《✨Anime Oneshots✨》🍋Distraction~Kananxmalereader✨personal request✨
♡Anime: Love Live! Sunshine!!♡
◇Personal request◇
"Hey Y/N are you going to come to watch swim practice again?"
"No way he promised to help the debate team practice!"
"Huh?! But I wanted Y/N to hang out with the craft club today," you hear a swarm of voices clash over each other as you turn around to see that you're surrounded by a swarm of girls. You thought you'd packed up your things fast enough to be able to avoid this confrontation, but alas you were one step behind again.
You're not sure when it happened, but recently the girls in your class all seem to be oddly interested in you. It could have something to do with your performance at the sports festival a few days back, but ever since then, you've been getting almost non-stop requests for your time and attention. You've been involved with multiple different clubs throughout your past three years of high school and people had started taking notice of your well-rounded alethic and academic abilities.
Though you've kept your true passion a secret from the others, all except for one other person that is. Incidentally, your newfound popularity has made you a target for the other guy's hatred at stealing the attention of almost all the girls in class. However, the girl you really want to pay attention to you is as nonchalant as always...
Just as she crosses your mind you notice a familiar blue-coloured high ponytail bounce towards the door. You tilt your head a bit through the crowd of girls to see Kanan leaving the class, her soft purple eyes glance over at you making your heart rate speed up. Crap! Kanan is gonna think I forgot about our plans. I've gotta get outta here, you think internally as you begin to verbalize a painfully obvious lie just to get away.
"Oh, sorry ladies, something came up and I uhh..." you start, but your train of thought is cut off by another girl latching onto your arm. You feel your entire body tense as you feel the unmistakable softness of the girl's bosom press against your arm.
"Aww you can't even stay after school just a little while longer Y/N?" you hear a soft high pitch voice ask as you take a deep breath before once again meeting Kanan's eyes and seeing as her lips curve into a tiny smirk right before she leaves the class without another word. She smirked?! She must think I'm loving the attention or something! Crap, crap, crap!
"Sorry, Irene I've really gotta get going, maybe some other time, ok?" You say quickly as you finish grabbing your things and quickly rush out of the class to catch up with Kanan. Between taking care of the diving shop and being part of Aqours you've barely gotten any time to spend with Kanan lately. Some best friend you are.
"Hey, Kanan! Wait up!" You yell down the hall as you see Kanan halt and turn around to look for whoever shouted for her to wait. You're not sure why but you felt as if Kanan had turned around in slow motion. The bounciness of her long silky hair, the smoothness of her virtually flawless pale skin, her iridescent purple eyes, not to mention her athletic body, almost everything about Kanan was perfect to you.
You can't even remember how long you've felt this way about her, but the two of you have always been playful with each other so it's hard to notice when the change happened.
"Oh, it's you, has his majesty found time to converse with the mere common folk?" Kanan asks in a playful tone as you sigh and slow to a jog as the two of you begin to walk together. You can hear a couple of passive whispers of people asking each other if the two of you are dating. Oh, how you wish you'd be able to say yes, but Kanan is oblivious to your obvious flirting no matter what you do. You're almost certain you should just give up, but something about her keeps pulling you back in.
"Come on Kanan it's not like that. Besides, you're the one training to be an idol, it's not easy to get time to talk with you either," you say honestly as Kanan shrugs casually before poking your side playfully.
"Touche, though you seemed to be having fun with your fangirls. You've become quite the ladies' man haven't you Y/N? Irene especially seems to have taken a liking to you," Kanan says while chuckling softly as you try to get her to stop poking you. She's acting playfully with you, but does that mean that she doesn't feel the same way that you do? Or does it mean the opposite? Why are girls so confusing?!
"I'm not interested in Irene or any of the other girls, but I have had my eye on someone special lately," You mutter as Kanan stops poking you and meets your eyes, a serious expression fills them as she suddenly steps in front of you to get you to stop walking as well.
"Really?" Kanan asks while tilting her head ever so slightly to the side. The tiny action is so cute that you can't help but look away as you will your heartbeat to slow down. Though you quickly gather yourself and grab Kanan's nose as she cutely closes her eyes and scrunches up her face as she tries to get you to stop.
