe says.
"Copy that," Tallie says, "We're almost there. Bombardiers, begin your drop sequence."
"I've got a visual on the target," Nix Jerd says through comms, "We are approaching the point of attack. The bombs are armed."
And a bomber was taken out. This was due to a TIE fighter coming a little too low and hitting the bottle of the bomber ship, causing the already armed bombs to go off, causing both bombers to explode. There was one bomber left. And all the pilots were sort of escorting this final bomber to the drop zone.
"Paige," Poe says through comms, "Come in. We're over the target. Why aren't your bay doors open? You're the only bomber left. It's all down to you?"
Nothing came from Paige.
Poe frowns, "Paige! Drop the payload, now!" He yells.
After what seemed to be minutes maybe more, the bombers start to come out of Paige's bomber despite it starting to catch up in flames.
"Bombs away," Tallie says through the comms.
INSIDE THE Raddus, Amara looked at the screen in front of them. They had did it, they had somehow managed to do it.
"Direction hit!" A resistance crew member looked from the hologram image of the ship, "Dreadnought down!"
Resistance members inside the bridge cheered at this joyous moment, Amara's eyes glance to her mother. Leia sat down. Frowning. This was a victory but also a loss at the same time. They lost eleven ships and now only had eight more for the Raddus.
POE'S SHIP lands inside the Raddus hangar. He climbs out to see Amara already waiting for him. She looks at him and then approaches the pilot, he had a grin on his face.
"I promised I'd be back," Poe says.
Amara punched his shoulder.
"Ouch-!" Poe rubbed his shoulder where she hit, "What was that for?"
"You went against the General's orders," Amara says.
Poe frowns, "Look, it was the only way, Amara." He says.
Amara shakes her head, "Poe," She says, "We took out the dreadnought, but at what cost?"
Poe frowns at her. But before Poe could say anything to her, his expression changed. Amara turned to see what Poe was looking at. It was Finn. He had wandered into the hangar in the leaking suit he was in to keep him alive while he recovered. Finn looked so out of it and confused.
"Finn!" Poe exclaims.
Finn lifts his head to see Poe. Finally, a familiar face.
Poe ran over to Finn with Amara closely behind and BB-8 rolling over. Poe goes to embrace his friend but looks at Finn all leaky like. So instead, Poe just placed a hand on his shoulder.
"It's good to see you, buddy." Poe says, "But uh- let's get you dressed. Come on, you must have a thousand questions."
Finn looks at Amara, "Where's Rey?"
Poe glanced at Amara.
"She's gone after Skywalker," Amara says, "But like Commander Dameron says, let's get you into some fresh clothes."
Amara gestures Finn to follow her, which he did. Finn glanced back at Poe a bit confused as he switched his gaze to Amara and Poe.
"Did something go on between you two while I was out?" Finn asks.
Poe nods, "But right now, she's mad at me."
REY FOLLOWS after Luke. The man may be old, but it didn't mean he wasn't out of shape. She follows him down a hill, from where she had found him and handed him the saber, to which he tossed it over his shoulder. But where Rey ended up next was in front of a door. She was bounding her fists against it, hoping that Luke will hear her out.
"Master Skywalker? Master Skywalker?" Rey says, "I am from the Resistance. Your sister Leia sent me. We need your help. Hello?"
Luke opened the door, "Go away!"
Just then the door bursts opened. Revealing Chewie, very angry, but inside Luke's hut. For a moment, Luke seemed a bit shocked.
"Chewie, what are you doing here?" Luke asks.
Chewie growls at Luke. Rey looks at Chewie with a smile and then to the old Jedi.
"He said you're coming back with us." Rey says.
Luke frowns, "How did you find me?" He asks.
"Long story, we'll tell you in the Falcon." Rey says.
Luke seemed bewildered, "Falcon? Wait. Where is Han?"
"Come out and I'll explain," Rey says.
