《The powerful hybrid ||Twilight||》🎉𝓑𝓲𝓻𝓽𝓱𝓭𝓪𝔂 & 𝓗𝓪𝓻𝓭 𝓣𝓻𝓾𝓽𝓱🎉


Months passed and September came and the two blonde Hale girls with their mates end the institute, one bad luck was that Bella was in almost all the time in the Cullen House something that the little blonde hate, and the alpha were not better they stay the majority of the time on their floor, or in the woods hunting, the family was breaking apart and Rosalie and Esme were the first ones to notice, Rosalie shares the same feeling with them so she stay with them when she was not with Emmett. It could be seen in those months that Athena didn't smile anymore to the others, her attitude changed like they were strangers to her, she only talked with Rose, Esme, Emmett, and her mate. The matriarch talked with Edward about the human not coming every day, it was not fair for the three of them. But he didn't listen to her. The birthday of the human was that month and Alice plan a party, the pair wasn't happy with that. Alice in those months tried to help Bella to talk with Athena, and for the blonde, it was something that couldn't support and she stop talking with her too. In those months the alpha and his wife were occupied supervising and sending things to Volterra, their house there was almost ready, they decided that first, they wanted to do their house there, Esme, Rosalie, and Emmett were the only ones that knew that they were leaving soon, the younger Hale put a barrier on their minds so the mind reader couldn't know anything.

She overheard a conversation between the two one time in those months...

-Alice do you know why she hates me? -the human asked- Because at least Rosalie said comments but after Edward bring me here the first time she doesn't talk to me, and well her boyfriend just does like I don't exist

-Bella, Thena is very different from us, she has her reasons for why she doesn't like you, and well Stephen he hates everyone that he doesn't like, and well they are married he is not her boyfriend

-Married? -she asks in shock

-All of us are -Alice said happily -Just give them time maybe they will like you, they needed time when we came into their lives -the human nodded her head disappoint

Thanks to the angels they were done with school, that day Athena had the feeling again and she decided not to say anything since they weren't going to listen to her, of course, she tells her husband and he was paying attention to his surroundings just in case. That day was the human birthday and they were ¨thrilled¨about it, Alice asked them if they could help her, of course, Athena didn't even glance at her, for the little blonde, it was rough not to talk with Jasper but she knew that he will support Alice in any decision. After school, Alice arranged the big living room where the piano was, it was decorated with candles, with white and red roses around the room, it was a lot of glass for her taste, she could notice Bella's dress when she got to the house, it was a dar green with converse, she makes a face when she saw that. Rosalie told her that if she had to go, both of them were going, and of course, they love to call the attention they get dressed to impress, Athena put on a black underskirt that reached a little above her ankles and was close to the body, with the blacktop was with thick straps, you could see her chest and a little bit of her abdomen, it was held with a front of the top that at the same time looked like an accessory, and her silver heels, and a silver choker, it was very sensual, with the gifts to change her appearance she put herself pink in her hair, with pink eyeliner and nude lipstick. Stephen used black ripped pants, military boots, a gray shirt, and his black leather jacket, and his hair was a little messy.


-Did I tell you that you look, beautiful love? -Stephen asked, eyeing every curve of her body -Love the pink hair it looks amazing

-Thank you handsome, but look at you, maybe we should just stay here -she said while kissing his neck, he enjoyed the touch of her wife for a moment and start kissing her with passion, until they heard Rose knocking on the door

-Come on move you two, if you are not there in five minutes I'm coming and I am going to take Athena with me -she said, they giggled at the threat

When they get there all of them turned to look at them in awe, Rosalie smiled big knowing that they called the attention

-You guys look amazing -Rosalie said smiling and walking toward them to hug them, Esme did the same as her -Look at your hair is pink -she said with emotion

-It's good to see you brother -Emmett said to Stephen while they do their greeting, Stephen took Athena's waist and put them behind Rosalie, and Emmett wanted to be a long-distance with the human -When did you two get back?

