《Forevermore | Hailee Steinfeld》Chapter 6 - I Showed her Heights she Never Saw


I wake up with a pounding headache, and the memories of yesterday flood my mind. I pinch the bridge of my nose and curse under my breath. After putting on my glasses, I get up out of bed with nothing but boxers on to go check myself in the mirror. It takes a while for my eyes to adjust, but from what I can tell, my nose is a little swollen. My left cheek is stained purple from where Maya's fist connected to my face. 

I throw on a big shirt and some shorts and walk down stairs to grab an ice-pack from the freezer. The coolness of the ice soothes me, and diminishes the pain temporarily. It's only around 9am, so I decide to shoot Hailee a good morning text.

Jayden: good morninggg how did you sleep?

Hailee: rise and shine :) I slept okay, what about you? how is your nose?

Jayden: [attachment 1 image]

Jayden: does that answer your question?

Hailee: oh my gosh jay :( 

Hailee: its okay though it will heal. you still look cute though

Jayden: its too early for me to be blushing right now Hailee

Hailee: if thats the case then you better prepare yourself for tonight

Jayden: yeah yeah don't mention it

Hailee: what time should i come over? i can bring whatever

Jayden: nooo hailee i got it don't worry about a thing. the only thing you have to bring is yourself. and is 8pm okay for you?

Hailee: perfect, see you then :)

Jayden: <3 ! 

I put my phone back down on the kitchen counter so I can focus while preparing my breakfast. I shoot for an easy protein shake, as I'm about to go to the gym. After I change into more appropriate clothes, I fill up my water bottle and put it in my gym backpack. And with that, I head to the gym we have at the Sparks practice facility. 

I'm really grateful to have a more privatized gym here at the facility. I can't imagine how it would be to work out with people recognizing you and always grabbing your attention when you least expect it, especially about my body. When I was younger, the only gym I had was the one in my neighborhood, and going there wasn't fun. I would get stared at when wearing shorts too tight, or I would get called names by the other kids who went to work out from my high school. I eventually had to resort to making a makeshift gym at home in our small garage, with a small set of weights and other tools. 

But here with the Sparks, everyone is accepting and so supportive of me, and I couldn't have asked for a better team to be drafted to. I walk through the double doors and I greet everyone who is practicing on the main courts. Before I can turn around, I notice Coach running over to me. 

"Hey Jay, just wanted to say I'm proud of you for everything last night. That could have got real ugly real fast, and you know that. But you stuck your ground, and it showed an incredible amount of leadership." He says honestly.

"Thank you coach. I had to stay strong mentally but I managed to push through." I tell him.

"Over these past few years you've shown nothing but the aspects of being the true definition of an athlete. We are so lucky to have you here. Listen I've talked to management and how would you feel about being team captain?" He breaks to me and I have to contain my excitement. 


"It would be my pleasure Coach. This team means so much to me, and I would love to contribute to leading the way towards our goals."

"Well in that case, enjoy your workout, captain." He says while shaking my hand. 

"Thank you Coach." I say smiling. 

This day is already so much better than last night.


After doing a full body workout I return home to start to prepare for tonight. This is the first time Hailee is going to be inside my home and I need to make it as presentable as possible. Not that my house is always a mess, but my perfectionism kicks in in times like these. I take a quick shower to freshen up and then I change into a simple outfit to do my errands. 

My first stop of the afternoon is Trader Joe's so I can pick up some snacks for us, and some ingredients to make our own homemade pizza. I thought it would be a fun activity for us to do together. I make sure to pick up something for Hailee, and I spot some beautiful white roses so I add those to the cart. I know she loves her sweets, so I pick out a pack of 8 chocolate strawberries, half vanilla half chocolate. 

Once I pay and put the bags in the car, I head to the gas station to refill my tank. Even though Hailee is driving here, I want to make sure I have gas in the event I need to drive her home, or if we decide to go somewhere. But I don't expect any of those things to happen. 

By the time I make it back to my house it's almost 5, giving me enough time to tidy up the house and set out the platters of snacks. I make sure my room is extra picked up, as well as every other room, since I plan on giving her a tour of the house.

By 6:30 I feel satisfied enough to start getting ready, so I hop into the shower and clean up. Getting out of the shower I see my phone light up and it's Hailee.

Hailee: hi! i'm going to be heading out in a little while, but i just wanted to say im excited to see you :)

Jayden: me toooo drive safe and see you soon <3

She then likes my message and I throw my phone on the bed while I start to change into my outfit for tonight. I go for something casual again. 

I look at my phone and it's 7:42. Great, I have 18 minutes to sit with my thoughts before she arrives. I don't even know what to do with myself so I anxiously pace around the house, taking a seat on the couch every so often. I practice how I'm going to sit on the couch. No one has ever had this effect on me to where I feel the need to practice how I'm going to sit. 

