《Pup Star 5:Two Miracles》Chapter 9


Scrappy opened her eyes quickly for breakfast. She was more hungry than usual. She hopped off the bed and ran to the kitchen. There it was. Fresh bacon,eggs, and pancakes with strawberries on them. Her jaw dropped. "Ooh Scrappy hungry huh?" A voice said from behind her. Scrappy turned around fast. "Phew! It was just you Ida! You scared me!" Scrappy said laughing. "Sorry didn't mean to startle you!" Ida replied. "Well it's breakfast time! We need to eat before practice time!" P.U.P added. "Yep! Breakfast is the most important meal of the day! Now, let's eat!" P.U.P said. Scrappy licked her mouth. Scrappy jumped onto her chair. "FOOD!" She yelled. Ida put a plate full of food in front of everyone. They all ate calmly,except Scrappy. She sloppily ate her food. "You need a bath! Your covered in syrup!" Ida yelled. She ran into the bathroom and ran some quick water for Scrappy. Scrappy took her bath and got out fast. "I think her hungriness trait for this has come." P.U.P whispered to Tiny. "Shh! Not now!" Tiny growled. Scrappy put on her Golden Bone and pink jacket. They all ran outside and drove to Pup Star.

Once they go there they ran in quickly. They they were almost late! They all needed to practice for the show that was coming up. They all rushed inside. "Tiny and P.U.P and Scrappy, your up!" Rover barked rushing. The family got on stage hastily. They practiced about 34 times.

"Home everyone! It's getting a bit late! Cmon let's go home." Tiny said going outside with her family


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