《Pup Star 5:Two Miracles》Chapter 12


Scrappy awoke it's Tiny standing over her. "AH!" Scrappy said falling off her bed. "Don't worry, it's just me silly!" "Oh...haha?" Scrappy laughed confused. "Cmon, let's go wake the pups." Tiny said hopping from the bed. "O-okay." Scrappy said pulling herself from the floor. They walked into the pups room. "Pups!" Tiny yelled out. "Time to wake up!" Cindy got up quickly. "Good morning Mom and Aunt Scrappy!" Cindy said stretching. "Good morning to you too Cindy!" Tiny said, hugging her daughter. "Hey uh... why ain't the rest of 'em awake yet?" Scrappy asked. "Oh, I can't tell you that..." "Why?" "Because they'll be mean to me!" "Cindy..!" Tiny finally said sternly. "I told them that you said go to bed but they stayed up anyways! There I said it!" "What time?" Tiny asked. "Heh...um...3am..." Cindy said. "" Tiny yelled angrily. "That's past their normal bed time when we aren't busy!" Tiny barked, still mad. "Maybe I should-" "NO! STAY HERE!" Tiny yelled interrupting Scrappy. "Okay then..." Scrappy said backing up. Tiny huffed and puffed; "S-sis calm down!" Scrappy said stressed out. Tiny looked like she was gonna explode, but she calmed down before anything. "They really didn't go to bed till 3am?!" "Yes." Tiny sighed. "Cindy, go eat breakfast, please. You too, Scrappy. Would you just get P.U.P for me?" "Sure dawg." Scrappy said, leaving out the room with Cindy. "Go to the dining table, but don't eat yet. I'll be right back! I have to get P.U.P, k?" "Okay." Cindy replied. Scrappy ran to Tiny and P.U.P's room. "Hey, yo dawg." Scrappy barked "Ugh. Yeah Scraps?" "Tiny needs ya, in the puppies room." Scrappy added. "Um okay?" P.U.P trailing off to the pups room. Scrappy ran into the dining room. "Ya good,Cindy?" Scrappy asked. "Yep!" Cindy replied back.


Tiny had just finished telling P.U.P what Cindy told her: "REALLY?!" "Yeah, I guess so..." "ALRIGHT THAT IS IT!" P.U.P barked. "GET UP! NOW!" P.U.P yelled. The pups awoke quickly. "AH! Oh, Dad, it's you! You scared us!" Rosie said. "WELL YOU SHOULD BE!" P.U.P yelled. "Why are ya so uptight? And where's Cindy?" Charlie asked. "" P.U.P began to get more and more angry. "Just ask them, P.U.P." Tiny said. "Fine. Did you, or did you not, stay up, till 3AM?!" P.U.P growled. "Aw cmon Dad, don't suck all the fun outta it!" Brody barked. "SO YOU DID?!" Charlie put her head low; "Yes..." she said cowering. The two parents looked at each other than nodded, they looked back at the pups. "No TV for a week, no snacks." Tiny said. "Aww, okay..." Brody whined. "They need a more, stronger punishment!" P.U.P aid furious. "Fine, you choose." Tiny barked. "Early bed time, and no playing with friends for 1 week." P.U.P said. "Okay..." "NOW GO TO BREAKFAST!" Tiny yelled. The pups ran into the dining room. Charlie sat by Cindy. Charlie looked at Cindy disgusted.

Food was sat on the table. "Hey Cindy!" Charlie shouted. "Think fast!" Charlie said throwing some of her eggs. "Hey!" Cindy yelled. "That was mean!" "So was you being a traitor!" Charlie snapped. The family gasped. "It's always about you! You you you you! But guess what! You're a traitor and I hate you! You little-" Everything stopped as Tiny picked Charlie up by her scruff. "Hey, put me down!" "I will, ONCE WE GET BACK TO YOUR ROOM!" Tiny yelled. "I'm sorry!" "No, you're grounded!"

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