《Pup Star 5:Two Miracles》Chapter 10


Bark snuck behind the pups' window. The plan had been to dog-nap them. Suddenly Scrappy walked in. "Yo dawgs, Tiny said she wanted to go to 'Doggie's Desserts'. You wanna come?" Scrappy asked the pups. "DO WE?!" They all said in unison. "I'll take that as a yes? Anyways, we don't have to get the vet. So straight to dessert! Let's go!" Scrappy replied. Scrappy walked out the room. "It must be so hard for her since she's pregnant." Cindy barked. Bark's ears perked up. "Pregnant? Now this could be good!" Bark said evilly. "Yeah, I'm assuming it's hard. I hope she gets better soon. After all, only soon 'till the puppies come." Charlie added. "Well, about a month. That's the scary part. Anything could happen." Brody said. "Don't forget that mean dog, Bark. He's the worst dog!" Rosie added. She continued. "Well. We can't keep them waiting. It's time for dessert!" They all ran outside and Steve closed the door behind them. Bark smiled. "This could work! This could be.... better than ever!" Bark said cackling.

"Hello. Good afternoon friends!" A Husky with purple eyes said to the family. "I'm Amethyst and I'll be your server today!" She said with a bubbly voice. "What would you like to order, ja?" "We'd all just like 'Mooneh's Complete Banana Split with more strawberries and bananas. And more dog biscuits for me and the pups. P.U.P doesn't like his too sweet, Scrappy can't eat too much." Tiny said. "Alright so-1,2,3,4,5,6,7- okay! 10 Mooneh banana splits it is!" The dog said walking to the chefs kitchen. Brody hopped on the table. "Where's the dessert?!" Brody asked, his tongue lolling out his mouth. "Be patient! It'll be ready soon." Tiny replied. Brody jumped back into his seat.


The dog came back with desserts. They all got in and ate up. "Very, good calm eaters..." Amethyst said sarcastically.

"This could be good! I have a new plan!" Bark said happily yet evilly. "What's it this time, genius?" Kano asked. "It's awesome! Scrappy is gonna have pups!" Luna's jaw dropped. "She's-what?" Luna asked. "What we can do is dog-nap her then give her curtains! It'll hurt her family, too." Bark said laughing. "This, might actually work. Good plan. But a few things need to be arranged."Kano added. "It's not as simple as it'll sound," Laney said. Bark rolled his eyes. "The pups are due soon! It'll be simple!" Bark said evilly. "Are we sure we shouldn't find out more?" Smokey asked. "He's right. We should look into it more." Kano barked. "Fine." Bark said pouting. Luna trotted to Bark. "Wow! Perfect plan! I guess.... But how are we gonna do it?" She asked. "Just watch, and learn." Bark said smirking evilly.

Luna smirked. Bark and the rest of the gang looked at her oddly. "You daydreaming? Huh?" Kano said. She snapped back. "Oh, yeah! Sorry! Now, what do we do?" Luna asked. "Pay attention!" Bark snapped. Luna rolled her eyes.

Scrappy gobbled down her last bit of banana split. "Wow, you were sure hungry Scrappy!" Tiny pointed out. "Yeah yeah, I was I guess..." Scrappy replied as her words trailed off. She laid back in her chair. "So-sleepy!" Scrappy barked. "Uhhhh.... it's 2:00 PM..." Charlie said confused. "So? She's gonna have pups. What do you expect? Not being tired or stuffed?" Cindy said nice but sorta sassy. Brody belched. "I'm. So. FULL!" Brody complained. Rosie rolled her eyes. "A princess and a actor is never too full or tired to preform!" Rosie boasted. "Oh no. Here we go again. Once again. NOT EVERYTHING IS ABOUT YOU!" Brody snapped. Rosie gave him a look then shunned him. Brody rolled his eyes. "We need to go. Everyone seems tired,and full. We all should take a nap for at least and hour. Then, we can do family game night." P.U.P said hopping out his chair. The rest of the family hopped out the chairs and went to the van. The van drove off.


Bark smiled. "What about take the Tiny's pups,then make them spill!" Kano rolled his eyes. "No doofus. What about we get a spy from the inside! We could use them to act, then get accepted in their home! It'll be less, stupid." Bark growled. "Agh fine! Why are you always trying to edit my plans?!" "Because they're stupid." Kano replied. Bark growled. "Hey! Can we steal stuff now?" Smokey stuttered. "Ugh, your need to steal things is annoying." Kano barked. Smokey rolled his eyes.. "Let's discuss more. We might need to add..." Luna added. "Your right..." Bark said, laughing maniacally

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