《Pup Star 5:Two Miracles》Chapter 11


Scrappy lay on her bed. "Oh." She sighed, then Tiny walked in. "What's wrong Scrappy?" Tiny asked curiously yet worried. "Oh, nothing..." Scrappy's words trailed off. "Oh no." Tiny said hopping on Scrappy's bed. "What's really wrong?" Tiny asked more softly. "Fine! I'll tell ya!" Scrappy said in a stubborn tone. She continued. "I'm scared." Tiny tilted her head.

"Of what?" Scrappy scoffed and tuned her back. Tiny knew she didn't wanna be bothered. "I'm scared for my pups. And I'm worried, something bad will happen..." Scrappy said slowly. Tiny sat closer to her. "Nothing will happen if your with us and if you take care of yourself. Don't worry." Tiny said in a soft tone. "I know! But, I'm still scared. Will the pups be sick? Will something happen? Is Bark back? I mean, only a month yet so much to do." Scrappy said. "So? Your safe, with us! You'll be okay! We'll be there with you along the way!" Tiny yelled positively. "I know but...what if... Bark's back?" Scrappy said negatively. Tiny frowned. She hated seeing her sister sad and worried and upset. She quickly came up with something. "We promise we'll always be with you! No matter what! Bark isn't back! He's in prison!" Tiny barked quickly. "But are we sure...?" Scrappy said worried. Tiny's head drooped. "Don't worry. We're your family, and we love you! I understand your fears right now, but you need to stay strong. And you know what! LOU!" Tiny shouted. Lou quickly ran into the room. "What's wrong? Is Scrappy okay? Are you okay?!" Lou said hastily. "Yes we're fine! But will you look up something for us?" Tiny asked. Lou nodded. "Just look up 'Bark In Jail'." Tiny told her.Lou and Scrappy looked at the screen. "See! Bark is all locked up!" Tiny said. She looked at Lou and Scrappy's faces, both had their jaws dropped. "Oh no..." Tiny said turning her head towards the screen. "Scrappy I-I-" Tiny's words trailed off.


The screen said:

Scrappy frowned and hopped off her bed. "Ay, yo. Tiny, ima go for a walk, alone..." Scrappy walked out. Tiny frowned. She was sad and hoped Scrappy would be fine. "I really made her feel... bad and unsafe! But that's what I get for proving my point! I hope she's okay out there..." Tiny said drooping her head. "Oh she'll be okay. Just, give her time to process." Lou replied. "Yes, of course." Tiny added

Scrappy walked past the driveway. Bark and Laney hid behind a bush. "We should just nab her already! She's out and about! Cmon!" Bark whined. "Shut up! Your little whine is making me deaf! No. We go with the plan! It's better and less, dumb. Kano fixed your plan all we do is get information for now."Laney replied. "Well she sorta looks depressed." Bark added. "Well, I don't care. We're sticking to our job, Bark. Whether you like it, or not." Laney said sternly. "But..ugh. Scrappy! Please? We need her! If not now, we need to put a tracker on her!" Bark said, begging. "Alright fine! I'll call Smokey to get a tracker on her! Now shut up! Making me deaf!" Laney snapped. Yes! Bark told himself, smiling.

Laney said into his communication collar.

"There, you happy now?" Laney said sarcastically. "Yep!"

Scrappy walked along the sidewalk: "I knew it... of course Bark escaped! But it's my fault, givin' my hopes up! Guess I'll just be on this walk for awhile." Smokey ran up behind her. "Hey um...put on this collar!" "Whoa whoa whoa, back up!" Scrappy said pushing him back. "You look, familiar..... Ah well, why should I wear this collar?! I don't even know you." She asked quickly. "It's um... designer!" Smokey said, making a quick excuse. "I don't wear that stuff. Or take stuff from strangers?" Scrappy said, scoffing. "WELL- ITS UH- MADE BY SNOOP PUP?" Smokey said in a rush. "Don't care. I don't know you." Smokey struggled. Snowfall sighed. "These are made with rubies and diamonds. It's also the last one of these in the world." Scrappy's eyes lit up. "F-fine! Alright then... take 50." Scrappy said, handing Smokey some paw-coins. "Oh no, it's free.." Snowfall interrupted Smokey; "JUST SHUT UP AND KEEP THE MONEY, BOZO!" She said, snatching the money and running. A button on the collar turned red, but Scrappy didn't notice. "Um..okay then...very awkward..uh.." she said, confused about what just happened. She shook her head and trotted off. "You happy, bozo?!" Laney said, upset. "Y-yes! Actually..." Bark said. "That was a sarcastic question you imbecile!" Laney said.


"I'm worried about Scrappy! It's been hours...." Tiny said in guilt. "Look, it's not your fault! It's just stress. It happens! She'll be back in no time!" Steve said, letting Tiny's head. "Yeah but-" Tiny's words trailed off as Lou interrupted: "Keep in mind she's an adult! Just like you- you have nothing to worry about!" "Well, hope she doesn't miss dinner, or else-I CALL SCRAPPY'S FOOD!" Brody called out. Tiny looked at Brody sternly. "Heh, fine, I'll share." P.U.P stared at Brody more stern. "Okay, no one will eat until Scrappy gets here.. and I was only kidding!" Brody protested. The door slam open. "Scrappy! Finally! You're here, now we can eat!" Brody yelled chowing down his food. "What he means is, are you okay?!" Tiny yelled out. "Yes,I'm fine. I was just, in a awkward situation... but I'm fine! Now let's eat!" Scrappy said, stuffing her face into her meal.

"Pups bed! Now!" Tiny yelled out. The pups looked at each other than to their parents. "RUUUNNNN!" Charlie yelled,running into the room, the pups following her. "Their so silly. Now, go to bed, we have the Pup Star Finals in 3 weeks, let's get some shut eye." Tiny said running to her room. "'Night!" Scrappy said shutting her door and closing her eyes to sleep.

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