《✨Anime Oneshots✨》🌸🌹Dumbass~GurenxFemReader


♡Anime: Seraph of the End♡

"Where is she?!" You hear an irritated voice screech followed by the sound of a door slamming shut. You roll your eyes and continue to read the letter in your hands as the sound of thundering heavy footsteps approaches your room. Instead of knocking you hear the door swing open followed by a light breeze due to the speed.

"My dearest Y/N, I know I am but I simple craftsman, but your beauty enthralls me and haunts my nights. If I could spend but one evening basking upon your graceful presence, I'd be able to die a happy man..."

"Y/N!" Your unwelcomed visitor growls as he stomps his way further into your room. However, you turn away dramatically and glance out your window ignoring his call out.

"...the way that you carry yourself with such mystery and class has half the town stirring to get to know more about you. Your gorgeous hair and sparkling eyes are unlike any gems I've laid eyes upon..."

"Y/N!" you hear your guest call your name once more, this time more enraged than earlier. However, this time you feel a strong hand grasp your wrist and turn you away from the window and your love letter. You continue to wear a smug expression as you meet the dark violet eyes of Guren Ichinose. You feel yourself hold in a breath at his appearance, you hadn't seen him in over three years after all.

"Oh, lieutenant colonel Ichinose, long time no see, how can I assist you on this fine day?" you say casually as the towering 6-foot man glares down at you with flaring nostrils. His messy dark bluish violet strands of silky straight hair fall into his matching-coloured eyes as he takes a deep breath before easing his hold on you.

"How does an assassin manage to warrant love letters?"

"That's my little secret, not jealous, are you?" you ask playfully as Guren rolls his eyes at you. Your expression remains unphased, but a part of you was hoping for a more interesting reaction than that. You and Guren have known each other since childhood, yet he still doesn't fully understand you the way that you understand him.

Ever since you were kids you and Guren would argue about everything and anything, but when it came to protecting you, he wouldn't hesitate to step in on your behalf.

"I can't believe you became an assassin; I'm assuming that what I heard about this mishap at the bar last night was correct then." the young lieutenant says as you scoff and brush his hand away before rubbing out your wrist. You had gotten a bit anxious waiting for Guren to get home and ended up at a bar late last night, now you know that you're particularly nimble while drunk.

"What was I supposed to just wait desperately for your return back home? No way! I can take care of myself lieutenant..." you say while turning your back on the uniformed man who quickly steps in front of you to block you from leaving. You let out an agitated sigh as you place a hand to your hip and stare up at the childish man still seething.

"Of course, I'm aware of your ability to take care of yourself, and I'm also aware of how stubborn you are. You can't imagine my surprise when I was told that my childhood friend was a feared assassin, unfortunately, you were placed under my authority as well."


"I am still an individual who is allowed to lead her own life..."

"I never said otherwise! I'm just telling you to do so cautiously, is getting drunk and taking on two vampires by yourself how you choose to lead your life?!"

"I am not a piece of fine China Guren! You've never treated me as one before so why start now?! If I'm capable of taking on vampires by my lonesome then I'll do just that!" you say raising your voice even more as Guren sighs and takes a step away from you despite the ferocity in his eyes telling you that he wants to say more.

"Listen, my job is to look after you while you're here, since you're under my control you have to be able to work as part of a team. If something happens to you it'd be a pain in the ass to have to kill you myself," Guren says in his usual stoically blunt tone of voice that you absolutely despise.

"Since when am I just work to you? This is the first time I'm seeing you in over three years since the world got screwed and the only thing you're concerned about is your duty to kill me if I get overtaken by a demon?" you ask as you brush past Guren only to once again be grabbed at.

You sigh deeply before rolling your eyes and trying to yank your arm out of his grip. However, you feel Guren's strong arms wrap around you as he leans his head onto your shoulder.

"Oh, come on Y/N, how long are we going to keep playing these childish games?" Guren whispers in your ear as you feel butterflies creep into your stomach upon hearing his deep voice so close to your ear.

You try to keep your composure as you look down at his thick hands full of scars. You can't imagine the kinds of tough decisions he's had to make over the years, how many people he's lost or how much blood stains his hands.

"How long are you going to be an oblivious idiot?" you ask back as you're suddenly turned around and pinned to the door behind you. You gasp softly as you look up at Guren whose violet eyes glisten full of emotion you've never seen before.

"An idiot maybe, but oblivious I am not. I know Y/N, I've always known actually," Guren says as your body tenses up at his words.

"K-know what? You're not making any sense; this isn't very professional conduct lieutenant, not that that's new to you or anything..." you stutter out as you feel rough hands cup your face. Guren lifts your face as he leans down to meet yours, but he stops to look into your eyes as if waiting for you to confirm whether he has it right.

"You talk big and provoke me, but now that I have you like this, you're deflecting your emotions huh? You haven't changed a bit Y/N," Guren says as you shrug and look away from his eyes only to be forced to maintain eye contact.