-Thanks brother -Stephen and Emmett did a quick hug -A few hours ago, we went hunting in Canada

-You look, gorgeous mom looks like we don't need to talk so we can be connected -Athena said to her referring to their clothing as black just like her outfit

-Are you sure you didn't talk? -Emmett asked with a smirk to her sister, she punch him in the arm knowing that the two blondes talked every day, and the other saw how the four of them make conversation as if they were talking the whole night, Alice was going for the birthday girl but Esme stop her

-Thena honey can you call them to come here please? -Esme asked her, she wanted that at least she told the other pair a word, Thena thought about it but she can not deny something to Esme, she started walking to the study of Carlisle, she had a long time of not being there when she heard a very interesting conversation between the pair she hates, she stops in the middle of the hall to hear and wait for the right moment to make herself known

-The Volturi are a very old and very powerful family, it is the closest thing to royalty in my world -Edward starts explaining

-Is that Carlisle? -she asked seeing the paint that he had in his study

-Yes, he lived with them for a few decades, he describes them as very refined, without any respect for human life but at least they respect the sciences, the arts, and the law, especially the law -A smile came to her face knowing that he was right with that, they passed hour and hours just reading

-The vampires have laws? -she asks curiously

-Not many, but there is one that is imperative -Thena smile wild to that, her master is going to be very happy when they had the reasons and evidence to go against this coven

-Wich one?

-That we keep the existence of our species secret, we cannot be noticed and we do not kill openly unless you want to die -Edward ends the explanation, Thena was ready to reap his head off, how he can talk about the rules when he is broken at least a half of them

-Let's stop talking about this -she said already trembling in fear- I can't even think of someone hurting you

-Bella, the only one who can hurt me is you, there is nothing else I am afraid of -Athena rolled her eyes because she knows that she scares him to death


-It's not true -she responds

-Victoria will come for me someday, Alice will see it when she decides and we will be ready -Athena didn't need to read her mind to know that she was talking about the immortality

-I could protect you if you transformed me - she doesn't know how but she hates her more now, she decided to enter her mind, she could see the dream that she had, so that was the reason, so hypocritical of her part

-Bella you already protect me -Thena was just asking what the hell could a stupid human protect- you are my only reason to stay alive if I am alive, but my job is to protect you

Little rose decided that it was enough for her ears

- Not of everyone that is a fact -she said coldly to them entering the room just two steps -Interesting dream human -she said with a teasing tone but in a superior way too

-Athena -Edward said with respect, and Bella could notice that -Do you need something?

-No, Esme and Alice send me to get you both downstairs -her voice void of emotions, that sends a chill to Bella -they are waiting for the human -she said disgusted, she turn around and walk away like a princess with her head up

The pair star walking and catch up with her and put themselves behind her, Bella notice how pretty she looks, even when she is not wearing a dress she looks stunning, Edward was surprised that she went for them, but reading Esme's mind he could see that she wanted that she told them at least a word, he had at least like two months of not seeing her around the house, not even in the woods, when the family hears them coming they turned around they saw Athena's face was without emotions, Jasper couldn't feel anything coming from here it was like she was an object, Alice was fast to run to the human side, while the little blonde keep walking to her husband that waited for her and put her in his arms in a protective way around her, he was not very fond of being there again.

-I'm sorry about all this, we try to control Alice -Carlisle said to her when she ended to walk down the stairs

-As if that was possible -Esme add giving her also a hug -Happy Birthday Bella -she said in excitement

-Thank you -she responds very awkwardly, and flash could be heard and their heads turn to Alice

-I found it in your bag, does it bother you? -Alice said with caution seeing Esme face toward her

-Dating older women, excellent -Emmett said to Edward, the alpha had to turn around so he didn't laugh at the ideas of her brother, while the two blondes just send him amused faces

- You first Rosalie -Alice extend her gift so the blonde could give it to the human, she took the box annoyed

-Its a necklace, Alice choose it -she said to her with disinterest

-Thank you -the human answered in shock

Alice went for Edward to take a photo of the two -Smile!- she exclaimed, Rosalie and Thena share a look of incredibility, not even a photo as a couple can make normal

-This is from Emmett, take it, open it-Alice said all bubbly

The human moved the gift because it was very light, she turned to see him - I already installed it in your truck, finally a decent sound system in that junk engine -he said like a kid in a candy store

-Hey! Don't say like that to the truck -she said while moving her head in disapproved

-But it is a junk engine, it's not anyone's fault that she has bad taste in that too -the alpha said in a low voice that only Emmett, Rosalie, and Thena could hear, the four laugh about that, they couldn't help it, the others turn to see them a little but look like they were talking just them

-Open Esme and Carlisle's gift -Alice tells her and gives her an envelope

-Something to light up your day -the leader said to her

-I've just seen you looking a little pale lately -Esme add, the others giggled at the double meaning of that

The human started opening the envelope and everything happen so fast that they couldn't act at the moment in shock, the human cut herself with the paper they turned to look at her with hungry eyes, even Athena her eyes turn black she keep her posture but she tense at the moment Stephen grab her and put her behind him, but a powerful hissed was hear everyone turn to see Jasper with black eyes and he starts running to the human, Edward did not control his strength and send the human flying against the wall and the glass vases, and he send Jasper to the piano destroying it in the process. But Jasper quickly stands up wanting to go for the human, Carlisle, Emmett, and Stephen went for him, but Jasper ran away from the leader and was stopped by his brothers who were three times as strong as he.

