《✨Anime Oneshots✨》🌸Loser~Kirishimaxfemreader
♡Anime: MHA♡
You hold your breath as the next couple of people in line shuffle closer to the gate in front of you. You had been waiting in line for this particular rollercoaster for at least ten minutes, though now that you're in the next batch to go on you can't help but regret your decision.
Why am I even here? Who goes to an amusement park by themselves? You silently ask yourself these questions as you blink away the tears that threaten to form in your eyes. As soon as you heard that the amusement park was open you immediately rushed down here without a solid plan.
You just wanted to get him off your mind. To prove that you didn't need him to be happy or to face your fear of rollercoasters. However, the closer you get to the ride the louder you hear the creaking and clanging of the machinery.
"Alright let's make this a bit quicker. Everyone's in pairs of two right?" one of the ride operators says as you jump at the loudness of his voice. You see the couple in front of you nod as the girl squeezes the boy's arm tightly.
Just last year you had been in the same position. This year, however...
"Umm...I'm actually on my own." You mumble as the operator turns to you confused before letting out a loud chuckle.
"Seriously? Ha! What a loser." the young guy says as the couple turns around and glances at you with eyes full of pity. You hear a few people chuckle behind you as you hang your head.
Loser? That seems fitting. Though you hadn't expected for him to shout it so loudly and draw all eyes onto you. Though this could be the excuse you need to back out so maybe you should be thankful.
"Sorry." you manage to get out as you turn around to leave the line. However, you feel someone suddenly grab your hand and squeeze it reassuringly. You're certain that you don't know anyone here, so why is this stranger interfering?
"I'll ride with her!" You hear a loud voice shout as you look up and meet the fiery eyes of a spiky red-haired guy. Upon meeting his gaze you can immediately sense an overwhelming upbeat attitude radiating off of this muscular stranger.
"Are you ok with that? Would be a shame to have waited this long only to walk away right?" the guy asks while smiling down at you, a pair of bright spiky teeth winking at you as he does. Despite his appearance, the vibe you get from him is nothing but welcoming.
"Oh uh...yeah that's fine." You say as the teenager just shrugs before moving on to ensure that the rest of the crowd is bunched into pairs as well. You look down and realize that the guy is still holding your hand, you quickly yank it out of his grasp incidentally making him jump.
"Oh right sorry! I didn't mean to grab onto you like that. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." the guy says quickly as you shake your head and look down avoiding his polite eyes. You're not sure why someone like him is being so nice to you anyway, he probably just pitied you.
"No it's fine, it's just my quirk Rose Bush can activate randomly depending on how I feel. I didn't want to hurt you by accident," you say as the guy chuckles lightly making you glance up at him.
"No need to worry about me. Don't mean to brag but my hardening quirk is pretty strong, I doubt you'd be able to put a scratch on me with some thorns. Though I would like to put a couple of bruises on that jerk that called you out like that." the guy says while glaring at the kid who returns to his station while wearing an uninterested expression.
"There's no need to get upset on my behalf. It was stupid of me to come here on my own anyway, I don't mind if you go back with who you came with." You say as the red-haired guy tilts his head as if he were confused. His spiky hair also slides slightly to the side, making him appear even cuter than before.
"Oh, I was going to ride by myself too, though I have some buddies that I'm meeting up with later. If you want you can spend the day with us, we all love to go on rides so there wouldn't be any more jerks picking on ya." the strange guy offers as you look up at him confused. You've never met anyone as nice as him before.
"Thanks for the offer but after riding with me once I doubt you'll want to go again. I don't do well with this kinda stuff. I spike up quite a bit when I'm scared..."
"Then that makes me the perfect ride buddy for you, doesn't it? I already told you your thorns won't hurt me. So don't be afraid to hold on real tight if you get scared alright?" Spiky hair says as you feel your cheeks flare up, however, his do the same making it clear that he didn't have any indecent intent behind his words.
"I mean...oh jeez, I hope that didn't sound too forward or anything. Dang, I didn't even tell you my name yet! I'm Ejjiro Kirishima, and you are?" Kirishima says as he holds out his hand to you while awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck with the other. You find yourself laughing a bit as you shake his hand.