"Well yeah, but don't think that I'm gonna tell you so easily after you've been ignoring me for so long. You're practically an idol now, I hear the guys talking about you all the time, how do you think that makes your old best friend feel huh? Do you have anyone you're interested in now? Is that why you're avoiding me?" you ask jokingly as Kanan finally manages to push your hand away before glaring at you with irritated eyes. Though her cheeks are flushed a light rose colour that makes you want to lean in and kiss her.
"Hump, as if! I don't have time for boys, besides, you're already enough of a handful for me. Now let's go, you said you wanted to practice your dancing today, right? I'll race you back to your place as a warmup," Kanan says before taking off in a jog as you quickly follow behind her. No time for boys huh? You suppose that you should've expected that considering her schedule.
Though a part of you still wishes that she'd allow herself to be open to the idea of accepting love, even if it's not you, Kanan deserves the world. You've watched her sacrifice so much of her time and energy for others, yet she doesn't feel as if she deserves that same love and attention in return. How can you get her to see how much you care about her?
"Well, how'd I do Ms. Professional idol?" You ask with a smug smirk as you try to casually catch your breath after finishing performing the dance you'd been practicing the past week. You lower your hands as Kanan slowly rises off your couch and walks over to you. Without a word, Kanan snakes her arms around your waist causing you to instantly heat up. You had taken off your shirt earlier after it got drenched in sweat, and now she's casually touching your exposed skin like it's nothing!
"Woah Kanan what are you...!"
"...I think that the last move should be a little bit more dynamic. You should move your hips more, like this," Kanan coaches you as she gently rolls your hips in a circular motion while glancing down to make sure you're doing it properly. You can feel the natural urges of a man making its way to your groin area at the feeling of being touched by your crush. Not to mention her attention is focused down there and you're already half-naked...
"Ok, Kanan I'll work on it but Jeez! You can't just grab a dude's waist like that!" you say while taking a step away from her. However, Kanan just giggles teasingly and lowers her eyes the way she normally does before she gets ready to tease the hell out of you.
"Ah my apologies, I almost forgot we're both 18 now. I shouldn't have touched you so casually since you probably have little restraint over your manly urges," Kanan says in a playful tone as you roll your eyes and make your way towards the kitchen to grab some water. The two of you had been practicing your singing and dancing together whenever you both had the time to do so. Little does she know you've been restraining yourself for over a year now even when there had been many times that you'd just thought about indulging and kissing her.
"Ok that's enough for today, it's already really late out," you say trying to change the subject as you take a long sip from your water bottle before feeling Kanan's hands wrap around your waist from behind. You feel a cool chill run up your spine at the contact, Kanan was only wearing a tank top while you were practicing, and now her chest is pressed against your back. Even through the thin layer of clothes, you can feel its softness which doesn't help your desperate attempt to avoid getting a boner.
"Oh, come on Y/N, you can admit it. Did touching you there make you hard?" Kanan whispers in your ear as you quickly turn around and glare down at her taunting purple eyes. You and Kanan have been all types of playful with each other before, but it's never been this direct or flirty coming from her.
"Dancing gets the heart rate up and, in case you didn't know, boners happen when blood rushes to the penis. So, don't flatter yourself, princess, I've just had a good workout is all. Now it's getting late, you should get changed so that I can walk you home, you pervert," you respond while flicking Kanan's forehead lightly.
"Yeah, but workouts aren't the only thing that gets your blood pumping down there. That girl you like gives you boners, doesn't she? What does it for you? Is it her body? Or do you prefer to fantasize what you'd do to her?" Kanan questions rapidly as she presses her hands on your chest incidentally making your back hit the fridge behind you. You find yourself taken aback by her sudden curiosity about your crush and what turns you on.
"Oh, do you really wanna know the inner thoughts of a man? I don't think you can handle it,"
"Try me! Show me how you'd act with your crush if I were her," Kanan replies confidently as she steps closer to you while sliding her hands down your torso sensually.
