《The powerful hybrid ||Twilight||》🕸️𝓞𝓾𝓽 𝓸𝓯 𝓬𝓸𝓷𝓽𝓻𝓸𝓵🕸️


October came and all the guard was ready, for the majority of them was just a quick training, Athena could master other gifts that she had, it was amazing how with just one month back she could master her gifts better than anyone, but Athena and the other could see that sometimes she lost control and put something on fire or the wind it was too strong but they didn't know why that happens but they put too much importance to that since that have to prepare. They all decided to go first for Marco and the Romanians, they send Demetri to know where they were and they discover that the Romanian coven had another vampire, the face of the triplets was like the Cheshire cat, already planning what to do, the kings, of course, knowing better the mind of the triplet could have a short idea they didn't ask and they permitted them to act at the moment that they think it will be necessary. Stephen and Athena saw each other regularly and the time that they could pass together they make the best time, of course, they see each other most of the time and they are in the same room but with everything going on they don't spend much time together as they wish but they are happy with their family. Also, the house was ready and it was just to decorate so they can move into the house.

At that time Caius told Stephen that the triplet was known to the other vampires in the battle against the Romanians, the triplet manage half of the army just the three of them together, he also explains that Vladimir and Stefan tried to attack Athena but she put them in the worst pain and Jane accompany her in that making the two beg for their life, and that Alec kills Vladimir mate and that he couldn't do anything because Thena was protecting him while he was fighting, while Thena and Jane kill Stefan mate in one of the revolutions that they tried to do in the third decade of the initial battle, it took them over a century to win but they never wiped them out completely only leaving Stefan and Vladimir to remind them who won and what they lost, they burn their castles to the ground, and that is how the Volturi became to be in power, and that is how to consider Athena the princess of the Volturi, adding that Aro considers her a daughter.

It was October now, and half of the guard, the elite guard, and the kings left Volterra to go to Ireland, they stop a few times to feed themselves, this time they will not be witnesses it was something more personal, and either way, they have the proof of anyone ask, coming to the radio to Athena start copying gifts they stop, it was something that they always do so they can now what they are getting into

-Athena what is new? -Aro asks

-Just his gift master, and -she stop talking analyzing the gift in her head, Stephen that it was behind Caius saw her in worry, when Athena in a moment disappear, Alec and Jane open her eyes surprised then in worry and her mate wasn't very far away from that, then she appears in front of him, with a small smile, Aro starts laughing understanding her new gift

-Teleportation, but I can not control it now it needs practice master -she responds turning toward him -and... -she opens her eyes in surprise how can he have someone with the gift to counter subtracting his gift, but that imbecile but thinking better is better since he has no idea of the gift of Athena to copy the other gifts -I have his counter gift master, and I'm pretty sure that he doesn't know that he has it, and memory alteration


-Looks like it's our lucky day my dear, is like the destiny wants us to apply the law- Aro responds with a maniac smile- and block their gifts dear I don't want surprises- they start walking and they could see that they were just a few vampires like eight vampires and the Romanians at the moment that they saw who they were given two steps behind when they saw the triplet but with hate toward them, Stephen saw the action and smirk just like Caius

-Ah, dear friends, it looks like we have information and proves that one of you is starting to plan something against us -Aro said with a calm voice that everyone in the Volturi knew it was a lie -May I know who this is the person? -The Romanians didn't waste any time to point Marco, who gave them a shocked expression that make the triplet smirk, Athena could see the new member of the Romanian coven, and she started analyzing him he didn't has a gift and just like decades ago it was just forced against gifts, she passed the information to the kings and the elite guard and the personal guards of the kings

-My friend can you come so I can see for myself if that is true or a lie -it was a statement and not an option and he knew it, Marco tried to block some parts but Athena had already used her gift so he can no use it, he starts walking toward him with some vampires behind him, Stephen walk closer to Caius now, while the triplet put themselves behind Aro

-Renata -Athena demand, that Renata already knew what she had to do and was put herself behind her master, lets's just say that Renata doesn't have a good relationship with Thena, Athena thinks that her personality is ordinary, she is shy, very nervous, and hardly knows how to fight, and that's why even though she is part of Aro's personal guard, she had a dark gray cape put on her and not a black one

