《The powerful hybrid ||Twilight||》💖𝓦𝓮𝓵𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓮 𝓱𝓸𝓶𝓮💖


That night after the couple left the room, they stay there in shock, Rosalie was heartbroken and the only thing that she wanted to do was cry, Esme felt like a bad mother the only thoughts were that she lost two persons in her family and she couldn't do anything about it, Emmett knew that her brother was leaving and there was not going to be anyone like him and his snowflake the pain of her mate was getting to him, he knew that Rose was ready to leave but not yet. Jasper well the guilt was so heavy on him but now for different reasons even after that he didn't support her sister she was there for him, even when she doesn't talk to him she defend him with force, and the worst part was that she was right with everything she said in that meeting, they were fools to trust in him and their ¨brother¨

-I'm so sorry Jasper, I wasn't fair to you, you give me everything that makes me happy and I couldn't think right because the thought of having a new sister blinded me, and I just lost one sister one that I don't know that she forgives me, and the worst part is that even when I knew why she didn't like the human I keep pushing -Alice said with a broken voice

-I told you all that this was going to happen, you just made that my family got broke, the family that I always desire is broken -Rosalie said with venom toward them, she sped toward the woods trying to calm herself, Emmett let her go knowing that she needs space

-They were right with everything that she said, even Stephen was right way before this happen, I hope that you are happy now Edward you put our ¨family¨ against each other, and let me tell you, this is your fault and only yours -Jasper said to them, and leaving the room

-I think all of us need time, Rosalie and I will be traveling for a few months and then if she feels comfortable we will come back -Emmett communicates their decision to Esme, and Alice leaves the room with her brother to find Jasper

Carlisle, Esme, and Edward were left in the room, Edward was feeling way worst than before, and her sister told him the hard truth that he didn't want to hear -I am going to wait for all of you to finish packing and then I am going to talk with Bella -that was the last thing that they heard before he leaves to pack to, the matriarch did not know how to make her husband feel better in those moments, Athena of course at the time said things in irony to her husband, but she couldn't blame her for not wanting to be with them anymore, she knew that the day they were attacked everything changed for the worse, and Stephen her dear son, she knew that he would not stay in a place where he let them put his imprint at greater risk, of course over time Carlisle and he started having discussions but the time would come that he couldn't take it anymore and this was that moment where both decided it was enough.

-It is my fault this happened, I let other people make decisions that I was supposed to take, she was right to tell me that I was not a leader, and look here I am with all my kids mad at me and they are right to be mad -he got up from his chair and extend his hand to his wife -Let's go pack all of us need time apart -she smiles toward him and took his hand and went to pack their room


And as they promised in two days, everyone was ready to go, Emmett and Rosalie decided to travel and have another honeymoon for a few months before returning, and Jasper and Alice decided to go find answers about the pixie's past, and they were able to talk and resolve their differences to start again stronger, Esme and Carlisle decided to go to Alaska better with their relatives to spend a season, Edward would go alone since he did not want to be with anyone around, and finally Athena and Stephen would go to Volterra to their home, nobody knew where they would go, and boy in a few months they would take a surprise.

Athena and Stephen follow Edward to meet Bella, the alpha wanted to make sure that the mind reader makes his work, and thanks to their gifts they could hide, they hear all the conversation

-We have to leave forks -Edward said to the human

-Why? -Athena and Stephen see each other thinking the same thing, what a pathetic human

-Carlisle is supposed to be ten years older than he looks, and people are starting to notice -Stephen rolls his eyes of course he had to use Carlisle even for this

They keep hearing the conversation until something catches their attention

-You just don't belong in my world, Bella -Thena opens her eyes, its one of the true things that the mind reader could say, even when all this talk is a lie, they end to hear all the conversation

-What a pathetic way to end things -the alpha said to his mate

-Agree, she is very stupid it's obvious that he loves her when he told her about the promise -she said rolling her golden eyes, they see Edward going away and the human in shock -I swear I never met someone so dependent on a person, I hate that thing about her too

They see her call Edward and start walking more into the woods -Stupid human, she thinks that she can catch a vampire -he said with disgust- It's time to go, love, we have a long trip to Volterra

-Yeah you are right babe -they let her go and start running toward their car to go to the airport, when they get there they could see their family waiting for their flight, they went direct to Volturi private jet, and before leaving she send to Rose a sweet message in her mind ¨Enjoy your honeymoon mom, you deserve the happiness that you dream, I hope to see you soon, I love you, and thank you for loving me and be there for me¨ and at the same time sending images of the two together, then the four of them, she and Rose hunting, singing, dancing, hugging and more moments that they share all those years, she also send Esme a message ¨You are and incredible woman, even when you think that I don't consider you a mom you are part of that too you are also my mom, thank you for being you and being there for not only me but Stephen, be happy mom¨the images were of the two in the first year just the two and then their time coking with Rosalie and her, the night talks that they had and more, and with that, they left Forks behind, they had some hours before they get to Volterra it was going to be a surprise to the others and they were excited to see them.

