《The powerful hybrid ||Twilight||》🐆𝓒𝓸𝓶𝓹𝓪𝓷𝓲𝓸𝓷 & 𝓜𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓬🐆


The pair were walking with their hands intertwined to meet with the kings, so they could talk better now about what happened, of course, Jane already told them what she knew from Athena that day, but of course, there is more that they couldn't talk because of the time, and also the guard have to create a new schedule now that Thena is back in the game when they enter the library, Athena smiled to Alec and went to give him a hug that he received happily while he sends a smug face to Stephen to provoke him and he gets the reaction because he sends him a glare that could kill and take his wife from him, gaining a hissed from Alec, Athena rolled her eyes and walk toward Jane that was seeing the scene with a funny look, sometimes they forget how jealous Alec can be. The two started talking and take a seat on the sofa while Jane explain some of the books that she could find for her, about all the types of magic and potions and all those things that Thena could need, Jane also explain to her that she study them so she can teach her how to do it and Athena like the idea that her sister knew about those things because that makes the two more close and they will understand each other, the two were so deep in the conversation that they didn't notice the kings entering the room, or their brother and Stephen almost killing each other.

The kings were very excited that day, they were going to talk to their light, and yes including the blond king, when he saw her in that state her heart was broken, and not many people can see the king caring for others but somehow she could manage to do it, in the morning Jane comment to them about how she was in pain sometimes, and the things that she had to do today about the things about magic and some type of balance, Jane end her time and they were left with Felix, when it was the time they went to the library and could hear Stephen and Alec fighting, they rolled their eyes this was not something that they missed, they enter the room and the two were almost killing, their eyes turn to the sisters that don't pay attention at all

-Felix please -Aro said, Felix went to separate the two that just went they saw him, they saw their masters, and make a quick bow -Boys that was something that we didn't miss

-We are sorry master -they said together

-Girls -Marcus called their attention and nothing, they all share a look and went to put themselves behind them

-So you need a pentagram? -Jane asked -Isn't that like satanic or something?

-Sister we were born in a time if you didn't like the other people you were a witch -Athena respond with a blank face -And in magic, it helps us channel our magic and if something goes wrong with something astral it stays there

-That's new for me -she mumbles to herself- and how do you it? -Jane asked again

-I need to draw it with salt, but I need an open space, from what Emma told me in our conversations it will catch fire while the spell is being done, but I need to be careful with the pronunciation especially if the spell is in Latin -Athena respond seeing some pages of the books

-And it will not hurt you? I mean you are a vampire, we die if we burn -Jane said worry, the others worried with her they were paying a lot of attention that they didn't remember that they were going to call their attention


-No sister, the fire will know that I am also a witch... I don't remember to tell that in a loud voice while believing that -she mumbles softly

-But you are going to be the best sister, you are the only witch that we know that exists, and you are the best in everything that you do this will not be the exception -Jane responds to her

-Jane is right dear, after all, you are the best of all of us -Aro exclaims, which makes Jane and Athena jump in surprise when they get there? , and made the others have a smile on their faces in clear mockery

-Thank you master -Thena respond with a smile

-Let's start shall we, we took everything out for today so we can be with you -Aro explain, they took a sit so Athena told them real quick what happen when she was unconscious when she told them that she met her dad again Alec and Stephen were ready to kill him again including the kings when they could calm them down, she also explained that her mother tells her that she needs a magical companion

-Then we may go to the garden is an open space, while you do the pentagram and prepare the things that you need, we are going to do some quick jobs, Jane help her look like you are the person who knows more about this, you two are going with us -Marcus said signaling Alec and Stephen, the four nod their heads -Demetri and Felix go with them

They leave the library and start walking to the garden -What are you going to need Thena? -Demetri asked in curiosity

-Salt, a bell, and a wooden stick -she answered

-Why the bell? -Felix asked

-Well I need something to call my companion, the bell is for that so he can hear me

-Is it like a sign then? -Demetri asked

-Yes, it is for him to know that I'm waiting for him and at the same telling him my location

-And how long do you have to wait for him to come? -Jane asks this time

-Emma said that it wouldn't belong, they are always close to us since they sense our magic -she respond, that when they get to the garden they start looking for a place that will not hurt the garden -If we do it close to the doors of the entrance? -she asks -In that way we can avoid burning something, and I can put a physical shield in emergency case

-And is it in Latin or not? -Jane ask curious

-Not this one sister, is very simple but powerful -she responds -I am going to start with the pentagram can you go for the bell, Felix?