The three of them go outside, Rey tells Luke to sit down for this news to which the older Jedi does. He sits a bit further from Rey and Chewie. Chewie stands behind Rey as Rey stood in front of Luke. Rey tells about finding the map to him in a Resistance droid. Finding Finn. Finding the Falcon. Meeting Han and Chewie. Being kidnapped by Kylo Ren. And even the battle on Starkiller Base.
"Han Solo was murdered by Kylo Ren." Rey says, "On Starkiller Base."
Luke frowns, "Damn shame."
Chewie growled.
Luke looked at Chewie, "What did you say?" He asks.
Rey looks from Chewie to Luke, "He says, that you were wrong about Amara."
Luke looks at her, "I heard what he said," He paused to think over what that meant, "I just- don't believe it."
Rey looks at Luke, "Believe it," She says, "I saw her use her ability after Kylo Ren murdered Han Solo. She had used the Force to send back Storm Troopers out to kill her and Chewie."
Chewie growled seemingly agreeing with Rey.
Rey knelt down and looks at Luke. Luke's mind seemed to be in a million places at once, and Rey couldn't even know what the older man must be thinking. Luke thought about Amara for a brief moment. Amara. Sweet, kind, and always smiling Amara. He was always too distant from her without meaning to, it was because he was far too concerned with Ben. Ben had a lot of Vader in him, he had a lot of darkness in him. With Amara all he saw was Leia.
"There is no light left in Kylo Ren." Rey says, "He's only getting stronger. The First Order will control all the major systems within weeks. We need your help. We need the Jedi Order back. We need Luke Skywalker."
Luke looks at her, "You don't need Luke Skywalker."
Rey looks at him shocked, "Did you not hear a single thing I said?"
Luke kept his gaze on her, "You think what? I'm gonna walk out with a laser sword and face down the whole First Order?"
Rey subconsciously nodded.
"What did you think was going to happen here? You think that I came to the most unfindable place in the galaxy for no reason at all?" He asks standing up and begins to walk off, "Go away!"
Rey shouts back as he walks off, "I'm not leaving without you!"
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Rise of New Olympus
Percy arrived in a dimension where Avenger from the movies are real. In this world there are no Olympians no Camp Half Blood. Now he has to raise the New Olympus with the help from Avengers and the remaining Greek Gods. This is a story where Percy becomes the God of Seas.
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Tale of Kaerus - Dropped
Immortality ? War?If the world were just a game for the gods?And one man is reincanated for the fun of the folly?What would be of that man ?*----------------------------------------------------------*Hello hello, if u are reading my story, know that english is not my native idiom... this is my first fiction...My english is very very very poor...Then be patient and kind to me...This story is about reincarnation and war.War not only between kingdoms, not only between mens, not only between swords... but also between hearts, souls and ideologies.WARNING: GORE, SEX, RAPE AND ALL IRRATIONAL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE AND LIKELY TO HAPPEN... BECAUSE I'M THE AUTHOR AND GOD OF THIS STORY AND WANT WHAT GONE HAPPEN... or not - teheee...-Sorry, but i ended it :/
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Jordan Lee, a primary school student, is troubled by the concept of who should deserve to be a student leader after his siblings and seniors talked about a cunning prefect who abused his popularity to gain power in school. Throughout his leadership journey and interaction with schoolmates, Jordan tries to find the answer.
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Project : New World
HjskskwJ Year 2333, Fifty years after World War III which almost destroyed the planet. Now, earth's resources are depleted and mankind turn their eyes towards to stars. NASA has discovered an earthlike planet called G-22.Two well-known scientists, Dr. Xanovavich and Dr. Elmidor, contributed to a new project called Project: New World. Five years later the Colony ship Solum was built and landed on G-22. Unknown to them they are surrounded by various creatures and most of all magic exists ?. Will the Colony be able to survive searching for resources in this new habitable planet?. This is the story of Mankind, a specie who's thirsty for resources. ************* Sorry, if you read some of the sentences with bad grammar. My mother tounge isn't English but hopefully you still continue to read and enjoy. Please leave a Review, Comment and Vote to show support and feel free to criticize my work. Thank you
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