The triplet start doing their job, Jane decides a vampire while Athena and Alec start realizing their fogs, she decided to use mental control with her part, but it was too late when they saw the fog it was already on them the ones that were more behind were like statues, just waiting orders, and the closer ones were in the floor without senses, while Jane use her pain in his right hand that it was the third member of the Romanian coven, it was obvious for them to know the truth

-I see that I can not see everything my friend- Aro explain with fake sadness, Marco tried to hide his smile- Athena please dear -she stop using her fog while the guard took the positions behind some of the vampires in emergency case, and just as it came to the smile it went away, she walked toward them and put her hands in both sides of his head and a red fog start coming out

The walls start to come down easily, Aro, of course, was fascinated, while Athena was very pleased playing in his mind while giving her master space to see everything that he needs when in the end he turned to see Jane and give her a nod, Felix and Demetri had Marco on his knees in front of Aro, while Athena speed toward behind the Romanian coven with some guards with them her on the sides, they weren't expecting that strategy for them, Vladimir and Stefan's start looking for the third sister when they realize that she wasn't there their nerves skyrocket to the sky


-Pain -the worst word with the angelic voice that they fear most was heard and in a second they both were on the ground, while the guards took the third member and put him on his knees

-Looks like your member helped Marco try something against us, he will learn the lesson, but first, my friend I see that you were attached to the immortal kid that your mother create, you know as well as me that my elite guard just put the law in order- before he could even end the sentence, the third member of the Romanian coven left the guards arms and speed toward Jane, Athena let out an animal growl and she speeds toward him and put herself in front of Jane, in milliseconds he stops and stars seeing his worst nightmares it was the day that they killed his family, other guards were now with the Romanians holding them, of course, the kings notice the mistake and they were going to talk with all of them

-Alec, guards kill the others -Caius orders the guard to kill the other vampires, and they did, Athena stop using her gift on him and snarled at him

-HOW DARE YOU!!, , and right now you are that danger, and I don't have mercy with anyone -she hissed angrily, the clouds start to be black, the wind was getting stronger and her hair was getting red, and there was something gold in her hands, that only Marcus could notice -Pain- the screams were way worst than Stefan and Vladimir could remember before, Jane and Alec smirk and put themselves at her sides, Aro and Caius were happy to see that Athena was back in the game, while Marcus and Stephen could notice something different in her that time, it was like something triggered something on her

-The three of them have something planned for you don't worry, the three of them use their gifts combined and they smirk toward the Romanians, while they understand that this was a message to them, so they could understand that they were still in charge, the black and white fog start to combine and it was lethal and the mental pain than Jane put him it was way worst that the change to be vampires, they killed him when he asks mercy to end it, of course, Marco end in the same way having Jane to rip his head off -My friends I thought that this was clear decades ago, nothing that you can do can win over us -Aro mad a hand move and the guards left them to move and they leave quickly not wanting to be there

While their turn to Volterra Athena feel different it was like a heavy feeling on her it was hurting her, she is supposed to not feel anything but it hurt her, when they reach the castle the kings wanted to talk with the guards that didn't do their job, the king didn't need the triplet so he let them go, while Stephen leave with Caius knowing that if he left him he will the other in a second, the triplet leave each other so they can change and be comfortable, they wanted to have a movie night and they had to wait for Stephen too, while Athena ignored the pain it became stronger, a gasp came out of her and she feels something coming out of her eyes she put her hand and it was black tears, the pain got worst and she screams with pain

Jane and Alec were going to her sister's room to start their movie night, but it was day actually because when they didn't have to be on guard they wanted to spend every moment together, but a painful scream came to their ears, the panic cover his faces and speed toward Athena room when they enter they saw her in the floor with tears and they were golden she was in the floor crying holding her chest, Alec run toward her and put her head in his lap and caressing her hair, and kissed her on the forehead while Jane had her hand with her

-Sister what is happening? -Alec ask in a whisper, not a moment later black blood start to come out of her, they rolled her to the side so she can vomit the black thing

-Sister you are going to be fine -Jane whisper while caressing her cheek, Athena started to have problems breathing -NO, NO ALEC, WHAT IS HAPPENING TO HER? DO SOMETHING -Jane started to scream

-Sister go bring Stephen and the kings maybe they will know, I'm going to pass her to the bed -Alec said to her, she nodded her head and sped toward the throne room