"F/N L/N, but it's fine to just call me Y/N. It's nice to meet you Kirishima," you say while smiling widely as Kirishima's red eyes meet yours again. You unintentionally hold in a breath as Kirishima stares at you.
"It's nice to meet you too. Sorry if I'm staring but, you have a really beautiful smile Y/N." Kirishima says as you find yourself rendered speechless. It's been over a year since anyone outside of your family had complimented you. However, before you can respond the rollercoaster cart stops and your group is ushered onto the platform.
"Come on let's go to the front!" Kirishima says excitedly as he grabs your hand and leads you. A part of you wanted to sit close to the back, but when looking at Kirishima's excited expression you can't help but want to make sure it doesn't falter.
"Um K...Kirishima? I don't think I can do this. I'm sorry. This was a stupid idea."
"Hey don't worry about it, you've got this strong boulder of a man beside you. So don't be scared, alright little pebble?" Kirishima says as he leans over and notices you gripping the bar tightly.
You now feel more flustered about being nicknamed by this guy as opposed to scared of the ride in front of you.
"Here. Hold my hand as tight as you need to." Kirishima offers as you look at him hesitantly. However, as soon as the ride jerks to a start you remember your fear and quickly latch onto him. Despite his quirk...why is he so comfortable to hold onto?
"You held onto my hand pretty tight back there, but no injuries from your thorns just as I said! Why didn't you tell me you were scared of the front though?" Kirishima asks you as the two of you walk down the platform after offboarding the roller coaster.
"I didn't really have the chance, besides, it wasn't so bad after a while. You made it better." You say softly as you bite your lip to hold back from saying that it was nice holding his hand. You think back to the extreme joy that coloured Kirishima's face only a few minutes ago.
This has been the first time someones managed to put up with your thorns. You're not sure if that's the only reason, but it certainly contributes to your interest in getting to know Kirishima better.
"Aww really? I'm glad then. Though next time tell me upfront if you're uncomfortable. I guess it also wasn't manly of me to just drag you along like that in the first place." Kirishima says as you stop following him and fiddle with your nails.
"Next time? Do you really still want to drag me along? I think I'd just make things a bit awkward for you." You say shyly as Kirishima walks over to you before leaning down to meet your eyes.
"I made you laugh a bit earlier, but it wasn't nearly enough. I don't know enough about you to know why you're in this funk, but I don't like it." Kirishima says surprisingly seriously. Though he cracks a reassuring smile as he places a hand on your head to downplay his concern.
"By the end of the day, I want to make sure that beauty cool smile of yours doesn't leave your face. So stick with me today and don't overthink it, ok pebble?" Kirishima says as you nod while feeling your lips curve into a smile.
"Ahh, there it is! Great start already!" Kirishima exclaims cutely before growing a bit flustered.
"Oh, I didn't mean to give you a nickname as if we were...you know. I hope it doesn't bother you, I just feel like it suits you and uhh..."
"Huh? The hell is this? I thought we were coming here together, why's Kiri on a date?" You hear a loud rough voice interrupt as you turn around to see a strange group of people standing in front of you. Three guys and one girl stand before you, the bleach blonde looks pissed but the rest smile kindly at you.
"Oh hey, you guys finally made it! This is Y/N, we met on that ride just now. I figured she could come along with us today since her buddies cancelled." Kirishima says as you look up at him surprised. Did he lie so that you wouldn't feel even more awkward about coming here alone?
"Oh yeah I hope you guys don't mind too much, Kirishima insisted." You say as the pink girl suddenly rushes up to you and pulls you into a hug.
"Well of course he did, you're so pretty Y/N! It's so great to finally have another girl here! I'm Mina, the lightning bolt is Denki, bootleg spider-man there is Sero and our favourite hothead..."
"I'm great explosion murder god dynamight! (yes this is how he spelled it 🙄) don't you forget that name got it?!" the loud dirty blonde guy yells making you jump. You nod rapidly as he sucks his teeth and brushes past you to get to Kirishima.
"Don't mind him. Bakugou is a hard one to get along with at first. He's a good guy at heart though, we're all pro heroes after all." Sero explains as you nod slowly and glance over at Kirishima. He's a pro hero too? That kinda makes sense as to why he had no problem intersecting back there.
