《The powerful hybrid ||Twilight||》🌸𝓡𝓸𝓼𝓮,𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓜𝓪𝓽𝓮🌸


When they left New York, they became inseparable, they discover their type of relationship mom-daughter, Athena was happy she was always smiling with Rose by her side in those years they were the two against the world, Rose was always brushing her hair or doing hairstyles, Athena sing to her she writes a song to her, or doing their nails, they were going shopping together sometimes Esme went with them, they also went hunting together, Thena help her controlling her thirst, Rose became the mother that she never could had, what made it more real was that they looked alike, obviously Rose was taller than her but her long blonde hair, her now golden eyes and even their personalities were identical, Thena already knew manners but Rose helped her more and taught her to behave like a lady at all times, you would see them laughing or talking about anything, Rose loved to give her hugs and affection especially when Athena told her what happened with her mother and how her father mistreated her, she told her that she was a hybrid when Rosalie heard her heart for the first time if she could have cried she would have done it, that made the overprotection come out more, it also made her leave the house more and they were the envy of the place, Thena also left the Cullen name and took the Hale last name now they said that she was Rosalie's younger sister and that they were Esme's nieces since her parents died and moved in with her and her husband. Also in their new house, they made a clothes closet just for the two of them, their rooms were next to each other, when Rose felt lonely and she didn't think she was going to find someone to love her, Thena would go and they would sit in silence for hours just giving each other comfort.

It could be said that their relationship with Edward became more complicated, they could stand each other less, Esme and Carlisle were happy that the two blondes of the family had each other especially because they saw how they were good for each other, Thena was there to tell Rose that even if she did not want this life she could enjoy it and that soon she would find someone for her and she could get married and they would have a beautiful and magical wedding, and Rose gave her the motherly love that they never had since nobody knew exactly or even anything about their past. Rosalie's attitude to others was cold or cutting those two years she didn't have much communication, she didn't want this life she wanted to grow old, get married and have children and see her grandchildren and she wouldn't get to have that, but when you saw her with Thena it was completely different she was smiling brightly, she had Athena and it was something she was grateful for every day she felt a void in her heart was filled when she was with her, but it still wasn't complete and she was waiting to meet that someone who was meant for her life.

One morning the duo of mom-daughter was getting ready to go hunting since they had like a week without blood, Rose make Athena a braid and she left her hair down, they left the house they were hunting in the deep in the forest because the hunters were always close so they went almost to the end of the forest, they were hunting for about two or three hours and were able to hunt deer, two mountain lions and they shared a bear when they were about to leave they smelled human blood


-Rose can you smell that? I think is close

-Who can be here this deep in the forest? We should go to see and maybe help... -there was something with the scent of that blood for her it was calming her

-Are you sure that you can with the blood? -Rose nodded her head, so they start running at their vampire speed, when they came to the site it wasn't a pretty sight, the boy had scars all over his body, Rosalie jumped to the bear to take him out of him, and Athena run to help the guy but she can not see all the injuries because of the blood there was a lot, he was going to die if they didn't do anything when she saw that Rose kill the bear she talked

-Rose what do we do with him, I can't do much for him...

-We have to take him to Carlisle, we can't leave him here, besides... -when she noticed the Rose stop talking she turn to her and saw the love in her eyes it was her mate

-He's your soulmate, isn't he, you're carrying him, or I'm carrying him? -and before Rose could answer they here something close to them, when they turn around the both of them could see a huge wolf with red eyes, they were scared but either way, Rosalie dint think twice and run to put herself between Thena, her mate and the black wolve, they were in a defensive position, Rose in those two years never saw anything like that she send him daggers with her eyes she was almost sure that wolve was not normal the height that it has and his eyes, but Athena could sense two new gifts that are not possible how was that, but before she could keep thinking about that her new gift came to help her and think a new strategy to come out alive the three of them, she knew that Rose couldn't do anything and she needed to go Carlisle to save the mate of her...

-Rose, go, take him away, there's not much time, I'll take care of it- Rose saw how the wolf change a little his expression when Thena talked

-But look at him he's not a normal wolf, he's ready to kill us I can't leave you and you know it- she keep sending him daggers with her eyes, Rose turned around and when she got him she said -careful baby- she nods her head and when she saw that Rosalie was out of range she puts herself ready to fight.

