《✨Anime Oneshots✨》🍋Jealousy~ Akaashixfemreader
♡Anime: Haikyuu♡
"Hey Hey Hey! Y/N you made it!" You hear Bokuto yell excitedly as you enter the gym where Fukurōdani will be playing their practice game against Nekoma. You usually go to all of Fukurōdani's practice games even though you're not a manager. You gradually scan the gym unsurprised to see that the Nekoma boys are eyeing you heavily.
"How's my favourite ace doing after graduation?!" you ask equally as excited as you and Bokuto do a double high five that practically echoes throughout the gym. If everyone's attention wasn't on you before, then it is now. It's not super common to have that many spectators during a practice game that doesn't play a role on the team, however, Fukurōdani doesn't mind since you're dating their captain and all.
"I'm doing awesome! I'm playing for the Black Jackals now but I just had to come to see Akaashi and the others. Plus I'm even more pumped up and ready to kick that rooster head's ass!" Bokuto announces loud enough for the guy you assume to be rooster head to hear. The guy is a little bit taller than Bokuto and has pitch black hair that stands up at an impressive height.
"Oh, the coaches are letting you play even though you graduated last year?" you ask as Wataru walks past while rolling a bin full of practice balls.
"They had no choice. It was either let him play or just hear him yell on the sidelines and complain about it anyways. Besides, Nekoma's former captain showed up too so they're making this some kind of showdown thing," Wataru informs you as you laugh unsurprised at the turn of events. The same black-haired guy walks over to you wearing a smug expression as Bokuto sticks his tongue out at him.
"As if you'd beat me you annoying owl! Just because you're still playing volleyball doesn't mean I've lost my touch just yet in less than a year. But petty rivalry aside..." the guy says as he turns to look at you with intimidating hazel eyes. He towers over you quite a bit, but you have no reason to tremble under his gaze.
"Who is this adorable little kitten here?" the guy asks as you don't shy away from his cat-like eyes and instead glared at him blankly. It's not uncommon for guys from enemy teams to hit on you, though admittingly crushing their hopes of getting with you is a favourite pass time of yours.
"Huh? What's it to you? Am I supposed to be flattered being called kitten by a guy who looks like a rooster?" you ask harshly as the guy backs away from you and laughs in shock.
"Ouch, it's been a while since my flirting reaped no rewards. Colour me intrigued though, I do like a girl with attitude," The guy says as you dramatically place your hand on your chest.
"Oh you poor thing, so delusional as to think that I'd fall for a line as weak as that. Is your team as tasteless as your pickup lines?" You ask as a boy with blonde hair and dark roots walks up behind the black-haired guy who noticeably has his pride damaged.
"Oi, Kuroo. She's wearing Akaashi's jersey number, you idiot," the boy says in a whisper as the guy, Kuroo apparently, finally notices that you're wearing a Fukurōdani jersey with the number 5 on it. Incidentally, the blonde-haired boy is wearing the same number, is he Nekoma's setter? Doesn't seem like he'd be much trouble for your Akaashi.
"Oh, crap really?! You're Akaashi's girlfriend?!" Kuroo asks loudly as you roll your eyes and nod trying to figure out why he's so shocked. Though admittingly most people think that you're Bokuto's girlfriend at first mainly because when the three of you go out you and Bokuto tend to be loud and chaotic while Akaashi tries to make sure that the two of you don't get arrested.
"Y/N and Akaashi have been dating for over a year, so don't try it or I'll really have to kick your ass. Either that or Y/N here will do it herself and I'll record it," Bokuto threatens as Kuroo chuckles and puts his hands up defensively.
"Alright, I got it! Ah, so that's why my charm didn't work on you..."
"Nope. Even if I was single there's no way you'd have a chance with me," you say cutting Kuroo off as his teammate laughs at him.
"I like her, let's see if Akaashi's sets are as good as his taste in women," the short blonde says as you chuckle a bit at the compliment. However, your reaction seems to annoy the rooster head which only makes you laugh harder.
"Kenma! Don't casually come and steal my thunder!"
"What thunder? You literally got rejected,"
"So why would she laugh when you flirt with her?!"
"I wasn't flirting, I was just being nice. You come off too strong sometimes, that why people think you're a perv,"
"What?! Who says that?!" the guys continue to bash Kuroo's character but you just ignore them and look around for your boyfriend.
