《✨Anime Oneshots✨》🌹Sugar~GangsterSugawaraxReader
♡Anime: Haikyuu♡
Ik Sugawara is the bestest sweetest most chaotic Karasuno third year and would make an amazingly sweet and considerate boyfriend...but I'd rather explore what he'd possibly be like as a gangster lol
Fav quote: "You're my sugar, anyone else would be artificial sweetness compared to you." -Sugawara/Yagami Yato😂😩
(Also that pause before he starts laughing in the gif above? ✨Sexy✨)
(Also I apologize in advance for all the sugar-related puns and references lool)
"He's late, that's not like him." You murmur to yourself as you glance down at your phone again for any message from your boyfriend Sugawara. The two of you had begun dating not too long after graduating high school, this was mainly because you didn't want to appear biased as the Karasuno boys volleyball team manager.
You wish that you had gotten to see him play more, but Kageyama was and still is a star setter, so that much couldn't be helped. Though just because he wasn't on the court much doesn't mean Suga's presence was lost during games. Sugawara was always the lead hype man of the bench squad and took much pride in acting as something of a mother figure to the boys.
However, there were times when it was just the two of you that you'd see Suga's face grow serious and almost scary. As soon as he realized you were looking he'd immediately start smiling, but you can't help but wonder if he envied Kageyama taking his spot.
You'd brought it up a couple of times but he always shrugged it off as Kageyama being the best choice for the team to win. Lately, Suga seems to be hiding more and more of his true feelings from you, and now that he's an hour late for your date you can't help but panic.
"...in tonight's news, police once again struggle to contain the latest gang causing a ruckus in the downtown area. The gang that calls themselves the Silver Angels is anything but heaven-sent. The crime scenes left behind are gruesome, the following images may be disturbing to some viewers..."
You glance over at your tv before covering your mouth in shock. On the television are several shots of a warehouse with more than ten dead bodies. The walls are splattered with blood and it's clear that there was a fight that led up to the massacre. Gang violence has been getting more out of hand lately.
The sound of knocking on your door makes you jump slightly as you glance over at the door. You make your way to the door before opening it to be greeted by Sugawara's bright smile. He steps into your house and glances back outside before closing the door.
"Hey sorry I'm late sugar, something came up. Do you still want to head out?" Suga asks as you quickly feel something off in his demeanour. He seems to be a bit fatigued as if he were working out before showing up. His clothes are in pristine condition which throws you off, but you notice a red droplet of blood on his neck.
"Koushi you're bleeding! Did something bad happen? If so we could've just rescheduled..." You reach out to his neck but Suga suddenly grabs your hand tightly making your heart jump. He's never grabbed you like that before, but his expression remains calm.
"Oh it's nothing sugar, I just cut myself a bit while shaving is all. I was looking forward to our date and rushed it a bit. Since it's so late maybe we should just stay in instead." Suga suggests with a casual smile as you pull your hand away from his. You can tell that he's hiding something from you and it's starting to drive you crazy not knowing what it is.
"Koushi why won't you tell me what's going on with you?!" You ask raising your voice as Suga's expression changes to one of concern.
"What are you talking about Sugar? Everything's..."
"Everything's not fine! You've been acting differently lately. You get quiet, don't always look me in the eyes or get distant looking, and now you're an hour late for our date when you're always at least ten minutes early!" You yell letting all your concerns out as Suga stares down at the floor silently.
You take a deep breath before cupping Suga's face and lifting his head so that he meets your eyes. His face is conflicted.
"Whatever's going on I'll be here for you sugar cookie. You're always there for me, let me be there for you now." You say pleading softly as Suga lifts a hand to your cheek.
"I...I'm sorry for making you worry about me so much sugar. You're right, there is something I've been keeping from you, but I've only done so because I want to keep you safe." Suga starts as he stares deeply into your eyes. The seriousness in them catches you off guard.
"I don't want to see that innocent smile leave your lips, you're the one that sweetens my day after it's been nothing but bitter. I can't let anything happen to you." Suga says as you smile sadly.
"If something can potentially hurt me then isn't it better for me to know upfront as opposed to getting blindsided by it?" You ask as Suga smiles and steps closer to you.