"Uh-uh Y/N, no running away this time. Do you know how long I've waited to finally be able to tease you like this? I'm not gonna let you miss a second of seeing that cute, flustered expression of yours," Guren says as you take a deep breath before lifting your leg and locking it around Guren's to force him to stumble backwards.


As soon as his grip on you loosens you use that opportunity to push him to the ground before straddling him while pressing a blade to his neck.

"Teasing a trained assassin is ballsy even for a lieutenant general, don't you think?" You ask as Guren's violet eyes look up at you more amused than concerned that you'll hurt him.

"I didn't become a lieutenant by being scared, besides, I have no problem being straddled by you. In fact, I'm liking it more than I expected, the knife is a spicy touch as well," Guren says playfully as you feel your cheeks flush. Your split second of distraction is taken advantage of as Guren lifts his hips to throw you off balance before pining you to the ground.

"Now would you look at this? So easily pinned down? What would you do if I were a vampire huh? Though a part of me would like to believe that if I were doomed to be an immortal you wouldn't mind me dragging you along," Guren jokes as you roll your eyes.

"Eternity with you? I think I'd take my chances in hell first," you say harshly as Guren smirks and leans down while squeezing your wrists a bit tighter. He leans down to your neck and hovers over it, his breath tickles your skin, but you don't try to fight him. Guren and you had play wrestled plenty back when you were kids, though now that you're adults this game feels very different.

"Oh really? If that's the case, then why are you allowing me such easy access to your neck? Just because I don't have fangs doesn't mean that I can't still be a danger to you here." Guren says as he teasingly runs his tongue across your neck.

A violent chill runs down your spine as you manage to pull out of Guren's grip before grabbing his right arm and twisting it behind his back as you end up straddling his back this time.

"Seems like you could use some more training, lieutenant. If I were a vampire, I'd be able to easily tear off your arms or claim you as mine. As my superior, I'm a bit disappointed in you, though I have no problem re-training you personally," you say trying your best not to trip over your words and expose just how shaken you are. You release Guren and take a few steps away as he sits up and rolls out his shoulder.

"If you were a vampire, I'd happily die by your fangs or live the rest of my existence serving you," Guren says flirtatiously as you roll your eyes and turn around to hide your flushed cheeks.

"Shut up you idiot, don't make stupid jokes like that. I see you haven't gotten any smarter in the past three years,"

"I'm not joking though," Guren says in a slightly more serious tone that makes butterflies stir in your lower stomach. You turn around and glance at Guren who now leans casually against your desk. His eyes are now full of clear lust and mischief, you want to ignore him and walk away but your heart slams against your chest and you feel as if you can't look away.

"Come here," Guren says as you raise an irritated eyebrow at his command, though despite your outward annoyance, internally you're filled with anticipation. You slowly walk over to Guren while maintaining eye contact with him, you stop a few inches in front of him and cross your arms over your chest.

"How may I be of assistance to you lieutenant?" you ask stoically as Guren tilts his head cutely.

"Seriously Y/N, can we drop the lieutenant formality already? With you I'm just Guren, you know that."

"Do I know that?"

"You do. Just like you know you can't ignore your feelings for me," Guren says as you scoff unconvincingly.

"On the contrary, I quite frequently give into my feelings of rage and annoyance virtually every time I see you," you quip as Guren chuckles.

"That much is true, but don't try and convince me that you wouldn't like to wrestle with me another way as well," Guren says as you choke on your spit and cough before glaring down at him with an outraged expression despite how obviously you're acting.

"What gives you that impression?" you ask as Guren frowns at you with unamused eyes.

"You tried to tease me earlier with that love note earlier..."

"Hey, it's not my fault you walked into me while I was reading it," you explain despite leaving out the part where you weren't reading it aloud until you heard him coming.

"Fine, fair enough. Though you came as soon as I told you to, you're not usually that obedient."

"Well just because I listen to my commanding lieutenant doesn't mean I want to bump uglies with him," you say as Guren noticeably gets annoyed making you smirk at his impatience. Sometimes he's mature and refined...but 90% of the time he's just as playful and immature as you are. You jerk back a bit as Guren jumps up suddenly and pouts as he runs his hands through his hair.

"Come ooonnnn Y/N you're so annoying. Why can't you just admit it already?" Guren asks in a babyish tone of voice as you laugh and shake your head.

"Jeez, horny brat much? Is sex all you want me for?" you ask as Guren suddenly stops fake crying and lifts a finger in the air.

"In the current state of humanity, reproduction is important for humanity's survival. Intercourse is quite encouraged so nobody would be necessarily irritated if we were to..." Guren can't finish his sentence because you sucker punch him in the gut promptly knocking the wind out of him.

"Dumbass! There's no way in hell it's gonna happen now! You just wanna impregnate me for the sake of humanity?!" You yell as Guren clutches his stomach and groans.

"No! That just came out wrong! Y/N wait! Y/N!" Guren yells after you as you exit your room and slam the door shut behind you as you roll your eyes and chuckle before walking off.

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