Though after learning that fact, it kind of makes the moment less special than you originally thought. A part of you feels even more lame considering Kirishima felt the need to cover for you as well. Before you could get too depressed you're jumped out of your thoughts as Mina continues to hold onto your arm tightly.
"The two of you got the jump on the rides so we need to catch up. Let's go have some fun, you ready Y/N?" Mina asks as you panic a bit and glance back at Kirishima who's getting teased by the other guys.
"Oh uh considering my quirk I don't really want to end up hurting you by accident. Sometimes my thorns appear if I get too scared or emotional." You explain as Mina continues holding you.
"Hey that's alright, I can survive a few thorn pricks," Mina says as she smiles brightly at you.
"Hey, I'd let you prick me any day beautiful. You're not really on a date with Kiri, right? Why don't you go on a ride with me instead?" Denki suggests while suddenly appearing to your left as the group makes its way to a nearby roller coaster. You watch and chuckle a bit as Sero pulls Denki back by his collar in order to take his spot next to you.
"No way, you'd much rather go on the ride with me, right Bonita?" Sero asks in a flirtatious tone that makes Mina pull you closer to her.
"No way, Y/N's going with me! Stop trying to steal my new girlfriend!" Mina yells at the other two who start fighting over you. You manage to slide away from Mina's grip and stop walking as you watch the scene in front of you unfold. You can't help but laugh as the three fight over you.
"See, I told you not to overthink it. Everyone already loves you." Kirishima says casually as he appears to your right making you jump.
"I've never been so flattered before. Though I wouldn't be able to tell that this particular group are hero's judging by the way they're going at each other." You say while chuckling lightly as Sero ties Denki up with his tape.
"Your laugh is really cute, I'm glad you seem to be enjoying yourself a bit more." You hear Kirishima say in almost a whisper as you glance up at him and instantly meet his gentle red eyes. You bite down on your lip as you feel your heart slamming against your chest.
"Yeah, I guess I am. Thank you, Kirishima." You say as Kirishima smiles awkwardly and rubs the back of his neck.
"You know...it's fine if you call me Kiri."
"Can you two nerds stop flirting and hurry up! Daylights burning and we haven't even gotten started yet." Bakugo says as you feel your cheeks burn as the other three stop fighting.
"Ahh, so you are on a date then?" Sero asks as you quickly shake your head.
"Huh?! No, it's not like that..."
"Oh? Do you think Kiri is ugly then?" Mina asks cutting you off as you continue shaking your head. You can tell that they're teasing you, but you don't want Kirishima to get the wrong idea. The two of you just met after all.
"What?! No of course not, we're just not..."
"Ahh, so you think he's attractive then huh? Kiri is the manliest of us all, even I'll admit that." Denki chimes in as Kirishima hits him over the head causing Denki to spark a bit.
"Stop teasing Y/N, she'll run away at this point," Kirishima says clearly annoyed at his friends who all smile innocently. Seeing such a tight-knit group of friends warms your heart, even if it's just in passing you want to enjoy the time you have with them.
"Yeah, he is." You say suddenly gathering everyone's attention.
"Huh?" Everyone asks as you smirk and meet Kirishima's eyes.
"I find Kirishima attractive. You never let me answer so I just wanted to clear that up." You say matter-of-factly as Kirishima stares at you wordlessly. You came here to take prove to yourself that you didn't need your ex anymore, now that you're presented with a golden opportunity to move on why miss it by worrying all the time?
"Hey, Kiri? Earth to Kirishima! Hey, a pretty girl just complimented you and you just gawk at her? C'mon man, man up!" Mina says as Kirishima seems to snap out of his daze.
"Oh right! Sorry, I mean thanks pebble...I mean Y/N! I...um you're..."
"Oh? You didn't deny the fact that Y/N is pretty! You like her huh?" Mina instigates as the guys laugh. You can tell that Kirishima is getting a bit uncomfortable...but you can't deny that seeing him flustered is really cute.
"I mean yeah it's obvious that Y/N's really cute," Kirishima says while clearing his throat and avoiding your eyes as you blush.
"Damn Kirishima is short-circuiting, that's normally my thing,"
"He must like Y/N a lot then." You hear Sero and Denki murmur to each other as Bakugo suddenly grabs Sero and Denki by their shirts and drags them along.