"That's my girl, always so observant and wise. I love you so damn much Y/N." Suga says as he leans down to your lips. You close your eyes as you feel Suga's soft lips press against yours. However, there's a surprising roughness in the kiss as if he were scared it'd be the last one he'd receive from you.
"I love you too sugar cookie," You say before letting out a surprised gasp as Suga presses your back against the wall and deepens the kiss. Your hands instinctively reach up Suga's neck and to his hair. You hear Suga let out an uncharacteristic growl as he grips your waist tightly.
"But what if...I'm not as sweet as I seem?" Suga asks suddenly stopping as you frown confused.
"What do you mean? You're always so kind and gentle, I mean most of the time unless we're being intimate which I never mind. You're a good person Koushi..."
"No, I'm not," Suga says while abruptly cutting you off. His hands squeeze you a bit tighter but not enough to hurt you.
"Sure I'm nice to you because I love you but...what would you do if I turned out to be a monster? I don't want to scare you away sugar. I don't know what I'd do if I did..." Suga continues as he lets go of your waist and takes a step away from you before running a frustrated hand through his hair.
You can't tell exactly what Suga's trying to tell you, but the way he's acting does give you the impression that it's serious. But him a monster? You could never imagine that a guy who cried at the end of Raya and the last Dragon would be in some way dangerous.
"Koushi, just tell me what's up. Whatever it is won't stop me from loving you." You declare as Suga flinched at your words as if you'd slapped him.
"If you heard the things I've done...it just might," Suga murmurs under his breath as a chill runs down your spine. Suga glances over at the tv and chuckles a bit as the news continues to cover a story about the Silver Angel gang.
"Sugar, what would you do if I told you that I was the leader of the Silver Angels?" Suga asks you in a lethally serious tone. His eyes continue to stare at the photos of the crime scene as you feel your stomach drop. Suga? A gang leader? The combination is unfathomable. However, Suga's never looked so serious about anything ever since declaring that Karasuno would win nationals.
"Koushi you're joking, right? How could you be a gang leader? I can't picture it at all." You say as Suga chuckles a bit before glancing at you. His usual kind brown eyes appear a bit darker as he looks at you and shakes his head.
"That's the point, isn't it Sugar? Nobody would suspect that someone as constantly cheerful and optimistic as me would be a killer right?" Suga says with a twisted smirk as you slowly slide down into a chair trying to process what you've just been told. Suga doesn't say anything else as you stare down at the ground with a concentrated expression.
You know regardless of what happens from this point on that Sugawara would never hurt you. So if what he says is true then there's no need to panic him or make him feel like the monster he claims to be. The two of you have been dating for almost three years now, how have you not noticed?
"Prove it." You say sternly as you meet Suga's confused eyes with your serious ones. How had you never seen this duality until now? How long had he been hiding this side of him?
"What do you mean?"
"Prove to me right now that you're not lying to me and pulling some prank." You say as Suga frowns for a moment before reaching into his back pocket and pulling out a gun. He makes sure to keep his finger off the trigger as he lays it in both of his palms for you to see it.
"There'd be no reason for me to have something like this otherwise right?" Suga says as another chill runs down your spine at the sight of Suga holding a gun. It's surprisingly...hot? You walk over to Suga casually but see him noticeably tense as you approach. You reach out to grab the gun but Suga quickly removes it from your grasp.
"It's not a toy Y/N. I don't want you to accidentally hurt yourself..." Suga says in his usual concerned tone as you roll your eyes.
"I'm not a child Koushi, just let me hold it. Unload it if that makes you feel more comfortable." You say as Suga hesitantly hands you the gun that's weightier than you expected. You chuckle a bit in disbelief as you look up at Suga with a tiny smile.
"You should show me how to use one of these sometime..." You say casually as Suga looks at you confused.
"How are you being so calm around me right now? You must've seen those pictures from earlier, that carnage was caused by me and my gang. Why aren't you scared?" Suga asks in almost a whisper as you hand him back the gun before once again cupping his face.
"I know you'd never hurt me Koushi, and I don't know what led you down this path but it doesn't change the fact that I love you. You can open up to me slowly it doesn't have to be all at once, but I'm glad that you trust me enough to tell me," you say honestly as you see tears well-up in Suga's eyes.