-Of course -he said and sped to find the bell, Athena start working on the pentagram with the help of Jane and Demetri, it was something big but help for the purpose

-Well I have to say that it looks creepy -Demetri said

-Well is something that we have never seen before -Jane explain with calm

-You are right, but you know is weird to do something that the majority of people think is satanic, even though I believe that before-Demetri explains

-Yes, you like us were born in a time that this was something real, but not everything is bad Demetri -Athena explains to him -I know Emma was a good witch she didn't kill or hurt anyone, but just like are good people there are bad people too

-You are right Thena, I'm sorry is just this is so new -he explains


Athena smiled softly- Demetri is okay to have some fear for new things, but don't let that control you -Demetri smiled at her in appreciation when Felix appear with a bell

-Is this enough, is it the only one that I could find -Felix explain while showing a little bell

-Is okay Felix thank you -she said and give him a smile

Athena starts walking and put herself in the middle of the star, with the bell and the stick, that's when the others came outside and saw the other ready -Are you ready love? -Stephen asked his imprint

-I'm ready -she said with a smile

-Did you practice the pronunciation dear? -Aro asks

-It's English so don't worry -she explained, which relax them a little bit so they could understand -But don't get too close just in case and do not enter the pentagram -the other in a reluctant way promised that they will do it -And Jane knows the spell just in case I explain to her, either way, nothing is going to happen

Athena closed her eyes and took a breath, she ring the bell one time, and the pentagram took fire, the others take a few steps back because of the impression, that Jane, Felix, and Demetri were already behind because Thena explain to them before

-Spirits of the forest, I pronounce my intentions to thee. Come forth and seek me, and equal we will be. Not master and servant, but familiar to familiar, to share our knowledge, our spirit, and our traits. And now, spirits, we will wait. -While doing the spell Athena draws a figure on the earth and rings the bell twice

They stay quite a few minutes when they feel the environment change to a heavy one they could see something moving in the bushes and trees, the guard put themselves surrounding the kings in protection and also in guard if they have to intervene, Athena open her eyes and they are in an icing color, she starts looking around when her eyes stay in something that is behind a tree - Athena... -a somewhat scratchy voice rumbles in the place that makes others shiver, and put the twins and the alpha in alert

-Who are you? -Thena asks with a calm voice -Show yourself -she demands

-I heard you calling me, and I came for you my witch, my name is Sera ...she start going to Athena in the middle, which made Stephen growl in warning, Sera look at him and notice the tense he was when she was close to her witch -Now I understand why you dint need me before, you have your anchor -she said to the little blonde and putting herself behind her, Alec and Jane had to hold Stephen in any case, they were seeing that the two were talking but now they couldn't hear anything

-Jane dear what is happening? -Marcus asked

-If I'm not wrong the spirit is talking with her like what is for each other, is very personal from what I read, the spirit or companion is only loyal to her which is like they are the protector of each other, is like her other half to, they are connected in a different level than any bond we know about -that made Stephen more calm knowing she is just going to protect her

-So she is not in danger, right? -Alec asked

-No Alec, what did I say -Jane respond irritated, a moment later the fire came down, and next to Athena was a beautiful type of feline that it was obvious that was magical

-Family this Sera, Sera this is part of my family the blonde girls and the boy next to her they are Alec and Jane my twins, then the kings Marcus, Aro and Caius, the two men behind them are Demetri and Felix and you this one right here is my mate Stephen -Athena said to her, Stephen and Sera look at each other and knew that they were not going to get along, they look like they want to kill each other

-Is not a pleasure to meet anyone of you -Sera sassed, the others open their eyes in surprise the mini tiger talked, well not that mini since her size reaches Athena by the knees

-She doesn't like people but is progress -Athena said with a smile to them

Aro walked toward his daughter and put her in a hug -I'm proud of you my dear, the first spell and it works

Athena feel really proud of herself they were baby steps for her, but it was working well and it was something that she never thought of doing- Thank you, dad

-Athena we have to prepare, when the moon is on the high point you need to call your other companion -Sera said

-I'm sorry did we miss something? -Demetri asked confused

-I have another companion because there is too much power and just one is not enough

-Her power just increases when another gift is added because of her vampire gift -Sera explain -It is supposed to be just one but each one has its weight and power

-I see, well we are going to be here with you later than -Caius said to her

-But you need to make a call Athena -Marcus reminds her -let's go, we see each other later -The guard left with the kings while Athena and Stephen decided to call their family, they go to their room with Sera following them, Stephen connect the laptop so Rose and the others can see her, Rose was sending him a lot of messages all the day because he didn't answer, Athena put a quick kiss on his lips while they wait for them to answer and that made the alpha smile

-Stephen? -Esme asked answering the call

-Hi Esme, yes is me, I'm sorry I didn't answer it was a long day and we are not done yet -he explain

-Did something bad happen? Are you two alright? -she asks in worry, Thena smiled at her worry

-More than alright- he smiled at her, Esme was surprised to see him smile he doesn't do it since Athena was sick- You know where are the others?