"Alright, that's enough. Come on idiots," Bakugo says as Mina chases after them leaving you and Kiri together.
"I'm sorry about them, I should've expected them to pull something like this. I don't even know if you have a boyfriend or anything yet, they can get a bit carried away," Kirishima says as you shake your head.
"It's completely fine, it's cute how close your friends are. Also, I don't have a boyfriend. I actually got dumped here a year ago." You say with a tiny smile as Kirishima looks at you shocked.
"Really? What kind of idiot would break up with you?" Kirishima asks as you shrug and think about your past relationship. To say it was toxic was an understatement. You never once felt confident when you were with him.
"He was a jerk anyway, he always made me feel so small. I guess that's why I ended up here even though I don't have anyone I'm close to. I wanted to make good memories to wipe away the bad ones." You say getting a bit lost in your train of thought. You catch yourself trailing on and stop walking as you look up at Kirishima who looks down at you with a mixed expression.
"Oh, I'm sorry for rambling like that. I didn't mean to spoil the mood." You say as Kirishima suddenly steps in front of you and grabs your hands gently.
"Don't think about that guy anymore. You know...if my quirk makes you feel more comfortable then how about we go on the rides together?" Kirishima says sweetly as you smile.
"Oh sure, I'd like that. I mean I wouldn't mind that!" You say stumbling over your words as Kirishima chuckles. The joyful sound makes your heart flutter.
"Will you two get your asses over here!" Bakugou yells making you and Kiri quickly rush over to join the others.
"Dammit, my head won't stop spinning. I think I lost a few brain cells on that last ride." Denki says as the group of you all sit at a table after agreeing to take a break from the hardcore rides.
"You barely had any, to begin with," Sero comments as the entire table bursts out laughing. The sky is growing darker by the second but you don't want the day to end yet. After going on more rides with Kirishima you gradually grew to enjoy them more and more. You even got so bold as to pick one that even he was hesitant about.
"It's getting late, we got work tomorrow so we should probably leave soon to get enough sleep," Bakugo says putting a bit of a damper on the upbeat mood. However, after spending a couple of hours around him it's clear that he cares about his friends.
"Oh right, you're all heroes. In that case, Bakugo is right, you guys should get a full night's rest. Today was really fun, I'm glad I got the chance to meet all of you." You say with a smile on your face as everyone turns to look at you. However, your eyes lock on Kirishima's.
"Thanks for helping me out today Kirishima." You say sweetly as you notice Kirishima get a bit flustered and look away.
"I told you it was no problem, it was the manly thing to do you know," Kiri says as you frown a bit. You loved spending time getting to know everyone, but if you're being honest with yourself, you'd prefer a bit of alone time with Kiri.
"Aww Y/N! But we don't wanna leave yet! It's been so much fun hanging out with you!" Mina exclaims as she throws her arms around you suddenly.
"I had fun too! I gave you my number and all my social media as you asked. We'll hang out again whenever you're free." You say reassuringly as you glance over at Kirishima who stares blankly at the table.
"Hey, if it's gonna be a while since we see you again. How about one last ride? Since it's dark the Ferris wheel seems like a decent closer right?" Mina proposes as you nod and force a smile on your face.
"Oh sure, I've never been on a Ferris wheel at night. I bet the city looks pretty from up there."
"You already look prettier than all the city lights while sitting right in front of me." Denki flirts as you notice Kirishima flinch a bit at his comment. An odd look crosses his face as he glances up at you and meets your eyes. You can't help but wish that it were Kirishima complimenting you like that.
"Denki can you stop being horny for fifteen minutes, please. I and Y/N need to have a girl conference. We'll be back."Mina says while suddenly standing up and dragging you along before you could retaliate.
"Hey what's wrong?" You ask as Mina finally stops walking after putting a decent amount of distance between you and the guys.
"Listen, you like Kirishima right?" Mina asks you bluntly as you look over at the table to find the others hovering over Kirishima.
"What?! I mean...ugh yeah a little. I don't think he likes me back though, he's barely looked at me since we stopped going on so many rides. I think maybe he was just trying to be nice earlier and I took it the wrong way." You admit as Mina shakes her head.
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