《The powerful hybrid ||Twilight||》💫𝓦𝓪𝓴𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓾𝓹💫


Athena was in a house that she couldn't remember very well, at least not yet, she heard someone behind her, when she turned around there was a woman that she didn't know who she was, with blonde hair and blue eyes, just like the color that she had when human, or at least that she remembered that her brother and sister told her, the woman was seeing her with pure love and pride, the both of them were seeing each other, Athena for curiosity and the woman because it had been too long since she saw her

-You are such a strong woman by beautiful Athena -the woman told her with a smile on her

-Who are you? -Thena asked with caution

-Now I remember that you didn't meet me, my name is Emma, and I am your mom -she smile warmly at her, Athena started to cry softly it was her, her mother the one who gave up her life for her to live

-It's you, is really you -she responded in a whisper

-I thought that we were going to see each other sooner, but looks like someone win to me

-What do you mean? -Athena asks in confusion - And where in hell am I? I'm pretty sure that I was in my room waiting for my twins

She chuckled softly -You are in what we call limbo, you are between life and death baby, but the place is the house where we used to live before

Thena opens her eyes in shock -WHAT?! How I am even here? I know that I am half dead or at least almost dead, but this... -she started to mumble things about how this was possible

Emma had a warm smile on her face seeing her daughter like that -Don't worry we have time, I think it's fair for you to know that your body right now with them is changing and it hurts like hell, soon you will feel the pain or at least a little, your magic is showing Athena

-And that means?

-That you are most powerful that just a simple elemental witch baby, our family had all types of witches but never an Eclectic witch, you are very different from us because you follow your path you don't follow the instruction given by nature or ancestors, you do what you think is right or not, but when you were bitten your magic stop, and your denial weakened the exit process, but when you stopped practicing it, it could go out, and the anger you felt again in protecting Jane made them come out completely

Athena didn't say anything, she didn't want to be like this, she loves being a vampire, but not a witch even if she tried it was not something that she enjoy, she hates that part of her, and it's weird because her mate is a hybrid, but people didn't treat him different, she was literally burn like a witch, persons got hurt because of what she is -I'm sorry mom -she said in whispers after some minutes of silence -It was my fault that you ended dead

-I don't blame you, baby, I am glad that you were born, because that's why I wanted, and Kellan was going to be there with you

-How can you say that?! -Athena exclaimed in horror -You are dead because of me, I KILL YOU! -she explained with tears rolling down

-No, no baby, it was my time to go -Emma explain to her daughter seeing her face with guilt

Athena looked at her as if she was crazy, she got up and walk away from her, Emma took a breath knowing that it was going to be difficult to make her understand that she is not a monster -None of what happened was your fault Athena -she said to her when she was at her side, they stay silent for a while, the pain got to Athena body, and it hurt her -Its the magic, I hope it doesn't hurt too much, it shouldn't be like that, but your body couldn't support much time -Emma said with pain -You need to accept yourself if you want that stop hurting Athena


The blonde could not accept that, so she resist everything that she could do, and it was much, Emma was in shock seeing how her daughter resist the pain all that she could, and the little blond it's not going to accept just like that her nature, but she could be honest in some things...

-I hate what I am... I hate myself for killing you, I hate that it was my fault that the twins died, that her mother died protecting us, I hate being what I am, and one part of me hates you because you give me this -Athena starts saying with venom in her voice- I hate myself almost completely until I met Stephen -when she said his name a huge smile came to her face, Emma saw that and smile too

-He is your mate, right? -Emma asked with a smile

Thena nod her head and smile more -He is, and I couldn't be happier, he is also a hybrid, different, but a hybrid, he helps me see things differently with more color

-How is he? -Emma asked her daughter wanting to know more

-His name is Stephen and he is very protector, he is very jealous, and arrogant, loyal and is the most serious person that I know, but he has his funny part that shares with my brother Emmett, but with me is the most romantic person alive he loves me, even with my sadistic side and my worst parts of myself -she said with a chuckle -I love him, I'm pretty sure that I recover my whole humanity when he came into my life

-Humanity? -she asked in a little shock

-Yes, I had Jane and Alec but sometimes I felt empty, and I'm pretty sure that I didn't have humanity, or at least not all... -she explained

-You always had it, just like you are a good person -Emma explain

-I can be honest and say I am not a good person or at least not that bad... I am not the person that you think I am, I been through hell and back, and you can not go back without consequences -Athena explains

-And who are you? -she asks

She thinks about it for a few minutes to answer -I am a loyal girl, that loves her family, a protector, but I also am a very sadistic vampire, and sometimes power-hungry -she laughed a little- I had to catch something from my dad Aro... I am very egocentric also, and I don't care about anyone else around me that I don't love... I think that is pretty much who I am in honesty

-And very honest too -Emma add, and she notice that the person she called dad is not her husband

-Yes, and direct is not a good combination -Thena smirked

-How is your family?