In the airport, the family was hoping to see Athena and Stephen one last time, even when they had their goodbyes at home, Rosalie was getting more sad as the minutes passed and there was no sign of them, they were sitting in the chairs waiting for their call, the majority were in silence when the vision of Rose and Esme starts getting cloud, then a gasp call the attention of the others, they saw Rose and Esme in a trance and it was like when Alice had a vision, Rose start hearing the voice of her baby in her mind with images full of love her eyes star to accumulate tears when she got back her vision everyone was seeing her in worry, Emmett start checking her to see if she had something -I'm fine it was just her goodbye -she responds with a broken voice, then another gasp sound it was Esme, Rosalie smile at her with tears they hug each other knowing that she didn't forget to say goodbye, then a video message came to Emmett phones he opened it


¨Hii Emmett!! -Athena was smiling like the Cheshire cat and that made Emmett laugh -We know that you are not that emotional so we decided to make something different for you -she said toward the camera

-You know brother this was her idea I was just going to send you a text message- Stephen said to the camera smiling -Of course she did -Emmett said

-Well we have to say goodbye differently to you so just for you to remind me I put a box in your handbag I need you to open it -Emmett took the box it was not big, when he opened the box frost and slats came out of it, his face was full of glitter, he hears Athena and Stephen laugh from the phone -I know it was so good, I'm sorry I had to make the last joke for a while, but in there is something just for you and Rose, it's something that we did for you both

-There are also the new games that we talked about before brother just for you, I hope we can play soon -Stephen add

-Have a nice honeymoon, we love you!! We call soon to you -Athena said smiling at the camera and sending kisses, he show that to Rose and she smiled more, the others were a little sad that neither of them want to say goodbye but they understood that she wasn't happy with them, with that they could aboard their flights with a smile on their faces

The next day Athena and Stephen were already in Italy, Volterra the huge smile that Thena had was something that the alpha loved about her, they change in the airport with their black clothes and their necklace of the Volturi, from what Jane told them they had an important trial, there was someone that was creating an army to attack the castle, and they capture one of the right hands of the person that was doing it, they enter the parking lot and get down of the car, Thena could hear the minds of everyone and an idea came to her mind so the vampire start talking, they look at each other smirking ready to make an entrance, they walk toward the throne room, Stephen give Athena a passionate kiss before he leaves toward another path that led him directly toward the kings, since his position was next to Caius, while he was getting closer he could hear the talk inside

-I can see that there is something there but not completely-Aro said in exasperation

-Alec maybe with your gift -Marcus said, Alec nodded and his fog start getting out, the fog start to take his senses, but nothing

-This is getting almost impossible, stop Alec -Aro hissed in frustration and he wasn't the only one, the twins were hell mad

-We should call Athena to come and help -Marcus add

-Yes its a good idea, but what about the time while she comes -Aro responds -Jane please do it

-Pain-the screams fill the room, with a smile on Jane's face that leaves when he doesn't talk

-Jane stop, this is not working -Marcus said

-Then how we are going to take care of this, if he doesn't say anything- Caius said with a hiss looking at the vampire, Stephen took the advantage and enjoy the shadows entering the throne room without being noticed he stood next to Caius with a smirk

-May I offer something more sadic maybe? -he said, all the vampires turn around to see the alpha right there

-My dear Stephen is good to see you, looks like you can do more with the shadows -Aro said like a kid in Christmas with their gift, Jane and Alec start searching for her sister when they saw her mate, but she wasn't there, they frown their faces in worry, Stephen saw that and talk

-My beautiful Thena is coming, she had an idea of some other strategies and well we just have to wait some minutes -he said smirking

-See Aro sometimes the gifts are not that powerful, in war, you need a strategy -Caius said with his ego -At least she learned that from me

-Felix and Demetri hold him while we wait for our last person, you see my friend you are going to meet the triplet not many people can do it -he explains with a devil smile

They ignore the vampire and turn to look at Stephen -Did something happen there? -Marcus asks him

-It is a long story master, but yes, and let me tell you that my wife is bringing a lot of anger accumulated, and well looks like you are the person she is going to take that out -he said the last part toward the vampire in the floor