"Hey Konoha, have you seen Akaashi?" You ask Konoha who you notice listen actively to the three guys arguing in front of you. He jumps a bit at getting caught eavesdropping but looks around before shaking his head.
"I saw him not too long before you came in, I don't know where he went though," Konoha says as you sigh before resorting to asking Bokuto who for some reason now has Kuroo in a headlock.
"Bokuto where is Keiji? He should be warming up by now, shouldn't he? I imagine he'd be pretty excited to set for you again too," you say as Bokuto releases Kuroo and looks around the gym. However, after two seconds of scanning Bokuto takes a deep breath that makes you immediately reach to cover your ears.
"AGASSHHIIII YOUR GIRLFRIEND IS HEREEEE!" Bokuto yells across the gym as everyone in the gym pauses to stare at him. Considering you and Bokuto have been friends for years you're already more than used to his inability to control his volume, however, you watch as your boyfriend awkwardly enters the gym and walks over to the two of you while blushing like crazy.
"Bokuto did you really have to announce to everyone here that Y/N is my girlfriend?" Akaashi asks as Bokuto jumps at Akaashi's sudden appearance. He hugs your shoulders and turns around to stare at Akaashi confused.
"What are you talking about Agaashi?! Y/N's super cute, why wouldn't you want to show her off?" Bokuto asks as you agree with Bokuto this time.
"I mean he does have a point babe, I am quite the catch," you add as Akaashi looks at you with those kind patient blueish-green eyes that you love. He smiles slightly as he noticeably looks you up and down. You've worn Akaashi's jersey to games before and know that he definitely loves to take it off of you but gets a bit embarrassed when you wear it in public.
"I was wondering where my spare jersey went," Akaashi says as you chuckle and rub the back of your neck.
"Ah sorry I borrowed it, but I look good in it don't I babe?!" you ask cheerfully as Akaashi nods.
"You always look amazing Y/N," Akaashi replies without missing a beat as you feel your heart melt. Akaashi is the perfect gentleman so you should be used to him always saying the right things but every time he does you can't help but smile like an idiot.
"Indeed, she's quite the gem. I've gotta say I'm surprised you ended up with such a fiery outspoken partner Akaashi. You're usually so quiet and moody looking," Kuroo says as you glare at him annoyed that he's still present.
"Huuuhh? You trynna pick a fight rooster head?! What's wrong with Akaashi being quiet huh?!" You ask getting riled up as you feel Akaashi grab your hand and squeeze it reassuringly as he steps in front of you. Kuroo is taller and a year older than Akaashi but something about his demeanour makes him feel like the more intimidating one out of the two of them right now.
"I'm fully aware of how blessed I am to have Y/N, which is why I'd appreciate it if you didn't flirt so casually with her. I'm fully aware that she can handle herself and have unwavering trust in her, but it'd be best if we kept this rivalry contained to the court," Akaashi says in his usual deep monotonous voice, however you and Bokuto can sense the venom behind his words.
Akaashi doesn't regularly get angry or riled up when it comes to guys flirting with you, well actually he rarely gets angry in general. Admittingly sometimes you wish Akaashi would get angry and lash out at the guys who tried to steal you from him, but you've learnt that this is just the way he is and you love him too much to be stupid enough to make him change.
Besides, hearing Akaashi get petty is so much more entertaining. Thankfully Kuroo seems to notice how serious Akaashi is and backs down.
"You're right, my bad. But if I'm getting scolded then Kenma flirted with her too!" Kuroo says as Kenma stares at Kuroo with pure and utter disgust.
"Huuuh? Since when is complimenting someone automatically flirting? Don't drag me into your mess, everyone knows not to piss off the quiet guy. Well, everyone except for Lev since he always insists on pissing me off..." Kenma mutters as Akaashi smiles at him.
"I'll accept your apology, but we still have a practice match to play after all. Good luck," Akaashi adds as he walks off while still holding your hand and leading you away from the others and towards the hallway. You're confused for a few minutes and feel your heartbeat speed up unsure of where Akaashi is leading you.
"Darling," Akaashi says after the two of you are a fair distance away from the gym.
"Y-yeah?" You ask a bit uneasy as Akaashi finally stops before cupping your face and leaning in to kiss you. You're a bit taken aback but focus instead of the comforting feeling of Akaashi's lips on yours. You moan softly as Akaashi pulls away and looks at your expression with a smile.