-Jazz, Jazz, shhh easy, it's just a drop of ... blood -Alice tried to calm him down but in the last word she whisper, the others turn to the human smelling more blood, Jasper start fighting harder, Athena was in shock, but her name being called bring her again to reality

-Athena contain it now -Stephen said to her, he saw how hard was even for her to control herself and she has excellent control. Athena speed toward Jasper and put her hand on his neck and electrocute him, he fell to the ground screaming in pain

-Get Jasper out of here -Carlisle demand, and run toward Bella

Stephen and Emmett take Jasper out with a lot of force -ATHENA!! -Stephen screams she speeds toward them not wanting to be there more

-I, I am sorry I can't -Alice said with a broken voice, Esme and Rosalie left to

-Athena!! -Carlisle called for her, even though she knew that she had to help with this, she appeared in the room again but far from the human -Take Edward out -she nod her head and start walking toward him

-Go see Jasper, he will be upset with himself and I doubt he will listen to anyone else at this time -Carlisle said to him but it was an order, but he wasn't moving -Athena take him- she use the electricity again on him to make him move

When they got outside she could see Emmett and Stephen trying to contain Jasper, she leave Edward close in her eye range if something happen, and it took a lot of time to get Jasper back on track

-Jasper it's not your fault, don't blame yourself -Edward said to him

-It's my fault, I did everything there, just me -Jasper said, I could feel the pain and guilt rolling from him, he continue to do it until Athena had enough

-STOP! It's enough, listen to me Jasper, what happens there is not your fault, who in hell is that stupid to cut herself with paper in a house full of vampires, and don't look at me Edward this is the truth, Jasper is the strongest person her with his control over his bloodlust, he has to deal with not just his, but all of you including me sometimes, not even Carlisle can do what he does, be proud Jasper of what you achieve, and I'm going to torture the person that tells me that is not true, and just for all of you remember drinking blood is our nature, so you stop blaming Jasper because I can feel it rolling off you, and YOU! -she pointed her finger to Jasper -go hunt and come back and held your head up -Athena turn around to go help Esme clean, Stephen went with her and help too, and the mind reader left to leave Bella to her house

Time later the living room was clean again, having Athena lifting the glass with her mind and putting them in the trash, Stephen cleaning the blood and putting the things that have blood in a box to burn it, and Esme was getting the flowers off the floors and opening the windows, Athena put the wind in other direction so it didn't get to Jasper -Thank you for helping my loves -Esme said to them with a little smile

-You know it's not a problem Esme, it could be worse if I didn't have telekinesis -the little blonde responded with a little smile

The others enter the house again now clean, they could smell Silvester flowers they saw all types of flowers and the windows open so it didn't smell like blood, they prefer to wait for Carlisle and Edward because it was going to be a family meeting, Jasper feels a lot better with her sister words and she was right, they heard Carlisle coming down and they went to the meeting room it was something very important to discuss, all of them remember the last conversation that they had there, and a sentence came back to them -She is problems- every time she is right and they just didn't know the storm that was coming their way.

Edward came back an hour later, they were in the meeting room just waiting for someone to say something -We have to leave, we put her in too much danger -Edward was the first one to break the silence

-No Edward if we leave she will be in a bad position -Alice said

-What happened here was nothing of what could occur in reality, I trust too much even me -he said with her head down

-But we have our lives here -Rosalie said -It's not time yet, I like it here

-But what are you going to do with her? -Emmett asked

-We have to leave like we never exist in her life -he responded

-I know its because of me, but I swear that I will put more distance if you want -Jasper said to him

-It's not just that, we are not good for her, we are taking her life away -Edward explains with pain

-But it is not our fault, we told you what would happen and you decided either way, why do we have to leave because of your actions -Rosalie said angrily

-Rose if one of us leaves, everyone does, we are a family -Carlisle said- What do you want to do son? -he asked

-We have to leave soon, if we can in two or three days, its the best for her

-Then we are leaving is decided, we can go to New York again

Athena and Stephen stay quiet during all the discussions that they had, they decided that they were going to leave the coven it was now too much for them and a human was not in their plans, Athena always was the quieter when it was something to do about the leadership at least to say in his face until Esme notice that they weren't participating -Stephen, Thena what do you think? -that made everyone shut up, the pair share a look, and Stephen nod his head so she can talk

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