Thena smiled remembering them -Jane and Alec they are my twins or soul twins like uncle Marcus told me, we look alike a lot or just with Jane and when were humans we share our eye color, they keep me in check, everyone that doesn't know me think that they are the worst but I am the worst, we are called the witch triplet for a reason, they make me happy they are family, Jane is my little sister, and Alec is our big brother, then my uncles Marcus and Caius they are very different but they contribute a different point of views in my life, Caius is that overprotective uncle who teaches me how to defend myself, Marcus is the uncle that love me no matter what and teach me, then my dad Aro he gives protection and love he buy me everything that I want if I wan to I am his princess, then there is Rose she is my mom -Emma's heart hurt a little hearing that- she is everything I could imagine as a mom, I'm sorry about that is just that because I never met you I never felt that with anyone until I met her, I look like her a lot, she is like an older version of me- she giggled at that- we tell in school that I am her baby sister along with Jasper that I consider as a older brother just like Emmett, then is Esme I also consider her as mom, not like Rose but is the same love, then there is, Stephen of course he is my other half we complement each other, my personality somewhat silent, loving and reserved balances its temperamental, possessive and cold side, then there is Alice -she said with a sad smile- she is like that crazy sister that you need, I call her pixie and she call me snowflake -Athena was going to continue but stop thinking about Carlisle and Edward did she actually consider them family, she was not sure


They keep talking like there was no tomorrow, the time there wasn't the same as the other, in there what could feel like 5 minutes could be passed and hours there, with the time, passes Emma realizes that Athena was avoiding the main topic of why she was here, so she decided to talk about a topic she was not going to be happy

-Athena... There is someone that wants to talk to you -the little blond turned around to see her ¨father¨, Emma didn't know what happen with them and she wanted to know why her daughter never mention him

The weather started to change and Emma could see the hate that Athena had in her eyes toward Kennan, she didn't waste any second and used her gift -Pain- but there was something different she could feel the pain that she was inflicting on him, but that didn't stop her, but the pain got worse even for her, blood started to come out of her nose and ears, Emma opened her eyes seeing her like that and the power that she has

-Athena stop, stop you are hurting yourself even in the other time, stop please -Emma plead, Athena, did what she asked because the pain was getting worst to support

-What is he doing here? -she asked with hate

-I wanted to talk with you, and say that I am sorry, I know that you deserve better from what I gave you and that I deserve pretty much what you did to me, the pain it cloud my judgment, and let myself be carried away by the pain, but seeing you was like seeing the love of my life in miniature, I swore I tried to keep going but I couldn't and I'm a coward for that -Emma turned to look at him, her husband in confusion

-What did you do? -Emma asked his husband in a whisper, thinking the worst

-I... I never care for her, I called her monster a lot of times, I was not there for her, not when she got hit protecting a kid and a girl in the town -he respond to her in shame

-You left her alone? -she asked in disbelief

-He hates me actually, but that is not the worst part, right? -Athena said to him

-I saw her dye and I didn't do anything to help her -he respond with tears rolling down

Emma walked away from him, that wasn't the man that she fell in love with that time -Kellan you left MY DAUGHTER DIE? -she screams at him -Athena what did you do?

Thena smirked like the Cheshire cat -I killed him in return, it was satisfying -Emma open her eyes in surprise, her family was broken

Emma and her husband started to discuss until she say something that make Athena explode -My family is broken... -she said to him

-FAMILY?! -the little blonde started to laugh very hard, her parents look at her not understanding -Family, we NEVER were a family, you died and I blame myself for that, don't worry ¨dad¨ -she said sarcastically toward him- You didn't need to tell me that I already feel that, but because you were not there he wasn't a father I didn't have a family until I met Jane and Alec, after MY DAD Aro give me that love, then Rosalie came and I found out that mother love too, get over of what you called family, you never had it, neither him -she said in hate toward them