-Come on sister you are going to be fine -Alec takes her and put her on her bed, then a moment later the vase with flowers starts to burn, he turns to see it and he knew that her sister was conscious of doing it on purpose

While in the throne room, Stephen was having problems concentrating his wolf was very anxious like a bad feeling, they had around 30 minutes there and the feeling was getting worse, a second later Jane enter with panic the throne room, her eyes were directed toward him, and he knew that something bad happens to his mate

-Athena she... she I... I don't know what happen to her, she scream and she was on the floor with something on her face and then vomit something black -Jane try to explain with panic and a broken voice, they didn't wait any longer and sped toward Stephen and Thena's room, Stephen open the door to see his wife on the bed with Alec beside her, she was sweating with something black on her nose and eyes, he runs to her side and took her hand and put a kiss on her

-What happens, Alec? -he demanded, Aro and the kings were in shock they have never seen something like this

-We don't know, we heard her scream and when we get here, she was on the floor screaming in pain, she vomit that black thing and she already vomit one more time, the flowers they been like that while Jane went for all of you -they turn to see the flowers and they were still burning, they feel the climate change in the room, it was very cold even for them, Marcus notice ice getting out of the bed toward the walls and floors and the other turn to see what was he seeing

-It's her, her witch side is getting out Marcus said, Athena turn to vomit again a black substance, they were worried

-Why is this happening to her? -Caius asked with a broken voice, something that they never expect from him -It's not enough from what she had to go through centuries ago

-How long did she not practice with her magic? -Aro asks with caution

-A long time, the only time was when she practice potions, and that was months ago since the human came the nightmares came back to her, we never thought that something like this could happen to her -the alpha respond, the kings have a theory and it was not good

-And what is the meaning of that? -Jane ask toward them with pain in her voice, they saw how broken were Alec and Jane, the alpha was way worst than them, he could feel the pain of his mate, and tears were coming down from his eyes

-You are going to be fine love, you need to come back to me -he said to her while he take her in his arms

-She is going to be fine right? -Alec asks again because no one responds -She is not going to die she is very strong, she... she protect us from everything before in our village, she took every hit that was meant for us, every word and she still does, she can not leave us

-STOP, STOP, TELL ME SHE IS NOT GOING TO DIE!! -Jane demanded screaming with tears in her eyes, the weather outside was getting dark, and the kings took notice of that

-We don't know dear, we may have an idea but is not something sure -Marcus responds with pain- Right now we can only search for more information and see if it is right our theory

-Yes brother, but not right now, we have to be here for her -Aro said with pain, everyone took a chair and put them in front of the bed, while Stephen, Alec, and Jane were in the bed with her. Hours later the kings got up because they had to tell the queens the news, and they knew that it was going to be hard news for the two, they walked toward the tower, passing through the hallways, and every vampire make a bow in sign of respect for what happened to the Volturi princess, it was obvious that everyone there knew now the news. Even when she is the most feared vampire, and she didn't show emotions she helped the low guards in training and trained with the ones who have gifts to make them better, and they appreciate that from her, so they have like a combination of respect and fear toward the leader of the triplet.

When they open the door of the tower, Sulpicia and Athenodora smiled at them, but that changed when they saw their faces, Marcus looked worse than before, they told Corin that she leave, she didn't know anything like the queens about Athena, Corin and she have a good relationship they enjoy each other company and they consider themselves friends, Athenodora notice that even Caius was in pain

-What happens? -Athenodora asks, she is the more direct of the two -Who died?

-Dora! Don't say something like that -Sulpicia calls her attention

-It's more complicated than that -Caius responds while going to sit next to his wife that intertwined their hands together

-You are scaring us, Aro talk please tell us -Sulpicia begged

-My daughter is in a type of coma, she lost control of her witch part and her power was too much even for her and is my fault -Aro responds with pain

The queens needed a few minutes to understand the news, then their faces were disfigured in horror and worry, even when Sulpicia was Aro's wife and they got along well, Athenodora was closest to her since Athena reminded her of her little sister who died and whenever Thena could visit them and was with them, and they didn't need Corin's gift to have happiness -Is she in pain? -Dora asked with a lump in his throat

-I'm afraid that she is, she is vomiting a black substance, she also has that same substance like they were blood but in her eyes, and nose -Marcus inform them with a broken voice

-But she is going to be fine right? -Sulpicia asked them with tears in her eyes

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