"Sugar...you're too good to me. I don't know what the hell I did to deserve you, but I'm not ever letting you go." Suga says as you chuckle and wipe the tears off his cheeks.
"I am pretty great huh? Though I'm still intrigued about this duality, a deadly gang leader who cries so easily." You say teasingly as Suga chuckles and wraps an arm around your waist to tug you closer. You feel your heart jump as Suga looks down at you with mischievous eyes.
"I'll gladly give you a taste Sugar, I promise not to hold back anymore. Especially when it comes to showing you just how much I love you."
"W-wait. You were holding back before?" You ask stammering as Suga smirks and runs a hand along your neck teasingly.
"Of course, if I fucked you too hard you'd probably wonder where all that pent-up anger and frustration was coming from. Now that you know I can show you what it means to be the girlfriend of a gang leader." Suga says menacingly as you gulp.
"Haha...I'm in danger."
One Year Later
You sit down cross-legged as your hand rapidly counts through another stack of money. You sigh and look back down at the piles of money you still have to count through.
"Those guys always go overboard." You mutter to yourself as the door handle to the room you're in wiggles. You quickly rise to your feet before pulling out the two pistols that were resting on your hip. You aim the weapons at the door as it opens with a slam. Your finger itches to pull the trigger...but you let out a light groan as you see an orange head poke out from behind the door. Hinata immediately puts his hands up as he sees your current stance.
"Easy Y/N, it's us! We just got back." Hinata announces as you roll your eyes and put the guns down.
"Pity. I haven't gotten to see much action lately, it's starting to get boring here. Meanwhile, you guys seem to be having fun wreaking havoc out there." You comment while gesturing to the tv as the other guy's pile into the room slowly. Each one of them was covered in blood to some degree.
"You know the boss won't let you go on any assignments Y/N. He even makes us go with you to the corner store." Kageyama grumbles as Tsukki suddenly begins laughing. He's the newest member of the gang and by far the one you despise the most. You barely liked him while you were coach, let alone as a fellow gang member. It's still crazy thinking about how some of these guys still play on official volleyball teams despite this twisted pass time. Though Suga can be quite persuasive...
"Besides, a frail little thing like you surely wouldn't be able to keep up out there," Tsukki says as Hinata and Kageyama both cringe and steps away from Tsukki who looks at them confused. You chuckle and put down the money in your hand before stepping away from the table.
"Frail, huh? I dare you to try and land a hit on me then." You challenge Tsukki who chuckles to himself while Kageyama and Hinata both keep a safe distance away from you.
"C'mon I'm not gonna hit the boss's girl, I don't have a death wish. Besides, It's not in my taste to fight women, it would look bad on me if I made you cry." Tsukki says in a cocky tone as you roll your eyes. You hate the guys that talk the most trash without being able to back it up.
"I wouldn't worry about that. Trust me, if anyone's gonna be crying it's you." You say menacingly as Tsukki raises a confused eyebrow.
"Oh really? Whatever, you asked for it. Don't go running to the boss blaming me when you get hurt." He says before swinging an arm at you. You gracefully duck to the left out of the way of his fist before lifting your right leg and making contact with his shin.
"Dammit! You little..." Tsukki lets out a growl as he turns around to receive a solid punch to the gut. You smirk as he stammers backwards, however, you don't stop there. You lift your leg, kick Tsukki on the left side of his face, and watch as he drops to the floor.
Tsukki turns around so that's he's sitting on his butt as he glances up at you and spits out some blood. The hostility is clear in his eyes, though you won't leave him with just a bruised ego. You lower your eyes as you look down at Tsukki before pressing your shoe against his face.
"Which one of us is the frail one now? Your poor little ego seems to be crushed. Just because Koushi baby's me doesn't mean I can't take care of myself. Understand?" You ask as Tsukki nods making you chuckle.
"Good boy. Hopefully, this will prove to be a lesson in never underestimating an opponent." You say as the door opens again. You glance back at it to see which one of the underlings is here to bother you now.
"Whipping my boys into shape again sugar? Or did Tsukki provoke you?" Sugawara asks as he appears in the doorway. You quickly remove your foot from Tsukki's face and place an innocent smile on your face.