Before I knew it, Hailee was at the front gate and I accept her entry. I take a step outside and I watch as she pulls in to the driveway. She gets out of her car and wraps her arms around my neck to give me one of those hugs that I find myself craving constantly. I walk her through the front door and she begins to admire her surroundings.

"Wow Jay I love your house it's so nice here." She says while looking in all directions, feeling the textures of the furniture. 


"Oh um thanks, I guess I like it here too." I say, and she lets out a giggle. 

I help her place down her purse and I offer her some of the snacks, as well as some water, which she takes gratefully. 

She asks for a tour of the house and I show her around, going through each room. She notices some of the frames on the walls, looking at pictures of me and my mom. It's a picture of her and I when I was in youth basketball, holding the championship trophy while she's kneeled beside me.

"That's your mom right?" She asks.

"Yep, thats my momma." 

"She's beautiful Jay, I love that picture." 

We continue walking through the rooms until we reach my office space. When she walks in, she lets out a woah under her breath as she takes in all the decorations. My office has some of most prized possessions. My favorite part is the glass case with all my awards, medals, plaques, and trophies. I will always remember where I was when I received them, and what game each award pertains to. 

"You didn't tell me you were a huge nerd!" She says while pointing to some of the Marvel posters and my small collection of Funko Pops. 

"I didn't know how to feel about telling Kate Bishop about my little obsession." I tell her sarcastically. 

"These are so amazing Jay, I can see you love Spider-Man." She says while staring at a picture of little me next to a guy in a Spider-Man suit at some children's event. 

"Yeah I guess I've always loved Spider-Man, mostly what he stands for you know. How anyone can be under that mask no matter what they look like or who they are. At the end of the day, he's still your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man who always saves the day behind the mask and suit."

"I do too, I loved playing the voice of Gwen Stacy. Spider-verse is such a special project. When you come over I have to show you the special Jordans they gave me when we wrapped! I know you love shoes." 

That sentence alone makes my heart melt and the butterflies inside my stomach roam. She wants me to come over, and she remembers how I told her I love shoes when we went to In and Out a few days ago. 

"Oh wow yeah I'd love to see them."

She spots the electric guitar I have hung up on the wall and looks to me to see if she can take it off the wall and I nod.

"You didn't tell me you play guitar." She says looking at me surprised.

"Might have forgotten to mention that one." I say laughing, but inside I'm dying, hoping she doesn't ask me to play something. 

"Play me something!" She says, handing me the guitar.


"Oh um, I'm not even warmed up yet." I say, making an excuse.

"Come on Jay just a few chords." She pleads, and I physically cannot decline her request, as he facial expression is too cute. 

"Okay, okay, just a little bit." I say, with my hands in the air like I surrendered. 

I grab the guitar and plug it into the amplifier, checking to make sure it's in tune and the controls are set to where I like it. I make a few strums and then I ask Hailee for her preference.

"Do you like Childish Gambino?" I ask.

"Of course, I love Me and your Mama."

"Well then today's your lucky day." I say while looking up at her, as I'm seated on the box I have by the guitar, and she's standing.

I play a piece of the main guitar solo for the song, extending out the last note like a rockstar. I look up at her for approval, and she looks impressed.

"That was very attractive Jay, I can't lie." She says.

"Hmmm well you asked for it." I answer while standing up, our faces inches apart. I walk past her and she stands there, flustered.

We walk back downstairs and she spots all the ingredients for the pizza and she claps her hands excitedly. I ask her if she wants to start, and she agrees, telling me that she is hungry. 

We start by pushing out the dough and spreading the tomato sauce across the white circular dough. 

"This is a pretty good base so far Ms. Steinfeld." I say in a fancy tone. "What toppings would you like? She thinks for a second then answers.

"Hmm, can we do half cheese and half ham?" 

"Sure thing, anything you want." I say with a smile.

We sprinkle the cheese on the pizza, and I hand her the pieces of ham and she places them strategically on the pizza. As I'm about to put the pizza in the oven, she stops me.

"Wait let me take a picture, so I can remember this." She says, and I blush. "Pose with the pizza." She directs me.

I hold the pizza with both hands and I smile like how I usually do, with no teeth, but a warm and natural one with my lips.

She looks down at her phone to check the photo and she smiles.

"Cute." She says while looking at her phone.

I place the pizza in the oven and set the timer to 25 minutes like the directions said to do.

"So, how about a movie?" I say while I direct her to the couch, and we sit side by side. 

"I'll never say no to that." She replies while looking at me.

I hand her the remote and she scrolls through the different streaming apps until she selects Little Women.

"I love this movie, have you ever seen it?" She asks.

"Of course I have." I remark, pretending to be offended.

