《Forevermore | Hailee Steinfeld》Chapter 7 - To Lose One's Faith Surpasses


Tonight is March 5th, and Hailee and I were invited to a small little get together to watch the finale of WandaVision at Lizzie's. I'm excited, but mostly to see what happens in the final episode and to hang out with a few friends of mine. However, Lizzie has been kind of weird lately with me, and I'm not quite sure why. I don't even think she knows she's being that way, but I've known Lizzie for years so I picked up on it pretty quick.

I'm on the way to pick up Hailee, Lizzie told us to be there at 6pm, so I'm on the way to Hailee's, and it's about 5:30. I love driving to her house, because once I get there, I'm rewarded with a big hug and a kiss on the cheek.

Now that we are both together, we make our way to Lizzie's while making conversation to pass the time. Once we arrive, we both say hello to everyone invited. I greet everyone, including Paul, Kathryn, Kat, Brie, Chris Evans, Scarlett and Colin, and of course, Lizzie, who gives me a strange type of hug like she's uneasy to hug me.

The living room is decorated with Marvel decorations, and there are small platters around themed like items from WandaVision: cake pops decorated like Wanda and Vision, snacks from all different decades, and just some ordinary cheese and crackers plates.

Everyone around me is drinking, but I decline any offers I'm given for a drink, as I have to take Hailee home later tonight. I offer Hailee a drink, but she just requests water so I gladly get it for her. While I'm at the fridge alone, Lizzie finds it the perfect time to come and talk to me.

"Hey." She says quietly.

"Oh um hi Lizzie how are you?" I ask lightly.

"I'm alright, glad we get to see all our hard work pay off with the finale."

"Yeah for sure, I can't wait." I say.

A silence creeps up between us, making it clear there is an unresolved tension going on.

"How are things with you and Hailee?" She asks while we both look behind us to see her conversing and laughing with everyone.

"Um, I think it's going pretty well, yeah." I tell her. This conversation shouldn't be so weird. I've talked to her in the past about other people I was interested in and she was completely supportive. Does she not like Hailee? Is there something she isn't telling me?

"That's great." She says dryly. I decide to just rip the band-aid off and ask what's going on.

"Will you excuse me for just a second Lizzie?"

I don't even listen to her response and I walk past her and hand Hailee her water. I then go back to the kitchen and grab Lizzie by the arm and I pull her upstairs to a place that's more private. We reach her room and I close the door behind me, her sitting on the bed. At this point, I'm angry.


"Tell me."

"Tell you what?" She asks, clearly hiding from the truth.

"Don't lie to me."

"I don't know what you're talking about Jayden." She spits.

"Ever since Hailee and I started hanging out you have been super weird with me, and I'm going to need you to tell me why."

She doesn't respond. She just sits in silence.

"Are you jealous? If you are just say it." I say, trying my hardest to get a word out of her.

"I-, I don't know."

"Well, you need to figure it out very soon."

"I just thought since things weren't that serious we could still, you know. That's why I texted you last week and um-" I cut her off.

"Are you serious Lizzie? You seem to have forgotten that YOU'RE the one who wanted ME to meet her the night of your birthday. And now you're acting strange because maybe you realized at some point or another, you're not gonna be able to fuck me anymore." I say with anger. She slowly starts to cry.

"I would have thought you would have been happy for me, because at the end of the day, that's all we ever wanted for each other. None of this is fair to me, you have to realize that. So much for friends before everything." I say, heading towards the door to leave.

"Wait, Jay." She calls out, her voice breaking.

"What." I say in a monotone voice. She's really crying now. And me being the person that I am, I can't help but feel bad.

"I'm- I'm sorry, so sorry." She says with her hands in her face.

I take a moment before turning around, my face staring straight at the door inches in front of me. After letting the anger reside, I take a seat next to her on the bed.

"It's okay Lizzie I just wish we would have talked about this. About what we were going to do moving forward."

"You really like her don't you?" Lizzie asks, and I take a second to think about my response.

"Um, yeah I really do." I tell her honestly.

"Okay." She says between sobs. "Are we going to be okay?"

"Of course Lizzie. I think you need to focus on Lizzie right now. You have Doctor Strange coming up and you need to put your 100% into that, it's going to be big."

"You're right Jay, I'm sorry." She says, her cries getting softer and softer. Eventually Lizzie will have to temporarily live in London for filming, so we both know we wont see each other for a while.