"Wait Kanan, don't..."
"...you know Y/N, you could become an idol too if you really worked on it. You're good-looking and have a decent singing voice. Your dance moves are pretty good, though you could work on your hips some more. I'd be willing to help you with that..." Kanan says in a low seductive tone that you've never heard her use before. You find it harder and harder to fight your inner urges as Kanan's hands continue to slide lower and lower until you finally gain the strength to grab her wrist.
"Kanan this isn't funny anymore, seriously what's gotten into you?" You ask seriously as Kanan immediately stops talking. You realize that your voice had dropped a few octaves and you sounded a bit more agitated than concerned. However, you notice Kanan's cheeks flush red as she averts her eyes from yours.
"You know Y/N, guys aren't the only ones with hard to contain urges," Kanan mutters under her breath as you let out a soft sigh before releasing Kanan's wrist and instead move your hand under her chin to slowly lift her head to once again meet your eyes. You lean down closer to Kanan's face while looking at her lips hungrily.
"Y/N what..."
"You asked me to show you what I'd do if you were my crush right?" you ask as you lean closer to Kanan's lips. You slide your opposite arm around her waist to tug her closer to you making her let out an adorable squeal.
"I'd hold her like this and watch as her face grows red from being flustered. I'd lean close to her lips but not make any contact until I feel like the anticipation had built up enough. Then..." your words trail on as Kanan's cheeks burn red.
"Then?" Kanan asks as you remove your hand from under her chin to instead pinch her nose.
"I'll leave the rest up to your overactive imagination. Now go take a shower so that I can take you home, it looks like it might rain," you instruct Kanan who rubs her nose and glares at you as she makes her way up the stairs.
"This is why you're single," she spits at you before rushing up the stairs before you could chase after her. Once Kanan is out of sight you feel your smile slowly fall before you mentally slap yourself in the face.
"You had a perfect opportunity, you idiot! What's wrong with you?!" You yell at yourself before running a hand aggressively through your hair.
You step out of your shower and glance outside before letting out a soft curse. The dark clouds from earlier had darkened and it was now pouring outside. A sudden flash of lightning jumps you slightly before making you chuckle a bit, however, you hear a tiny squeak come from somewhere in your room.
You walk over to the corner of your bed and find Kanan sitting down still only wrapped in a towel. Kanan had gone to take a shower in the guest bedroom, as usual, however, she now sits with her eyes scrunched shut and her hands covering her ears.
You crouch down in front of her and notice that a few tears have slid down her cheeks. You'd heard Kanan mention before that she was scared of thunderstorms, but you never realized that it was this bad.
"Kanan?" You say softly as Kanan slowly looks up at you just as another flash of lightning lights up the sky behind you which is quickly followed by the rumbling of thunder.
"Y/N!" Kanan yells as you're promptly pulled into a hug. Your body quickly tenses as your brain analyzes the situation you're in. While this appears to be the prime opportunity you've been waiting for, you can't take advantage of Kanan in such a vulnerable state.
"Don't worry, I'm here," You whisper to Kanan while wiping off her face and petting her head softly. Another flash makes Kanan latch onto you closer as you look around your room for something to help put her more at ease until the storm passes. You eventually settle on the blanket on your bed and slowly pull it off along with some pillows before pulling it over the two of you.
"What are you..."
"I'm trying to help, shh." You say as Kanan manages a light chuckle as you adjust the blanket so that it's behind her instead of falling onto her face. Once you're finished with your impromptu pillow fort you sit back and realize that Kanan has been staring at you this entire time.
"Are you alright?" you ask in a concerned tone as Kanan slowly nods.
"This is pretty embarrassing though," she mutters while looking away from you and covering her chest as if only now realizing that the two of you were inadequately dressed.
"It's alright, I won't tell. We'll just stay in here until the storm passes. I can grab my headphones and you can play some loud music to drown out the thunder if you want." You offer before sliding away to give her enough space to be comfortable. However, Kanan grabs your arm and pulls you closer to her.