I start analyzing this huge wolf, Rose is right about him not being normal, when I see his eyes I knew at that moment that he was my mate, but how that's a wolve, and he moves and sits it's like he is telling me to get close, so before I read his mind...But I can't it's like a black wall stoping me to do it, so the only thing that I can do is go close but he is huge, I know that he it's not a werewolf if he was well I know how to kill him thanks to Caius but he doesn't look like one, I get close to him very slow either way I can use some of my gifts if he tried to do something, I maintain my face cold but my eyes can keep the curiosity in them, his scent is my favorite mint and coffee, I stretch out my hand so I can caress it and he moves so that I continue caressing him


-You are pretty I like your color, but you are not a normal wolf, are you? - he nods his head like telling me that I'm right- this is weird I know you are my soulmate but I never saw anything like you in my life -he hits his paw on the ground several times, but I have no idea what it means- what is the meaning of that? Can you I don't know put your mental barrier on the ground so I can hear your thoughts? -he looks at me like I'm crazy- It's one of my gifts dogs and if you can do it then we can talk better or at least I can understand- he gave me a bad look when I call him a dog, hell he hates me calling him that but I don't know his name- Don't give me that look how I'm supposed to call you when I don't understand -I said rolling my eyes, that's when I saw him standing up and going back behind a tree when I turn around I saw a guy full of tattoos very tall and with a charming smile, and beautiful eyes, I'm pretty sure I already fall in love...

She starts to analyze me, I can see her face is blank without emotions, but I see curiosity in her eyes when she pets me it feels like heaven, I had a long time not feeling this type of emotion, looks like she knows that we are soulmates that is a good sign that she will not tell me no about us, she started talking with me I tried to tell her with my paw that waits for me in that place, she can read minds well now that's something new for me, but she calls me a dog? That is just a punch in my ego I send her a glare like a warning but she just rolls her golden eyes, I think she has the same personality like me, feisty I liked her already, but what in hell is was she doing here in the forest, something could happen to her. So I decided to change myself in my other form to start talking like normal people, or at least the normal that we can be.

Both of them just stare at each other Athena with surprise and love, of course, she tries to hide it but it's her mate she can not hide anything from him, and he just looks at her with a charming smile and loving eyes, it the first person of each other to see with the type of love, he sees that she is in like a little of shock so he starts the conversation

-My name is Stephen beautiful, I'm glad that you know that we are mates- he says smiling at her

-Mine is Athena, but you can call me Thena- she said with a smile- I don't want to sound rude or anything but what are you? You have like a scent that I can't figure out and trust me I don't mind but I never saw anything like you, and I can feel your possessiveness and power from you- she said talking serious but also in double meaning

He laughed, her mate is very flirting and he can sense the power radiating from her as well -Well my beautiful beautiful Thena I'm a hybrid of wolves and vampire, and my possessiveness that's because I'm an alpha we are like that with our mates -he said smiling and closing the space between the two- they were smiling toward each other and it was like nothing else matter just the two of them -Well maybe you are not the only hybrid love- she said raising her perfect eyebrow- he looked at her shocked it can not be part wolf- No love I'm not like you I'm part witch and vampire but I'm almost 100 percent vampire- he was happy that they were unique for each other.

While all this happened with the rest of the family they weren't that calm...

The other three were doing their things when they smelled blood, and before someone could move Rosalie stormed inside with the body of a guy in her arms

-Change him, Carlisle, please- he looked at her because he knew she dint want this life- please I begged you- he saw her eyes and understand that was his mate, so he bite him and put him in another room, but Esme dint saw Athena with her

-Carlisle there is another thing when we found him there was a huge wolf with red eyes, she send me because of him but she was alone with that thing, it had a face of killing us there- while Rose talked Edward read her mind

-Carlisle I think she is in danger, Rose is right I don't think that was a normal wolf, it should be like what 2 meters- Esme had a preoccupied face because of her and if something happen to her, she could not live with losing another child

-Then let's go, Rose stay here with him, the three of us are going to search for her, I hope she is not in danger her gift can save her and she is very skillful in fighting- But Carlisle I can't leave her alone not her -Rose she is going to be okay and she wanted that you stayed with your mate in his transition -she thinks about it and agrees she is not convinced but she doesn't have an option, they left the house tracking her scent.

While with them again...

-But I have to ask baby, why are your eyes gold that is gorgeous by the way, but I only met others with red eyes- she giggled at the compliment -that's because we eat from the animals, not humans, you can come with us be part of the coven or at least one of two- he raised an eyebrow with confusion- With the time I explain to you everything love- he nods his head and takes her hand with his and they start getting closer with their noses touching until he heard someone coming their way, he puts her behind him to protect her when three people appear in front of them

-What do you want? -he asked with a cold glare at them

-We came for Athena my adopted sister the one that you have behind you- Edward tells him seeing that he is protecting her

-Don't worry love they are my family, the one that I was telling you about, maybe we can talk in the house, Carlisle he is my soulmate

-Of course, you can come with us our house is like 20 minutes from here- Stephen just turns to look at Thena and she smiles at him so he nods his head, so they took off to their places, and his new home.

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