"I'm going to go back stairs now, you should too, when you're ready of course. Tonight's a big night for you." She nods at me, and I close the door behind me, heading back downstairs.


When I come back down, Hailee notices me, and I can tell she know's something is wrong. I sit beside her and she whispers in my ear.

"Is everything okay?" She asks, and I nod.

Everyone is catching up, telling stories and jokes. The amount of sober people decreases by the hour.

"Where's our little witch? We can't start the episode without her?" Chris Evans says.

"I'll go check on her." Aubrey interjects.

Aubrey goes up stairs and after a few moments, they both come down together and they all cheer at her appearance.

"I need a drink." Lizzie says and she gets handed one instantly.

We are all sat around the TV in Lizzie's living room, Hailee sitting in front of me in between my legs. Kathryn presses play on the episode and everyone is extremely excited. We all cheer when the marvel logo appears on the TV. I can't lie, I am freaking out about this episode but I have to play it cool.

We all watch the beginning of the episode, as Wanda and Agatha fight. Everyone is making comments and reactions to the action that's on screen. This episode is insane, so much going on. White Vision and The Vision are fighting, Wanda is suffocating the citizens and opening the Hex. It doesn't last long though, because Wanda and Agatha engage in another epic battle. I'm practically on the edge of my seat right now.

It's about mid-way through the episode now, and Wanda just turned into the Scarlet Witch. Everyone cheers and screams, nudging Lizzie and annoying her, but she's all smiles through it.

However, smiles turn to tears when Wanda has to destroy the Hex completely, ultimately killing Vision.

How many times has he died now? I think to myself.

The episode closes as Wanda flies away from Westview, taking one look back. The credits roll and everyone cheers.

"Wait guys! End credits!" Hailee reminds everyone.

We fast forward and watch the scene where Monica speaks with the Skrull, and then Wanda in the log cabin while her astral projection is reading the Darkhold. What an episode, I'm mind blown.

Everyone continues to talk and Paul and Lizzie share stories from their time on set. Lizzie is pretty under the influence by now.

"Jay tell us a story about you and Lizzie from college?" Chris says, in an attempt to embarrass Lizzie. I look to her for approval and she nods. I tell everyone the story of when she got lost in Central Park once when I was visiting, and how I almost had to call the police. Lizzie decides she wants to tell the rest of the story, which makes me uneasy, as she's almost drunk by now.

"Yeah yeah that was a pretty good day." She says laughing. "And it was a pretty good night too if you know what I mean." She blurts out, proceeding to laugh afterwards. My throat drops to my stomach.

"Wait, what?" Hailee asks Lizzie confused.

"Oh what you didn't know? Jayden and I used to be little fuck buddies." She says and everyone kind of laughs uneasily. My face is probably pale at this point. I'm frozen in place while Hailee moves away from me.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She says while looking at me, her eyes glossing over.

"I-, um." The only two words I have the courage to spit out.

"No it's fine actually, you don't have to say anything. I already know everything I need to know." She says, walking over to the kitchen to grab her purse.

I shoot up from my seat on the floor and I jog over to her.

"Hailee, can you just let me explain, please." I say while holding onto her arm. She moves her arm out of my grasp, taking more steps backwards. Two tears stream down her face.

"Hailee where are you going, I brought you here how are you going to get home?" I ask. She's all the way to the front of the sidewalk now.

"I'll find a way Jayden. Good night." She says, walking off while on her phone, calling someone. I hear her say Griffin as she walks away, so she's probably asking him to pick her up.

I walk back inside defeated. I look at Lizzie with eyes I can't even describe. Eyes I've never given anyone before. I don't know if her plan all along was to say that, to try and get Hailee to consider me mistrusting, or she really was drunk and accidentally said it.

"Good one Elizabeth." I say, grabbing my keys to head out as well. I have no place being there anymore.

I get into my car and slam the steering wheel, tears now streaming down my face. I place my forehead on the wheel, letting my tears hit the denim of my jeans. Not only am I so pissed at Lizzie, but I can't help of think about what Hailee is thinking right now.

This night was just another reminder of how whenever something seems to be going good, something always happens.

If only Hailee knew the truth.

1775 words

TO lose one's faith surpasses

The loss of an estate,

Because estates can be

Replenished,—faith cannot.

Inherited with life,

Belief but once can be;

Annihilate a single clause,

And Being 's beggary.

- Emily Dickinson

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