-You bring what I ask you two? -Caius asked toward him

-Of course master, we also have the books, it took like a month but we could do it -he answers

-Any problem with that? -Aro asks while going to sit on his throne

-Just Thena getting out her witch twin -he said while turning to see Alec and Jane who smirked at that, and before they could keep talking a scream worst than any other sound in all the castle, that's when they all knew that Athena the last witch twin was back again, they could hear heels coming their way, with someone begging, the vampire that was hold for the elite guard start to sob cry

-Please no I begged you, not my brother -he said looking at the doors

Thena went looking for someone that the vampire cared to take out information about, and it was easy to find it when he had the scent in him and the vampire was stupid enough to stay in Volterra, in the way she drink for someone because she was hungry, she could find the vampire near the woods of Volterra, she put him on his knees, and enter his mind looks like its more simple than it sounds, they want vengeance against the elite guard, the boy looks at her in fear, she gave him a false smile -Looks like that plans are never going to happen, my master is going to be pleased, and well you are going to see your friend again for the last time -she took him to the castle, all the vampires move out of her when they saw her eyes, near the doors she sends a nice warning- Pain- the boy scream in pain the ones that were near them turn to look at him in pity, she sends the boy flying through the doors

The door was open with a loud sound, then a boy enter rolling through the floor, all the vampires turn to look at the person coming their way that sound of heels was unique, Athena enter the room with a smirk the first person she see is her brother -Hello again brother, looks like I losing the fun here, why don't we make it more fun- the smile that was in her face scared the two vampires there, and make smile the kings and that her mate fall more in love with her -You should be the one that tried to attack MY sister

-I'm sorry I didn't know, we just follow orders -the kings turn to see each other, she was there one minute and he was already talking, Athena turned to see her master and he nodded while getting up to follow the trial

-Who created you? What do they want with us? -Aro ask, the vampire was not sure now that his loyalty was enough to lose her brother in hands of the most fear vampire, but he was going to try

-We don't know, he just sends us to other places he doesn't say much

-Liar, liar -Thena said with a fake pout, her face turns to the vampire who was trembling in fear on the floor, her eyes turn violet and the guy starts to have black veins in his body, and the screams start, the guys start to crack under her power

-FINE FINE, PLEASE STOP, I TELL YOU EVERYTHING THAT I KNOW -he stops a moment seeing how the blonde that looked like an angel stop hurting his brother -His name is Marco, from what I know is that he keeps saying that he wants dead the witch triplet -the room fell silent for that statement, the kings and Stephen were mad at that moment, the alpha was not going to let anything happen to his imprint- he said that they kill her mother a few decades ago, also his baby brother, we are just trying to survive, we are new in this world, he changed my brother so I would stay with him, I didn't even know who they were when they found me

-Dear does he have a gift? Because I can not enter his mind in some parts -Aro asked

-No master, but it could be someone blocking it as I do sometimes -she answer- But this one knows more about it

-Please dear all yours -Aro said signaling the one who was with Demetri and Felix, while he walked toward the one who bring his daughter. Athena put her hands on the head of the vampire and start searching when she was stopped by a wall in his mind, she start trying to put him in a type of trance using mental control, and the walls started to go down, she smirks knowing that there is always a catch in gifts, a red mist start coming out of her hands, the others turn to look at her, her eyes are violet for them is always nice to see her use her gifts, especially how different they are from others

It took her some minutes but in the end, she could break the walls, and see who was the person no one in the room was going to be happy, and of course, the Romanians have to be involved, she give a step back with her eyes black, the other could feel the anger coming from her, Aro took the opportunity and take her hand, knowing that she was not going to do anything against him, the gasp that came out of the leader worry everyone

-Looks like our dear Marco is plotting against our triplets because they kill his mother that created an immortal child, and he is with the Romanians, how nice is this -he said sarcastically the last part, while Athena went to Alec and Jane's side getting in the middle, smiling at them a little, after all, they are on the job

-Ha, always thinking that they are better than us, when they are nothing -Caius hissed, Stephen even when he had time already with the Volturi's didn't understand completely the story of the Romanians but he knew that they hate each other

-Looks like we are going to see them soon, I hope that you are ready my children we are going to show the Romanian Coven who has the power again -Aro said with a smile toward the triplet, that make them smile in a superior way

-Felix, Demetri take care of them and put them in the dungeons -Caius demands

-Now that is taken care of it, -Marcus said toward Athena, which gave him a bright smile

-Thank you master is good to be back home -she answers

-Well looks like we need to prepare ourselves, Caius brother why don't you give Stephen the class of our power as a coven -Aro said

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