"Sugar! You're back! Are you alright? No injuries this time around?" You ask as Suga walks up to you and shakes his head while snaking his arm around your waist.
"No, but you're always free to do a strip search of me if you'd like," Suga says as he leans down to kiss you passionately.
"Ugh, they're at it again. Let's go." Kageyama says as he drags Hinata upstairs with Tsukki following closely behind. Suga suddenly lifts you and places you on the table while keeping his lips against yours. He always gets super affectionate with you after being out on a mission.
"Hey Sugar," You say as Suga makes his way down to your neck and collarbone.
"Hmm?" Suga moans in response as you take a deep breath before finding the courage to say what's on your mind.
"Do you think that maybe I could go out on the next mission with you?" You ask as Suga immediately stops kissing you and slowly meets your eyes. He smiles tenderly at you but the look in his eyes tells you his decision.
"Babe you already know how I feel about that. I don't want you getting your hands dirty. Having you here is enough for me." Suga says in a stern voice as he plays with your hair. You knew that'd be the answer, but you don't want to give up just yet.
"But I want to do more! I don't want to be shut in all the time..."
"What was the point of teaching me how to fight if I was just gonna stay home all the time?"
"Let me fight Koushi..."
"Y/N!" Suga screams as you flinch at his outraged tone. Suga has rarely ever raised his voice at you, the sound bother frightens and excites you. You watch as Suga takes a deep breath and closes his eyes for a moment to calm himself down. Once he does his hand cups your cheek gently but you brush it away and slide off the table. However, Suga grabs your hand as you're about to storm out.
"I'm sorry for yelling but Y/N you know I'm not just killing for the fun of it, right? The people we take care of are the ones killing recklessly or destroying communities and breaking apart families. When the Karasuno guys found out I was shocked that they even agreed to follow me, considering their talent I'm thinking of letting most of them go so they can focus on volleyball instead of my twisted superhero dream." Suga says as you allow him to gently pull you back into his chest.
"Sugar, we've got enough money to leave this kind of life behind. You deserve better than this, I never intended for this to be it for us. I taught you how to defend yourself, but you have no reason to be a killer like me. I don't get why you're so upset about this," Suga says in a dejected voice as you slowly turn around and wrap your arms around Suga's neck.
"Koushi, I told you that we'd be in this together. I don't want you and the others to carry the burden of taking lives while I just sit around and reap the benefits. Let me earn my keep just like everyone else." you say seriously as Suga stares deep into your eyes likely waiting for your conviction to waver, but it doesn't. After a few more seconds of your staring contest, Suga sighs and manages a tiny smirk.
"What am I gonna do with you? I suppose I should've figured that you'd end up feeling this way sooner or later. You're more troublesome than any of the others, we'll leave later tonight. If you ever want to back out just say the word and I'll take care of it..."
"You know that won't happen, I've got your back through thick and thin. No matter what happens to the gang I'll stay by your side not behind you, alright?" you cut in seriously as Suga nods and leans in to kiss you only to instead find a pocketknife grazing his throat.
"Also if you yell at me again, I'll kill you, understand?" you ask in a deep menacing tone that makes Suga smile brightly.
"Yes mam," Suga replies before grabbing the wrist of the arm holding the knife and slamming it on the wall behind you. You wince a bit at the slight pain as the knife drops out of your hand and Suga leans forward to whisper in your ear. You can't help but let out a little giggle at your twisted playfulness.
"Though I dare you to keep up that same energy once we head upstairs," Suga whispers as a chill runs down your spine. You let out a tiny squeal as Suga lifts you by your thighs and carries you upstairs.
"I recommend you guys head outside to practice for the next two hours or so before we head out later. I've gotta take care of this brat first!" Suga yells to the others as you chuckle after hearing everyone groan loudly before quickly rushing out of their rooms to head outside. Regardless of how much blood has stained his hands, Suga's still Suga.