"I would kiss you in front of the others, but I'm the only one who should see you flustered like this. You're so troublesome sometimes my love, no matter what there's always someone who's desperate for your attention, it admittingly makes me a little jealous sometimes." Akaashi says as he caresses your cheeks gently.
"I only want your attention though, I don't care about anyone else you know that right babe? There's nobody for you to be jealous of," you say softly to Akaashi's lips as he smirks before leaning in to kiss you again.
"Kuroo didn't give you too much trouble, did he? I can already imagine that Kenma wasn't that bad," Akaashi asks as you shake your head.
"No the rooster head was barely an inconvenience, Kenma seems nice though,"
"Oh?" Akaashi says as you realize your mistake.
"Ah but I don't mean it like that babe! I just mean as a person he's more agreeable than his friend..." you trail on as Akaashi laughs and pets your head.
"Don't worry my love, I'm not upset. Out of the two of them, I by far like Kenma better than Kuroo, though as a setter he's an annoying piece of shit." Akaashi says as he grabs your chin now and looks deep into your eyes. He's not angry per se but you can tell that a bit of his possessiveness is creeping out.
~SMUT begins~
"Though I can't very well have my darling be bombarded with intrusive thoughts of another setter. I'll make sure to fill your beautiful mind with thoughts of me pleasuring you instead, how does that sound? Would you like that?" Akaashi says as you nod slowly as he pecks your lips.
"Good girl," Akaashi says before leading you into the nearest empty classroom and locking the door. This isn't like Akaashi at all. Most times anything sexual is initiated by you unless you tell him that you're in the mood for him to lead that day.
However, Akaashi's always been able to tell exactly what you want and when you want it, though right now it seems like his desires are overtaking yours for once. Though you're also not complaining about it. However...
"Wait babe, won't you be late if we play around in here?" you ask as Akaashi shrugs and lifts you up by your thighs. You squeal a bit and wrap your arms around his neck to keep you balanced as Akaashi smiles sweetly at you. For someone who is undoubtedly about to make you curse the entire alphabet, he looks as graceful as an angel right now.
"Don't worry about the game, just let me take care of you," Akaashi says as you press your lips needily against his. This kiss is unlike the soft and tender ones from earlier, your lips clash aggressively as Akaashi lightly bites your bottom lip resulting in you sucking on his. He moans lowly as he carefully guides you to the long desk at the front of the room and places you down atop it.
Akaashi's lips trail away from yours and down to your neck and collarbone area. Akaashi rarely ever marks you but right now he roughly sucks on and bites your neck making it hard for you to hold back your moans.
"Hmm? What's wrong? Do you want to stop?" Akaashi asks as you shake your head and allow him to continue. Your body feels like it's on fire as Akaashi's lips fill you with lust, his large hands make their way up through your shirt before latching onto your breasts. You gasp softly as Akaashi gently plays with your tender breast, his fingers ever so teasingly pulling and twisting your nipples as he continues sucking on your neck.
"Mmm Keiji, that feels so good~" you moan out softly as Akaashi stops attacking your neck and meets your lips once more.
"I trust that means you're properly warmed up for me then huh darling?" Akaashi says in a teasing voice as he unbuttons your shorts before sliding them off of you and spreading your legs as he kneels down in front of you.
"Every inch of you is so beautiful Y/N, and I'm the only one that has access to the most sensitive parts of you," Akaashi says as he kisses your inner thighs tenderly while slowly leading up to your dripping pussy. Once he does Akaashi glides his saliva doused tongue across your entrance as if licking at ice cream.
The sensation makes you quiver and immediately bite on your bottom lip to withhold any sounds. Despite being overtaken by desire, you can't forget the fact that you're still at school after all and can't make the noises you usually do.
"You always taste so good Y/N," Akaashi whispers as his hands grip your thighs properly and his tongue explores every inch of you. You on the other hand grip the sides of the table as Akaashi swirls his tongue around your clit just how he knows you like it.
"Oh fuck fuck fuck Keiji I'm gonna cum~" you moan out lowly as you grab a fist full of his hair while you cum on his tongue. Your back arches and your eyes roll back as the bliss of your release washes over you, simultaneously you feel Akaashi slurp up all your juices before wiping his mouth.