*SMUT Begins here*
"Or...you could distract me," Kanan says softly as you feel yourself go rock hard. You wonder for a second if you misunderstood her but the feeling of her lips on yours quickly throws that thought out the window. You don't waste a moment before kissing Kanan back and cupping her face gently. The kiss is shy at first but gradually becomes deeper the longer it progresses. You hesitantly pull away and grab Kanan's shoulders to push her back slightly.
"If we keep this up I won't be able to hold back," you say as Kanan rolls her eyes and tugs on your towel which comes undone leaving you sitting in front of her completely nude. Kanan's eyes seem to sparkle with lust as she smirks at you and meets your eyes.
"Why don't you show me the rest of what you'd do if I was your crush," Kanan says before taking your fully erect member into her hands before slowly stroking it up and down. You bite down on your lip as Kanan giggles playfully and picks up the pace slightly.
"You look like you're holding back your moans, am I doing this good enough for you? Or should I..." Kanan's sentence is cut off by her taking your cock into her mouth. You inhale sharply as Kanan runs her warm tongue along your shaft before beginning to suck your dick slowly.
"Kanan...ngh" you attempt to form words but the pleasure you're receiving makes your brain temporarily go blank. You can't help but move your hips and begin to lightly thrust into Kanan's mouth. Though you immediately stop as soon as Kanan chokes a bit.
"Agh sorry! Too much?" You ask with words oozing with concern as Kanan laughs and brushes you off.
"No I'm fine, it's just my first time doing this is all. I'll get the hang of it," Kanan says in a more determined tone than should be required for the specific act she's doing. Kanan once again goes down on you, but this time she moans softly and begins to squirm a bit.
You place your hand under Kanan's chin to stop her while making eye contact. You lean forward and press your lips against hers while gently overtaking her so that she's lying on her back. Your hand slowly glides along her inner thighs causing Kanan to quickly force her legs together.
"Y/N what are you doing?" Kanan asks in a breathless whisper as you smirk down at her before forcing her legs back open.
"Returning the favour," you whisper as you glide your hand along the outside of Kanan's pussy to find that's soaking wet. Kanan looks away from you as her cheeks flush red while you play with her pussy.
"Huh, what's this? You initiated all this but now you can't even look me in the eyes?" You ask tauntingly as Kanan pouts and continues to avoid your eyes.
"Sh-shut up idiot. This is just a distraction from outside..."
"Oh really? Earlier you asked me to show you what I'd do if you were my crush so I might as well play along so that I can see more of your cute flustered expressions," you say before sliding down to Kanan's crotch.
You don't waste a second before gliding your tongue along her soft entrance and listening in pleasure as Kanan gasps softly. You begin to eat Kanan out while glancing up and admiring her pleasure-filled expressions.
"Y/N...I...I'm...!" You grab Kanan's inner thighs tighter as you bury your tongue deeper inside of her as she cums. You wipe off your mouth and smirk victoriously as Kanan breathes heavily while looking up at you with her violet eyes brimming with lust.
"You're...surprisingly really good at that," Kanan breathes out as you chuckle.
"That's not the only thing I'm good at..." You hint at while rubbing the back of your neck as Kanan smirks and glances back down at your still fully erect penis.
"Well we've gone this far, why not go all the way?" Kanan says as you raise a playful eyebrow at her.
"Are you sure you can handle it? If just my tongue had you squirming like that I can't imagine what sounds you'd make if I was actually inside of you," you say as Kanan rolls her eyes.
"Well, why don't you put it in and find out?" Kanan quips back quickly as you chuckle and grab her nose playfully before poking your head out of the makeshift fort and pulling a condom out of your drawer before returning to find Kanan shifting anxiously.
"This is your first time isn't it?" You ask as Kanan scoffs unconvincingly.
"No! Well actually maybe, but I..." her confidence wavers as the sudden rumbling of thunder reminds her of the reason you two are here in the first place. Kanan squeezes her eyes shut and covers her ears as you slowly crawl over to her.
"Hey, look at me," you say softly as Kanan slowly opens her eyes.
"Just focus on me, alright? We don't have to..."
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