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The Sorcerer
This is a fanfiction based on Harry Potter, written by JK Rowling. BEFORE YOU LEAVE, as fan fiction isn't what royal road is known for unless your book is called Borne of Caution, hear me out. This is based 200 years into the future. Hogwarts will be very different, and besides some references, we will follow no characters from the book. In my opinion, this is more of a new, mature, and more realistic version of that universe. If we want to put an analogy to it, I'm borrowing the house, but it's my furniture and things on the inside. Synopsis - 200 years since the battle of Hogwarts. The muggles know - magic is no longer a secret. Wizards and witches show their magical traits much later in life now, their powers weaker than previous generations... and to make matters worse, there is a steady decline in the wizarding population. Follow along as Lux, a muggle-born, shows the world what one determined young wizard can do. Cover credit - https://br.pinterest.com/pin/480688960218579620/ ***Release schedule once a week, Sunday or Monday.***
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Earth. A world without cultivators, Qi or anything extraordinary. At least to the general public it is. An ancient cultivator gets reincarnated into this world, unaware of the changes his arrival will cause. For things are starting to move within the shadows, waiting for their chance to reclaim what was once theirs. And what secrets lie hidden on Earth, a world separated from the rest of the multiverse since eons past? A search for answers begins, as the cultivator tries to regain his old strength and gathering comrades to fend of the terrors he has caused.
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[HIATUS] Re:Turn, The Legend of the 4 Swords
Hiatus Note: Currently on planned hiatus while I finish planning the next section of the story to make sure I know where it's going. Chapter 10 will release soon, and 11 and beyond are ""Part 2"" of the story. In the meantime, check out "Clockwork" my other slice of life LN that I will update regularly. Cryo is an average 18 year old, just graduated high school and is transitioning into college. One notable factor about him is he is incredibly unlucky. Over the summer gets extremely invested in a gacha game known as “Ultima Online” and plays it every single day with his real life friends Gig, Yuso, and Shigeto. Cryo becomes a well-known member of the community because he uploads videos online and livestreams and is especially well-known because he almost never pulls good units from the gacha due to his terrible luck, which makes his anger fun to watch. One day, Admin (Administrators/Developers of the gacha game) send him an email inviting him to their facilities to tour them as a thank-you for making content for the game. On his way to the facilities Cryo stops at a gas station to get some snacks and the gas station is stuck-up by a robber. The robber takes a cute girl hostage and threatens to kill her, so Cryo steps in and bodyslams the robber, causing the robber to aimlessly shoot a bullet which bounces off a rubber tire, just when Cryo thinks he saved the day, the bullet hits him in the head with a lot of force, but not enough to kill him, putting him into a coma. Cryo is then transported to purgatory where a cute goddess decides his fate to be transported to a realm that needed help, promising Cryo if he found 4 legendary swords in this world he would gain re-admittance to the life he once lived. Before being transported to the world that needed assistance the goddess tells him that he can maximize any of his traits, procuring thought into whether Cryo should choose looks, strength, or another trait. After being reminded of his terrible luck in which a flashback to his family dying in a house fire is shown, he decides maximizing his luck trait should be the best choice. He is then transported into this new world, which turns out to be the world of his gacha game, Ultima Online. He meets friends and foes and is tasked with collecting 4 swords that appear as lolis to Cryo. Using the gacha system, he creates a party of strong allies to aid him on his quest to return.
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A book on a lonely "secret schizoid" writer who longs to search the ties between the real world and his own divine fantasies. He finds that through his unmindful efforts people have confided in the person behind his books, comics, and songs. He only wanted to be better. "But was it enough?" He finds friends along the way that guide him personally through his "story", as they think it. He feels closer and closer to what he doesn't understand. So close to achieving true potential, but the question still remains. . . . what does he want?
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Hellishly Angelic || jjk ✓
❝stop biting your lip like that.❞❝make me.❞❝i didn't know you were this desperate for a punishment, haru,❞ he says, pinning me against the wall.------©daintythva bts fanfictionjeon jungkook editiontysm to my sisters for helping me come up with some of the plot! ✨------achievments: #2 in kpop #1 in fanfiction (12-20-19)(IM CRYING)#1 in jeonjungkook #1 in jungkook20k reads 12-20-1950k reads 12-22-19100k reads 12-31-19 (THANK YOU SO MUCH)200k reads 1-21-20500k reads 4-30-2010k votes 3-10-201 MILLION READS 3-5-21 (AHHHH)------started writing: 11/20/18first part published: 11/25/18finished: 07/04/19final part published: 08/06/19
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