"How are you feeling my love?" Akaashi asks as you sit up and grab his face to roughly press your lips against his as he stands in between your legs. The mainly flavourless taste of your juices rests on Akaashi's tongue but you don't care.
"I fucking love you so much," You say half out of breath as Akaashi tilts his head and smirks down at you.
"I know, but I never said I was done with you darling," Akaashi says as he pulls down his pants to reveal his throbbing erect member. You look up at Akaashi in shock, it was already out of character enough for him to eat you out at school, but now he wants to do the entire shebang?!
Though, of course, you're not at all upset by this series of events in the slightest. You feel the tip of Akaashi's dick press teasingly against your slippery entrance, that feeling alone makes your sensitive pussy yearn for more.
"I'd stop at just eating you out, but I can't shake the feeling that I need to make it crystal clear that you're mine and mine alone," Akaashi says as he roughly thrusts the rest of his length inside of you making you gasp sharply.
"Keiji!" you exclaim as Akaashi leans forward to kiss you and ultimately keep you as quiet as possible as he thrusts into you mercilessly. The sounds of your bodies colliding in the empty classroom only seem to turn you on more as Akaashi hovers over you. You wrap your arms around Akaashi's neck as he bites your bottom lip roughly before pulling away.
"Ngh...Y/N your pussy is so warm...I love fucking you so much," Akaashi says as your lust glossed eyes lock onto Akaashi's blueish green ones only adding another element of intimacy to this act.
"Keiji fuck me harder, please. Please daddy...oh fuck! Yes right there!" you lose control of your voice and let out a string of curses as Akaashi pounds you harder. You can't help but feel as if Akaashi had some kind of magic ability to hit your G-spot on every single thrust. It's almost as if his size and length are a perfect fit for your pussy.
Your loud moans turn into quiet whimpers as you get lost deeper in your pleasure. Small tears slide down your cheeks but Akaashi leans forward and kisses them as his thrusts seem to hit deeper than before.
"Baby please keep fucking me like that, oh my god you're so deep!" you say in Akaashi's ear as you notice his breathing pick up. One of your favourite parts of being intimate with Akaashi is seeing his face light up as he reaches climax. Akaashi's blueish-green eyes once again find yours, you try your best to maintain eye contact but your pupils' roll back as you feel yourself gradually reaching climax.
"Babe...agh fuck...I'm gonna cum~" Akaashi says as you tighten your walls around his dick and hear him curse softly in response. Akaashi's thrusts became rapid and irregular as he gasps before leaning down and covering your mouth with his as you cum. Your nails dig into Akaashi's back as the two of you breathe heavily, you chuckle a bit at the feeling of Akasshi's dick twitching inside of you.
"That's a dirty trick Y/N," Akaashi says to your lips as you laugh.
"This is why I started taking birth control, I like to feel you twitch inside of me," you say as Akaashi leans away from you and shakes his head.
"Honestly, what am I gonna do with you?"
"Me?! You're the one that initiated it this time! I'm definitely not complaining but this isn't my fault!" you say as Akaashi laughs and pecks your lips quickly before sliding out of you and adjusting his shorts.
"I'm aware of that, but that's not what I meant. Your expressions and voice are so addictive that I can hardly fight the urge to act when I'm overtaken by my lust for you. I admit I was being a bit selfish and impatient, I'm sorry," Akaashi says as you blush while quickly pulling back on your shorts.
"You don't have to apologize babe. I don't mind you being spontaneous every now and then, I actually really like it. But you know everyone is gonna stare at us when we head back to the gym right?" You ask as Akaashi's expression grows grim.
"Yeah I know...let's just focus on getting you cleaned up first," Akaashi says as the two of you quickly rush to the washroom and get cleaned up before returning to the gym where everyone immediately greets the two of you with suggestive smiles.
Being the center of attention has always been Bokuto's thing, and while Akaashi's expression is back to being neutral now that he has all eyes on him, you can see his internal turmoil as he overthinks.
"Wow look at Y/N neck!"
"Who knew Akaashi would be into marking his property,"
"Knowing Y/N she probably initiated it right?"
"Oh grow up you virgins. Focus on winning the game now that the best setter and ace duo is reunited," you say to the Fukurōdani boys to break the awkward tension as the guys exchange a look before getting their practice started with Akaashi's sets.
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