-The kids are hunting and Carlisle is in the hospital, I stay here in case you called, is something with Athena, don't tell me is getting worse -Esme said in pain

-Why don't you ask her that to her? -he said with a smirk, Esme frown her face in confusion, then she could see Athena there smiling at her, she started to have tears

-Thena honey you are awake -Esme said in happiness, when the surprised pass -and look at you, you are more gorgeous and your new hair color, looks amazing

-Thank you, Esme, it does right I never thought of grey but it looks amazing

-When did you wake up? -she asked now with a smile

-Yesterday in the morning, but only until today we had time, I had to do some other stuff to control my magic so, in that way, it will not happen again -she responded

-Well I'm just glad that you are awake and stronger, I miss you, and the thought of not being there for you kills all of us, especially Rose and Jasper

-Thank you Esme I know, but just the thought of you being worried for me and praying is all I could ask

-You are family Thena, doesn't matter if you don't have our symbol, you will always be welcome here, both of you -she said in a serious tone, they smiled at her -When are you going to visit us?

Stephen chuckled, of course, Esme wants that, she is just a mom- We don't know Esme, Athena has to learn her magic, and well we have missions and trials here in Volterra -Stephen informed her, and that made her appear a little pout in her face

-Then maybe we can go a visit you guys -Esme said smiling

-We like that idea -Athena said- And maybe we can go shopping, and you can see how our house is done

-Talking about that, did you already decorate?

The pair giggle -No Esme, we have the decorations but well with the thing that happen we didn't have time, and before that, we have a trial and we have to leave Volterra took us around a week to go and come back

-It's true, but well now you can call me and we can start doing that -she said in excitement

-Of course, we will, can you imagine if not, you are our asesor in these things you are the best that we met in our life with all this stuff -Athena said

Esme smiled brightly at the compliments and if she was human she would be blushing a lot -Thank you it means a lot, but tell me what is going there that you could just call today? -when they were going to talk Esme make a sign so they don't talk -They are coming now -she whispered, Athena take herself out of the picture so the others can not see her

-Esme did he call, I been trying to text Stephen all day, I'm worried that something happens again -Rosalie said entering the living room with the others on her tail, when they saw the laptop and Esme in font Rose didn't wait and sit on her side seeing Stephen there

-Something bad happen again? -Jasper asked behind the two now, the family put herself in front of the laptop

-I think you will like this thing -he said smirking

-Hello family!! -Athena exclaimed with a huge smile seeing Rose and the others

-YOU ARE AWAKE!! -Rosalie screamed -Are you, okay baby? Damn it, Athena, you know how bad we had it and what the hell happened to you because that was not normal, black blood Athena, you know how helpless I felt, how many times the others had to restrain me from not traveling to Volterra -she said and start mumbling things and start walking around the living room

-Mom -she called, and Rosalie was practically talking and talking- Mom -she called again and nothing, she turn to see Emmett and he gave her a huge smile and took Rosalie from the arms and sit again -Thank you, Emmett, now mom I'm okay and very strong, and I have some help here

-You promised that everything is fine now?

-I promised I'm better than before, and thanks to all of you for being worried for me I really appreciated it -she said to them

-When did you wake up sister? -Jasper asked with his famous smirk, now happier to see her now awake

Athena's smile was bigger when he called her like that- Yesterday in the morning brother, but I had to do some things of magic so what happened before don't pass again

Jasper smile now seeing that Thena still loves him just like he loved her- And I see that you have some changes sister

- I did, I do love the new color -she said in giggles

-You look perfect in everything love -Stephen said to her, she smiled and kiss him, which put a smile on his face, it was lovely for the others to see them again together

-We miss you -Esme said with tears -I'm sorry for not doing more, what happen to Thena was the detonator to make things better with you two

-Especially me, I was so excited that I was going to have another sister that I forget that I had the ones that support me through everything, and I also was a bad mate for not taking into account the opinion of Jasper, please forgive me -Alice explain

Athena and Stephen look at each other and they knew that Alice was sorry about what happened -It's okay Alice I forgive you, we are family after all -Athena said to her with a smile, then both girls were put in a vision then turn to see each other with a smile

-Everything is going to be fine with us -both girls said in sync, which put a smile on everyone's faces

-We have to go but we call soon, we promise -Stephen said to them

-So soon? -Rosalie asks with tears

-Is something that I need to do to control my magic Rose -Thena explain

-Fine but you better call us soon, and come to visit -Rosalie said

-Yes we promise, so you soon guys!! -Athena sends them a quick kiss

They end the call and leave the room with Sera next to her -Sera what do I need to do for this spell

.You need blood, a bowl, a knife, and the same spell, but instead of a branch you will draw it with your hands, and your blood

-Blood? -she asks

-Your blood, now you have more blood being more witch, you had before but not enough -Sera explain- This companion is like your safe key, if something happens to you or me she is going to be there to give you energy, the energy that you channel more, will go to her and at the same time is something that will give balance just like me, is going to be easier between the three of us -Athena nod her head in understanding

-Then let's go for the bowl and then to the garden again is almost time -Stephen said, they found the bowl in the kitchen and walked toward the garden, the others were getting there too

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