《The powerful hybrid ||Twilight||》🐺𝓢𝓽𝓮𝓹𝓱𝓮𝓷🐺


Stephen was born in 1900 he was part of a tribe of metamorphs that became huge wolves, he became alpha when he was 17, he was 20 when he was turned into a hybrid in 1920, he used to live in England, he had anger problems, very egocentric, he was the strongest of all and had a very cold personality, he was rarely seen giving a sign of affection that was not his family, especially his little brother Scott, her mom was an excellent mother always for them when they needed, her father was strict but he put aside his role as an alpha when he was with his family, his eyes transmitted authority, he also had his playful side, his physique was very intimidating, he was tall around 1.95 cm, muscular, his green eyes with blue was a hypnotizing color, his hair was brown and was short, his chin was square, and he had the bad boy style.

His pack was attacked by some nomadic vampires and when he was fighting they bit him, he thought that for being a shifter the poison would kill him, but it was not so he became a hybrid of two species that are supposed to be enemies because thats what they teaching them growing up, he died protecting her brother so he could scape, when his transition ended he saw that his pack was dead ,no one survived only him, he found the body of Scott in the woods he saw that he tried to fight back but couldn't win, after burying them all he decided he wanted revenge so he began to hunt the nomads who did so, when he located them he was arriving to America they were trying to hunt and they did not expect a giant wolf to have them in his sights as a prey, the surprised face of the nomads when they saw the wolf alive gave him much more satisfaction when he killed them, when he killed them he returned to his human form to be able to burn the bodies, he chased them for at least one or two years, since it took him time to know how to handle himself as a hybrid, the speed, the blood and so on, a few years later in one of those rare days that he was in his physical form and not as a wolf he met a vampire, at first he was somewhat reluctant to approach another vampire but in the end they got along well he explained to him the rules, that they had laws, that some vampires had gifts they spent a few months together and became good friends his name was Liam, he was tall with short black hair with red eyes he was a nomad too, he had muscles not as marked as Stephen had, also had a little padlock-shaped beard, they became good friends they decided to keep in touch.


Sometime later around 1927 he was in the woods near Wisconsin when he was leaving the place he felt a rich aroma, it was his favorite strawberries and chocolate, he thought about it for a few moments and decided to let it go because he was not ready to have his imprint and mate, he felt like a monster he was not supposed to exist, he did not know if his soul mate would accept him as he was, he did not, so he decided to explore and get to know and learn from his new nature, he discovered he has the gift of strategy and enhanced strength and lastly the gift of manipulation of darkness he could hide in it or he could make it a weapon it was a surprise the fact that he could have two gifts, he realized his gift to once encountering a pack and they wanted to attack and the plan to win out came to his head quickly, he spent years wandering alone in the woods mostly in his wolf form which was a huge six-foot black wolf with red eyes thanks to his alpha status. Over time his body was forming tattoos thanks to his gift, every time he discovered a new way to handle it he was getting them and he couldn't deny that they looked amazing.

Most of the time he hunted in his wolf form, and ate that way and it didn't bother him, he only went back to his form when he practiced his gift and that he had to feed on blood, human blood helped him stay energetic so he drained one or two people every two or three weeks, this way, he didn't have to drink so much blood thanks to his wolf side he could keep eating human food, also he didn't have to sleep so much anymore he slept a few hours a week was fine, his physique became more marked his eyes kept their natural color, his skin was not so hot anymore but not cold either, he was like in between, his anger became bigger because of the intensification thanks to his vampire side, as a wolf he was temperamental now it was something worse, he realized he couldn't stand much and he had no patience, his scent changed, it wasn't appetizing for the other vampires and for the wolves it was a little sweeter, his heart was still beating, it was much slower, it wasn't going fast anymore, being alpha brought him his advantages, most wolves didn't try to mess with him, and those that didn't ended up in a good way.


It was 1935 and he was in Gatlinburg, Tennessee in the suburbs, he knew that in that area there were many bears to hunt, one morning he was looking for something to eat and suddenly he got the smell of human blood that was not a good sign so he ran following the smell, as he was arriving he also heard a bear he expected the worst, but suddenly two more smells came to his nose vampires if he did not arrive in time they would kill the human, Stephen knows that even though he still feeds on humans no one should die that way so he ran faster, but almost arriving he could see that there were two blonde vampires there one smaller than the other but they were not attacking him they were looking at him and the bigger one went to the bear to get him off and the smaller one stayed with him and had her back to him so he could not see her face and was trying to help him that was surprising so he stayed to see what they would do next.

-Rose, what do we do with him, I can't do much for him- the little girl asked.-We have to take him to Carlisle, we can't leave him here, besides.... she stop talking and the little girl also notice her face -He's your soul mate, isn't he, you're carrying him or I'm carrying him? -and before she could get an answer, unfortunately, Stephen broke a branch and it rang and with the improved hearing they heard it, so he decided to come out showing her teeth as he didn't know if they could be trusted, the two of them if they could get any paler would be and they went on the defensive the bigger one got between them thus covering the younger ones and the human, her hair straight and loose, he could notice her eyes were golden he had never seen anything like that, he was going to attack until he heard a sweet voice, it was like a melody to him and he knew it came from the one he couldn't see

-Rose, go, take him away, there's not much time, I'll take care of it.-But look at him he's not a normal wolf, he's ready to kill us I can't leave you and you know it -He saw how the blonde looked at him with hate and fear at the same time, in her eyes he could also see the internal battle about leaving her there with him, she turned around and ran and took the human away.

Stephen couldn't smell her because of the blood of the human, the bear and that her scent was also covered by the older blonde, she got into an attack position he could see she was small in size, her blonde hair was pulled back in a kind of braid, he also noticed that she was analyzing him until they both looked into each other's eyes, his world stopped and no one else mattered but her, the anger he always had dissipated, he found his imprint and soul mate, that was when he could smell her strawberries and chocolate, he had smelled her a few years before, he saw that she also froze, so he sat on all four paws showing that he would not do anything to her... He was ecstatic with happiness he found her and would not let her go a second time. For him, she was perfect with her golden eyes, that at that moment held curiosity because of him.

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