"Florence is so amazing in it, we have to watch it. Can we please watch it?" She asks, and I can't say no. 

"Sure thing, let's do it." 

We start the movie and about 20 minutes in the oven goes off. We both get up but I instruct her to sit back down, and that I'll take care of it. I cut it up into 8 slices and I grab the plates and serve her two slices to start. I walk with both plates back to the couch and handing her slices over. She thanks me and we proceed to sit next to each other, thighs touching. 

Throughout the movie we go back for seconds. We really did a good job with this pizza.

"If all else fails for the both of us, promise me we will start a pizza shop together?" Hailee says while holding her pinky out for me to complete the pinky promise. 

"Let's do it." I respond, locking our pinkies together.

When the credits roll we clap like as if we were in the theaters watching it at a premier. When Florence's name appears for Amy March, we both whoop and cheer. 

"I have to take a picture for Florence! Here scoot in closer so I can get the TV in the back." She pulls out her phone again and snaps a picture of me with Florence on the TV as Amy. Hailee smiles at the photo before pressing send. Has Hailee talked about me to Florence? Surely she has because Hailee wouldn't just send a photo of a random girl with no context.

While Hailee is on her phone, I quickly get up, remembering the strawberries in the fridge.

"Where are you going?" She asks.

"I have a surprise."

I bring back the chocolate strawberries and she gasps in excitement.

"I love chocolate strawberries! Thank you so much." She says, her smile beaming. 

"Oh and um, those flowers on the table there are for you as well. I remember you told me you like roses last time." 

"You're so sweet Jay." She responds.

I notice her eyes start to gloss over, and she lowers her head trying to hide the fact she's on the verge of tears.

"Hey, no look at me. What happened?" I ask.

"It's just no one has ever given me flowers before." She says honestly, and I almost can't believe it. How has no one ever given her flowers? She's so sweet and such an amazing person, and deserves to be treated accordingly. It makes me wonder what her past relationships have been like. 

"Well, I'm glad to be the first. And those won't be the only flowers you'll be getting from me." I say with a smile. 

I notice the few tears that roll down her face, now happy tears. 

"May I?" I ask, and she nods slowly. I cup her face with my hand and I use my thumb to wipe away her tears. My whole being feels warm at this intimate moment we are sharing.

"Thank you Jay. Ugh I'm sorry I didn't mean to cry like this. This is probably really embarrassing." She says.

"No Hailee not at all, crying isn't embarrassing, it's okay to cry." 

"I know, I shouldn't be crying when I have these delicious strawberries in front of my face, waiting to be eaten." She says, now giggling. 

She grabs a chocolate one and I grab a vanilla one: the same flavors we chose when we ordered our milkshakes. I can see we both have a preference. 

After we each grab one, we both begin to stare at each other. From there, something takes over me, and I naturally begin to move my strawberry to her mouth. She opens her mouth slightly, enough to take a bite out of my vanilla strawberry. While she bites down, she looks up at me with these eyes that I can't explain. In a moment like that, it's hard for me to contain myself. I feel my lower area start to get excited but I quickly make distraction and start speaking. She leaves half the berry left, enough for me to finish it. 

"Oh um wow these strawberries are so good huh?" I say nervously. 

"Yeah the chocolate is amazing. Are these from Trader Joes?" She asks.

"They sure are. I'll know to have these at all times so when you're here we are stocked." I say smiling. 

"You're cute." The small sentence making my cheeks flare up.

We stay on the couch for a little while longer, just hanging out and talking. Unfortunately, she can't stay forever, and it's about time for her to head back home. I walk her out to my porch area and we talk some more. She thanks me a million times, and a million times I tell her it's no problem.

Before she leaves, she turns to me, and we just stay there looking at each other.

She slowly reaches her palm to cup my face and turns her head to the left, placing a small kiss on my cheek. 

"Good night Jay." She says before walking back to her car. 

I am left there frozen. I lift my hand to touch the place where her lips connected to my face, my face already missing the feeling of her soft lips on my skin. 

I wave one last time before I step in doors. I go to my room and lay on my bed, thinking about everything from tonight. And finally, everything starts to make sense.

I think I'm falling for her. 

I take out my phone to see any messages I missed while I was with Hailee. One in particular catches my eye, and sends an uneasy feeling to my stomach. 

Lizzie: come over, im home alone ;)

3118 words

I SHOWED her heights she never saw—

"Wouldst climb?" I said,

She said "Not so"—

"With me?" I said, "With me?"

I showed her secrets

Morning's nest,The rope that Nights were put across—

And now, "Wouldst have me for a Guest?"

She could not find her yes—And then, I brake my life, and Lo!

A light for her, did solemn glow,

The larger, as her face withdrew—

And could she, further, "No?"

- Emily Dickinson 

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