-I HATE YOU! You know the pain I had to endure without you, you were supposed to protect me, and YOU LET ME DIE!! YOU SAW HOW THEY WERE BURNING ME ALIVE!! I WAS JUST A WITCH JUST LIKE YOU SAY THAT THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE WAS, AND EITHER WAY, YOU LET ME DIE!! YOU CALL ME A MONSTER!! AND I DIDN'T DESERVE THAT!-The tears and hate were rolling out of her

-Please forgive me, I know that I deserve your hate, but please -he begged

-NO, NEVER -she answered coldly, Emma saw the hate and pain in her eyes

-Kellan leave, she needs to go soon, and you are not helping her and looks like me neither -Emma explain

-I'm sorry I really am -he said in a whisper to her, Athena could see the regret in his eyes but she was not going to fall for that

-Looks like I am only keeping you here -Emma said with pain- You need to know that your part witch is not the cause of my death, and I am sure that Alec and Jane don't blame you for what happened, but you need that you should be proud of those two parts of you, and I am proud of you of the woman that you became

-You are? -she ask in a whisper and tears in her eyes, Emma smiled and hug her

-I am my beautiful angel -Emma said in the hug while feeling her daughter cry, Emma saw that the things around her were disappearing for her-Now I need you to listen to me okay, because of your magic and the how much it is you need to start channeling your magic and something that gives you a balance, you need to find your companion is an animal that helps us, in any case, is like another part of ourselves, when you got back to the material world you need to focus on that first okay, then if you want there is a spell with the one that you can connect to me and I will go and we can keep talking, you will learn love, I love you baby, but I have to go

-Leave?! Where? Mom? -Athena asked in fear, seeing her mom starting to disappear

-It's time for me to go baby, but we will see each other soon, I promise, but first admit that you are a witch, don't leave the fear you control you, I love you my angel -Athena saw how her mom disappear again, she stay there crying from what they feel like hours

She sits down in the grass and looks around, she cleans her tears, when she perks up that she was in the same forest as when she was a human, where she and Alec and Jane played and she told them that she was a witch, she remembers that they never told her anything bad, they wanted to know more, then it changes again now she was in the first castle that the Volturi's had, it was when the kings discover she was a hybrid they never saw her different, then she saw when she told Stephen about her he smiles for her and he loved her no matter what, he was proud of her, then it was Rosalie she jumped in her arms very happy for her, then she was again in the same place as before, she is different, yes, but that is not bad, she didn't deserve what happened to her, her magic didn't have the fault either, she was a hybrid of vampire and witch... Yes, witch, she was going to be the best witch that the supernatural have seen, she was going to be proud of who she is, she was going to make proud her family but most important her.

Athena could feel falling asleep slowly, she could feel now her magic and it was a nice feeling, then she close her eyes, hoping to see Stephen and her family again.

December came and Athena didn't vomit or bleed anymore since November, it wasn't until half of December that while Stephen went to get dressed for the day, neither of the three could be there that day with her since they had an important trial, Jane and Alec went that morning to see her sister it wasnt much of a change but she was way better that before, the room started to grow cold with now ice all over the room, and Athena started to change, and her skin started to be like before, her heart was steady now it could be heard more, and her hair starts changing color to a soft grey color, her lips now were more full and soft pink lips, her face starts to mark more her beauty, it was like she was changing again to a vampire, Stephen got out of the closet when he perked up about the cold in the room he turns to see her wife and saw the changes, he saw the new color of the hair of her wife, then the hands they had like white veins and ice was coming out the wall was getting frozen, her heartbeat was steady and he could heart it much more, he got close to her praying that she wakes up, when a gasp call his attention, he could see Athena now sit in the bed looking around her until they connect their eyes, the smile that she gave him make Stephen speed toward her and kiss her with passion

When they parted the smiles on their faces were huge, and the love in their eyes was as if it had multiplied, Stephen caressed her cheek looking at her with much love, while she could not help but look at him for the first time they met as a girl in love -You came back to me love -he whispers while putting their foreheads together

-I always come back to you, love, always -she whispered to him -I'm sorry for worrying you -she said with pain, he start shaking his head

-It doesn't matter anymore baby, you are here now with me in my arms, you got me worried for a sec -he said

-I know it's not going to happen again -she promised

-Don't leave me again like that please -he said with tears and a broken voice, she felt horrible for making her soul mate suffer, she was not going to be far away from him in a long time

-Never love, I'm here now and I will not leave you, I love you -she responds

Stephen smiled hugely, he misses his imprint telling him that -I love you more baby, you are my everything, my world my light everything, I was lost without you -Thena smiled and kissed him again, they stay in each other arms a little bit more, until the little blonde notice his clothing

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